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Unit 1_Analysing Datasets _ Puzzles with Analytical Thinking


1. In a class, there are 15 students who like chocolate. 13 students like vanilla. 10 students like
neither. If there are 35 people in the class, how many students like chocolate and vanilla?
A. 3 B. 10 C. 2 D. 13 E. 25

2. A given company has 1500 employees. Of those employees, 800 are computer science majors.
25% of those computer science majors are also mathematics majors. That group of computer
science/math dual majors makes up one third of the total mathematics majors. How many
employees have majors other than computer science and mathematics?
A. 300 B. 250 C. 200 D. 100 E. None of these

3. At an overpriced department store there are 112 customers. If 43 have purchased shirts, 57 have
purchased pants, and 38 have purchased neither, how many purchased both shirts and pants?
A. 14 B. 26 C. 74 D. 38 E. The answer cannot be determined

4. In a school, 70 students are taking classes. 35 of them will be taking Accounting and 20 of them
will be taking Economics. 7 of them are taking both of these classes. How many of the students are
not in either class?
A. 15 B. 50 C. 22 D. 63 E. 35

5. There are 15,000 students at college X. Of those students, 1,700 are taking both ethics and
metaphysics this semester. There are 2,200 total students taking ethics. 9,500 students are taking
neither of these classes. How many students are taking metaphysics this term?
A. 3800 B. 3300 C. 1600 D. 5,000

6. In a class of 100 students, 43 play basketball and 37 play baseball. 9 students play both. How
many students do not play either sport?
A. 29 B. 20 C. 71 D. Not enough information to answer the question E. 38

7. There are 400 students in a class. 50 of them take German and 150 take Latin. Some students
take two languages. There are 230 students who take no language whatsoever. How many
students are there who take at least one language?
A. 170 B. 130 C. 30 D. 200 E. 70

8. In a group of persons travelling in a bus, 6 persons can speak Tamil, 15 can speak Hindi and 6 can
speak Gujarati. In that group, none can speak any other language. If 2 persons in the group can
speak two languages and one person can speak all the three languages, then how many persons are
there in the group ?
A) 21 B) 22 C) 23 D) 24
9. In a town of 500 people, 285 read Hindu and 212 read Indian Express and 127 read Times of India,
20 read Hindu and Times of India and 29 read Hindu and Indian Express and 35 read Times of India
and Indian express . 50 read no news paper . Then how many read only one paper ?
A) 123 B) 231 C) 312 D) 321

10. Out of 120 students in a school, 5% can play all the three games Cricket, Chess and Carroms. If so
happens that the number of players who can play any and only two games is 30. The number of
students who can play Cricket alone is 40. What is the total number of those who can play Chess
alone or Carroms alone ?
A) 45 B) 44 C) 46 D) 24

11. Main street high school has 10 members on its football team and 14 members on its science
club. 5 members at the school belong to both the football and science teams. How many students
belong to only the science club team or football team?
A) 9 B) 14 C) 24 D) 21

12. In a college, there are three student clubs, Sixty students are only in the Drama club, 80 students
are only in the Dance club, 30 students are only in Maths club, 40 students are in both Drama and
Dance clubs, 12 students are in both Dance and Maths clubs, 7 students are in both Drama and
Maths clubs, and 2 students are in all clubs. If 75% of the students in the college are not in any of
these clubs, then the total number of students in the college is _____________.
(A) 1000 (B) 975 (C) 900 (D) 225

13. In a sports academy of 300 people, 105 play only cricket, 70 play only hockey, 50 play only
football, 25 play both cricket and hockey, 15 play both hockey and football and 30 play both cricket
and football. The rest of them play all three sports. What is the percentage of people who play at
least two sports?
A. 23.30 B. 25.00 C. 28.00 D. 50.00

14. Among 150 faculty members in an institute, 55 are connected with each other through Facebook
® and 85 are connected through WhatsApp ® . 30 faculty members do not have Facebook ® or
WhatsApp ® accounts. The number of faculty members connected only through Facebook ®
accounts is ______________.
A) 35 B) 45 C) 65 D) 90

15. Of the 200 candidates who were interviewed for a position at a call center, 100 had a two-
wheeler, 70 had a credit card and 140 had a mobile phone. 40 of them had both, a two-wheeler and
a credit card, 30 had both, a credit card and a mobile phone and 60 had both, a two wheeler and
mobile phone and 10 had all three. How many candidates had none of the three?
A. 0 B. 20 C. 10 D. 18 E. 25
16. In a class of 40 students, 12 enrolled for both English and German. 22 enrolled for German. If the
students of the class enrolled for at least one of the two subjects, then how many students enrolled
for only English and not German?
A. 30 B. 10 C. 28 D. 18 E. 32

17. In a class 40% of the students enrolled for Math and 70% enrolled for Economics. If 15% of the
students enrolled for both Math and Economics, what % of the students of the class did not enroll
for either of the two subjects?
A. 5% B. 15% C. 0% D. 25% E. None of these

18. In a class of 120 students numbered 1 to 120, all even numbered students opt for Physics, those
whose numbers are divisible by 5 opt for Chemistry and those whose numbers are divisible by 7 opt
for Math. How many opt for none of the three subjects?
A. 19 B. 41 C. 21 D. 57 E. 26

19. In a class election, 190 votes were cast of three candidates. Jake received 6 more votes than
twice as many as Simon received, while Adam received 8 votes less than three times as many as
Simon. How many votes did Jake receive?
A) 32 B) 88 C) 70 D) 80 E) 90

20. A club has 256 members of whom 144 can play football, 123 can play tennis, and 132 can play
cricket. Moreover, 58 members can play both football and tennis, 25 can play both cricket and
tennis, while 63 can play both football and cricket. If every member can play at least one game, then
the number of members who can play only tennis is
A. 38 B. 32 C. 45 D. 43

1. A 2. A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B

11.A 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.D

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