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Would people feel more satisfied if they finished doing something quickly?

From my perspective, people are always satisfied when they complete a task quickly. When a
task is completed quickly, it creates the impression of an efficient use of time and energy,
resulting in feelings of productivity and high performance, thereby increasing satisfaction.
Additionally, completing tasks quickly creates a feeling of inner peace and reduces stress.
Besides, the satisfaction of completing a task quickly or slowly may vary depending on the
person and the nature of the task.
What might make some people more productive than others in completing tasks?
There are several reasons why some people can complete tasks more efficiently than others.
Efficient time management is a key factor in productivity. Additionally, highly effective people
typically have a growth mindset and actively seek opportunities to learn and improve. They use
new strategies, tools, and techniques to optimize their workflow and increase productivity. Each
personal effectiveness may vary depending on the nature of the task, personal strengths, and
external circumstances.
On what occasions do people have to do things in a hurry?
Due to deadlines, time-bound events, emergencies, and unexpected changes, people often
need to rush to get work done. Deadlines require quick completion of tasks, while time
constraints and emergencies require immediate action. Unexpected changes may require
individuals to adapt and respond quickly. When working under time pressure, it's important to
maintain a balance between speed and quality.
Last week, my teacher gave our class a discussion assignment that we had to prepare and
submit at the beginning of the discussion lesson, occur after 3 days. However, unlike the
previous discussion, this is an individual assignment that will contribute to our midterm grade.
That's why we have to prepare it thoroughly and carefully.
The task consists of three main parts and requires answering 24 questions. To achieve this goal,
I must summarize what I learned during the week and apply it to complete the task. Doing all of
this in three days was a big challenge for me. I spend a lot of time every day learning and solving
them comprehensively and timely. Due to limited time, I completed this task with a friend.
With our joint efforts, we completed the job quickly and on time. Although there may be some
minor errors in my work, I still feel satisfied and happy that I was able to complete the task as
quickly as possible. This also allowed me to accumulate more experience when dealing with
similar situations in the future.

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