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‘English First Additional Language Name: Grade: NEVER pais | i FURTHER PRACTICE, I Remember! (Ghi nhé!) - We use a question word such as who, what, where, when, or how before a to-infinitive to express an indirect question about what we should do. (Chting ta sic dung tir dé héi nue who, what, where, when hode how truée dong tit nguyén thé e6 "10" dé dién té mt cau h6i gidn tiép ve vige ching ta nén Iam gi.) - We ofien use a verb such as ask, wonder, (not) decide, (not) tell, or (not) know before the question word + to-infinitive. (Ching ta thing ste dung céc déng tie nhue ask, wonder, (not) decide, (not) tell, hogic (not) know truée tie dé héi + to-V.) Example: . | a) We don't know what to do to help the community. (Chting 16i khong biét phai lam gi dé gitip ao céng déng.) . . _. ») She asked how to get to the nearest shopping mall. (C6 dy hoi lam thé nao dé dén trung tém mua sim gan nhdit.) M6t sé cum dds g tir thug gip: chén ngdy thuc hién ‘giém bot get up: thie déy give up: tie bd go on: tiép tue look after =take care of: quan tam; chim sée look for = search for: tim kiém look forward to: mong ché, mong doi look up: tra, tim kiém théng tin set up: thanh lap stand for: dai dign cho take off: eéi (qudn do, giay....)/ha cénh (may bay) take over: dim nhigm throw away: ném di, quaing di tum off = switch off: tat tum up: én, xudt hign try on: this (quan do, giay, ) tum on = switch on: Bat oe I. PHRASAL VERB: 1- apply to sb for sth: ndp don dn. ..xin... | 12.put on: dress yourself in sth: mle (quan &o), di 2-ask out: ask sb to go ona date ~ put off: postpone, delay. 161 xin ai/ yéu cu ai c4i gi 13- throw sth at sb/ sth: ném, choi dén (country, city, town) - throw away: - arrive at: dén (other places) - throw sth to sb: chuyén 4- call on: ask to speak in class 14- take after: resemble: trong giéng nhu - call back: return a telephone call take off: ct cénh, c6i ra - call off: cancel 15- turn off: switch off : tit (dén, quat. .), shut off - call up: make a telephone call - turn on: switch on: mé (dén, quat . .) 5- drop in:visit without calling first or an - turn round: quay Ig invitation ~ turn up: arrive: dén, xuit hign, vn lén (volume) + drop out (of): stop attending a school ~ turn down: decrease the volume: vin nhd 6-fill in : dién vio (mau don) 16- catch up (with) dudi kip, bat ki ~ fill out: write information in a form 17- cool off: ngudi lanh di, gidm di (nhiét tinh) - fill up: fill completely with gas, water. 18- eross out: draw a line through 7- get along (with): have a good relationship with | 19- discuss sth with sb =have a discussion about St BAI TAP TIENG ANH 9 (Global success) Unit 1: Local community ~ get in: enter a car/ taxi ~ get off; leave a bus/ train. + get on: enter a bus/train + get out (of): leave a car/ taxi. . ~ get over : recover from: binh phye + get through (with): finish + get up: thite day, dénh thitc ai diy & give up: get rid of: ngung, tir bo ~ give in: nhygng b6, chiu thua - give back: return sth to sb 9- go after: run after: dudi theo . - go ahead: be carried out: thye hign, tidn hanh - go along: develop, progress: phat trién, + go away: di khdi, di xa nha ~ go back: return: tre lai ~ go in: enter a room/ house: buéc vao phong/ - go off: explode, be fired: nd, bin (sting) - go on: continue : tiép tue - go out: stop burning; tat - go over: look at sth carefully: xem xét ky - go up # go down: ting # gidm gid 10.hand in: give homework, test .. 0 a teacher ~ hand out: give sth to this person then that person. 11 look after: take care of: chiim sée, trong nom - ook for: search for: tim kiém - look out (for): be careful: 4 ¥ cdn thin look sth up: tra ciru - look forward to: mong dgi, mong méi ‘20- explain sth to sb: giai thich 21- fall behind: bj tyt dang sau 22. find out: discover information 23- glance at sb/ sth: take a quick look at: liée nhin 24- grow up: become an adult: truvong thanh, 25- hang up: hang on a hanger 26- hold up: delay, postpone: lam tré ngai 27- hurry up: lam nhanh 28- invite sb to/ for sth: mdi 29- keep up: gitt ving duy tri, tiép tue ~ keep on: continue | 30- laugh at sb/ sth: eudi, tréu choe, ché nhao 31- leave out: omit ~ leave somewhere for. . .: ri 32- tie down: nim xudng (dé nghi ngoi) 33- make up: invent a story:bia ra 34- piek up: lift: nh3t, hai, d6n ai 35- pay back: return money 10 sb: tra tién cho ai 36- point at/ to sb/ sth: chi 37- run into: meet by chance: gap tinh c& 38- search sb/ sth for sb/ sth: kham, xét, tim 39- speak up: néi to Ién ~ speak to/ with sb about/ of sb/ sth: n6i 40- stay on: huna i thém mot thoi gian ntra 41- talk to/ with sb about/ of sb/ sth: n6i, thio ludn 42- try ont : test : thir nghiém 43-wait for: chi dg 44- wash up: wash the dishes: rira chén 45- watch out (for): be careful 46- write to sb: viet tn goi ai J BAI TAP TIENG ANH 9 (Global success) Unit 1: Local community QUESTION WORDS WITH TO-INFINITIVES: I. Using questions words: who, what, where, when, why, and how to fill in the blanks 1. Can you decide to invite to the party? A. who B. what C. where D. when 2. Do you know to fix a leaking faucet? A. who B, what C. when D. how 3. Did she mention __ to find the best deals? A. where B. when C. how D. what 4, Could you explain to bake a cake from scratch? A. what B. when C. where D. how 5. I wonder to approach the situation: confront or ignore it? A. what B. when C. where D. how 6. Can you determine to visit the museum? A. who B. what C. where D. when 7.Doyouknow __to change a tire? A. who B. what C. when D. how 8. Could you remind me to submit the report? A. where B. when C. what D. how 9. She didn't mention to pick up the package: today or tomorrow? A. how B. when C. where D. what 10. Can you suggest to improve my writing skills? A. what B. when C. where D. how 11. Did they discuss to celebrate the achievement? A. who B. what C. when D. where 12, Could you advise to deal with stress? A. what B. when C. where D. how 13.1 wonder to buy gifs for the holidays: online or in-store? A. where B. when C. who D. what 14, Can you determine ___ to start the project? A. who B. what C. where D. When 15,Do you know __ to cook a traditional dish? A. who B. what C. when D. how 16. Could you explain to invest money wisely? A. what B. when C. where D. how 17, Did she mention to reach the conference venue? A. where B. when C. how D. what 18. Can you suggest to handle conflicts in the workplace? A. what B. when C. where D. how 19. Could you remind me to schedule a dentist appointment? A. where B. when C. what D. how 20. She didn't specify ___to pack for the trip: essentials or extras? A. what B. when C. where D. how 21. Can you decide to choose as your study partner? A. who B. what C. when D. where 22. Do you know to create a budget for monthly expenses? ‘A. who B, what C. when D. how 23. Did they discuss to organize the office party? A. where B. when Chow D. what 24. Could you explain _to parallel park? A. what B. when C. where D. how 25. I wonder_ to spend the weekend: relaxing at home or going on an adventure? A. what B. when C. where D. how 26. Can you determine to approach the job interview? A. who B. what C. where D. how 27. Do you know to cook a specific cuisine? A. who B. what C. when, D. how 28. Could you suggest to handle a difficult conversation with a friend? A. what B. when’ C. where D. how 29. Did she mention to choose the right outfit for the event? A. where. B. when C. how D. what 30. Can you advise to prepare for a marathon? A. what B. when C. where. D. how JL. Rewritten using question wards with to-infinitives: 1, P'm not sure which road I should take to the airport. 2. Can you explain how I can apply for the visa? 3. She doesn’t know when she should start her new job. > 4. We're trying to figure out what we should cook for dinner. > 5. He’s considering which university he should attend. > 6. Tell me why I should believe your story. > 7. She can’t remember where she should meet her friends. > 8. Pm not certain how I should tell them the bad news. > 9. They don’t know which dress they should wear to the party. > 10. Can you advise me on which course I should take next semester? > “Ti. He wonders how he can fix his computer. > 12. She’s unsure about which book she should read next. > 13. They need to decide when they should leave to catch the train, 2 14, I'm pondering over what I should write in my resignation letter. > 15, Can you show me how I can change the tire on my car? 16. She’s thinking about where she should go on vacation. > 17. Pm not sure who | should contact about this issue. > 18. They're debating which movie they should watch tonight. > 19. He’s confused about how he should approach the problem. > 20. She’s curious about what she should major in at college. > II]. Multiple choice 1. Could you "a moment while I see if Peter is in his office? A. Get on well B. get on C. hold on (ch) Dz stand on 2.'m_____ Tom’s address. Do you know it? A. Looking on B. finding out C. looking for D. getting for 3.Tean______ with most things but I can’t stand noisy children. A. Put aside B. put on C. put up D. put off put up with sb/sth = to endure sb/sth : chiu dueng 4, If you really want to lose weight, you need to eating desserts. A. Give away B. give up C. put off D. take off 5. [had to her request for a loan, Her credit was just not good enough A. Tum on| B. tum off C. tum down(tie chdi)D. tur into 6. When I was turning out my cupboard I this photograph of my uncle A. came over B. came round C. came across D. came into Come across sb/sth: tinh cb gdp 7.He in German, but moved to the US at the age of 18. A. Brought to B. grew up (Idn én) C. tumed off D. went to 8.He unleaded gas and left on his journey. A. Poured on B. filled up with C. filled up D. poured with 9. He spent the entire night thinking and in the end abrilliant idea A.Received with B.gotup —C. came up with (@@ xudt)__D. came out 10, We're not ready yet, we are going to have to the meeting until next week. A. Take off B. put off (hodin lai) C. take on D. go off 11. Let's the grammar one more time before the test. A. Go through B. come over C.goon —_D. go over (xem Iai, 6n lai) 12, Look Jack, I've your bad behavior long enough! ‘A. Put up B. put through C. put up with D. get on well 13, My sister my cats while I was away on vacation. ‘A. looked after B. looked for C. looked at D. looked on 14, Our flight was delayed, but we finally shortly after midnight. A. took off (edt cdnh)B. took on. C. took up D. put off 15. She promised to her cigarette smoking to five a day. A. cut down (céit gidm) B. give up C. give away D. cut up 16. The bus only stops here to passengers. A. get off B. pick up (don) alight D. get on 17. The child was__ by a lorry on the safety crossing in the main street. A-knocked out —_B. knocked down C. run out, D. run across Litu J: knock sb down : x6 nga va knock sb out: ha do van, Iam bat tinh 18. There is just too much work to be done. We'll have to some new employees. A. Get on B. take on (Sb: tuyén dung) C. take off D. get off 19, We'd better stop soon. Otherwise, we'll of gas, A. run out (of sth: hét can) B. go off C. get off D. get on 20. We at six in the morning on our drive to the Grand Canyon. ‘A. set off/ out (khdi hank) B. take off C. go off D. run off 21. When I was staying in German last year, I quite a lot of German. A. picked up (thu lugm) —_B. picked over C. picked out D. picked on 22. After Joe’s mother died, he was up by his grandmother. A. brought (up: nudi dudng) B. taken C. grown D. drawn 23. Lam late because my alarm clock didn’t this morning. A. Come on. B. ring out C. go off (reo, kéu vang) —D. turn on 24, He tried to join the army, but he was because of his poor health. A. Tried out B. put out —_C. turned off _D. turned down turn sb/sth down: tir chéi 25, I was very unlucky. My car was on my way home. A. broke B. broken off C. broken D. broken down (héng méy) 26. Don’t up yet, you will soon be able to play the trumpet well. B. catch C. break D. tum, 27. ICit's raining tomorrow, we shall have to put the match till Sunday. A. off (hodn lai) —_B. away C.in D.on 28. He drives so quickly that I am afraid that one day he will _ someone crossing the street. A. crash down B. knock down C.tum over D. come across knock down/ knock over sb: hiie nga 29. Vil call you at 6 o°clock. ‘A. for (sb: dén dn aiB. by Coup Din 30. He kept his marriage a secret for years, but eventually the truth : ‘A. went in B. went off C. came out (16 ra) _D. came through 31. L remember Alice as a spotty girl, but she’s turned a beautiful woman. Ato Bin C. into (rénén) Dion. 32. Do you think it’s possible to on nothing but fruit and vegetables? A.cat B. live (on: séng dua vio) C.enjoy —-D. make 33. For the first few minutes she was leading the race, then she began to fall A. out B. through C. back (tut lai dang sau) D. off 34, He filled in the necessary forms and for the job. ‘A. appealed B. asked C.requested D. applied 35. Ldon’t think he will ever get the shock of his father’s death, A. over (vuot qua dugc) B. through —C. by D. off 36. If we want to up with them we'd better hurry. A. come B. arrive C. approach D. catch (theo kip) 37. She applied for training as a pilot, but they tumed her because of her poor eyesight. A. up B. back C. down (tir chd) Dz over 38, If you want to have a pet you must be ready fo look it for several years. Aat B. for C. after D. over 39. Stephen slways wanted to be an actor when he ‘up. A. came B. grew C. brought D. settled 40. The doctor advised me not to take so much work in the future. A.to B. over © after D. on (nhdin mot cong viéc) TS 10-Test 1 Thai gian Idim bai: 60 phiit (Khong ké théi gian giao dé) Ho tén thi sin! Sé bao danh:..... I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Cau. hoped B. wanted C. celebrated D. attended Cau 2. A. study B. funny C. push D. culture II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Cau 3. A. peaceful B. succeed C. flower D. weather Cau 4, A. provide B. people C. control D. maintain III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Céu 5, The questions that the teacher gave us yesterday was not easy. A. gave B. that C. was D. the C4u 6, There are two way to get to HCMC: you can go by plane or by train. A. are B. way Cor D. by Cfu 7. She will pay less but she uses two energy-saving bulbs. A. energy-saving B. but C. pay D. less CAu8. Be quiet! Your sister does her homework in her room now. A. in B. does C. Your D. homework IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Céu 9, She walked ten kilometers a day to get for her family to use. A, enough water B. such water C.water enough Doo water C4u 10, The boy was very hungry, he ate nothing. A. but B. therefore Cand D. so C4u 11, Thisis the building I have ever seen in Viet Nam. A.taller B. most tall C.tall D. tallest Céu 12, Susan doesn’t like playing volleyball, 2 A. do she B. doesn’t she does Susan D. does she CAu 13. I promise 1 to school on time, am going B.am going to C.g0 D. will go Céu 14. If we continue littering, the environment seriously polluted. ‘A. becomes B. would become became D. will become Cau 15, Please _ the lights, It’s very dark. A. goon B. tum on C. get on D. puton Céu 16. Itis very kind of you me with my homework. A.to help helping C.help D. to helping CAu 17, Julia has already completed her English courses A, successfully B. succeed C. successfull D. success Cau 18, ___kilos of apples do you want to buy? - 2 kilos, please. ‘A. How much B, How often C. How long D. How many Y. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. C4u 19, My grandmother is over 60, but she is still in good shape now. A. weak B.il C. unhealthy D. fit Cau 20. My father gave up smoking because he was afraid of suffering lung cancer. A. continued B, enjoyed €. started D, stopped VI. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the fallowing questions. Cau 21, In Western culture, it is polite to maintain eye contact during conversation. A. elegant B. rude C. well-behaved —_D respectful Cfu 22. Lack of sleep can have an enormous negative impact on a student’s grades. A. creative B. positive C. cognitive D. affective VII. Mark the letter A.B, C or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges. Cau 23, - Anna: “Thank you very much for a lovely evening. I have enjoyed myself.” ~ Minh: ‘A. Yes,Pdloveto. _B.1'm glad you like it. C, Never mind. D, It’s very nice. Cau 24, - Ben: “What about going camping next weekend?” = Jose“ ‘A. Thanks, I will. B, [don’t agree with you. C. That's a good idea. _D. I have a headache now. VIIL. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer fo each of the questions. There are many advantages and drawbacks of city life that you need to know before deciding whether to settle down there or not. Cities are large and highly populated areas and therefore often seem like very crowded places. Because the population is more concentrated, there are often traffic jams, packed public transportation and streets swarming with people in a rush. Pollution is one of the major problems caused by high population density. Motor vehicle emissions contribute to low quality of air and are a major component of smog in some large cities, Another thing 40 have ip mind if you want to reside in urban areas is the high prices of accommodations. For the price of an apartment in the city, one can buy a Jarge property in the country, with los of indoor and also outdoor space. ‘At the same time, there are many advantages of living in the city. Everything you may need is close by starting with hospitals, banks, educational institutions, shops, ete. Cities also have a developed infrastructure like electricity, telecommunication, water and transportation facilities. While in the city you can get anywhere by public transportation or a taxi relatively quickly, fo get anywhere in the countryside you have to have a vehicle and drive. If you are unemployed and are looking for a job, the city provides a lot more employment opportunities. High-paying jobs in finance, medicine, law, retail or advertising tend to be found in the cities. One can also work remotely, but that means fewer career options. Consider carefully making your own choice! CSu 2S. According to the passage, cities are places. A. small and crowded — B, large and crowded C. large and quiet D. big and noisy Cfu 26. Which is a major problem caused by high population density? A. the high prices of accommodations B. traffic jam C. low quality of air. pollution CAu 27. The word “advantages” can be best replaced by the word “ A. drawbacks B. benefits C. problems D. disadvantages Cfu 28, Which one is NOT an advantage of living in the city? A. The city provides a lot more employment opportunities. B. You can get anywhere by public transportation or a taxi relatively quickly. C. You can buy a large property with lots of indoor and also outdoor space. D. Everything you may need is close by, for example, hospitals, banks, educational institutions, shops. CAu 29. The text is mainly about A. advantages and drawbacks of ety life B, advantages of city life C. how to live in the city D. drawbacks of city life IX, Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Spending your free time (30) the Internet can be fun. You can chat, share photos with friends, and play online games. But some people are addicted to the Internet. They just can’t turn it off. Being online for (31) hours at a time does not mean you have a problem. The Internet is very useful. Online, you can pay your bills, buy clothes, and read the news. There are many good reasons to spend time online. However, people with an Internet addiction are online too much. They don’t spend time with their friends and family. Instead, they spend their time chatting with their Internet friends, people they have never met in real life. Some also play online games all day or night, Some people with Internet addictions even leave (32) jobs so they can spend even more time online! People with Internet addictions don’t just go online to shop, have fun, or do work. People who have this problem often go online (33) they want to escape the stress and problems in their lives. Many Internet addicts stop caring about their real lives, and focus only on their online lives. One way Internet addicts can get help is by using special software. This software controls how much time someone can spend online. It tells the computer to tum off the internet after a certain amount of time. This helps people (34) on real life. The software's goal is to teach people to use the Intemet for good reasons and not just as an escape. Cau 30, A. with B.at Con Dain Cau 31. A. much B. lot of C. many Dean iu 32. A. their B. our C. your Cau 33, A. 80 B. but C. because although Cau 34, A. focusing B. to focusing C. focus D. focused X, Mark the letter A, B.C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest ing to the original sentence in each of the following questions. We don't have enough money to buy a new house. A. If we have enough money, we will buy a new house. B. If we had enough money, we would buy a new house. C. We wish we have enough money to buy a new house, XI. Choose the correct sentence A, B, C, or D that Cau 38. Cau 40. D. We wish we didn't have enough money to buy a new house. “Would you like to have a picnic with us next week?” they said to me. A. They said to me that I had a picnic with them the following week. B. They suggested have a picnic with them the following week. C. They advised me to have a picnic with them the following week. D. They invited me to have a picnic with them the following week. The old man is the director of this company. He interviewed me yesterday. A. The old man whom interviewed me yesterday is the director of this company. B. The old man which interviewed me yesterday is the director of this company. C. The old man who he interviewed me yesterday is the director of this company. D. The old man who interviewed me yesterday is the director of this company. built before the words and phrases given. The ticket buy / Peter / tomorrow. A. The ticket will be bought by Peter tomorrow. B. The ticket will be buy by Peter tomorrow. C. The ticket will bought Peter tomorrow. D. The ticket will buy by Peter tomorrow This task / too / difficult / us / do. A. This task is too difficult that us to do. B. This task is too difficult us do. C. This task is too difficult for us doing, D. This task is too difficult for us to do. I/ not / eat / Korean food / 4 months. A. I didn’t Korean food since 4 months ago. B. [haven't eaten Korean food since 4 months. C. [haven't eaten Korean food for 4 months. D. I don’t eat Korean food for 4 months HET. TS 10- Test 2 Thoi gian Iam bai: 40 phiit (Khéng ké théi gian giao dé) Ho tén thi $6 bao dah: Ma Dé: 001. I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Cau 1. A. maps B. calls C. laughs D. costs Cau 2. A. worked B. decided C. finished D. stopped Il, _ Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Cau 3. A. communication B. information C. education D. situation Cau 4. A. verbal B. social C. signal D. attract II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Cau 5. Ifshe a bike, she would go out in the evening. A. has B. had C. have D. has had Cau 6, Lan go on a diet if she were overweight, but she’s not. A.can B. would C. should D. will Cau 7. The more you practice your French, . A. you will learn faster B. faster you learn . the faster you will learn D. the faster will you learn Cfiu 8, The woman designed the building is my wife. A. whose B. what C. when D. who Cfu 9, Buy me some flowers on your way back, A.do you B. don’t you C. will you D. have you C4u 10, Of the two sisters, Mai is the A. most eldly B. much elder Cu eldest D. elder Cfu 11. According to FAO, Vietnam is second largest coffve producer in the world after Brazil. Avan B. the co Dea Cfu 12. Lan said Lan had come back ; A. the next day B. the previous day . the day after tomorrow D. the following day Cau 13, We were made hard when we were at school, A. studying B. study C. studied D. to study ‘Céu 14, There has been little rain in this area for months, 2 A. hasn’t there B. hasn't it C. has it D. has there IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. ‘Cau 15. I didn’t think his comments were very appropriate at the time. Av right B. correct C. suitable D. exact Cu 16. Hoa visits and gives me a hand with cooking. A. prepare B. give C. receive D. help V. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. (Cau 17. It's discourteous to ask Americans questions about their age, marriage or income. A. unpolite B. polite C.rude D. impolite Cfu 18. The year-end party was out of this world. We had never tasted such delicious food. A. awful B. terrific C. delicious D. big VI. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to ‘complete each of the following exchanges. CAu 19. Ms. Mai is talking to Mr. Dinh in the resort ~ Mr. Binh: “Shall I help you with your suitcase?” A. That’s very kind of you B. I couldn’t agree more, C. What a pity! D. I don’t agree with you, Cau 20, - A: “How do you do?” ee 5 A. P'm a doctor. B. I’m really good. C. Itis OK! D. How do we do? VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet Io indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. On the fourth Thursday in November, in houses around the United States, families get together for a feast, ot a large meal. Almost all families eat turkey and cranberry sauce for this meal, and have pumpkin pie for dessert. This feast is part of a very special day, the holiday of Thanksgiving. In 1620 the Pilgrims made a difficult trip across the ocean from England. They landed in what is now Massachusetts. In England the Pilgrims had not been allowed to freely practice their religion, So they went to the New World in search of religious freedom. The Pilgrims’ first winter was very hard. Almost half the group died of cold, hunger and disease, But the Indians of Massachusetts taught the Pilgrims to plant com, to hunt and to fish. When the next fall came, the Pilgrims had plenty of food. They were thankful to God and the Indians and had a feast to give thanks, They invited the Indians to join them. This was the first Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving became a national holiday many years later because of the effort of a woman named Barah Hale, For forty years Sarah Hale wrote to each president and asked for a holiday of Thanksgiving. At last, she was successful. In 1863 President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a holiday. How much is Thanksgiving today like the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving? In many ways they are different. For example, historians think that the Pilgrims ate deer, not turkey. The idea of Thanksgiving, though, is very much the same: Thanksgiving is a day on which we celebrate and give thanks C4u 21. When did the Pilgrims make a difficult trip across the ocean from England? A. in 1620 B. in 1630 C. in 1866 D. in 1631 Cau 22. According to the passage, today’s Thanksgiving, ‘A. is a day on that the Pilgrims eat goat. B. is different from the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving in many ways. C. is just celebrated the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving, D. is only liked in Massachusetts. Céu 23. Which of the following is NOT true about Thanksgiving? A. It became a national holiday thanks to President Lincoln’s 40-year efforts, B. Americans usually have turkey, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie for this occasion. C. Itis held on the fourth Thursday in November. D. Itis a day on which Americans celebrate and give thanks. C4u 24, The word “they” in paragraph 3 refer to . A.com B. Americans C. the Pilgrims D. families VIIL Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions, On my desk at home, I have a collection of souvenirs; objects that remind me of places I’ve visited and important events in my life. These objects include a model boat that I saw being carved from a piece of wood on a Caribbean Island, a piece of lava that emerged hot from a voleano in the year I was born, and a shell (25) ‘on my favorite childhood beach. Unlike everything else, from which memory and detail fades, it is as if the longer you hold on to certain objects, the (26) their associations with the past become, and the sharper the recollections that gather around them, They are, (27) , Teal souvenirs, encapsulations not only of the place, but of your time in the place. But these days, the term “real souvenirs” sounds like a contradiction in terms, and this is because the objects sold to tourists as souvenirs are often cheap mass- produced imports that have nothing to do with the place at all. It’s often the (28) that the best souvenirs, like my shell, are found rather than purchased, but browsing for souvenirs can also be a fun holiday activity. But if you are buying souvenirs on holiday this summer, make sure they (29) the reality test. A good souvenir is not just made in the area where it is bought, it also says something about the culture of that area. It is something made by local people using sustainable local materials, and because you are effectively supporting the local economy, it shouldn't 30) too cheap, either. Cau 25, ‘A. gone away B. picked up taken to D. walked to Cau 26. A. bigger B. deeper C harder D. larger Cau 27, A. despite B. although C. for Dz therefore Cau 28. A. fact B. talk event D. true Cau 29, A. pass B. take C. give D. receive Cau 30. Ado B. make C. come D. change IX. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions, Cu 31, The poster was drawing by Tom last year. A. last year B. The C. was drawing D. by ‘Cfu 32. Mr. Mai is very interested in working as a doctor because she love taking care of patients. A. love B. interested C. taking care of D. working as (Cfu 33. There is only one Korean hotel in this city, isn’t it? A. in this city B. Korean C.isn’tit D.is only C4u 34. The man standing over there which sold Lan the pencil. A.Lan B. The man C. whieh D, over there X. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original sentence in each of the following questions. C4 38. Hoa hasn’t tried this kind of cake before. ‘A. Hoa have tried this kind of cake many times B.It'sa long time since Hoa tried this kind of cake. C. This is the first time Hoa has ever tried this kind of cake. D. This is the first time Hoa have tried this kind of cake. CAu 36, “Shall 1 help you make the cake, Mai?” said Hoa. ‘A. Hoa offered Mai to help make the eake. B, Hoa hope to help Mai with the cake. C. Hoa offered to help Mai make the cake. D. Hoa said helping Mai make the cake. (Cfu 37. He finds it useful to join the army. A, Itis useful for him to j C. He never Ii ‘Ciu 38, The girl was too weak to lift the table. ‘A. The gitl, though weak, could lift the table, B, So weak was the git! that she couldn't lift the table. C. The girl shouldn’t have lifted the table as she was weak. D. The girl wasn’t able to lift the table, so she was very weak. XL. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is best written from the words/ phrases given. iu 39, Lan / congratulated / me / my / job / offer. ‘A. Lan congratulated me on my job offer. B, Lan congratulated to me for my job offer. C. Lan congratulated me for my job offer. D. Lan congratulated me in my job offer. Ci a0, Phong / used / work / teacher / in / this / schoo}. ‘A, Phong used work as a teacher in this school. B. Phong used to work as a teacher in this school. C. Phong used to work a teacher in this school. D. Phong used to be work as a teacher in this schoo). iT B, He used to join the army. D, Joining the army is not useful for him. TS 10- Test 3 Thai gian lam bai: 40 phuit (Khong ké thoi gian giao dé) Ho tén thi sinh: Sé bao danh: ‘Ma Dé: 001. I.Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Cau 1. A. network B. stressful bet D. athlete Cau 2. A. mine B. examine C. famine D. determine 1LMark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Cau3. A. repair B. avoid C. social D. deny Cau 4. A. television B. industry C. interview D. operation TIL.Mark the letter A, B, c, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. ‘Céu 5. When she was in your age she had to do a lot of things. A.of B. had to C. When Dain Cu 6, | asked Mark where would he spend his holiday the next year. Achis B. the next C. asked D. would he Cau 7, We need any information before we can make a final decision. A. information B. can Ca D. any Cau 8. With his father’s guidance, Charles began playing the violin at ten and performed at the old of 13. A. playing B. old C. guidance D.atten IV.Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Cau 9, Peter hadn’t spoken English for a long time, he picked it up again after several weeks. A. Since B. Even though C. In spite D. Because Cu 10, Nowadays it is hard a well-paid job without good qualifications. A. found B.find C. finding D. to find Cu 11, Many people prefer flying going by coach because it's much faster. A. from B. than C.to D. over Cu 12, There are far teachers in this school than in that school. A. fewer B. fewest C. least D. less Cau 13.10 that many volunteers had collected rubbish on Nha Trang Beach. A. could report B. was reported C. had been reported D. reported (Cu 14. That painting, is painted by Leonardo da Vinci, has caused a lot of arguments A. what B. who C. which D. that Cau 15. if he had much money. ‘A. He has helped me B. He is hel C. He will help me D. He would help me Cfiu 16. I wish I as well as my mother but in fact I can’t A. cook B. am cooking C. can cook D. could cook Cfiu 17. The former teacher all the students to take an interest in arts, A. encouraged B. managed C. noticed D. warned Céu 18. The light went out while I my homework. Adi B. was doing C. have done D. am doing V.Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges. Cu 19, - “Do they like our teacher?” A. No. They’re not alike. B. Yes, they like to see her. C. Sure, she’s such an active teacher. D. Certainly. They're like her. CAu 20. - “Wow! What an amazing study record you have!” ‘A. No, It’s not always clean. B. Yes. It’s very convenient. C. [don't study heré. D. What a comment! VLMark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to te the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. C4u 21, Racial discrimination is strictly Jden around the world. A. permitted B. restricted C. prohibited D. limited Cfiu 22. He didn't think her remarks were very appropriate at that time. A. right B. exact C. suitable D. correct VILMark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Cau 23. Daisy found herself in conflict with her boyfriend over their future, A. fighting B. disagreement C. harmony D. controversy Cu 24, I would never admit that I made a serious mistake during the exam. A. calculate B. refuse C. argue D. deny VIILRead the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best tits each of the numbered blanks, Alexander Fleming was born in 1881 (25) Scotland. He went to a small school in a village, and when he left school, he didn’t go to university. He (26) for five years in an o his brother, Tom, was a doctor and helped Fleming to go to university and study medicine. Fondon University and in 1906, he became @ doctor. In 1915, Fleming matried Sarah McElroy, (28) Irish woman, They had one son. During the First World War, many soldiers died in hospitals because they didn’t have the right medicines. So after the war, Fleming tried to find a drug (29) __ could help them, He worked for many years and in 1928, he discovered a new drug and he called it “penicillin”, He later worked with an Australian and a German scientist to develop a drug that doctors could use. In 1945, he 0) the Nobel Prize in medicine for their work on penicillin. Cau 25, Avat B. with C.in D.on Cau 26. A. works B. worked C. working D. work Cau 27. A. Although B. Nor C. But D. However Cau 28. Aa B. the co D.an Cau 29, A. what B. who C. which D. whose Cau 30, A.won B. had C.did D. made IX.Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. We can develop alternative sources of energy, and unless we try, we'll never succeed. Instead of burning fossil fuels, we should be concentrating on more economic uses of electricity, because electricity can be produced from any source of energy. If'we didn’t waste so much energy, our resources would last longer. We can save more energy by conservation than we can produce for the same money. Unless we do research on solar energy, wind power, tidal power, hydroelectric plants... our fossil fuels will run out and we'll all freeze or starve to death. Many countries are spending much more time and money on research because the energy from the sun, the ‘waves and the winds last forever. We really won’t survive unless we start working on cleaner and safer sources of energy. Cau 31, Alternative sources of energy can be developed . A. if we try B. unless we don’t try C. if we don’t try D. no matter how hard we try Cu 32, Electricity can be generated from . ‘A. wind power B, water power C.all are correct D. solar power Cu 33, One way to prevent fossil fuels from running out is ‘A. keeping the environment clean B. doing research on sources of energy C. building reserves D. planting more trees Cu 34, The energy from the Sun, the waves and the winds i . A. limited B. polluted C. abundant D. non-renewable X.Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original sentence ill each of the following questions. CAu 35. There’s no point in persuading my father to attend the competition. A. It is useless to persuade my father to attend the competition, B. I enjoy persuading my father to attend the competition. C. It would be useful to persuade him. D. My father is able to do this although he does not want to. CAu 36. Why don’t we go to the disco tonight? A. Why is the disco tonight? B. We do not usually go to the disco at night. C. Let’s go to the disco tonight. D. We are not going to go to the disco tonight. Cu 37. They bought a car toy that was very expensive for their nephew. A. Although the car toy was inexpensive, they did not buy it. B. They gave their nephew a car toy that was very expensive. C. The car toy was so expensive that they did not buy it. D. Their nephew bought an expensive gift for his birthday. Au 38. Janet dislikes badminton, but her husband plays it every afternoon. AA. Janet gets irritated whenever her husband plays badminton every afternoon. B. Janet plays badminton with her husband every afternoon. C. Janet enjoys playing badminton, but her husband does not, D. Janet’s husband plays badminton every afternoon, but she dislikes it XLMark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is best written from the words/ phrases given. (C4u 39. If/ the / reporter / not / come / soon / they / will / probably / late. A. If the reporter does not come soon, they will probably be late. B. If the reporter does not come soon, they will probably late. C. Ifthe reporter is not come soon, they will probably late. D. If the reporter is not come soon, they will be probably late. Cu 40. All /us/ excited / about / the / performance. A. All of us was excited about the performance. B. All of us excited about the performance. C. All us were excited about the performance. D. All of us were excited about the performance. --HET- TS 10- Test 4 40 phuit (Khong ké thai gian giao dé) Thoii gian lam ba Ho tén thi sinh: 86 bao danh: Mia Dé: 001. 1. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Cau 1. A. heat B. great C. seat D. meat Cau 2. Avunit B. ethnic C. climate D.city Il. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Cau 3. A. industry B. volunteer C. entertain D. magazine Cau 4. A. decide B. contain C. instruct D. common Il. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Cu 5, A recycled plastic bottle saves enough to run a 60-watt light bulb for 6 hours. A. electron B. energy C. life D. money ‘Cu 6. Itis important today that pupils should learn one or two languages. A. foreign B. mother C. overseas D. abroad C4u 7. The program James watched on TV last night was so that he fell asleep halfway through it. A, bore B. bored C. bord D. boring Cu 8. Would you mind ‘me put these desks away? A. tohelp B. helped C. helping D. help Cu 9, There is too much traffic in this city. the air is polluted. A, Because B. Therefore C. And Although CAu 10. I can never make up stories because I have absolutely no ‘A. imagined B. imagination C. imaginary D. imaging C4u 11, Let’s hold a pool party after we finish this project, 2 A. shall we B, will you C. do you D. won't you C4u 12. Are you teaching on Sunday mornings this term? A. likely B. expected C. busy D. enjoy Cau 13. The toy my father bought for my younger brother is very cheap, A. who B. which CC. whose D. whom Cf 14, A runny nose, sneezing and coughing are the of the common cold. ‘A. medicines B. measures C. materials D. symptoms IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Cu 15. What can they do to protect endangered species like the giant panda? A. hunted B. dead C.alive D, threatened Cu 16. The cottage is surrounded by the most glorious countryside, A. beautiful B. unspoiled C. ordinary D. ugly V. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. ‘Cau 17. Ngoc is interested in the teaching profession because she loves children, A. excited B. keen C. depressed D. bored ‘Cfiu 18. Jack looks healthy enough. A. sporty B. strong C. sick D. active VI. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to i complete each of the following exchanges. Cu 19. - Jane: “Could you please do me a favor?” ite the most suitable response to = Mary: « * A. Yes, go ahead. B.No, thanks. C. Sure. What can I do for you? D. Really? Clu 20. - Mary: « ” - Tom: “Tall and thin with blue eyes.” A, What does your new English teacher look like? B. How does your new English teacher look like? CC. How old are you? D. How is your new English teacher doing? VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. My name is Nam. I'll tell you about one of my most impressive trips that my classmates and I have just made after finishing the second term. It was a visit to the Botanic Garden in our city. It was a cool Sunday. We assembled at the school gate and caught a bus to the Botanic Garden. It was a long way to our destination, and we sang merrily all the way. The Botanic Garden is a very beautiful place. We made a short tour round the garden and took some photos of the whole class. Then we played a lot of games on the grassland. One of the boys brought the guitar and we sang our favorite songs. We laughed, talked and danced, too. After the meal, we all took a rest. In the afternoon, we went on playing some more games, Then we arrived home at four-thirty. We all felt very happy. Cau 21, How did Nam go to the Botanic Garden? A. rode a bike B. caught a bus C. caught a taxi D. drove a car Cau 22. Who did he go with? A. his brother B. his dad C. his classmates D. his mom ‘Céu 23, They play a lot of games on the . A. home B. grassland C. top D. class Cau 24, What time did they go home? A. fourethirty B. two CC. four-four D. three-thirty VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. ‘Mother's Day in the USA In the United States, people celebrate Mother's Day. Mother’s day is celebrated (25) the second Sunday in May. On this occasion, mother usually (26) American Mom is a day of leisure. The majority of American mothers spend most of their time doing their jobs as well as housework, (28) children. The best gift of all for (27) greeting cards and gifts from her husband and their working days are often very hard. The working mother starts enjoying the traditional Mother's Day by having breakfast cooked by her family. Later in the day, it is also (29) either in a restaurant (30) for the extended family group to get together for dinner, in one of their homes. Flowers also play an important part of Mother's Day. Mothers are ofien given a corsage or a plant for the occasion, particularly if they are elderly, Cau 25, A. since Ciu 26. A. receives C. receiving Cin 27, Aa B. some Cau 28, A. but Cin 29, A. traditionalist C. traditional Cau 30. Av and Bin Cat B. therefore B. nor Cor D. B. received D. is receiving D. the C. however D.s0 B. traditionally D. tradition D. but IX. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. (C4u 31. If you find you are in pain then you should stop and get a rest, Ain B. then Cit D. get (Cu 32. Along with jogging and swimming, cycling is one of the best all-round form of exercise, A. form C. Along with B. is Dz the Cau 33. Alex Ferguson, that is the most successful coach in Manchester United’s history, underwent an emergency operation fast year. Ain C. underwent C4n 34, Jt is very cold today. He wishes it is warmer. Alt B. wishes B. most successful coach Dz that C.cold D.is X. __ Mark the fetter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original sentence in each of the following questions. Cu 35. “You damaged my phone”, said John to Mary. ‘A, John accused Mary of damaging his phone, C. John accused Mary of damage his phone. Cu 36. it’s the first time [’ve been to a flower shop. A. have been to a flower shop before. . Ihaven’t be to a flower shop before. B. John accused Mary on damaging his phone. D. John accuse Mary of damaging his phone B. [haven't been to a flower shop before. D. Thaven’t been a flower shop before, (Cu 37. He gave my younger sister a smartphone on her birthday. ‘A. My younger sister was given a smartphone on her bitthday. B. My younger sister give a smartphone on her birthday. C. My younger sister was given a smartphone on my D. My younger sister was given smartphones on her birthday. (Cu 38. Her friends are so humorous that she can’t help laughing at their jokes. A. She has such humorous friends that she helps laughing at their jokes, B. She has such humorous friends that she can’t help laughing at their jokes. C. She didn’t have such humorous friends that she can’t help laughing at their jokes. D. She had such humorous friends that she can’t help laughing at their jokes. XI. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is best written from the words/ phrases given, Cu 39. If/ you / helped / me / 1/ wouldn’t / known / how / solve / it. A. If you hadn't helped me, I wouldn’t have known how solve it. B. If you hasn't helped me, I wouldn’t have known how to solve it. C. If you hadn't helped me, I wouldn’t have known how to solve it. D. If you haven't helped me, I wouldn’t have known how to solve it, CAu 40, Camry / prettier / the / two / girls. A. Camry is prettier of the two girls. B. Camry is the prettier on the two girls, C. Camry is the prettiest of the two girls. D. Camry is the prettier of the two girls. -HET- TS 10 - Test 5 Thoi gian lam bai: 40 phit (Khang ké thi gian giao dé) Ma dE 001. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the ather three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. ‘Cia i. A, stayed B. climbed C. wanted D. arranged Cu 2. A. shop B. volcano G. locate D. oversleep T.Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions, Cau 3. A. damage B. ethnic C. social D. behave cand A. remind B. spacecraft C. surface D. open, IILMark the letter A, 8, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Cu 5, In my opinion, we can save natural resources by to use solar energy. A.can B.emy C. to wse D. natural resources Cau 6, The teacher feels angrily if her students don’t finish their homework before class. A. feels B. angrily C. their De don’t finish Cau 7, The gist whom is singing on stage is my best friend, Jane. A. whom B.on C. is singing Deis ‘CA 8, The chef'is telling the girls what to cook Indian curry with his special recipe. A. to cook B. what C.istelling D. with IV.Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Caw 9. Your father doesn’t work in that bank, he? A. does B. doesn’t Cis Da isn't Cu 10, My sister is very fond eating chocolate candy A. about of . with Daat Caw 11, He will not be to vote in this year’s election. A. old enough B. as old enough ‘ C. enough old as D. enough old (Cu 12,1 wish Susan harder so that she can pass the entrance examination. A. works: B. has worked C. will work D. worked Cau 43. He was ad singing lessons. A. will take B. had taken C. took D. should take Cau 14, She can’t buy that book because she has money. A. much B. many C. alot of D. little Cau 35. Our plane arrives in Ha Noi at two o'clock in afternoon, A.@ - the Ba-a C. the ~an D. the - the CAu 16. She a postcard when the telephone rang. A. was written B. was writing CC. has written D, wrote Caw 47. V'm learning English want to get a good job after school, A.so B. because . but D. although Cau 18. They are visiting an island that in 1930. A. found B. was found C. finds D. is found V.Mark the letter A, B, C of D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions, Cfu 19. The population has increased from 1,2 million to 1.8 million. ‘A. changed B. decreased C. reduced D. grown C4u 20, The doctor advised Peter to give up smoking, but he refused, A. consider B. continue ©. finish D. stop VIMark the letter A, B, C or D fo indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Cu 21. There are tens of thousands of hungry children in this country. A. full B. thirsty C. happy D, poor Cu 22. It was getting Jate, so we hurriedly gathered all our things and ran home, A. in time B. early C. dark D. bright VILMark the letter A, B,C or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges. C4u 23. - Phuong: “I'm taking my final examination tomorrow.” - Daisy: a ‘A. Good fortune B. Good outcome C. Good success D. Good luck C4u 24. - Andy: “What about collecting used paper, bottles and plastic bags every day?” ~ Ha and Mai: “ ” A. Lthink so, Who can do that? B. That's a very good idea, Let’s do that. CC. What about this weekend? D. Because they can pollute the environment. Vili.Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. English is one of the (25) languages in the world, It comes second in the number of speakers after Chinese. In Viet Nam, more and more people are studying English, and they consider it a key to success However, not everyone knows how (26) English effectively. The best way to improve the four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing is to practice regularly. You en make use of every opportunity to speak English with friends in class or at English speaking clubs or ourselves in front of the mirror, Learning by (28) all the words does not help much if you do not read a lot because you will easily forget what you have leamt. Reading books, listening to the radio and 2 watching films are better ways to memorize words. Besides, English learners should not be so shy because making mistakes is unavoidable in learning foreign languages. Practicing speaking a lot is (29) good way to correct your mistakes, Cau 25. A. most popular B. popular C. more papular D. popular as Cau 26. A. to learning B. learn C. learning D. to learn Cau 27. A, should B. may C.can D. must Ciu 28, eyes B. ears Cu head D. heart Cau 29. Ao Ban C. the Da IX.Read the folowing passage and mark the letter A, B,C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Smoking causes lung cancer, which is the number one cancer among men. Ninety percent of the people who get Jung cancer die, Smoking is also the leading cause of mouth cancer, tongue cancer, and throat cancer. Many smokers have heart disease and pneumonia. Smoking causes one million early deaths in the world every year. Smokers not only harm themselves but also harm others. Smokers breathe smoke out into the air. They breathe it out on their children and their wives or husbands. Children whose parents smoke have mose breathing and lung problems than other children. Women who are married to smokers are more likely to have lung cancer than those married to non-smokers. We are all aware that smoking is bad. So why do people smoke? Céiu 30. The passage is mainly about . A, the effects of smoking B. the reasons why people smoke CC. the laws to prevent smoking D. how to give up smoking Cu 31. According to the passage, smoking is also the cause of the following diseases EXCEPT A. lung cancer B. skin cancer C. throat cancer D. mouth cancer Cu 32. The word “it” in the passage refers to . Avair B. smoke C. breath D. cancer ‘Cu 33. In the second paragraph, who can be aflected by smoking? ‘A, women who are married to non-smokers B, children whose parents smoke €. wives or husbands who live apart D. people who talk to smokers ‘CAu 34. The word “disease” is CLOSEST in meaning to . A. illness B. operation * health D, strength XMark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet t. the original sentence in each of the following questions. CAu 38. “I will help you,” Bob said to me. A. Bob told me he would help me. B, Bob asked me to help him. C. Bob said that he would help you. D. Bob wamed me that he would help her. Cu 36. The last time I went to the museum was four years ago. A. itis four years since { have gone to the museum, B, | haven’t gone to the museum for four years, CC. Thaven’t gone to the museum since four years. D, | last went to the museum for four years ago. dicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to X1LMark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions, Cau 37. You don’t take any exercise. You feet unhealthy. ‘A. if you were healthier, you would take more exercise. B, If you took more exercise, you would feel heal C. Ifyou take more exercise, you will eel healthier. D. If you don’t take any exercise, you will feel healthy. Cu 38. They will fly to the USA. They used to live there. ‘A. They will fly to the USA, that they used to live. B. They will fly to the USA, where they used to live there, C. They will fly to the USA, which they used to five, ‘D. They will fly to the USA, where they used to live. XILMark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most meaningful sentence written from the given words. Cau 39. 1 difficult / exercise / we / could / not / do / it, ‘A. It was too a difficult exercise that we couldn't do it. B. It was such a difficult exercise that we couldn't do it. C. It was so a difficult exercise that we couldn’t do it. D. It was such difficult exercise that we covldn’t do it. ‘Ci 48. My fiend (‘can / run / fast / me. ‘A. My friend cannot run faster as me. B, My friend cannot run as fast as me, C. My friend cannot run as fast than me. D. My friend cannot run as faster as me. -~-HET-— TS 10-Test 6 Thdi gian lam bai: 40 phuit (Khong ké thoi gian giao dé) ‘Ho tén thi sinh: ..., Sé bao danh: Ma Dé: 001. I.Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Cau 1. A. trust B, under C. public D. pull Cau 2. A. thank B. thick C. though D. throw I.Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Cau 3. A. req B. advise C. manage D. suggest Cau 4. A. artifact B. versatile C. approval D. energy IILMark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. CAu 5. My mother enjoys read about wild animals id natural disasters, A. natural B. read C. wild animals, D. enjoys (Cu 6. My grandfather asked me not to spending too much time surfing the Internet. ‘A. not to spending B. much time C. asked D. surfing (CAu 7, Mr. Long who tell English stories very well is her teacher of English. A. English stories Boof Gis D. who tell (Cu 8 Jack was going to work all night, but he declined our invitation to the party. A.was B. but C. work D.to IV.Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Cfiu 9. I suggest fund for disadvantaged children. A. raised B. raise C. raising D. to raise ‘Cu 10. People in Spain are going to celebrate their festival is called La Tomatina, A. where B. which who D. whose Cfu 11. Your father works in a central hospital, he? A. isn’t B. didn’t doesn’t D. wasn’t Cfu 12, The pagoda about 200 years ago. A. has been built B. was built C. will be built Dz is built Cu 13. He telephone her right now if he knew her phone number. A. would shall Cowill D. have to Chu 14, He asked me if I a microwave the following day. A. will buy B, bought C. would buy D. buy Cim 15, We have worked together 2022. A. for B. in ©. since D. during ‘Cu 16, She can’t understand the English visitors. She wishes shie English. A. have known B. will know C. know D. knew cau 17, I was really busy, I could spend time taking my children to the cinema. A. Therefore B.So C. Even though D. Because of Céu 18, Scientists still a cure for cancer. A. doesn’t find B. aren’t finding C. haven’t found D. hasn’t found V.Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges. CAu 19. - Joe: “I'm aftaid I’ve broken your glass vase.” = Sue: p A. Don’t worry about it B. It’s the same C. Don’t mention it D. Natat all ‘Cu 20. - “Would you mind turning the radio on?” A.No, thank you B. Not at all C. Yes, please D.No, i'm not ‘Vi.Mark the fetter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Cu 24, Jack never tuems up on time for a conference. A. refuses B. goes on C. takes care of D. arrives CAu 22. After the historic flight, Gagarin became a cultural hero in the Soviet Union. A. insignificant B. important C. memorable D. accidental VII.Mark the letter A, B,C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Cu 23, The disadvantaged girl went downstsirs with difficulty. A. with precision B. at hand C. with ease D. with precaution Céiu 24, She has been fortunate enough to travel all over the world as a pilot. A. brave ‘B. hateful C.unlucky D, honorable VIILRead the following passage and Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. My first job was as a sales assistant at a large department store, I wanted to work part-time, (25) \ ‘was still studying at university, and i was only able to work a few nights a week. L came across the advertisement in (26) local newspaper. I remember the interview as though it, were yesterday. The personnel manager sat (27) a Jarge desk. He asked me various questions (28) surprised me because all I wanted was to work in sales. An hour later, I was told that I had got the 2 Job and was given a contract to go over. I was to be trained for ten days before I took my post. Also, as a member of staff, I was (29) to some benefits, including discounts. When I eventually started, I was responsible for the toy section. I really enjoyed it there and I loved demonstrating the different toys. I was surprised at (30) friendly my colleagues were, too. They made working there fun even when we had to deal with customers who got on our nerves. On the whole, working there was a great experience which I will never forget. Cfu 25. A. so that B. because C.s0 D. and cau 26, Aca B. the co D.an Cau 27, Avat B. with C. behind D.in Cau 28, A. who B. whose C. where D. which Cfu 29, Avgive B. gave C. giving . given Cau 30, A. who B. which C. what D. how IX.Read the following passage and Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Some doctors think that you should drink a glass of water each morning. You should drink this water first thing, before doing anything else. The temperature of the water should be similar to body temperature; neither too hot nor too cold. Why should you drink this water? Water helps your body in many ways. It helps clean out your kidneys. It prepares your stomach for digestion. Water can also help your intestines work better. After drinking water, the intestines can more easily take out nutrients from our food. Water also helps us go to the bathroom more easily. Scientists suggest that people take in 1,600 res of water each day. But don’t drink all of that water in one If you do, your kidneys will have to work much harder to eliminate it, It's better to drink some in the morning and some in the afternoon. Some people think it’s better to drink between meals and not during meals. They think water dilutes the juices produced in our stomachs. This can interfere with normal digestion. Are you drinking enough water every day? Check the color of your urine, If itis light yellow, you are probably ing enough. If your urine is very dark yellow, you probably need to drink more water. A little more water each day could make you much healthier. Cu 31. How is the temperature of the water? A.as hot as possible B. neither too hot nor too cold C. either hot or cold D. as cool as possible (Cu 32. According to the passage, water is good for the following organs of the body, EXCEPT A. bones, B. livers C. temperature D. kidneys ‘CAu 33. The pronoun “It” in paragraph 2 refers to : A. your body B. water C. your kidney D. your stomach C4u 34, The word “eliminate” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to . A. support B. drink C. remove D. digest X.Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to in the original sentence in each of the following questions. ‘Cfu 35. “I will help you.” My father said to me. A, My father warmed me that he would help her. B, My father asked me to help him, C. My father told me he would help me. te the sentence that is closest in meaning to D. My father said that he would help you. Cu 36. Daisy asked, “Will you go tonight?” A. Daisy asked me if will I go night. B. Daisy asked me if I would go that night. C. Daisy asked me if I will go that night. D. Daisy asked me would I go that night. (Cu 37. People say that he is the most experienced worker in the factory. A. He is said the most experienced worker in the factory. B. He is said to be the most experienced worker in the factory. C. That he is the most experienced worker in the factory is said by people. D. He is to be said the most experienced worker in the factory. ‘CAu 38. Jack doesn’t want to hear her complaining any more. A. Jack has had enough of her complaining, B. Why doesn’t she complain more? C. Jack is too busy to listen to her complaining. D. Jack wishes to hear her complaining more and more, ‘XI-Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is best written from the words/ phrases given. Cu 39. Stephanie / not have / compass / got lost. A. If Stephanie had had a compass, she wouldn't have got lost. B. Stephanie didn’t get lost because she had a compass. C. If Stephanie has a compass, she won't get lost. D. If Stephanie had a compass, she wouldn’t get lost. C4u 40. What / wonderful / idea / she / had! ‘A. What wonderful idea she had! B. What wonderful an idea she had! C. What a wonderful idea she had! D. What wonderful an idea she had! —-HET— TS 10-Test7 Thdi gian lim bai: 40 pit (Khong ké thoi gian giao dé) ‘Hg fn thi sinh: sr ‘86 bao danh: Ma be O01, [.Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Cau. A.pick B. inside Gi D. sight Cau2. A. closed B, Jooked €. followed De rained TLMark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Cau 3. A. pattern B. design C. symbol D, fashion Cau 4, A. agency B. prisoner C. president D, disaster S1LMark the fetter A, B, € or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Cau 5, My father asked us not to spend too much time to play computer games. A. not to spend B. to play C. games D. much CAu 6. A new shopping mall built in my town now and it may be completed next year. A. may be B. built C.and D. completed fu 7. Thank you for inviting me to your party. | wish I can but I have so work tomorrow. A. your party B. can C. inviting D. have to Cu 8. The woman who son ig my friend has donated $ 1000 to the charity. A. the B. has donated Cis D. who IV.Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Cau 9. W's very kind you to help me. A. with Bit Cofor D.of Cu 10, If the weather ‘worse, we won’t go fo the beach. A. will get B. would get Cgets D. got Cau 11, You don’t seem very in the movie. Don’t you like it? A. interestingly B. interested C. interest D. interesting Cay 12. OF 4 kids, Julia is and best at English. ‘A. most hard-working B. as hard-working as C. more hard-working 1D. the most hard-working Cau 13. The students laughed when they saw the monkeys eating bananas. A. happily B. unhappy C. happy D. happiness CAu 14, Do you mind if tum the TV? I want to watch the news. A. out B. down C.on D. off Cau 15. They each other since they were children. A. have known B. knew C. has known D. know CAu 16, The kids were still playing football the heavy rain, Ain spite B. because of C. despite D. although Cau 17. She was that she always came top of the class A. too clever B. such clever C. so clever D. clever enough (Céu 18, The interviewer asked me why I learning English, A. would like B. will like Cu like D. liked Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Cu 19. They decided to postpone their journey till the end of the month because of the epidemic. ‘A. tum round B. put off, C. take up D. do with (Cu 20. My elder brother failed the exam, which depressed my parents. A. pleased B. encouraged C. disappointed D. satisfied Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. (Cu 21. Mr. Brown is a very generous old man. He has given most of his salary to a charity organization, A. hospitable B. mean C. honest D. kind ‘Cau 22. The Ao Dai is the traditional dress of Vietnamese ‘women. A. new B. conventional C. occasional D. modern ‘Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges. Cu 23. - Jack: “Well done! That's a very nice picture!” -Tom: “ ” A. Yes. I think so too, B. Wow. That's incredible. C. Thanks. It’s nice of you to say so. D. Right. I’ve painted a nice picture. (Cau 24, - Mrs. White: “Thank you very much for helping the disadvantaged children here!” - The volunteers: “ a A. It’s our pleasure. B. What a pity! C. That’s nice of you. D. Sorry, we don’t know. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks, Water is one of our most precious resources; put it simply, without water there would be no life. Unfortunately, many of us seem to have forgotten this fact, and as a result (25) world is facing the danger of (26) out of water. The actual sum of water on earth has changed little since the time of dinosaurs. The 2 problem has been caused by people's misuse of our water supply. This (27) means that we have polluted our rivers and seas, but also that we are wasting a great deal ofthis precious resource. Unfortunately, the (28) of the rain forests has made this problem worse since much of the rain that falls is lost because it runs off into the sea. The population of the earth is increasing daily, so itis vital that we find a solution (29) this problem before it is too late. Cau 25, AG Bean C. the D.a ‘Cau 26. A. running B. going C. getting D. turning Cfu 27. Aveither B. not only c) ‘Cau 28, A. destruction B. destroy C. destructively D. destructive Cau 29, A.with B. for C.to D. in Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. {Television is very popular and even has some benefits for kids. It helps very young children leam the letters of the alphabet, and helps other kids learn about science, cultures, and world events. However, researchers show that too much TV is bad for children, For one thing, there is a link between Watching more than four hours of TV a day and being overweight. For another thing, many TV shows are Violent and upsetting. Watching these shows may cause kids to be more fearful, And of course, more time ta front ofthe TV means less time to study. Too much TV may also be the cause of lower grades. Experts do not agree on the solution to these problems. Some say that kids should watch only educational Programs; others say kids should watch no TV at all. And others Suggest teaching them to watch TV as occasional entertainment, not as an everyday hobby. Cu 30. What is the passage mainly about? ither D. both ‘A. Why kids love TV B. Why kids shouldn’t watch TV C. Benefits of kids’ TV shows D. Effects of television on kids (Cu 31. According to the passage, watching a lot of TV may . A. cause children to get better grades B. cause children to be more fearful C. cause children to be more famous D. cause students to study more (Cu 32. The word “them” in paragraph 3 refers to A. problems B. programs C. experts D. kids Cu 33. The word “overweight” is CLOSEST in meaning to . A. thin B. slim C. short D. fat (Cu 34. Which sentence is TRUE according to the passage? A. TV is only good for entertainment. B. Kids should watch only educational shows. C. TV is always bad for children. D. Television has some benefits along with problems. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in ‘meaning t0 the original sentence in each of the following questions. (Cau 35. Jenifer is more intelligent than all the other students in my class. A. No student in my class isn’t as intelligent as Jenifer is, B. No student in my class is as intelligent as Jenifer is, C. No student in my class is as intelligent than Jenifer is. D. No student in my class is more intelligent as Jenifer is, Cu 36. “If 1 were you, I would take a break,” Tom said to Daisy. A. Tom suggested not taking a break. B. Tom advised Daisy to take a break. C. Tom offered Daisy to take a break. D. Tom wanted to take a break with Daisy. ‘Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to Indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. Cfiu 37. He felt very tired. However, he continued his work. A. Despite his tiredness, he continued his work. B. Although he felt slightly tired, he continued his work. C. Because he felt very tired, he continued his work. D. He felt so tired that he continued his work Cu 38, We broke the computer. It belongs to my father. A. We broke the computer which belongs to my father. B. We broke the computer, that belongs to my father. CC. We broke the computer which it belongs to my father. D. We broke the computer who belongs to my father. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most meaningful sentence written from the given words. fu 39. It/ believe / that / New York / most expensive / city / the world. A. It is believed that New York to be the most expensive city in the world, B. It believed that New York is the most expensive city in the world. C. It was believed that New York is the most expensive city in the world D. Its believed that New York is the most expensive city in the world. Cu 40. 1/ have /an / exciting / holiday / before. ‘A. Thave never had such an exciting holiday before. B. I never had such an exciting holiday before. C. Ihave had such an exciting holiday before. D. Ihave never have such an exciting holiday before. -—~HET- TS 10- Test 8 Thoi gian lam bai: 40 phuit (Khong ké thai gian giao dé) ‘Ho tén thi sinh: 86 bio danh: Ma Dé: 001. LMark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following ques Cau 1. Avhurl C. nurse D. curly Cau 2. A. recommended B. enjoyed C. arrived D. recognized ILMark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following ques Cau 3. A. city B. control C. pressure D. stressful Cau 4. A. surprise B. behave C.event D. damage IILMark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Cu 5. I find it interested to travel abroad because I can lear a Jot about different cultures. A. to travel B. because C. interested D.alot C4u 6. I sometimes wish that I will have another car. A.wish B. will have C. another D. sometimes Cu 7 | asked him how far was it to the station if | went there by taxi. A. asked B.if C. was it D. by taxi Cu 8. Your friends went to your hometown in Manchester last weekend, weren’t they? ‘A. weren’t they B. went to Cin D. your IV.Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. CAu 9. Since 2019, my mum_to her hometown yet. A. didn’t return B. doesn’t return C. retumed D. hasn’t returned Cu 10, She suggested that we to the beach for a change. A. going B. goes C.go D.to go C4u 11, Lan got up late, she couldn’t catch the first bus. A.so B.as C. when D. then Cau 12, do you go to the gym? - Three times a week. A. When B. How often (C. How many D. How much C4u 13, Her sister plays the violin . A. skillful B. skillfully C. skill D. skilled Cau 14, John’s mother’s birthday, he made her a bit Ao B.On Cat D.In CAu 15. She will get good marks if she hard. A. studying B. studies C. study D. studied CAu 16, Ha Noi is city in Viet Nam. A. the second biggest B. bigger than C. second bigger D. as big as Caw 17, After he his homework, he went to bed. A. had finished B. has finished C. finished D. finishes ‘Cfiu 18, The rule says that you bring any pets into the hotel ‘A. don’t have to B, shouldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn't V-Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Cau 19. Most of the students I knew at college were smart and industrious, A. intelligent B.lazy . hard-working D. active Cu 20. There are some drawbacks of living in a big city nowadays. A. disadvantages B. benefits C. advantages D. impacts ViMark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. (Cu 21, Tom has been trying to find a good job in the city and he has finally sueceeded. ‘A. managed B. stopped C. failed D. lost ‘Cfiu 22, Laura felt exhausted after a long worl A. drained B. tired C. depleted D. relaxed VIL-Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges, ‘Céiu 23. - Jane: “Congratulations! You have got high marks in the last term.” love to say so. B. Really? Never say so. C. Itis kind of you to say so. D. You're welcome. (Cau 24, - Nam: “Sorry for coming late, Tam.” ~ Tam: « p A. Lwish Icould do it. B. I don’t mind coming late. C. Sure, D. Never mind! VIILRead the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correet word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Over the last century, there have been (25) significant changes in the way we live. Obviously, it is difficult (26) the life of ancient people and the life of the people living in the twenty-first century because so many changes have occurred, Even the changes (27) have occurred over the last ten years are amazing. People in (28) Past were not able to travel such a long distance within such a short period of time. Nowadays, we have become very mobile, We have fast and comfortable cars. In addition, more and more people travel by plane. Moreover, in the past people had to work harder as they did not have tools and machines to make (29) work easier. Cau 25, A. little Beach C. many D. much Cau 26. ‘A. comparing B. compared C. to compare D. compare Cau 27. A. when B. who C. what D. that Cau 28. Avan Bo Ga D. the Cau 29, A. our B. their C. your D. my TX.Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that the original sentence in each of the following questions. ‘Céu 30, “What time did you come home last night, Mark?” said Tom. A. Tom asked Mark what time he had come home last night. B. Tom asked Mark what time he came home last night. C. Tom asked Mark what time had he come home the previous night. D. Tom asked Mark what time he had come home the previous night. ‘CAu 31. They reported that the explosion happened right after the conference. A. Its reported that the explosion happened right after the conference. B. It was being reported that the explosion happened right after the conference. C. It was reported that the explosion happened right after the conference. D. It reported that the explosion happened right after the conference. ‘CAu 32. We last visited Ho Chi Minh City 3 years ago. A. We didn’t visit Ho Chi Minh City for 3 years. B. We didn’t visit Ho Chi Minh City for 3 years go. C. We haven't visited Ho Chi Minh City for 3 years ago. D. We haven’t visited Ho Chi Minh City for 3 years X.Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. Cu 33, She / tell / me / quiet / because / baby / sleep. A. She told me to be quiet because the baby is sleepin B. She tells me to be quiet because the baby was sleeping. C. She told me to be quiet because the baby was sleeping. D. She told me be quiet because the baby was sleeping, (Cu 34, The river / be / deep / that / we / not / swim / it. A. The river was so deep that we can’t swim in it, B. The river is so deep that we can’t swim in it. C. The river is too deep that we couldn't swim in D. The river is such deep that we can’t swim in it (Cu 35. Linda / go / cooking class / every Wednesday evening. inda will go to cooking class every Wednesday evening, inda goes to cooking class every Wednesday evening, C. Linda went to cooking class every Wednesday evening. D. Linda goes cooking class every Wednesday evening, X1LRead the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. closest in meaning to Community service is a very important factor when it comes to bettering your society. Through my own experiences and observations, I have come to support my opinion on this issue. My experience that supports this theory involved my job last summer of 2004. I paced around the house for a while. Finally, I decided to sit down and read the newspaper. There was a section on the community which contained a list of volunteer activities. They ranged from helping in soup kitchens to helping as an electrici { called a number and decided to spend my time taking care of the grocery shopping for an elderly handicapped woman, She has since become a good friend. Finally, I was spending my time having fun. I was making a difference in one woman’s life. It may not have paid in dollars. The experience and pleasure I gained was more valuable to me than any amount of money I could have earned. Even more significant is the value and importance of community service in our society. Without community service in our society, many people would not know the importance of charity. Serving in your community takes away some of the problems that exist in your society and in the world as a whole. In conclusion, I believe that choosing to help your community through community service should be very important to you. Itis also important to the people around you. I feel that helping in your community to benefit others will bring you good things. You will also make the person you helped feel cared about, Cu 36. The text is mainly about : A. finding jobs in summer B. poor people in our society C. helping handicapped woman D. the importance of community service (C4u 37. The writer decided to spend his time . A. relaxing and having fun in summer B. finding a summer job C. taking care of the grocery shopping D. gaining money and experience Cu 38. Taking care of the grocery shopping helped the writer : ‘A. make a good friend B. pay a lot in dollars C. waste his time D. earn some money Cu 39. The word “valuable” means . A. helpful B. interesting C. impractical D. useless Cau 40. The writer believes that choosing to help your community through community service should be very important because it can. A. bring you a lot of money B. introduce you to other people CC. made a difference in your life D. bring you good thing HET. TS 10-Test 9 Thai gian lam bai: 40 phiit (Khong ké thai gian giao dé) Ho tén thi sinh: Sé bao danh: .. Ma Dé: 001. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Cau 1. A. invited B, liked C. needed D. ended Cau 2, A. collected B. passed washed D. talked ILMark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Cfu 3. A. apply B. likely C. lovely D. kiddy Cau, A. apply B. divide C. mountain prevent TILMark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Cu 5. Mr. Jim, who teaches Maths here, speaks very English. A. best B. well C. fluently D. good Cu 6. Mr, Bean enjoys the Internet in his free time. A.to surf B. surfing C. surf D. to surfing Cau 7. Did the Second World War last from 1920 19452 Avat B.to Con in Cu 8. Mr. Johnson, has a lot of teaching experience, will join the school in September. A. whom B. that C. who D. which ‘CAu 9, When I came to see him, he the gardening, A. was doing B. does C. has done D. did CAu 10. They hope to know this beautiful city better. A. to appear B. to have C. to need D. to get (CAu 11. I don’t bring enough money with me. I wish I enough to buy this ball. A. brought B. bring C. to brought D. can bring Cau 12. The boy is wearing the white shoes is my new classmate A. whieh B. who C. who he D. that he Cu 13. Look! The girls basketball in the school yard. A. played B. play C. were playing D. are playing ‘Cu 14, She'd love to go to the birthday party, but she had to the baby in the evening. A. switch off B. look after C. turn off D. turn on IV.Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions, ‘CAu 15, She'll take the new job whose salary is fanta: A. acceptable B. pretty high C. reasonable D. wonderful (Cu 16. Anna is concerned about her children. A. sad B. worried C. angry D. happy V.Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Cau 17. One of the keys to successful business is careful planning. A. falling B. victorious C. faulty D. impossible Cu 18. This shouldn’t be too stressful for him. A. uncomfortable B. tense C. demanding D. relaxing ViMark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges. Cu 19. - Jack: “Would you like to go camping - Donal: “ ” A. Yes, I’d love to B. Nope I would C. Yes, I would D. Yes, please Céiu 20. Kim and Lily are attending a party. - Kim: “Would you like some more Coke?” Lily“ @ A. I think so B. Yes, please C. Yes, let's D, I'm not sure ViLRead the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. On average, more than 100,000 wildfires, also called wildland fires or forest fires, destroy two million hectares of land in the U.S every year. A wildfire moves at speeds of about 20 kilometers an hour and can last for weeks, consuming everything = irees, brush, homes, and humans - in its path, There are three conditions for a wildfire. Oxygen is necessary for a fire to bum, Heat sources help start the Wildfire. Although most wildfires are started by people, natural factors like lightning, hot winds, and even the sun can all provide enough heat to start a wildfire. Firefighters fight wildfires by removing the conditions fora wildfire to burn. Traditional methods include using Wwater and fire retardants to put out the fires. Firefighters also fight wildfires with “controlled burning”. These controlled forest fires remove small trees, bushes, and ground litter from a forest. This will deprive a wildfire of fuel and prevent future forest fires. Although often harmful and destructive to humans, wildfires play an important role in nature. Even healthy forests contain dead trees and decaying plant matter. When a fire turns them to ashes, nutrients return to the soil, They also remove sick plants and harmful insects from forests. And by burning through thick leaves and branches, wildfires allow sunlight to reach the forest floor, making it possible for a new generation of trees to grow. C4u 21. What does the phrase “deprive a wildfire of fuel” in the third paragraph mean? A. provide a wildfire with fuel B, create fuel for a wildfire me next Sunday?”

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