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BCS303- Operating System

Maharaja Institute of Technology,Mysore

review team’s TIE SIMP 2024

Incase time is insufficient just focus on questions Marked in Bold

1. Define OS with a neat diagram, Explain its dual mode operation and also explain the
services of Operating system that are helpful for user and the system.
2. Explain (i)Microkernels (ii)Multiprocessor systems (iii)Term scheduling
(iv)Types of clustering (v)Virtual Machines (vi)Layered approach
3. Define System calls. What are the types of System calls?
4. Write a note on Computer System Organization.
5 . With a neat diagram, explain the different states of a process and process control
6. Distinguish between the following items: i) Multiprogramming and multitasking
(time sharing) (ii)Multiprocessor systems and clustered systems (iii) operating
systems for mainframe computers and personal computers
7. Discuss the methods to implement message passing IPC in detail.
8. Explain three requirements that a solution to a critical –section problem must satisfy. Illustrate Peterson's solution
for critical section problems and prove that the mutual exclusion property is preserved.
9. Define Semaphore. Show how semaphore provides a solution to the reader-writers problem.
9b. Write a note on i)multithreading models ii)different threading issues
iii)multiple-processor scheduling
10. Define the following: i)CPU utilization ii)Throughput iii)Turnaround time iv)Waiting
time v) Response time vi)Threads
11. Explain Dining-Philosophers problem using monitors.
12. Explain multithreading models, also list the benefits of multithreaded programming.
13. Build the Gantt chart and Calculate average waiting time and turn-around time for the
following snapshot of the process using FCFS, Round Robin, SJF, SRTF and priority
Scheduling algorithms. (practice similar problems)

Process ID Arrival Time Burst Time

P1 0 2
P2 3 6
P3 4 1
P4 5 4

14. What is preemptive scheduling and non-pre-emptive scheduling?

15. What are deadlocks? What are its characteristics? Explain the necessary conditions for its occurrence.
Discuss its recovery method in detail.
16. What is the Resource Allocation Graph (RAG)? Explain how RAG is very useful in
describing deadly embrace (deadlock) by considering an example.
17. Using Banker's algorithm determines whether the system is in a safe state.
18. Differentiate between: i)Logical address space and physical address space.
ii) Internal fragmentation and external fragmentation iii)Paging and
19. Explain the various steps of address binding with the help of a neat diagram.
20. Explain the structure of page table with respect to hierarchical paging
21. What is contiguous memory allocation? What are its drawbacks?
22. Explain with a diagram how TLB is used to solve the problem of simple paging scheme.

23. Explain Demand paging in detail.

24. What is a file? Explain file allocation methods by taking an example with the neat diagram. Write the
advantages and disadvantages.
25. What is a page fault? With the help of a supporting diagram, explain the steps involved in handling
page fault. Illustrate how paging affects the system performance
26. Explain copy-on-write process in virtual memory
. Problems:
i) Consider the page reference string: 1, 0, 7, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 3 0, 3, 2, 4, 0, 3, 6, 2, 1 for a memory with 3 frames.
Determine the number of page faults using FIFO, Optimal and LRU replacement algorithms. Which
algorithm is most efficient?
ii) For the following page reference string 7,0,1,2,0,3,0,4,2,3,0,3,2,1,2,0,1,7,0,1. Calculate the page faults
using FIFO, Optimal and LRU using 3 and 4 frames.
27. Explain the access matrix model of implementing protection in operating system
28. Discuss with figures : i) free space management ii)typical file control block iii) types of directory
structures iv) various file attributes

29. Explain the following disk scheduling algorithm in brief with examples: i)FCFS scheduling ii)SSTF
scheduling iii)SCAN scheduling iv) LOOK scheduling
30. Explain the access matrix model of implementing protection in the operating system. Explain the different
methods of implementing an access matrix model.
31. List the different disk scheduling techniques, explain any two. Consider the following disk queue requests.
32. Explain wrt LINUX system: i) components ii) interprocess communication mechanisms iii) different IPC
mechanisms available iv) process scheduling

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