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Client: Althea

Althea is 19 yrs old currently lived in Prk. Paradise, Tambler G.S.C. She was
a Senior High studemt and currently enrolled at Banisil National High School
one of the honor student on their class she was eager to finish her study
because someday she want to become an educator.

Althea has been through a lot on her journey. Six years ago, her father
passed away, and her family struggled to make ends meet. Her mother had to
go overseas to find work, leaving Althea feeling disconnected and frustrated.
Luckily, her aunt has been a great source of comfort and support, providing a
safe place for her to stay and offering words of encouragement. Despite all of
this, Althea remains determined to finish her studies and achieve her dreams.

However, Althea's awareness of government programs and services aimed at

supporting individuals like her is hindered by her lack of knowledge on how to
avail them effectively. Her busy schedule, compounded by personal matters
and academic commitments, leaves her with limited opportunities for active
participation in community activities and access to available resources.

Althea is in a dire situation and needs our immediate intervention. Her

financial instability, strained relationship with her mother, and lack of guidance
on accessing support services are all hindering her academic progress and
future opportunities. It's crucial that we act fast and provide targeted support
to empower her to overcome these challenges and achieve her potential. With
timely assistance, we can help Althea to fulfill her aspirations and make the
most out of her life.


Alysa is 22 years old and currently lived in Purok Paradise. Facing a lot of
challenges that are making it difficult to achieve her dreams and provide to
her family. She’s had to stop her studies due to they need to take care her
one year old baby, but still she dreams of cuntinuing her studies and pursue
her goals in life.

Financial struggles are currently she face. Her partner sole breadwinner, but
his employment is irregular if there’s “habwa” there’s time he can work,
leaving them vurnerable to financial instability. This puts a strain on their
finances and makes it difficult for Alysa to pursue her own goals, such as
finding a job or starting her own business.

Adding to these challenges is the fact Alysa childcare responsibilities limit her
ability to engage in income generating activities. Despite her valuable skills in
manicures, pedicures, and cooking, she's unable to leverage them due to the
lack of capital required to start a business. This means that she's not able
to contribute to the family's income in the way that she would like.
However, there is hope for Alysa. With the right support, she could use her
skills to start her own business and achieve economic self-sufficiency. By
providing her with financial support and access to entrepreneurial resources,
she could establish a sustainable livelihood enterprise that would not
only increase the family's income but also give her a sense of empowerment
and autonomy.

Alysa's situation is really tough and it shows how hard it is for young people
today who are trying to be good parents, make ends meet, and find their way
in the world. It's not just one thing that's making it hard for her - it's a whole
bunch of things that are all happening at once. In proper intervention that will
help her get the education and skills she needs to get a good job and take
care of her family. With the right support, Alysa can overcome all these
challenges and create a better future for herself and her loved ones.


The client was resident of Prk Paradise for almost 4 yrs she was originated
from Jose Abad Santos, Davao Occidental she move here in gensan due to
separation of her parents and currently she lives with in her mother. She has
decided to temporarily stop on her studies in order to work. She has realized
that finding a job to support herself is more important.

Even though she is still under the care of her mother, her mother's earnings
are not enough to meet their daily needs. Therefore, Aimy chose to work first
to continue her life.Aimy's determination to continue her education is evident,
despite setbacks encountered along the way. Last year, she enrolled in the
Alternative Learning System (ALS) of Barangay Tambler, demonstrating her
commitment to pursuing her academic goals. However, after nearly four
months, she decided to discontinue her studies due to conflicts between her
study schedule and work commitments.

Despite facing challenges, Aimy remains resolute in her aspirations,

particularly her dream of becoming a policewoman. She acknowledges the
importance of education in achieving her career goals but finds herself at a
crossroads due to financial constraints and a lack of awareness about
available programs and services that offer by our goevernment to someone
like her.
To effectively address Aimy's problem, we must take a proper intervention.
Providing financial assistance and scholarships to support Aimy's educational
pursuits is a crucial first step. Additionally, it's vital to raise awareness and
improve accessibility to government programs and services designed to help
individuals like Aimy. By empowering Aimy to navigate through her challenges
more effectively, we can help her to achieve her goals and overcome her
difficulties. Let's work together to create a brighter future for Aimy and others
like her!

Angiely, she's been living in Prk. Paradise for almost two years now. Originally
from Margus in Saranggani Province, she had to move to General Santos City
after her mother passed away. It was a difficult time for her as she lost her
primary source of support and guidance. As a result, Angiely had to put her
studies on hold to deal with the she feel an immense amount of pain and
sadness caused by her tragic loss. Despite these challenges, she's a strong
and resilient person who's working hard to overcome her difficulties and move
forward with her life.

Currently, Angiely finds herself in a state of emotional distress, struggling to

come to terms with the loss of her mother. The absence of her mother, who
served as her support system, has left Angiely feeling lost and alone, with no
one to turn to for comfort or understanding. Her inability to express her
emotions and articulate her struggles exacerbates her sense of isolation and
despair, leaving her vulnerable and in need of support.

Despite the overwhelming grief and emotional turmoil she experiences,

Angiely remains determined to continue her education and pursue her dream
of becoming a teacher. However, the process of healing and coping with the
loss of her mother takes time to heal, delaying her academic aspirations.
Angiely's journey towards academic and personal fulfillment is hindered by the
profound impact of her mother's death, highlighting the urgent need for
intervention and support to help her navigate through this challenging period.

Addressing Angiely's situation requires a proper intervention that prioritizes

her emotional well-being and academic success. Providing her with access to
counseling and bereavement support services can help her process her grief
and develop healthy coping mechanisms. Additionally, fostering a supportive
environment where Angiely feels heard, understood, and supported can
facilitate her healing process and empower her to resume her studies when
she is ready.


The client, is a 16-year-old resident of Prk. Paradise, Tambler G.S.C. She has
spent grown up in Paradise after moving there from Prk. Balunto Labangal.
Despite owning a house in Paradise, her family lives as informal settlers and
they are fully aware of their situation. Our client is currently studying as a
Grade 10 student at Banisil National High School, and she is doing
exceptionally well academically. She is also an active participant in
extracurricular activities such as singing and dancing. However, despite her
achievements, she remains disengaged from her community and shows little
interest in what's happening around her.

This disengagement is a significant problem because it deprives her of

opportunities to contribute positively to her community and access programs
and services offered by the barangay. Even though there have been initiatives
for community engagement, especially involving the youth, she chooses not to
participate, seeing it as a waste of time. Unfortunately, this means that she is
missing out on potential benefits and opportunities that active participation
has to offer.

Moreover, the client's disinterest in community engagement is a reflection of a

larger issue of disconnection and apathy among the youth in the community.
Without active participation, she and others like her may fail to realize their
potential to effect positive change and address issues affecting their
community. Additionally, by not engaging, she may be missing out on
valuable opportunities for personal growth, skill development, and social
connections that active participation in community activities can provide.

To address this problem, it need proper intervention and motivate on the client
and other disengaged youth to actively participate in community initiatives and
activities. Providing opportunities for meaningful involvement and highlighting
the benefits of community engagement can help foster a sense of belonging
and responsibility among youth, empowering them to contribute positively to
their community and access available programs and services.

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