JAM Evaluation Rubrics.xlsx - Sheet1

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Excellent Very Good Fair Average

5 pts 4 pts 3 pts

Preparation Excellent Very Good Fair Average

Clever attention-
getting introduction
with a clear indication Introduction does not grab attention.
of the thesis and Introduction orients the audience to topic Introduction establishes the There is not an easily identifiable
major points to be and theme, but is not engaging. The topic or the theme but not thesis or idea of the major points to
discussed. audience has an idea of what is to follow. both. Not attention-getting. be discussed.
Presence of
mind Excellent Very Good Fair Average

understanding of topic
and uses effective
transitions. Support Demonstrates a clear understanding of the Content is accurate, but
material displays topic. Generally effective transitions but does not demonstrate Little or no grasp of the information.
original, relevant, and support material lacks in originality, depth,development, or Support material may be inaccurate,
logical thought. relevancy and/or thought. complete understanding. inappro-priate, and/or too general.
Organization Excellent Very Good Fair Average

Thoughts are clearly Ideas flow smoothly from introduction to Logical progression of There appears to be no clear
organized, developed, conclusion. Transitions are generally thoughts, but transitions are structure of thoughts. Ideas lack
and supported to effective. awkward. An attempt at direction. Transitions are awkward
achieve the purpose. structure is present, but can and/or non-existent.
Transitions are be illogical or inconsistent.
effectively utilized to
create a smooth
transition from point to
Eye Contact Excellent Very Good Fair Average

Speaker rarely refers

to notes. Makes Speaker maintains inconsistent eye contact
sustained eye contact with the audience or focuses on one Speaker frequently refers to
with all members of person/part of the audience, ignoring the notes and makes little eye Speaker reads the speech and/or
the audience. rest. contact with the audience. rarely looks at the audience, if at all.
Vocal Delivery Excellent Very Good Fair Average
Excellent vocal
expression including
appropriate variance
in volume, pitch, and Some vocal expression, but Monotone and/or mumbling. Not
rate. Enthusiastic Good vocal expression including lacking in enthusiasm, effective in maintaining the
about topic. appropriate volume, pitch, and rate. volume, pitch, and/or rate. audience's attention.

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