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7/13/23, 10:15 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

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Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment

Started on Monday, 27 June 2022, 4:52 PM

State Finished
Completed on Monday, 27 June 2022, 5:33 PM
Time taken 41 mins 7 secs
Grade 23.70 out of 50.00 (47%)
Feedback We regret to inform you that passing marks (60%) were not achieved.
Please re-attempt the assessment. Best of Luck !

Question 1

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What is SSO in terms of cloud security mean?

Select one:
a. second service ongoing
b. Server security online
c. Single sign on/off
d. Security Service organization

The correct answer is: Single sign on/off

Question 2

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

"This pattern evaluates scenarios where you need just one object and you don't want to create multiple objects of
that particular class. Or simply put restricting construction of more than one object" Which pattern is it?

Select one:
a. Behavioral Pattern

b. Structural Pattern

c. Singleton pattern

The correct answer is: Singleton pattern 1/21
7/13/23, 10:15 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 3

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

In which situation a looping error will not occur?

Select one:
a. Loops variables are initialized correctly.

b. Loop conditions are initialized incorrectly or not at all.

c. Improper nesting occurs.

d. Loops are terminated incorrectly or not terminated at all.

The correct answer is: Loops variables are initialized correctly.

Question 4
Partially correct

Mark 0.50 out of 1.00

Which among the below are NOT CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION principles? Choose Exactly TWO CORRECT answers.

Select one or more:

a. Build the collective commits on an SCM machine when you are about to deliver the product

b. Provision the builds to be self-testing 

c. Maintain Multiple source code repository for each feature development in the product

d. Automate Builds

The correct answers are: Maintain Multiple source code repository for each feature development in the product,
Build the collective commits on an SCM machine when you are about to deliver the product

Question 5

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What is the best approach in Design Patterns in coding?

Select one:
a. Writing codes with the highest possible coupling and the highest possible cohesion.

b. Writing codes with the lowest possible coupling and the highest possible cohesion.

c. Writing codes with the highest possible coupling and the Lowest possible cohesion.

The correct answer is: Writing codes with the lowest possible coupling and the highest possible cohesion. 2/21
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Question 6
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

What are various lines of businesses that Accenture Delivery Suite(ADS) support?

Select one:
a. Technology, Industry, Operations, Security, and Strategy

b. Technology, Digital, Operations, Security, and Cloud

c. Technology, Digital, Operations, and Strategy

d. Technology, Digital, Operations, Security, and Strategy

The correct answer is: Technology, Digital, Operations, Security, and Strategy

Question 7
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

Ms. Julie has to write a project document that proposes the Configuration Management adoption into the
project.Which among the below are the benefits you think Ms. Julie can quote in her document?
A. Establishes and maintains the integrity of the items that have been placed under its control

B. Accounts for and reports the progress of development efforts

C. Prevents unauthorized access to assets

D. Coordinates, tracks, and manages change activities

E. Facilitates concurrent development

Select one:
a. A, B, C and D

b. A and B

c. A,B,C,D and E

d. A,B,D,E

e. B and C

The correct answer is: A,B,C,D and E 3/21
7/13/23, 10:15 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 8

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What are the three security features match the Server level security ?

Select one:
a. All of them

b. Server roles

c. Audits

d. Logins

The correct answer is: All of them

Question 9

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following is the description for the Level 2 OWASP threat assessment maturity practice?

Select one:
a. Increase the accuracy of the threat assessment and improve granularity of per-project understanding.
b. Identify and understand the high level threats to the organization and individual projects 
c. Map compensating controls to each threat against the internal and third-party software

The correct answer is: Increase the accuracy of the threat assessment and improve granularity of per-project

Question 10

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Why are WIP limits important?

Select one:
a. Because manager says so

b. To ensure smooth flow of things through the system

c. To make things Complex

d. To tie up the system

The correct answer is: To ensure smooth flow of things through the system 4/21
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Question 11
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

Dr. Neil, Professor of an University, whose main work is on Agile and DevOps. He has quoted some challenges that
the DevOps is facing predominantly.

They are as follows -

A. Developer Vs Operations mindset

B. Transition from legacy infrastructure for deployments to microservices

C. Resistance to the changes

Which among the above is the CORRECT challenge(s) that DevOps is/are facing?

Select one:
a. Only A

b. Both B and C

c. A, B and C

d. Only B

The correct answer is: A, B and C

Question 12
Partially correct

Mark 0.50 out of 1.00

Which of the following are not benefits of code optimization techniques?

Select one or more:

a. Improves the organization's performance

b. Improves the system's performance

c. Improves the compilation time of an application

d. Results in code that is easy to understand, reuse, and maintain

The correct answers are: Improves the organization's performance, Improves the compilation time of an
application 5/21
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Question 13

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What are the components of Accenture Delivery Suite(ADS)?

Select one:
a. Methods & Estimators, Deliverables, Architecture, Metrics

b. Methods & Estimators, Tools, Process, Metrics

c. Methods & Estimators, Deliverables, Process, Metrics

d. Methods & Estimators, Tools, Architecture, Metrics

The correct answer is: Methods & Estimators, Tools, Architecture, Metrics

Question 14
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

Mr. Neil has to create a project document that includes Configuration Item categories in the project he is currently
working on. He has proposed the Configuration
Item categories that are quoted below -

A. Project Documentation

B. Architectures
C. Interfaces

D. Designs
E. Source code and Executable code.

Mr. Vincent is the Configuration Manager in the project. While reviewing the document, Mr. Vincent has found that
few more configuration item categories can be added.

Assume that you are Mr. Vincent and determine few more categories that can be added to the same.

Select one or more:

a. Requirements

b. Metrics and Status Reports

c. Databases that include processed data

d. Training materials

The correct answers are: Metrics and Status Reports, Requirements, Training materials, Databases that include
processed data 6/21
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Question 15

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

What is the functionality of Data Cohesion in modules of projects ?

Select one:
a. One module may be dependent on another module for data 

b. If a module is independent of data from other modules

c. Both Option 1 and 2

d. None of them

The correct answer is: Both Option 1 and 2

Question 16

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which among the below statements are CORRECT with respect to Cloud Computing?
Statement 1: A process in which the specific details of the computing resources are hidden or ignored from the
end-user to simplify or generalize something is called abstraction concept of cloud computing.

Statement 2: A process in which the software manages the hardware of physical hosts so the resources can be
used more efficiently is called virtualization concept of Cloud Computing.

Select one:
a. Only Statement 1 is CORRECT

b. Both the statements are CORRECT

c. Only Statement 2 is CORRECT

d. None of the statements are CORRECT

The correct answer is: Both the statements are CORRECT

Question 17

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following is a unit of work that a role may be asked to perform?

Select one:
a. Task

b. Work Unit

c. Activity

d. Work?ow

The correct answer is: Task 7/21
7/13/23, 10:15 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 18

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

In a real-world system where we will hundreds of classes and objects which perform thousands of actions. How
will assign the responsibility to each class or object?

Select one:
a. Group the objects into classes which will be giving the information to all the subclasses on their 

b. Assign a responsibility to the Information Expert, which will have the necessary information to fulfill the

c. Create an Abstract class and implement based on the responsibility

The correct answer is: Assign a responsibility to the Information Expert, which will have the necessary information
to fulfill the responsibilities.

Question 19
Partially correct

Mark 0.60 out of 1.00

Code Review process involves which of the following steps:

Select one or more:

a. Prepare for a review

b. Resolve review points

c. Plan for a review

d. Never conduct a review

e. Baseline a software products

The correct answers are: Plan for a review, Prepare for a review, Never conduct a review, Resolve review points,
Baseline a software products

Question 20

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Identify the state that refers High degree of Coupling.

Select one:
a. Adding a functionality to your application is difficult and effects your application

b. Big change can break your code and this could have a disastrous effect on your application

c. Small change can break your code and this could have a disastrous effect on your application

The correct answer is: Small change can break your code and this could have a disastrous effect on your
application 8/21
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Question 21
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

Which of the following definitions provided by various personnel's would correctly depicts CONFIGURATION
MANAGEMENT and is the most appropriate?

EVANA defines CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT as what we do to make sure we have backed up our work.

DANIEL defines CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT as same thing as version control .

GABRIEL defines CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT as the process of identifying, communicating, implementing,
documenting, and managing work products in a structured and repeatable way.

JOE defines CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT is just for code, making sure right code gets into the project at right

Select one:
a. GABRIEL's definition

b. DANIEL's definition

c. JOE's definition

d. EVANA's definition

The correct answer is: GABRIEL's definition

Question 22

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Which SOLID principle helps the use to develop less coupled code by ensuring the high level modules depend on
abstraction rather than concrete implementations of lower level modules?

Select one:
a. Open Closed Principle

b. Single responsibility 

c. Interface segregation

d. Dependency Inversion Principle

The correct answer is: Dependency Inversion Principle 9/21
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Question 23

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

In Scrum ban, impediments are

Select one:
a. attended

b. fixed 

c. avoided

d. hidden

The correct answer is: avoided

Question 24
Partially correct

Mark 0.50 out of 1.00

What is considered by the developers in regard to RESTFul API deployment?

Select one or more:

a. Size of the application 

b. Operation

c. Use API Keys

d. Protection Against Injection

e. Use HTTPS identity Authentication

The correct answers are: Use HTTPS identity Authentication, Operation, Protection Against Injection, Use API Keys

Question 25

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which among the following are correct when doing regression testing for any software application?

Select one:
a. All of the above

b. Test new Changes

c. Test existing functionality

d. Test any dependencies

The correct answer is: All of the above 10/21
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Question 26

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A team is referring to the latest version of the product backlog to work on the deliverables. Who is responsible for
the content, availability and ordering of the items in the product backlog?

Select one:
a. Product Owner

b. Project Manager

c. Scrum Development Team

d. Scrum Master

The correct answer is: Product Owner

Question 27
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

Mr. John, a project manager wants to trigger the Jenkins pipeline everyday at 10 PM Only if that repository is
modified/added with new code. What is the suitable build trigger for the above scenario?

Select one:
a. Event-Driven

b. Post Project Build

c. Periodic

d. Poll-Based

The correct answer is: Poll-Based

Question 28
Partially correct

Mark 0.50 out of 1.00

How does ADM align to the new ?

Select one or more:

a. Reputability

b. Vastness

c. Longevity

d. Extensions and Context

The correct answers are: Reputability, Longevity, Vastness, Extensions and Context 11/21
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Question 29

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Alex is addressing the Scrum Development Team and educating them on 'Courage', which is one of the core
values of Scrum. Which of the following is an appropriate explanation that Alex can give his team on 'Courage'?

i) Courage in sharing facts as it is

ii) Courage to change direction when needed

iii) Courage to support Scrum Values

iv) Courage to not deliver incomplete deliverables

Select one:
a. All the options

b. Only I, ii and iii 

c. None of the options

d. Only ii, iii and iv

The correct answer is: All the options

Question 30
Not answered

Marked out of 1.00

Customer walks into an ATM to withdraw money. The money dispensed from the ATM, although the ATM was not
able to print its Transaction Receipt as ATM Machine ran out of paper. The Customer got a message on the ATM
Screen notifying "Unable to print the transaction receipt". Which pricnciple of GRASP was utilized to handle this

Select one:
a. Creator

b. Low Coupling

c. High Cohesion

d. Indirection

e. Controller

The correct answer is: Indirection 12/21
7/13/23, 10:15 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 31

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

What are the pitfalls concerning the cloud application development?

Select one:
a. Using untrusted Third party APIs

b. Using Open source

c. Requiring all applications be deployed in the cloud. 

d. Consulting with all Key stakeholders

The correct answer is: Using untrusted Third party APIs

Question 32

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Test Automation in DevOps helps to achieve benefit of

Select one:
a. Effectiveness

b. Visibility

c. Speed of delivery

d. Customer Satisfaction

The correct answer is: Speed of delivery

Question 33


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What happens when the sprint is cancelled?

Select one:
a. The completed Sprint Backlog items are evaluated for a release, and incomplete items are discarded.

b. The completed Sprint Backlog items are evaluated for a release, and incomplete items are put back 
into the Product Backlog.

c. The complete Sprint Backlog is put back to the Product Backlog.

d. The Scrum team disbands immediately.

The correct answer is: The completed Sprint Backlog items are evaluated for a release, and incomplete items are
put back into the Product Backlog. 13/21
7/13/23, 10:15 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 34
Partially correct

Mark 0.50 out of 1.00

We should do complete analysis performed on executed code and also use unexpected randomized inputs to
determine how software will respond? Which Type of testing is this?

Select one or more:

a. Fuzzing

b. API Testing

c. Black Box Testing

d. Load Testing

The correct answers are: Fuzzing, Black Box Testing

Question 35

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following statements are correct about coding best practices and coding standards?

Select one or more:

a. Coding best practices and standards are automatically taken care

b. Deliver High Quality Code

c. Coding standards improve the consistency and reliability of the code by eliminating personal styles 
and by bringing symmetry to the application code, irrespective of the developers involved.

d. Coding best practices are collection of good programming practices and experiences, which involve 
the use and improvement of coding standards.

The correct answers are: Coding best practices are collection of good programming practices and experiences,
which involve the use and improvement of coding standards., Coding standards improve the consistency and
reliability of the code by eliminating personal styles and by bringing symmetry to the application code,
irrespective of the developers involved., Deliver High Quality Code 14/21
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Question 36

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Which factors we should consider during Regression Testing? A . Code changes are Inevitable over time B Code
changes can have unintended negative consequences. C Code Changes includes code/plugin/dependency
additions D. All of the above E. None

Select one:
a. D 
b. A and B
c. E
d. A,B and C

The correct answer is: A,B and C

Question 37


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following could be input or output of a task? (Select all that apply.)

Select one or more:

a. Deliverable 

b. Artifact

c. Role

d. Outcome 

The correct answers are: Artifact, Role

Question 38

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Mr Ethan is implementing Fuzzing in his web application. Which steps has to be followed for implementing Fuzzing
in his application? A) Identify Target software's/systems B) Generate Fuzz Data C) Execute test using Fuzzer D)
Observe software behavior E) Review Fuzzer and software Logs F) Identify software Inputs Choose exactly CORRECT

Select one:
a. A F B C D E

b. A B F D E C

c. A B C D E F

d. B C D A F E

The correct answer is: A F B C D E 15/21
7/13/23, 10:15 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 39
Partially correct

Mark 0.67 out of 1.00

How to ensure reusability of code in a project?

Select one or more:

a. Sometimes you do this by breaking it into multiple independent blocks

b. No dependable modules

c. Having loosely coupled system

d. Having highly dependable blocks

The correct answers are: Sometimes you do this by breaking it into multiple independent blocks, Having loosely
coupled system, No dependable modules

Question 40
Partially correct

Mark 0.33 out of 1.00

Identify the usage of sandboxes in Cloud Application Security.

Select one or more:

a. Discover peek application performance

b. Discover application errors 

c. Discover attack vectors and agents

d. Discover the impact of the applied malware

e. Discover vulnerabilities

The correct answers are: Discover attack vectors and agents, Discover vulnerabilities, Discover the impact of the
applied malware

Question 41

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Mr. John performs testing to ensure continuous improvement to the software being developed. Which of the code
will be testable as part of continuous testing?

Select one:
a. Software and Testing code 

b. Only Infrastructure Code

c. Only Software Code

d. Both software and Infrastructure Code

The correct answer is: Both software and Infrastructure Code 16/21
7/13/23, 10:15 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 42

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Mr. Humberto Penial, who is a project manager for a prestigious project of his organization. He proposed the
automation of some processes with tools that helped the project in a very efficient way.

Some of the key decisions he has taken are -

1. He proposed the adoption/usage of software development and testing tools that are installed on cloud and
provision of them as PaaS.
2. He proposed the usage of service virtualization tools to eliminate the effort spent on writing the stubs by the
development team.

3. He asked the team to ensure the team has a KPI (Key Performance Indicator) framework and metrics approach
in place.

The team experiencing some benefits after adhere to the above decisions.
Which among the below are the right benefits after adhering to the above decisions of Mr. Humberto?

Select one:
a. No scope for incorporating the new requirements

b. Eliminates unnecessary capital expenditure

c. Standardize workflows, processes, technologies, protocols and metrics to reduce the variety of risks 

d. Increased productivity

The correct answer is: Eliminates unnecessary capital expenditure

Question 43
Partially correct

Mark 0.60 out of 1.00

Which are the external application-oriented devices that provide application security?

Select one or more:

a. API Gateway

b. WAF

c. DAM

d. Citrix


The correct answers are: DAM, WAF, Citrix, API Gateway, HTTPS 17/21
7/13/23, 10:15 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 44

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

John, the product owner, in consultation with his stakeholders, has arrived at four features that are of same
priority. The stakeholders are of the opinion that all those features are of equal significance. Which of the following
can John do, in this context?

Select one:
a. Tell the Development Team that all features need to be worked on in parallel

b. Consult with the Development Team and still arrive at a priority among these features

c. Randomly pick and implement one feature after the other since all are of same priority

d. Ask the development team to park these features until the stakeholders agree on to a priority order

The correct answer is: Consult with the Development Team and still arrive at a priority among these features

Question 45

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Mr John has developed a software program and to make his program run faster he allows portion of the program
to reside in a computer's memory. However, this approach will cause the program to consume more memory. As a
result, the program will be optimized in terms of speed, but will be inefficient in terms of memory utilization. What
Mr. John is trying to achieve in this scenario?

Select one:
a. Memory utilization 

b. Code Optimization

c. Memory Optimization

d. Speed Optimization

The correct answer is: Code Optimization 18/21
7/13/23, 10:15 PM Delivery Foundation Academy (DFA) L1 Assessment: Attempt review

Question 46

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

John is a customer of XIXIX bank logged in to his account on the bank webisite and tried for the fund transfer
option. He tried to transfer $500 from his account to his friend's account in another bank. He could not proceed to
transfer the funds as he did not provide the proper IFSC code of that branch. There was no other option available
to proceed with the process. However, John called his friend and asked for proper IFSC code and then he could
proceed with the transaction. Is the above function delivering the customer experience which is resulting in
____________________? Fill in the blank with suitable answer.

Select one:
a. Disruption of entire experience itself

b. Identify Theft 

c. Loss of data

d. Denial of Service

The correct answer is: Denial of Service

Question 47

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Mr Paul is working on new Web Application development. This application will be accessible on different screens
like smartphone, laptop, tablet and desktop. What all features Paul should make sure while designing and
developing the application? Choose CORRECT options.

Select one:
a. Scrolling functionalities

b. Screen resolutions

c. Screen sizes

d. All Data is visible on single screen 

e. All of the Above

The correct answer is: All of the Above 19/21
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Question 48

Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

The duration of Sprint is ________________.

Select one:
a. can vary from one sprint to the other 

b. can change only after 3 sprints

c. can alter every other sprint

d. remains the same across sprints

The correct answer is: remains the same across sprints

Question 49

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What is feature integration sprint?

Select one:
a. A final sprint within the release for performing integration & regression testing

b. A sprint outside release for performing cutover activities

c. Sprint that can be conducted as and when required for adhoc tasks

d. First sprint of the release dedicated for planning

The correct answer is: A final sprint within the release for performing integration & regression testing

Question 50


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

How does View enhance data security?

Select one:
a. None
b. By creating one common view for all the tables
c. By only allowing users access to columns they require instead of entire table
d. By letting users create a temporary table with any desired data

The correct answer is: By only allowing users access to columns they require instead of entire table

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