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7/13/23, 10:19 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

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Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment

Started on Thursday, 13 July 2023, 8:43 PM

State Finished
Completed on Thursday, 13 July 2023, 9:58 PM
Time taken 1 hour 14 mins
Grade 29.58 out of 50.00 (59%)
Feedback We regret to inform you that passing marks (60%) were not achieved.
Please re-attempt the assessment. Best of Luck !

Question 1
Partially correct

Mark 0.50 out of 1.00

Identify the correct options for Stress Testing.

Select one or more:

a. Commonly used to test high availability solutions

b. Test software under extreme load conditions

c. Test software under normal load conditions 

d. Requires a baseline of normal activity 

The correct answers are: Test software under extreme load conditions, Commonly used to test high availability
solutions 1/20
7/13/23, 10:19 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 2
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

Which of the following definitions provided by various personnel's would correctly depicts CONFIGURATION
MANAGEMENT and is the most appropriate?

EVANA defines CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT as what we do to make sure we have backed up our work.

DANIEL defines CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT as same thing as version control .

GABRIEL defines CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT as the process of identifying, communicating, implementing,
documenting, and managing work products in a structured and repeatable way.

JOE defines CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT is just for code, making sure right code gets into the project at right

Select one:
a. GABRIEL's definition

b. EVANA's definition

c. JOE's definition

d. DANIEL's definition

The correct answer is: GABRIEL's definition

Question 3
Partially correct

Mark 0.75 out of 1.00

How does ADM align to the new ?

Select one or more:

a. Vastness

b. Extensions and Context

c. Reputability

d. Longevity

The correct answers are: Reputability, Longevity, Vastness, Extensions and Context 2/20
7/13/23, 10:19 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 4

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What are the ADM 5 main focus areas?

Select one or more:

a. Management

b. Planning

c. Operations

d. Testing

e. Development

The correct answers are: Management, Planning, Development, Operations, Testing

Question 5

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Identify the responsibilities of a DBA which includes.

Select one:
a. Granting and Denying user privileges

b. Classifying data

c. All of the above

d. Creating user accounts and assigning passwords

The correct answer is: All of the above

Question 6
Partially correct

Mark 0.50 out of 1.00

Digital asset management comes in the form of a software or appliance device that can be used on which of the

Select one or more:

a. All electronic gadgets
b. on-premises
c. cloud-based model
d. Mobiles and laptops 

The correct answers are: on-premises, cloud-based model 3/20
7/13/23, 10:19 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 7
Partially correct

Mark 0.75 out of 1.00

Identify the cloud application issues when building an application.

Select one or more:

a. Developer create the APIs when building application

b. attack surface has increased

c. API calls emanate from multiple device types

d. API calls travel across the internet and are subject to threats

The correct answers are: Developer create the APIs when building application, API calls travel across the internet
and are subject to threats, attack surface has increased, API calls emanate from multiple device types

Question 8

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Help Mr. Jimmy to install Jenkins on a Windows machine. Below are two suggestions given. What suggestion would
you give?

1. Download Jenkins. War file and run command java -jar Jenkins. War --HTTP Port = <some-
2. Download jenkins.msi file from and install as we install any other windows software's

Select one:
a. Either 1 or 2

b. Only 1 

c. Neither 1 nor 2

d. Only 2

The correct answer is: Either 1 or 2

Question 9

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Identify the correct options for Load Testing.

Select one or more:

a. Commonly used to test high availability solutions

b. Requires a baseline of normal activity

c. Test software under extreme load conditions 

d. Test software under normal load conditions

The correct answers are: Test software under normal load conditions, Requires a baseline of normal activity 4/20
7/13/23, 10:19 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 10

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

How to combine low coupling and make sure to reuse?

Select one:
a. Both 1 & 2

b. Closely look at domain/design model to locate the classes with low coupling. Use an existing class to take
the responsibility of functionality causing low coupling and also the functionality has high potential for

c. Only 1

d. Assign the responsibility to an intermediate object to mediate between other components or services so
that they are not directly coupled

The correct answer is: Both 1 & 2

Question 11


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What was seen in application over time, which creates the need of solutions which could also be used in other

Select one:
a. More effective and efficient process

b. Faster time to market

c. Complexity of application and managing business

The correct answer is: Complexity of application and managing business 5/20
7/13/23, 10:19 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 12

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following is CORRECT with respect to the Scrum Master role?

a) the role is hierarchical

b) the role is at the same level that of the team

c) its authority is limited to enforcing the Scrum process

d) the role acts as a bridge between multiple audiences to facilitate discussions

e) the Scrum master should possess a high IQ to solve technical problems

Select one:
a. Only b,c,d

b. Only a,c,e

c. Only a,c,e

d. Only b,c,e 

The correct answer is: Only b,c,d

Question 13

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following is a set of automated processes that allows developers and operations to reliably and
efficiently compile, build and deploy applications or services to production environments or platforms?

Select one:
a. DevOps Delivery Pipeline

b. Accenture DevOps Platform

c. Continuous Integration

d. DevOps Environment Pipeline

The correct answer is: DevOps Delivery Pipeline 6/20
7/13/23, 10:19 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 14

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Complete the statements- Accenture Delivery Suite (or ADS) is our standard delivery framework designed to help
our teams "___________" results.

Select one:
a. fast, efficient, predictable, reliable and high-quality results

b. smooth, efficient, predictable, reliable and high-quality results

c. workable, smooth, reliable and high-quality results

d. efficient, predictable, reliable and high-quality results

The correct answer is: fast, efficient, predictable, reliable and high-quality results

Question 15

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What are the Kanban Values ?

Select one:
a. Transparency, Balance, Customer Focus, Flow, Leadership, Understanding, Agreement, Respect, 

b. Transparency, Push, Customer Focus, Flow, Leadership, Understanding, Agreement, Respect

c. None of these

d. Complexity, Balance, Customer Focus, Flow, Leadership, Understanding, Agreement, Respect

The correct answer is: Transparency, Balance, Customer Focus, Flow, Leadership, Understanding, Agreement,
Respect, Collaboration

Question 16

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The option on e-commerce websites to make payments using credit, UPI, debit, COD and others is an example of ?

Select one:
a. Single responsibility

b. Dependency Inversion Principle

c. Open Closed Principle

d. Interface segregation

The correct answer is: Interface segregation 7/20
7/13/23, 10:19 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 17

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Mr Peter is performing GUI testing for Web Application. Which all features should he need to make sure while GUI
Testing of the Web application can be automated? Choose CORRECT options.

Select one:
a. touch screen

b. mouse clicks

c. displaying help texts

d. Validation of fields

e. All of the Above

The correct answer is: All of the Above

Question 18
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

Product, release or Sprint level Planning is a key feature of the _________________ tools.

Select one:
a. Agile Project Management
b. Agile Collaboration
c. 1 and 2
d. Continuous Integration (CI)

The correct answer is: Agile Project Management

Question 19
Partially correct

Mark 0.50 out of 1.00

Which of the following could be input or output of a task? (Select all that apply.)

Select one or more:

a. Deliverable 

b. Outcome 

c. Artifact

d. Role

The correct answers are: Artifact, Role 8/20
7/13/23, 10:19 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 20
Partially correct

Mark 0.67 out of 1.00

Kiran needs help in following the rules that must be followed while creating exception handling strategy. Which
rules he must consider from below list?

Select one or more:

a. Delay till testing to rectify an incorrect exception.

b. Create meaningful exception messages.

c. Differentiate between application business and technical exceptions.

d. Think of a strategy for logging exceptions

The correct answers are: Differentiate between application business and technical exceptions., Think of a strategy
for logging exceptions, Create meaningful exception messages.

Question 21
Partially correct

Mark 0.50 out of 1.00

If any team member, accidently , pushed the sensitive information in their project's private repository,
what should be the step he/she has to take immediately?

Select one or more:

a. Copied code over to Accenture internal repository hence the code can be protected.
b. No action needed as the repository is private and have access to only project team members.
c. Report the issue to ASOC and his/her manager immediately
d. Remove the sensitive information from and delete the version history immediately.

The correct answers are: Report the issue to ASOC and his/her manager immediately, Remove the sensitive
information from and delete the version history immediately. 9/20
7/13/23, 10:19 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 22

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Mr. Vincent has to write a POC that proposes the DevOps adoption into the project that is currently handled with
traditional waterfall model.

He has proposed the DevOps adoption steps that are quoted below -

A. Identify and derive the business goals

B. Incorporate quality assurance practices

C. Incorporate appropriate sequencing of the workflow

D. Documentation of metrics is not required While reviewing the POC, Mr. Vincent has found a mistake in the
DevOps adoption steps.

Which among the steps given, is/are mistake(s)?

Select one:
a. Both B and C

b. Both C and D

c. Only C 

d. Both A and B

The correct answer is: Both C and D

Question 23

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Consider the identity and access management solutions by various providers as given below.

Google Apps SSO;

Microsoft SQL Server Integrated Security;

Microsoft Office Online;

The above solutions comes under which type of identity and access management solutions?

Select one:
a. Microsoft Active directory

b. Single Sign-On/Off (SSO) identity

c. Federated identity

d. Multifactor Authentication

The correct answer is: Single Sign-On/Off (SSO) identity 10/20
7/13/23, 10:19 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 24

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Who is responsible for analyzing the project performance and identifying the corrective and preventive actions?

Select one:
a. Project Manager 

b. Product Owner

c. Development Team

d. Scrum Master

The correct answer is: Development Team

Question 25

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Mr. Mark works in a cloud service provider firm. He gathers requirement from a customer. Customer stated that "On
demand based computing resources has to be provisioned and de-provisioned rapidly" Which property of cloud
computing helps Mr. Mark to address this requirement.

Select one:
a. Coupling and Decoupling

b. Enhancement

c. Abstraction

d. Elasticity

The correct answer is: Elasticity

Question 26

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Identify the order of steps for Code review process. a. Conduct a review b. Plan for a review c. Resolve review points
d. Validate resolutions e. Prepare for a review f. Baseline a software work product

Select one:
a. b, e, a, c, d, f

b. a, c, b, e, f, d

c. b, f, a, e, c, d

d. b, f, a, e, c, d

The correct answer is: b, e, a, c, d, f 11/20
7/13/23, 10:19 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 27

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A model in which a service provider makes resources and infrastructure management available as needed, and
charges them for specific usage rather than a flat rate. Which model has the above stated characteristics.

Select one:
a. Virtualization

b. Cloud computing

c. Grid Computing

d. Utility Computing

The correct answer is: Utility Computing

Question 28

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Galgerry is a BPO wants to automate all their business models on a cloud that maintains the complexity of the
business process and enable faster time to market. They approached a popular cloud service platform to migrate
their on-premises systems to cloud. Galgerry also expects cloud service provider to handle the regulatory
compliance. If you are a cloud solution architect, which XaaS you suggest to TrustComm?

Select one:
a. BPaaS

b. DaaS

c. CaaS

d. STaaS

The correct answer is: BPaaS

Question 29
Partially correct

Mark 0.67 out of 1.00

Choose exactly three CORRECT options about Fuzzing.

Select one or more:

a. It uses unexpected randomized inputs to determine how software will respond

b. Does the software meet design requirement

c. Analysis performed on execution code

d. A form of black box testing

The correct answers are: A form of black box testing, Analysis performed on execution code, It uses unexpected
randomized inputs to determine how software will respond 12/20
7/13/23, 10:19 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 30

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

While doing TDD, Which of the following is recommended?

Select one:
a. Tests to be frequently run for effectiveness

b. Writing exhaustive test cases upfront

c. Writing Large or course-grained tests 

d. Writing trivial tests that are too small

The correct answer is: Tests to be frequently run for effectiveness

Question 31

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A graph that shows the progress of work toward a goal line associated with a value on the vertical axis is called?

Select one:
a. Burnup Chart

b. Task Chart

c. Burndown Chart

d. Progress Bar

The correct answer is: Burnup Chart

Question 32

Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

Before using the "git commit" command, in the source code, if sensitive information is identified, in which order the
actions to be performed to secure those sensitive data?

A. Use functions in code to read sensitive information from cfg file

B. Copy the sensitive information to a cfg file

C. Add the cfg file to .gitignore file

D. Identify the sensitive information in IDE.

Select one:




The correct answer is: DBCA 13/20
7/13/23, 10:19 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 33

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

If we open a new account with a vendor on the Internet, on their web site, they ask us for our phone number in
which we receive a unique code, we then enter into the web site, just to make sure and confirm the identity of ours.
What type of confirmation this scenario is mapped in?

Select one:
a. Multifactor confirmation
b. out-of-band confirmation
c. In-band confirmation
d. OTP Confirmation

The correct answer is: out-of-band confirmation

Question 34


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Mr. Anthony is the Configuration Manager for the ABC Utility. He has to plan Configuration Management. Planning
CM has a set of sequential steps associated with it. Assume that you are part of CM Team and arrange the steps
which are mentioned below in the sequential order while planning CM.
A. Levels of Control.

B. Selecting CIs
C. Determining categories of CM

D. Naming Conventions
E. Configuration Items(CIs)

Select one:
a. C,A,E,D,B

b. C,B,D,A,E

c. D,E,B,A,C

d. C,E,D,A,B

The correct answer is: C,A,E,D,B 14/20
7/13/23, 10:19 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 35

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which areas of a code layout must be considered to reduce comments on methods and reduce errors?

Select one or more:

a. Indentation

b. The use of white space

c. Blocks of code

d. Naming conventions

The correct answers are: Blocks of code, Indentation, The use of white space, Naming conventions

Question 36

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Once the Configuration Management team determines the appropriate level of CM control. ABC Utility is trying to
determine which CM Tool to use. Assume that you are part of CM team and select the appropriate tool to use.
Choose exactly THREE correct options.

Select one or more:

a. Mercurial

b. PVCS(Poly Version Control System)

c. GitLab

d. VSS(Visual SourceSafe)

The correct answers are: PVCS(Poly Version Control System), Mercurial, VSS(Visual SourceSafe)

Question 37

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What are the different generic techniques followed in code optimization for independent platform?

Select one or more:

a. Cache optimization techniques

b. Reducing the number of conditions.

c. Using memory efficient routines

d. Data-level parallelism

The correct answers are: Using memory efficient routines, Reducing the number of conditions. 15/20
7/13/23, 10:19 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 38

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Jack is grooming himself to be a potential Product Owner. Knowing the desired qualities of a Product Owner will
help him groom well for the role. Which of the following are the desired qualities of a Product Owner?

i) PO should be a Domain Expert

ii) PO should be able to communicate with technical audience

iii) PO should be able to communicate with business audience

iv) PO should be a respectable person by the Scrum Team members

Select one:
a. All the options

b. Only i and iii

c. Only i, iii and iv

d. Only i and iv

The correct answer is: All the options

Question 39

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Mr. Vincent has to write a POC that proposes the DevOps adoption into the project that is currently handled with
traditional waterfall model. Which among the below are the benefits you think Mr. Vincent can quote in his POC?

A. Help organizations incrementally adopt DevOps capabilities

B. Improve effectiveness and efficiency of teams working for various features

C. Accelerate development and test feedback cycles

D. Optimized and continuous iterations for improvements

Select one:
a. A, B, C and D

b. B and C 

c. Only C

d. A and B

The correct answer is: A, B, C and D 16/20
7/13/23, 10:19 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 40

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Swiss Knife is capable enough to perform multiple tasks but if you want to change one of the blade or component
of the Swiss Knife, all other components need to be removed as well, meaning has impact. Which SOLID principle
does the above quote does not satisfy?

Select one:
a. Single responsibility

b. Dependency Inversion Principle

c. Interface segregation

d. Open Closed Principle

The correct answer is: Single responsibility

Question 41
Partially correct

Mark 0.75 out of 1.00

What is considered by the developers in regard to RESTFul API deployment?

Select one or more:

a. Use HTTPS identity Authentication

b. Use API Keys

c. Size of the application 

d. Operation

e. Protection Against Injection

The correct answers are: Use HTTPS identity Authentication, Operation, Protection Against Injection, Use API Keys

Question 42

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following is a unit of work that a role may be asked to perform?

Select one:
a. Activity

b. Work?ow

c. Work Unit

d. Task

The correct answer is: Task 17/20
7/13/23, 10:19 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 43

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

How did object-oriented programing systems handle complexity better than procedural process?

Select one:
a. Tasks were divided into a number of sub tasks

b. Handling each task in isolation ensuring that we have the right degree of coupling in cohesion 

c. All the procedures were treated as an identifiable behavior of an object.

The correct answer is: All the procedures were treated as an identifiable behavior of an object.

Question 44

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

"This pattern evaluates scenarios where you need just one object and you don't want to create multiple objects of
that particular class. Or simply put restricting construction of more than one object" Which pattern is it?

Select one:
a. Singleton pattern

b. Structural Pattern

c. Behavioral Pattern

The correct answer is: Singleton pattern

Question 45

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Which SOLID principle helps the use to develop less coupled code by ensuring the high level modules depend on
abstraction rather than concrete implementations of lower level modules?

Select one:
a. Interface segregation

b. Dependency Inversion Principle

c. Single responsibility 

d. Open Closed Principle

The correct answer is: Dependency Inversion Principle 18/20
7/13/23, 10:19 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 46
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

Which of the following are not benefits of code optimization techniques?

Select one or more:

a. Improves the system's performance

b. Results in code that is easy to understand, reuse, and maintain

c. Improves the compilation time of an application

d. Improves the organization's performance

The correct answers are: Improves the organization's performance, Improves the compilation time of an

Question 47
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

BookMyTicket is an online application for booking the movie ticket. This application is making use of a central
database which is maintained on cloud and is available on demand. It is encrypted in transit. This database is
used by all the movie ticket booking applications including BookMyTicket. Which XaaS is depicted in the above

Select one:
a. BPaaS

b. CaaS

c. STaaS

d. DaaS

The correct answer is: DaaS

Question 48
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

While doing the daily scrum ceremony, the true spirit of the ceremony should be?

Select one:
a. sharing updates among team members

b. sharing updates among scrum masters

c. reporting updates to scrum master

d. reporting updates to product owner

The correct answer is: sharing updates among team members 19/20
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Question 49
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

Which among the following are correct when doing regression testing for any software application?

Select one:
a. Test any dependencies

b. Test new Changes

c. Test existing functionality

d. All of the above

The correct answer is: All of the above

Question 50
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

If we need to apply design patterns, can we do it without the principles of object-oriented programing and

Select one:
a. Yes, Design Patterns can be formed by principles, any programing language and standard

b. No, Design Patterns are logical and comprehensive sequencing of elements with object-oriented principles

c. Yes, Design Patterns are logical and comprehensive sequencing of elements with procedural principles

The correct answer is: No, Design Patterns are logical and comprehensive sequencing of elements with object-
oriented principles only

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