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Grant Under Contract Application

USAID/Ethiopia Sustainable Peace Activity

Grants Under Contract (GUC) APPLICATION

Sustainable Peace Activity
I. APPLICANT INFORMATION (Please complete in 10-point Calibri font, single spaced.)

Legal Name:
Acronym, if any:
Legal address:
Mailing address (if different from
Head of the organization (full name,
title, Email and Mobile phone):

Alternate contact (full name, title, Email

and Mobile phone):

Type of registration Registration number/s Validity Date/s:

Other (please specify)

UEI number: Year established:


Project Title/Name:
Project Manager (full name):
Project Manager’s contact information (email,
Expected funding:
a. Total budget of the proposed project in ETB
b. Amount requested from Pact in ETB
Project duration (months):
Grant Under Contract Application
USAID/Ethiopia Sustainable Peace Activity

Location(s) of project activities:

Grant Under Contract Application
USAID/Ethiopia Sustainable Peace Activity

OVERVIEW OF ACTIVITY: Please describe the proposed activity based on the guidance provided, not to
exceed 5 pages.
Grant Under Contract Application
USAID/Ethiopia Sustainable Peace Activity

Problem Statement: What is the problem you propose to address? Please, also include how this problem
affects different genders and groups differently.

Sustainable Peace Alignment: Briefly describe how this activity aligns with Sustainable Peace objectives,
theory of change, and results. Indicate the Sustainable Peace objective(s) that this activity will help to achieve.

Purpose: Briefly describe the purpose of your activity. A purpose is a high-level positive change that your project
will contribute to but is not solely responsible for. Make sure that the purpose clearly relates to the problem
statement described above.

Theory of Change: Please include a theory of change for your activity, describing how the proposed
interventions will lead to the activity’s intended results. Please formulate the theory of change as an If/Then
statement. (Ie. IF we do xyz THEN abc will happen.)

Objective(s): Briefly describe the objective(s) that contribute to your goal. An objective is a high-level positive
change that your project will achieve. Projects should include up to three objectives. Under each objective,
briefly describe the interventions you will complete to achieve your objective(s).

 Objective 1:
o Intervention 1.1: [name]

o Intervention 1.2: [name]


 Objective 2
o Intervention 2.1: [name]

o Intervention 2.2: [name]


Desired Results: Briefly describe what this activity is expected to achieve.

Technical Approach:
Grant Under Contract Application
USAID/Ethiopia Sustainable Peace Activity

a. Targets & Beneficiaries: Please explain the target groups the project seeks to engage and who will
benefit, disaggregated by sex and other factors of diversity. If targets are organizations, discuss the
type of organizations targeted. Please describe specifically how the project will influence women/men
and boys/girls and include their specific needs, interests and opinions. Please also describe how the
project will influence other marginalized groups or communities.

b. Stakeholder Engagement: Please briefly describe your approach to engaging with local actors, building
partnerships with key stakeholders, and creating linkages with other relevant development
activities/programs where applicable.

c. Conflict Sensitivity: Please discuss the project’s approach to conflict sensitivity and Do No Harm (DNH).
Please also explain the project’s safeguarding strategy: what steps are you taking to ensure the safety
of children and adults at-risk that will come into contact with the project?

d. Risks & Mitigations: Please provide analysis of possible risks to the activity including how they affect
the project activities and results with mitigation measures. Identified risks should be project and
context specific.

e. Sustainability: Please explain how the organization understands or can plan for the sustainability of
the proposed activity beyond its stated duration above.


In not more than two (2) pages, please describe relevant organization capacity.
Grant Under Contract Application
USAID/Ethiopia Sustainable Peace Activity

Management & Staffing Plan: Please list names and position titles of people who will be involved in project
implementation. What necessary qualifications do they have? What exactly are their responsibilities in this
project plan? How will the project be effectively managed?

Organizational information and experience in the proposed project activities: Please provide relevant
experience during the last three years in line with this Pact program’s thematic areas/objectives.

References: Provide names, titles, contact information (organizational email and telephone number/s), and
award reference information for three (3) funders who can provide references for funding received and grant
performance over the last 2–3 years.
1. 2. 3.


If any member of your organization or project team has a relationship with any USAID or Pact staff, which may
constitute a conflict of interest, check the appropriate box below. Please provide the name(s) and state the
reason for possible conflict of interest.
We the undersigned certify to the best of our knowledge, that the applicant, its management, and staff (check
the appropriate box below):
□ Have no conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest with Pact or USAID
Have a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest with Pact or USAID staff or officials as named

Name of Person Position of the Person Reason for Possible Conflict of Interest
Grant Under Contract Application
USAID/Ethiopia Sustainable Peace Activity

Signature & Stamp

Name & Title


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