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Duration : 1 Hour Max. Marks : 34

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5. Each question has a one or two digit number as answer. The first diagram
below shows improper and proper way of darkening the bubble with detailed
instructions. The second diagram shows how to mark a 2-digit number and a
1-digit number.
6. The answer you write on OMR sheet is irrelevant. The darken bubble will be
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7. Questions 1 to 2 carry 2 marks each: Questions 3 to 7 carry 3 marks each:
Questions 8 to 10 carry 5 marks each.
8. All questions are compulsory.
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10. Do all rough work in the space provided below for it. You also
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1. As shown in the figure, AB = BC = CD = DE =
EF = F G = GH;  = 70°. Find the size of  in degrees.

5 13
2. Given x  y  , x 2  y 2  . If the value of
2 4
, here p and q are coprime. Find the value 10q – p.

3. Find the smallest positive integer k such that 269 + k is

divisible by 127.
4. Given non-zero real numbers a, b and c satisfy 14 (a2 + b2

+c2) = (a + 2b + 3c)2, find the value of .

5. Find the number of integer solutions of the equation 13x –

7y = 0 satisfying the condition
80 < x + y < 120.
6. Let n be a positive integer such that n2+19n+48 is a perfect
square. Find the sum of possible values of n.

7. Find the value of .

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8. Let N be the set of all positive integers. A
function f : N  N satisfies f(m + n) = f(f(m) + n) for all m,
n N, and f(6) = 2. Also no two of the values f(6), f(9), f(12)
and f(15) coincide. If m be the number of three digit
positive integers n satisfy f(n) = f(2005), find m/5.
9. Three people A, B and C play a game of passing a
basketball from one to another. If n be the number of
ways of passing the ball starting with A and reaching A
again on the 11th pass. For example, one possible
sequence of passing is A  B  A B C A
BCB C B A. Find Sum of digits of N.
10. Given that  is an acute angle satisfying
369  360cos   544  480sin   25  0
find the value of 40 tan 

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Ques 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ans (10) (45) (65) (1) (4) (33) (1)
Ques 8 9 10
Ans (45) (16) (30)

1. Ans. 10°

Sol . A    ACB    CBD  2  CDB  2

 ECD  3  CED  3  EDF  4  EFD  4

 GEF  5  EGF  5  GFH  6  GHF  6
   7

Therefore   10

2. Ans. 45

x  y
Sol.  x 2  y 2  2xy

25 13 3
  2xy  xy 
4 4 2
5  3  5 
x 3  y3     3   
2  2  2 
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125 45 35
 
8 4 8
x 5  y5   x 3  y3  x 2  y 2   x 2 y 2  x  y 
 35  13   3   5 
        
 8  4   2   2 
455  45  4 455  180 275
 
32 32 32
10q – p = 320 – 275 = 45
3. Ans. 63

27  1 (mod 127) implies 27m   27   1m  1 (mod


127), hence (27)9(26)26mod(127) 269  64 mod(127)

Therefore the minimum value of k is equal to 127 – 64

= 63.

4. Ans. 1

14  a 2  b2  c2    a  2b  3c 

13a 2  10b 2  5c 2  4ab  6ac  12bc  0

 2a  b    3a  c    3b  2c   0
2 2 2

2a  b;3a  c;3b  2c
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5. Ans. 1

Sol. Since 13x = 7y has integer solution (0,0) so the general

solution is

x = 7t, y = 13t, ℤ

Then x + y = 20t, so 80 < x + y < 120  4 < t < 6, i.e.

t = 5. Thus

x = 35, y = 65

is the unique desired solution

6. Ans. 33

Sol: This question can be solved by factorization method.

Let n2 + 19n + 48 = m2 for some ℕ, then
4n 2  76n  192  4m 2 ,
so (2n + 19)2 – (2m)2 = 169

(2n –2m + 19) (2n + 2m + 19) = 132 = 1.169 = 13.13

The difference of 2n – 2m + 19 = 1 and 2n + 2m + 19 =

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169 yields 4m = 168, i.e. m = 42. Therefore n

= 33. By checking, 33 satisfies the given equation.

The difference of 2n – 2m + 19 = 13 and 2n + 2m + 19

= 13 yields m = 0, its impossible for n > 0. So n = 33 is
the unique required solution.

7. Ans. 1

n 1 (2n2 1 2n)  (2n2 1 2n) 1  1 1 
  
4n4 1 4 (2n2 1)2  (2n)2 4  2n2 1 2n 2n2 1 2n 
1 1 1 
 
4  2 n 2  1  2n 2n 2  1  2n 

n 1   1 1  1

n 1 4n  1
   2
 2  
4 n 1  2n  1  2n 2 n  1  2n  4
8. Since f(6+n) = f(f(6) + n) = f(2+n) for all n, the function
f is periodic with period 4 starting from 3 onwards.
Now f(6), f(5) = f(9), f(4) = f(12) and f(3) = f(15) are four
distinct values. Thus in every group of 4 consecutive

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positive integers  3, there is exactly one that
is mapped by f to f(2005). Since the collection of three
– digit positive integers can be divided into exactly 225
groups of 4 consecutive integers each, there are 225
three digit positive integers n that satisfies f(n) =
f(2005). m/5 = 225/5 = 45
9. Ans. 16

Sol. Let ak denote the number of ways that the kth pass
reach A. We have a1 = 0.
ak = 2(ak-2 + 2ak-3 + ……….+ a1 + 1)
ak – ak-1 = 2ak-2
Thus a1 = 0, a2 = 2,….,a11 = 682
10. Ans. 30

Sol. Let X  369  360cos  and Y  544  480sin 

observe that
X 2  122  152  2 12 15  cos 
Y 2  122  20 2  2 12  20  cos  90   

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And 152  202  25 2   X  Y  , so we can

construct a right angled triangle ABD as shown

In particular ABC =  and CBD = 90º – . We can

Check that ∆ACB is in fact similar to ∆ABD. So
ADB=  and 40 tan   40   30

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