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DE I (1) 982540/2024/EW , 2024 ൈല 11

Un¸mÀ«vsaâ sSÌv ൈല 2024

1. tIcf ]»nIv kÀÆokv I½oj³ 2024 ൈല hnÚm]\{]Imcw

Xncph\´]pcw, FdWmIpfw, tImgnt¡mSv taJeIfnse hnhn[ PnÃm
]co£mtI{µ§fn h¨v \S¯m³ \nÝbn¨n«pÅ Un¸mÀ«vsaâÂ
]co£IÄ¡v Hm¬sse³ aptJ\ At]£IÄ £Wn¨psImÅp¶p.
At]£IÄ 2024 ആഗസ് 14 - - cm{Xn
- 12 aWn hsc kzoIcn¡p¶XmWv.
\nÝnX kab¯n\p ap³]p Xs¶ e-payment kwhn[m\w D]tbmKn¨v
^okv ASbv¡p¶Xn\pw At]£ kaÀ¸n¡p¶Xn\pw ]co£mÀ°nIÄ
{]tXyIw {i²nt¡−XmWv. Hm¬sse³ aptJ\bÃmsXbpÅ
At]£IÄ \ncp]m[nIw \nckn¡p¶XmWv. tIcf ]»nIv kÀÆokv
I½ojsâ HutZymKnI sh_v sskämb eqsS
cPnkvt{Sj³ ]qÀ¯nbm¡nbXn\ptijw ]co£mÀ°nIÄ¡v
At]£n¡mhp¶XmWv. ap³ ]co£IÄ¡v Hm¬sse\mbn
At]£n¡p¶Xn\p th−n cPnÌÀ sNbvXn«pÅ ]co£mÀ°nIÄ Hcp
ImcWhimepw ho−pw cPnÌÀ sN¿phmt\m H¶n IqSpXÂ
s{]mss^ \ne\nÀ¯phmt\m ]mSpÅXÃ. AhÀ {]kvXpX
cPnkvt{Sj\neqsS (s{]mss^eneqsS) am{Xw Hm¬sse\mbn
At]£nt¡−XmWv. kÀÆoknepÅ കാ ചപരിമിതരായ ]co£mÀ°nIÄ¡v
th−n \S¯p¶ hmNm ]co£ (Viva – Voce)þ¡v
(G.O.(P)No.31/11/P&ARD dated 7-9-2011 {]Imcw) At]£n¡phm³
{]tXyI hnÚm]\w ]pds¸Sphn¡p¶XmWv. BbXn\mÂ
ImgvN]cnanXcmb ]co£mÀ°nIÄ Cu hnÚm]\ {]Imcw

1.(a) ]co£mÀ°nIÄ hnÚm]\w വ മായി വായി തി േശഷം മാ തേമ

At]£ kaÀ¸n ാവൂ. hnÚm]\ {]Imcമു നിർേ ശ ൾ
പാലി ാെതയു അേപ£കൾ അേയാഗ മാ െ!ടു#താ$.

2. OMR/ONLINE ആയി നട വ തല പരീ യെട േചാദ േപ റകളി"

% ീഷില' എല
% ാ േചാദ )* ം മലയാള പരിഭാഷ -ടി ഉ*െ ട/ താണ് .
3. Second Class Language Test in Malayalam (Tamil/Kannada), Minority
Language Test (Tamil/Kannada), Malayalam Language Test F¶nh
hnhcWmßI (Descriptive) coXnbnepw hIp¸pXe ]co£bpsS
_m¡nbpÅ FÃm sSÌpIfpw 2012 Pqsse apXÂ Objective
coXnbnepamWv ]co£ \S¯p¶Xv. 2019 P\phcn apXÂ Alpha Code
_m[Iambn«pÅ ONLINE/OMR ]co£bmWv \S¯p¶Xv. Hmtcm
t]¸dnsâbpw ]camh[n amÀ¡v 100-Dw hnPbn¡p¶Xn\pÅ an\naw amÀ¡v
40% Dw BWv. Negative Mark _m[IamWv. Hmtcm icnbp¯c¯n\pw 1
amÀ¡v e`n¡pIbpw Hmtcm sXäp¯c¯n\pw 1/3 (aq¶nsem¶v) amÀ¡v
\ãamIpIbpw sN¿pw. hIp¸pXe ]co£IÄ¡v \nehnepÅ with
books/without books coXn XpScp¶XmWv. ഈ വി3ാപന 4കാരം
വിവരണാ5ക പരീ കളം, 4ാേയാഗിക പരീ കളം ഒഴിെകയ' പരീ ക*
ഓ:ൈല;/ ഓ.എം.ആ> പരീ കളായാണ് നട/ ത് .

3.1 ]co£IÄ Xncph\´]pcw, FdWmIpfw, tImgnt¡mSv F¶o aq¶v

taJeIfnembn \S¯phm\mWv \nÝbn¨ncn¡p¶Xv. AXmXv
taJeIfnse ]co£mtI{µ§fpsS e`yXbv¡\pkrXambn
]co£mtI{µw A\phZn¡p¶XmWv. hnhn[ taJeIfnepÄs¸Sp¶
PnÃIÄ NphsS tNÀ¡p¶p.

1. Xncph\´]pcw taJe (Xncph\´]pcw, sImÃw, ]¯\wXn«,

Be¸pg PnÃIÄ)

2. FdWmIpfw taJe (tIm«bw, CSp¡n, FdWmIpfw, XriqÀ,

]me¡mSv PnÃIÄ)

3. tImgnt¡mSv taJe (ae¸pdw, tImgnt¡mSv, hb\mSv, I®qÀ,

ImkÀtKmUv PnÃIÄ)

]co£mÀ°nIÄ¡v AXmXp taJeIfn DÄs¸Sp¶ PnÃIÄ

ap³KW\m {Ia¯n sXcsªSp¡mhp¶XmWv. e£Zzo]nse
]co£mÀ°nIÄ¡v tImgnt¡mSv/FdWmIpfw taJeIfnte¡v
Hm¬sse³,OMR ]co£bv¡v At]£n¡mhp¶XmWv.

3.1(a) KSR Part I, Rule 12 (7) t\m«v 2 {]Imcw \nÀ_ÔnX

hIp¸pXe ]co£bn ]s¦Sp¡p¶ Poh\¡mÀ¡v ]co£m
Znhkw/Znhk§Ä {]kvXpX ]co£mtI{µ¯nte¡pw
Xncn¨papÅ bm{Xbv¡v Bhiyamb kabw DÄs¸sS
Uyq«nbmbn ]cnKWn¡phm³ hyhØbp−v. KSR Part II,
Rule 77-79 {]Imcw hIp¸pXe ]co£bn ]s¦Sp¡p¶
Poh\¡mÀ¡v AÀlamb bm{Xm_¯ A\phZ\obamWv.

3.2 hIp¸pXe ]co£bn At]£n¡p¶Xn\v ap³]mbn

]co£mÀ°nIÄ Hm¬sse\mbn Department Test One-time
Registration sNt¿−XmWv. cPnkvt{Sj³ kab¯v Hmtcm
]co£mÀ°nbpw X§fpsS hyàn]camb hnhc§fmb
P\\¯obXn, taÂhnemkw, HutZymKnI ]Zhn, HutZymKnI
taÂhnemkw apXembh \ÂIp¶Xnt\msSm¸w \nÀt±in¡s¸«
coXnbn X§fpsS t^mt«m (3.3(a) ImWpI) A]vtemUv
sNt¿−XmWv. XpSÀ¶v Hcp 'User ID' \ÂIp¶XmWv.
]co£mÀ°nIÄ¡v Xs¶ 'Password' Dw 'User ID' Dw
sXscsªSp¡mhp¶XmWv. Ch c−pw clkyambn
kq£nt¡−Xpw At]£bneqsS \ÂIp¶ hyàn hnhc§Ä
icnbmsW¶v Dd¸v hcpt¯−Xpw ]co£mÀ°nIfpsS
NpaXebmWv. Hcp ]co£mÀ°n bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw H¶nÂ
IqSpXÂ cPnkvt{Sj³ / s{]mss^Â krãn¡m³ ]mSnÃ.
s{]mss^en B[mÀ ImÀUnsâ hnhc§Ä DÄs¸Spt¯−XmWv.
H¶n കൂടുതൽ cPnkvt{Sj³ / s{]mss^ krãn ു¶
]co£mÀ°nIfpsS ]co£mÀ°nത ം റ ാ ു തും അവർെ തിെര
ഉചിതമായ അ ട നടപടികൾ ക!ീഷൻ സ ീകരി ു തുമാ&.

3.3 X§fpsS 'User ID," 'Password' F¶nh D]tbmKn¨v Hmtcm

{]mhiyhpw At]£ £Wn¡p¶ apdbv¡v ]co£mÀ°nIÄ¡v
hIp¸pXe ]co£IÄ¡v At]£ kaÀ¸n¡mhp¶XmWv.
]co£bv¡v At]£ kaÀ¸n¡m³ ]co£mÀ°n Hä s{]mss^Â
Xs¶ D]tbmKnt¡−XmWv. Hä s{]mss^en \n¶pw GXv
hIp¸pXe ]co£bv¡pw At]£n¡m³ Ignbpw.

3.3(a) cPnkvt{Sj\v D]tbmKnt¡− t^mt«mbpsS khntijXIÄ

3.3(a)1. t^mt«m 31.12.2014 \v tijw FSp¯hbmbncn¡Ww.

P\phcn 2024 apXepÅ At]£IcnÂ, BZyambn

hIp¸pXe ]co£bv¡v One Time Registration sN¿p¶hÀ \nÝnX
am\ZWvU§Ä ]men¨p sIm−v Bdp amk¯n\Iw FSp¯ t^mt«m
A]vtemUv sNt¿−XmWv. Upload sNbvX t^mt«mbv¡v Upload
sNbvX XobXn apX 10 hÀj¡met¯¡v {]m_eyap−mbncn¡pw.
\nehn cPnÌÀ sNbvXn«pÅ ]co£mÀ°nIÄ 10 hÀj Imemh[n
A[nIcn¨ Photo IÄ¡p ]Icw ]pXnb t^m«m Upload
At]£Isâ t]cpw t^mt«m FSp¯ XobXnbpw
t^mt«mbn {]nâv sN¿pItbm aäp hn[¯n tcJs¸Sp¯pItbm
(hyàambn hmbn¡¯¡ coXnbnÂ) sNbvXncn¡Ww. വ തല
പരീ ാ െ4ാൈഫലിെല േപ@ം േഫാേAായി" േരഖെ ടCിയിരി േപ@ം
( Initial ഉ*െ െട) ഒ ായിരിEണം

3.3(a)2. ]co£mÀ°nbpsS apJhpw tXmÄ`mKhpw hyàambn

]Xnªncn¡¯¡ hn[¯nepÅ IfÀ/»m¡v Bâv sshäv
]mÊvt]mÀ«v sskkv t^mt«mbmbncn¡Ww A]vtemUv

3.3(a)3. 200 ]nIvsk Dbchpw, 150 ]nIvsk hoXnbpw DÅXpw

jpg t^mÀamänepÅXpw 30kb ^b sskknÂ
A[nIcn¡m¯Xpamb CtaPpIÄ BWv upload sNt¿−Xv.
A{]ImcaÃm¯ CtaPpIÄ \ncp]m[nIw

3.3(a)4. shfp¯tXm Cfw \nd¯ntem DÅ ]Ým¯e¯n FSp¯

t^mt«m Bbncn¡Ww (t^mt«mbnepÅ hyànsb
Xncn¨dnbm³ km[n¡p¶ Xc¯n ]Ým¯ew plain

3.3(a)5. apJw t\scbpw ]qÀ®ambpw t^mt«mbpsS a²y`mK¯v


3.3(a)6. I®pIÄ hyàambn ImW¯¡ hn[¯nembncn¡Ww.

3.3(a)7. sXm¸n, (aXmNmc¯nsâ `mKambpÅ sXm¸n / intcmhkv{Xw

F¶nhsbmgn¨v) tKmKnÄkv F¶nh [cn¨v FSp¯tXm
apJ¯nsâ Hcp hiw am{Xw ImW¯¡ hn[¯nepÅtXm
apJw hyàaÃm¯tXm Bb t^mt«mIÄ F¶nh
D]tbmKn¡m³ ]mSnÃ.

3.3(a)8. samss_Â t^m¬, Web Cam F¶nh D]tbmKn¨v FSp¡p¶

t^mt«mbpw Polaroid & Computer Generated Photo F¶nhbpw

3.3(a)9. Cfw \nd¯nepÅ hkv{Xw [cn¨v FSp¯ t^mt«m

3.3(a)10. BZy L«¯n cPnkvt{Sj³ \S¯nbt¸mÄ ]gb
amXrIbnepÅ t^mt«m A]vtemUv sNbvXhÀ C\n ]co£
FgpXp¶Xn\v At]£n¡pt¼mÄ ]pXnb amXrIbnepÅ
t^mt«m Ahkm\ XobXn¡p ap¼mbn A]vtemUv

t\m«v: 1þ10 hscbpÅ \nÀt±i§Ä ]men¡m¯ t^mt«m DÅ

At]£IÄ \ncp]m[nIw \nckn¡p¶XmWv.

3.3(b). hIp¸pXe ]co£bv¡v Hm¬sse³ At]£IÄ BZyambn

£Wn¨ 2011 P\phcn¡v ap¼mbn Hcp ]mÀ«nsâ t]¸dpIÄ
`mKnIambn Pbn¨n«pÅhÀ tijn¡p¶ t]¸dpIÄ¡pw
kÀ«n^n¡än\pw ^okv HSp¡n Hm¬sse³ aptJ\
At]£nt¡−XmWv. 2011 P\phcn apX kÀ«n^n¡äv ^okv
HSp¡pIbpw F¶m ]co£ tXm¡pIbpw sNbvXhÀ
ho−pw kÀ«n^n¡äv ^okv HSpt¡−XnÃ. 2011 P\phcnbnse
hIp¸pXe ]co£ apXÂ At]£n¡pIbpw hnhn[
ImcW§fm At]£ \nckn¡s¸SpItbm Paper Disallow
BhpItbm sNbvXn«pÅhcpw kÀ«n^n¡äv ^okv HSp¡pIbpw
Hcp XhW t]mepw ]co£ FgpXmXncn¡pIbpw sNem³
verify sN¿mXncn¡pIbpw, sNbvXn«pÅhcpw e-payment
kwhn[m\w D]tbmKn¨v ]pXnb \nc¡n kÀ«n^n¡äv ^okv
ho−pw HSpt¡−XmWv.

3.3(c). ]co£mÀ°nIfpsS s{]mss^en AhcpsS t^mt«mtbmSp

IqSnb Admission Ticket e`yam¡p¶Xpw BbXv download
sNbvXv (tae[nImcn bYmhn[n km£ys¸Sp¯n) ]co£bv¡v

3.3(d). hIp¸pXe ]co£IÄ¡v At]£ kaÀ¸n¡p¶Xn\pÅ

Ahkm\ XobXnhscbpw X§Ä kaÀ¸n¨ At]£bnse
hnhc§Ä (DZm:- t]¸dpIÄ, sSÌv, taJe apXembh) amän
\ÂIp¶Xn\v ]co£mÀ°nIÄ¡v A\phmZw
D−mbncn¡p¶XmWv. Ahkm\ XobXnbn \nehnepÅ
t^mt«mbpw aäp hnhc§fpw AS§nb At]£Ifmhpw
]cnKWn¡pI. Online Application ]qcn¸n¡p¶Xn\v ap³]v
hnÚm]\w hniZambn hmbnt¡−XmWv. hnÚm]\w
I½ojsâ sh_v sskän e`yamWv.
3.3(e). ]co£bv¡pÅ kabhnhc¸«nI bYmkabw KkänÂ
]ckys¸Sp¯p¶XmWv. kabhnhc¸«nIIÄ ]»nIv
kÀÆokv I½ojsâ sh_v sskäv, PnÃm/taJem Hm^okpIÄ
F¶nhnS§fn \n¶pw ]co£mÀ°nIÄ¡v d^d³kn\v
e`n¡p¶XmWv. IqSmsX Hmtcm ]co£mÀ°n¡pw Bhiyambn
hcp¶ ]co£IfpsS kabhnhc¸«nI (ssSwtS_nÄ)
AhchcpsS s{]mss^en e`yam¡p¶XmWv. hyàn]cambn
]co£mÀ°nIÄ¡v kabhnhc ]«nIIÄ X]menÂ

4. I½njsâ 5-3-2003 - se 17þmw \¼À Xocpam\{]Imcw hIp¸pXe ]co£

tIcf kwØm\ kÀÆokn DÅhÀ¡v am{Xambn
]cnanXs¸Sp¯nbncn¡p¶p AÃm¯hcn \n¶pw e`n¡p¶ At]£IÄ
\ncp]m[nIw \nckn¡p¶XmWv.

5. At]£m^okv :- 2019 sabv apXÂ hIp¸pXe ]co£m ^okv \nc¡v

]pXp¡n \nÝbn¨n«p−v. ]co£mÀ°nIÄ ]pXp¡nb \nc¡n ^okv
HSpt¡−XmWv. (k.D.(A¨Sn.) \w. 28/2019 [\ D¯chv XobXn 8-.3.-2019)

Hm¬sse³ _m¦nwKv kwhn[m\w D]tbmKn¨pÅ e-payment

aptJ\bmWv ]co£m ^okpw, kÀ«n^n¡äv ^okpw HSpt¡−Xv (sNem³
D]tbmKn¨v {SjdnIfn t\cnt«m / C - sNem³ aptJ\tbm
]WsamSp¡p¶Xv kzoImcyaÃ) e-payment aptJ\ ]WsamSp¡p¶Xn\v
]co£mÀ°nIfpsS s{]mss^ense "Make Payment" F¶ Hm]vj³
D]tbmKn¡mhp¶XmWv. Sn Hm]vj³ hgn ]co£mÀ°n¡v {Sjdn
hIp¸nsâ sskänte¡v {]thin¨v Hm¬sse³ Bbn ]Ww
HSp¡mhp¶XmWv. CXn\mbn ]co£mÀ°nt¡m/_Ôs¸«hÀt¡m
GsX¦nepw _m¦nsâ Online Banking Account BhiyamWv. {Sjdn
sskän \n¶pw ]Ww HSp¡p¶Xn\mbn _m¦nwKnte¡v
{]thin¡pt¼mÄ e`yamIp¶ GR Number (Government Reference No.)
Ipdns¨Sp¯v kq£nt¡−XmWv. ]Ww HSp¡n¡gnªmÂ
]co£mÀ°nbpsS s{]mss^en GR Number DÄs¸sS payment details

5.1. e-payment CS]mSv ]qÀ¯nbmIp¶Xn\nSbn s\äv hÀ¡v XIcmÀ

DÄs¸sS kmt¦XnI XS椀 ImcWw Account - \n¶pw ]Ww
debit BIpIbpw CS]mSv ]qÀ¯nbmImsXbpw h¶m t\cs¯
Ipdns¨Sp¯ GR Number D]tbmKn¨v _m¦v/ {Sjdnsb kao]n¨v
]Ww HSp¡nbXv kw_Ôn¨ hyàX hcp¯mhp¶XmWv.
5.2 Hmtcm t]¸dn\pw 160/-- - -- (\qän Adp]Xv) cq] F¶ \nc¡nemWv
]co£m^okv. Cu ASnØm\¯n F{X t]¸dpIÄ D−v F¶v
IW¡m¡n apgph³ ]co£m^okpw HSpt¡−XmWv. 2019
Pqssebnse hIp¸pXe ]co£ apX Hcp kÀ«n^n¡än\v 210/--
(Ccp¶qän ]¯v) cq] \nc¡n F{X kÀ«n^n¡än\mtWm
At]£n¡p¶Xv A{Xbpw XpI kÀ«n^n¡äv e`n¡p¶Xn\v
HSpt¡−XmWv. ]co£m ^okv, kÀ«n^n¡äv ^okv C\§fnÂ
HSpt¡−p¶ XpI Default Bbn ImWmhp¶XmWv. P\phcn 2011
apX hIp¸pXe ]co£bv¡v At]£n¡pIbpw, kÀ«n^n¡äv ^okv
HSp¡pIbpw sNbvXhÀ AtX s{]mss^eneqsS At]£n¨mÂ
am{Xta HSp¡nb kÀ«n^n¡äv ^okv km[phmbn
]cnKWn¡pIbpÅq. (AÃmsXbpÅ At]£IÄ
\nckn¡p¶XmWv). Hcn¡Â AS¨ ]co£m^okv bmsXmcp
ImcWhimepw XncnsI e`n¡p¶XÃ.

5.3 Hcp slUv Hm^v A¡u−nte¡v HSp¡s¸« ]Ww asämcp slUv

Hm^v A¡u−nte¡v amäphm³ Ignbp¶XÃ. AXmbXv kÀ«n^n¡äv
^okn\mbn HSp¡nb ]Ww ]co£m^okmtbm Xncnt¨m
hIbncp¯phm³ km[n¡nÃ.


(F) t\cn«pÅ \nba\w hgntbm ss_{Sm³kv^À apJm´nctam

\nban¡s¸«n«pÅ Hcp DtZymKØsâ s{]mt_jsâtbm
s{Sbn\nwKnsâtbm ]qÀ¯oIcW¯nt\m, GsX¦nepw XkvXnIbnÂ
C³{Insatâm Øncs¸Sp¯tem e`n¡p¶Xnt\m, DbÀ¶ XkvXnIbnte¡v
DtZymK¡bäw In«p¶Xnt\m Hcp t]mÌn ]ng IqSmsX XpScp¶Xnt\m
GsX¦nepw sSÌv ]mÊmbncn¡Wsa¶v \nÀt±in¨n«ps−¦n (obligatory
test) {]kvXpX sSÌpIÄ¡pw kÀÆoknepÅ BfpIÄ¡v ]pXpXmbn
GsX¦nepw sSÌv GÀs¸Sp¯nbn«ps−¦n A{]ImcapÅ sSÌpIÄ¡pw
G.O.(MS)166/76/PD dated 04-06-1976 A\pkcn¨v Poh\¡mÀ¡v AXmXv
hIp¸nse DtZymK¡bä§Ä¡v (Line of Promotion) DÅ
XkvXnIIfnte¡v Bhiyamb hIp¸pXe ]co£IÄ¡pw At]£IcnÂ
\n¶v ]co£m ^okv CuSm¡p¶XÃ. (Free Chance). Cu kuP\yw Hmtcm
sSÌns\ kw_Ôn¨nSt¯mfhpw HcmÄ¡v H¶n IqSpX XhW
e`n¡p¶XÃ. (G.O.(MS)26/76/PD dated 25-01-1976). c−mas¯ XhW
apXÂ ^okv CuSm¡p¶XmWv.

Hcp ]co£bv¡v free chance-Â At]£n¡pIbpw F¶mÂ

GsX¦nepw ImcWhim ]co£ FgpXmXncn¡pIbpw sNbvXm AXpw
^okv kuP\yw A\phZn¡s¸«n«pÅ XhWbmbn
IW¡m¡s¸Sp¶XmWv. Hmtcm sSÌn\pw apgph\mbn«mWv ^okv kuP\yw
A\phZn¡s¸«n«pÅXv. AÃmsXbpÅ ]et]¸dpIfpÅ Hmtcm
sSÌnsâbpw Hmtcm t]¸dpIfmbn«Ã. (G.O.(MS)29/75/PD dated 6-2-
1975). DZmlcWambn A¡u−v sSÌn\v At]£n¡p¶ HcmÄ¡v (4
t]¸dn\pw IqSn ]co£ FgpXnbmepw Csænepw) Hcp {]mhiyw am{Xta
^okv kuP\yw In«pIbpÅq. B ]co£bn FÃm t]¸dpIfpw
Pbn¡m³ km[n¨n«nÃmsb¦n ASp¯ XhW apX tXmä
t]¸dpIÄ¡pw At]£n¡mXncp¶ t]¸dpIÄ¡pw ^okv HSp¡n

taÂ]dª B\pIqey§Ä G.O.(MS)249/70/PD dated 22-7-1970

A\pkcn¨v Khs×âv kÀÆoknepÅ ssS¸nÌpIÄ¡pw
kvsät\m{Km^ÀamÀ¡pw G.O.(MS)274/71/PD dated 27-8-1971
A\pkcn¨v ]»nIv kÀÆokv I½oj³ \S¯p¶ Fkv.Fkv.FÂ.kn
Ìm³tUÀUv (S.S.LC Standard) epÅ ¢dn¡Â ]co£bv¡v Ccn¡phm³
A\paXn e`n¨n«pÅ Xmgv¶ hcpam\¡mcmb kÀ¡mÀ Poh\¡mÀ¡pw
G.O.(Rt.) No.706/75/PD dated 21-7-1975 A\pkcn¨v tIcf JmZn Bâv
hntÃPv C³Ukv{Sokv t_mÀUnse Poh\¡mÀ¡pw G.O. (Ms.)
No.302/75/G.Edn. Dated 17-12-1975 A\pkcn¨v hIp¸pXe ]co£
H»ntKädnbmbn \nÝbn¡s¸«n«pÅ tIcf¯nse FbvUUv
sslkv¡qfntebpw FbvUUv s{Sbn\nwKv kvIqfnsebpw slUv
amÌÀamÀ¡pw aäv Poh\¡mÀ¡pw G.O.(Ms.)No.146/76/G.Edn. Dated
04.08.1976 A\pkcn¨v H»ntKädnbmbn \nÝbn¡s¸«n«pÅ hIp¸pXe
]co£IÄ¡pw tIcf¯nse ൈ4adn kvIqfpIfnsebpw A¸À ൈ4adn
kvIqfpIfnsebpw slUvamÌÀamÀ¡pw ]n.Un So¨ÀamÀ¡pw
G.O(P)No.150/77/PW dated 17-09-1977 A\pkcn¨v s]mXpacma¯v
hIp¸nse AknÌâv F©n\obÀamcpsS s{]mt_j³
]qÀ¯oIcn¡p¶Xn\pw XpSÀ¶v DtZymK¡bäw In«p¶Xn\pw
\nÀ_Ôam¡s¸«ncn¡p¶ ]n.U»yp.Un. am\z ]co£bv¡pw (P.W.D.
Manual Test) e`n¡p¶XmWv.

tIcf ]©mb¯v hIp¸nse Poh\¡mÀ¡v

G.O.(MS)No.215/86/LAD dated 28-10-1986 {]Imchpw, ap\nkn¸Â
tIma¬ kÀÆoknse Poh\¡mÀ¡v k.D.(ssI) \w. 25/2021/D.`.].h XobXn
07.10.2021 {]Imchpw, tIcf A{KnIĨd bqWnthgvknän Poh\¡mÀ¡v
G.O(Rt.) No.101/78/AD dated 16.01.1978 {]Imchpw H»ntKädnbmbn
\nÝbn¡s¸«n«pÅ hIp¸pXe ]co£IÄ¡v ^okv kuP\y¯n\v
AÀlX D−mbncn¡p¶XmWv. എ ാ" മF് യGണിേവഴ് സിFി ജീവനEാ>E്
നിലവി" ഫീസ് സൗജന Cിന് അ>ഹത ഉLായിരി തല% . 29.03.2023
തീയതിയിെല ജി.ഒ.(എം.എസ് ) നം.7/2023/പി&എ.ആ>.ഡി.നU> ഉCരവി;
4കാരം െപാVേമഖലാ സWാപന)ളിെല ജീവനEാ>E് , നി>ബYമായം
പാസZ ാേകL വ തല പരീ ക* എഴV തിന് ഒ@ തവണ മാ[ം \ീ ചാ;സ്
അ]വദി^ിAL് . {Sjdn, tem¡Â ^−v BUnäv F¶o hIp¸pIfnse
Poh\¡mÀ HgnsIbpÅhÀ¡v Account Test (Higher)–\v ^okv
kuP\y¯n\v AÀlX D−mbncn¡p¶XÃ. hnZym`ymk hIp¸nse Higher
Secondary School Teacher, Vocational Higher Secondary School Teacher,
Non Vocational Higher Secondary School Teacher, BtcmKy hIp¸ntebpw,
saUn¡Â hnZym`ymk hIp¸nsebpw Staff Nurse, Head Nurse F¶o
XkvXnIIfn tPmen t\m¡p¶hÀ¡v hIp¸pXe ]co£ \nÀ_Ôw
AÃm¯Xn\m ^okv kuP\y¯n\v AÀlX D−mbncn¡p¶XÃ.

hIp¸pXe ]co£IÄ¡v Hm¬ sse³ aptJ\ At]£

kaÀ¸n¡pt¼mÄ "Free Chance" F¶ Hm]vj\n ¢n¡v sN¿p¶
kab¯v "Yes" F¶p tcJs¸Sp¯p¶p F¶Xp sIm−v am{Xw
]co£mÀ°n¡v {^o Nm³kv e`n¡p¶Xn\v AÀlX D−v F¶v
[cnt¡−XnÃ. At]£IfpsS kq£va ]cntim[\m thfbn "Free
Chance"-Â ]co£ FgpXp¶Xn\v AÀlXbnÃm¯ ]co£mÀ°nIfpsS
At]£ \nckn¡p¶XmWv. BbXn\m "Free Chance" e`n¡p¶Xn\v
(^okv ASbv¡msX ]co£ FgpXp¶Xn\v ) X§Ä¡v AÀlX D−v
F¶v _Ôs¸« kÀ¡mÀ D¯chv ]cntim[n¨v Dd¸v hcp¯nb tijw
am{Xw BbXnte¡v At]£nt¡−XmWv.

(_n) ^okv kuP\y¯n\v AÀlcmbn«pÅhÀ {]kvXpX hnhcw

At]£bn tcJs¸Sp¯p¶Xp IqSmsX Admission Ticket – se
kÀ«n^n¡äv X§fpsS hIp¸p ta[mhntbtbm B^okv ta[mhntbtbm
sIm−v kÀ«nss^ sN¿nt¡−Xpw _Ôs¸« tImf¯n amÀ¡v

6. Annexure – A bn 6- Bbn sImSp¯ncn¡p¶ ]n.U»yp.Un. am\zÂ

]co£, s]mXpacma¯v hIp¸nse AknÌâv F©n\obÀamÀ¡v
s{]mt_j³ ]qÀ¯nbm¡p¶Xn\pw XpSÀ¶pÅ DtZymK¡bä¯n\pw
Ct¸mÄ \nÝbn¨n«pÅ A¡u−v sSÌv temhdn\pw ]n. U»yp.Un.
]co£bv¡pw ]pdta \nÀ_Ôam¡nbn«pÅXmWv. (G.O(P)No.150/77/PW
dated 17-09-1977)
t\m«v: (F) Annexure – A bn t]meokv sSÌv 19, 20 F¶nh {]tXyIw
sSÌpIÄ Xs¶bmbncn¡pw (G.O(MS)No.146/82/Home(A)Department dated 16-

7. Annexure - A bn 24, 25 Bbn sImSp¯ncn¡p¶ tIcf PbnÂ

Hm^otkgvkv sSÌv - aq¶mw t]¸À, tIcf Pbn kt_mÀUnt\äv
Hm^otkgvkv sSÌv c−mw t]¸À ({]mÎn¡Â) ]co£bv¡v Pbn sF.Pn
AwKoIcn¨n«pÅ Øm]\§fn \n¶pw AXmbXv 30.09.1993 hsc
RICAþÂ \n¶pw/SICAþÂ \n¶pw 01.10.1993 apXÂ 13.10.2003 hsc
SICAþÂ \n ് am{Xhpw 14.10.2003 apXÂ RICA-Â \n¶pw/SICAþÂ
\n¶pw BwUv Bâv kvIzmUv {UnÃn (ssd^nÄ jq«nwKv, dnthmÄhÀ
jq«nwKv apXembh) ]cnioe\w hnPbIcambn ]qÀ¯nbm¡nb
kÀ«n^n¡äv e`n¨hÀ¡v am{Xta At]£n¡m³ AÀlXbpÅq.
Xangv\m«nse shÃqcnepÅ RICAþbpsS t]cv APCA (Academy of Prisons &
Correctional Administration) F¶m¡n amänbn«pÅXn\m Sn Øm]\¯nÂ
\n¶pw kÀ«n^n¡äv t\Snbn«pÅhÀ¡pw {]mtbmKnI ]co£bv¡v
At]£n¡mhp¶XmWv. A\p_Ôw "F' bn 25þmaXmbn
sImSp¯ncn¡p¶ tIcf Pbn kt_mÀUnt\äv Hm^otkgvkv sSÌv
c−mas¯ t]¸dn\pÅ {]mtbmKnI ]co£bv¡v (Practical Test)
Xncph\´]pcw Pbn s{Sbn\nwKv kvIqfn \n¶pw {]kvXpX sSÌn\pÅ
]cnioe\w hnPbIcambn ]qÀ¯nbm¡nbn«pÅhÀ¡v am{Xta
അേപ ി വാ; AÀlX D−mbncn¡pIbpÅq. AÃmsXbpÅhcpsS
At]£IÄ ]cnKWn¡p¶XÃ. s{Sbn\nwKv t\Snbn«pÅ kÀ«n^n¡änsâ
icn¸IÀ¸v kzbw km£ys¸Sp¯n tPmbnâv sk{I«dn, Un¸mÀ«vsaâv sSÌv
hnwKv, tIcf ]»nIv kÀÆokv I½oj³, ]«w, Xncph\´]pcw F¶
hnemk¯n hIp¸pXe ]co£bpsS At]£ kzoIcn¡p¶ Ahkm\
XobXn¡p ap¼mbn e`n¡¯¡hn[w Ab¨pXtc−XmWv. AÃm¯hcpsS
At]£IÄ \nരു]m[nIw \nckn¡p¶XmWv. Ahsc {]mtbmKnI
]co£bv¡v ]s¦Sp¸n¡p¶XÃ.

ta¸dªncn¡p¶ sSÌpIfpsS {]mtbmKnI ]co£IÄ

Xncph\´]pct¯m, XrÈqtcm, I®qtcm I½oj\v kuIcyw F¶v
tXm¶p¶ atäsX¦nepw tI{µ¯nÂht¨m \S¯p¶Xmbncn¡pw.
{]mtbmKnI ]co£ \S¯p¶ Øehpw XobXnbpw bYmhkcw

8. Annexure – A bn 31--þaXmbn sImSp¯ncn¡p¶ tIcf ]©mb¯v sSÌv,

]©mb¯v Un¸mÀ«vsaânse bp.Un ¢mÀ¡pamÀ, slUv ¢mÀ¡pamÀ,
]©mb¯v FIvknIyq«ohv Hm^okÀamÀ F¶nhÀ¡p th−n
G.O.(MS.)No.154/75/LA & SWD dated 9-7-1975 {]Imcw \S¯p¶
s]mXp]co£bmWv. ap¼v \S¯nbncp¶ tIcf ]©mb¯v FIvknIyq«ohv
Hm^otkgvkv sSÌv {]kvXpX D¯chv {]Imcw \nÀ¯em¡n Ignªp.
tIcf ]©mb¯v FIvknIyq«ohv Hm^otkgvkv sSÌnsâ FÃm
t]¸dpIfpw CXn\Iw Xs¶ Pbn¨n«pÅhsc ]©mb¯v sSÌv
FgpXp¶Xn \n¶pw Hgnhm¡nbn«p−v. tIcf ]©mb¯v FIvknIyq«ohv
Hm^otkgvkv sSÌnse GsX¦nepw t]¸dpIÄ Pbn¡phm³ DÅhÀ
]©mb¯v sSÌnse XZ\pkrXamb (Corresponding) t]¸dn\v tNÀ¶v
Pbn¨m aXnbmIp¶XmWv.

(F) Un¸mÀ«vsaâ sSÌv t^mÀ Zn FIvknIyq«ohv Bâv an\nÌocnbÂ

Ìm^v Hm^v sI.Fkv.C. t_mÀUv F¶ hIp¸pXe ]co£bpsS
]gbkne_Ên aq¶mas¯ t]¸dmb Eletcrictiy Supply Act
{]kvXpX kne_Ên ]mÊmIp¶Xn\v c−v Ahkcw (07/2019,
01/2020) \ÂInbncp¶Xpw Sn t]¸À hnPbn¡p¶ apdbv¡v ]gb
kne_ÊnepÅ kÀ«n^n¡äv \ÂIp¶Xpw, 1/2019 apX ]cnjvIcn¨
kne_ÊnepÅ Eletcrictiy Act 2003, Companies Act 2013 & Rules
Dw AXnt\msSm¸w ]pXpXmbn DÄs¸Sp¯nb Goods and Services
Tax, Indian Contract Act – 1872- Dw ]mÊmIp¶hÀ¡p am{Xw
]pXnb kne_ÊnepÅ kÀ«n^n¡äv \ÂIp¶XpamWv.

(_n) Annexure – A bn 24--þaXmbn sImSp¯ncn¡p¶ Kerala Jail

Officers Test- sâ H¶mas¯ t]¸À ]gb kne_ÊnÂ
]mÊmbhÀ¡v Sn t]¸À ]pXnb kne_Ên At]£n¨p
hnPbn¡p¶ apdbv¡v ]pXnb kne_Ên DÅ kÀ«n^n¡äv

9. FÃm sSÌpIfpw `mKnIambn ]mÊmImhp¶XmWv. AXpsIm−v

]co£mÀ°nIÄ¡v AhÀ ]mÊmtI− sSÌpIÄ apgph\mtbm Ht¶m
AXne[nItam t]¸dpIÄ¡v am{Xamtbm tNcphm\pÅ kzmX{´yw
D−mbncn¡pw. ONLINE/OMR amXrIbnepÅ sSÌpIfpsS kabw
A¡u−v sSÌv (temhÀ)þ sI.Fkv.BÀ, A¡u−v sSÌv
(lbÀ)þsI.Fkv.BÀ., A¡u−v sSÌv t^mÀ FIvknIyq«nhv
Hm^otkgvkv t]¸À – II (sI.Fkv.BÀ.), FIvsskkv sSÌv (]mÀ«v F &
]mÀ«v _n ) F¶nh HgnsI H¶c aWn¡qÀ Bbncn¡p¶XmWv. A¡u−v
sSÌv (temhÀ)þsI.Fkv.BÀ., A¡u−v sSÌv (lbÀ)þsI.Fkv.BÀ.,
A¡u−v sSÌv t^mÀ FIvknIyq«nhv Hm^otkgvkv t]¸À – II
(sI.Fkv.BÀ.), FIvsskkv sSÌv - (]mÀ«v F & ]mÀ«v _n) F¶o
]co£IÄ¡v c−v aWn¡qÀ Bbncn¡pw kab ssZÀLyw.

10. DtZymK\nba\¯n\pÅ sXcsªSp¸p ]co£IÄ aebmfw Hgn¨pÅ

{]mtZinI `mjIfn FgpXp¶hÀ¡p th−n (G.O.(Ms.) No.142/66/PD
dated 31-3-1966, G.O.(P)No.356/82/GAD dated 3-11-1982, G.O .(P) No.
164/84/GAD dated 31-5-1984) \S¸m¡nb aebmfw sk¡âv ¢mÊv
emwtKzPv sSÌv (Second Class Language Test in Malayalam) A\p_Ôw
'F' (Annexure – A) bn 42 -þmaXmbn tNÀ¯n«p−v. kne_kv, amÀ¡v,
kab{Iaw XpS§nb hniZhnhc§Ä A\p_Ôw 'kn' (Annexure -C)
bn sImSp¯ncn¡p¶p.

10.(F) \yq\]£ `mj kwkmcn¡p¶ {]tZi§fn tPmen sN¿p¶

DtZymKØÀ¡v {]kvXpX `mjbn {]mtbmKnI ]cnÚm\w
BhiyamsW¶Xn\m 12-9-1968 se G.O.(MS.)No.290/68/PD
{]Imcw GÀs¸Sp¯nb ssat\mdnän emwtKPv sSÌv (Xangv/I¶S)
A\p_Ôw 'F' (Annexure – A) bn 43 -þmaXmbn tNÀ¯n«p−v.
19-12-1987 se G.O(MS.)No.283/87/LAD {]Imcw tIcf
ap³kn¸Â kÀÆokv Poh\¡mÀ¡pw ssat\mdnän emwtKzPv sSÌv
FgpXmhp¶XmWv. kne_kv, amÀ¡v, kab{Iaw XpS§nb
hniZhnhc§Ä A\p_Ôw 'Un' (Annexure -D) bnÂ

11. Annexure – A bn 48 aXmbn sImSp¯ncn¡p¶ tIcf Npa«p sXmgnemfn

\nba§sf kw_Ôn¨ hIp¸pXe ]co£ tIcf Npa«p sXmgnemfn
t£a\n[n t_mÀUnse bp.Un ¢mÀ¡v XkvXnIbnte¡v Øm\¡bäw
aptJ\tbm XkvXnI amäw aptJ\tbm \nba\w e`n¡p¶Xn\mbn Manual
of Office Procedure, A¡u−v sSÌv (temhÀ) F¶nhbv¡p ]pdta
\nÀ_Ôambpw Pbn¨ncnt¡−XmWv. (G.O(Rt.)No.3022/2008/sXmgnÂ
dated 31-12-2008)

12. FÃm sSÌpIÄ¡pw Pbn¡p¶Xn\mhiyamb Gähpw Ipdª amÀ¡v

Hmtcm t]¸dn\pw 40% (\m¸Xv iXam\w) BWv.

13. dh\yq sSÌpIÄ 2011 Pqsse apX ]pXnb kne_kn am{Xta FgpXm³
A\phZn¡pIbpÅq. ap³]v `mKnIambn ]gb kne_ÊnÂ
]mÊmbn«pÅhÀ kÀ«n^n¡äv e`n¡p¶Xn\v ]pXnb kne_kn \mev
t]¸dpIfpw FgpXn ]mÊmtI−XmWv. F¶m P\phcn 2011 hscbpÅ
t\m«n^nt¡j\pIÄ {]Imcw hntÃPv B^otkgvkv am\z ]co£
]mÊmbn«pÅhcpw 2019 P\phcn hscbpÅ hnÚm]\§Ä {]Imcw
bqWnss^Uv hntÃPv am\z tIma¬ t]¸À ]mÊmbn«pÅhcpw ]pXnb
kne_Êv {]ImcapÅ dh\yq sSÌnsâ \memas¯ t]¸dn\v ho−pw
]co£ FgptX−XnÃ. ]co£mÀ°nIÄ ta ]co£IÄ ap³]v
]mÊmbn«pÅXmbn ØncoIcWw \ÂIpt¼mÄ dh\yq sSÌnsâ 4
t]¸dpIfpw DÄs¡mÅp¶ kÀ«n^n¡äv \ÂIp¶XmWv.
14. Free Chance-þ\v Bhiys¸Sp¶, A\y{X tkh\¯n (On Deputation)
XpScp¶ Poh\¡mÀ Parent Department – se B^okv ta[mhn / hIp¸v
ta[mhnsbs¡m−v AUvanj³ Sn¡änse kÀ«n^n¡äv

(F) P\{]Xn\n[nIfpsS t]gvkW Ìm^n AwKambn«pÅ kÀ¡mÀ

Poh\¡mÀ hIp¸pXe ]co£bv¡v lmPcm¡p¶ AUvanj³
Sn¡änse km£ys¸Sp¯epIÄ _Ôs¸« P\{]Xn\n[n Xs¶
\nÀÆln¨mepw aXnbmIpw. AhcpsS t]cv, ]Zhn apXembh
DÄs¡mÅp¶ koepIÄ bYmØm\¯v \nÀ_Ôambpw

15. Hmtcm sSÌpw AXmXp hIp¸nse DtZymKØÀ ]mÊmbncn¡Wsa¶v

ImemIme§fn ]pds¸Sphn¨n«pÅ kÀ¡mÀ D¯chn³ {]Imcw
\nÀ_Ôam¡nbn«pÅXmWv. (Pbn sSÌv, tIcf kvtääv s{]mt_j³
sSÌv, cPnkvt{Sj³ sSÌv, tem¡Â ^−v BUnäv Un¸mÀ«vsaâ sSÌv,
t^mdÌv sSÌv, ]©mb¯v sSÌv, tIm-Hm¸tdäohv sSÌv,
sUhe¸vsaâv Un¸mÀ«vsaâ sSÌv, tIcf kvtääv {Sm³kvt]mÀ«v
kÀÆoknse AwK§Ä¡pÅ sSÌv F¶nh AXmXp hIp¸nse
DtZymKØ·mÀ¡v am{XapÅXmWv. tIcf kvtääv s{]mt_j³ sSÌv
kmaqlyt£ahIp¸nse Unkv{SnÎv s{]mt_j³ B^okÀamsc
Dt±in¨n«pÅXmWv. hnhn[ hIp¸pIfnepÅhÀ¡v AXmXp hIp¸pIfnÂ
\nÀ_ÔnXam¡nbn«pÅ FÃm sSÌpIfpw FgpXphm³
Ignb¯¡hn[amWv I½oj³ ssSwtS_nÄ X¿mdm¡p¶Xv. F¶mÂ
GsX¦nepw hIp¸n \nÀ_ÔnXaÃm¯ ]co£bv¡v At]£n¡p¶
ഉേദ)ാഗാർ+ികൾ ുേവ,ി {]kvXpX ]co£ FgpXphm³ km[n¡p
വിധ.ിൽ ssSwtS_nfn amäw hcp¯p¶XÃ.

16. 31.07.1986-se GO(Ms) No. 249/86/GAD A\pkcn¨v C´y³ t^mdÌv

kÀÆokv (I.F.S.) -epÅ Pq\nbÀ sa¼ÀamÀ¡v bqWnss^Uv A¡u−v
sSÌv {]tXyIw \S¯p¶Xn\m 15.12.1978–se GO(Ms)No.549/78/GAD
A\pkcn¨pÅ A¡u−v sSÌv (temhÀ) \mev t]¸dpIÄ
_m[Iambncn¡p¶XÃ. {]kvXpX kÀÆoknepÅhÀ {]tXyI hnÚm]\
{]Imcw bqWnss^Uv A¡u−v sSÌn\v At]£n¨p sImtÅ−XmWv.
C´y³ t^mdÌv kÀÆokv (I.F.S.) – epÅ Pq\nbÀ sa¼ÀamÀ "t^mdÌv
sSÌv t^mÀ FIvknIyq«ohv Bâv I¬t{SmfnwKv Ìm^v " F¶ ]co£bv¡v
Cu hnÚm]\ {]Imcw At]£nt¡−XnÃ. Sn ]co£bv¡v At]£IÄ
£Wn¨psIm−pÅ hnÚm]\w 19-2-1985 XobXnbnse GO (Ms) No.
74/85/GAD A\pkcn¨v {]tXyIw {]kn²s¸Sp¯p¶XmWv.

17. Annexure-'A' bn 15 -aXmbn sImSp¯ncn¡p¶ ap³kn¸Â Un¸mÀ«vsaâÂ

sSÌv, ap³kn¸Â Un¸À«vsaân tPmen sN¿p¶ ¢mÀ¡pamÀ¡pth−n
12-7-1978 XobXnbnse G.O (Rt.)2072/78/LA &S.W.D, 25-5-1979
XobXnbnse G.O(Rt.)1712/79/LA & S.W.D, 20-2-1981 XobXnbnse
G.O(M.S)3681/LA & S.W.D. F¶o D¯chpIÄ {]Imcw \S¯p¶
]co£bmWv. Cu ]co£bptSbpw tIcf ap³kn¸Â sSÌv aq¶mw
t]¸dntâbpw kne_kv H¶p Xs¶bmWv.

18. ]co£m lmfn _p¡pIfpsS klmbt¯mSpIqSn D¯csagpXmhp¶

sSÌpIÄ (with books) GsXÃmamsW¶v A\p_Ô¯n kne_kv
hnhcn¡p¶nS¯v hyàam¡nbn«p−v. A§s\bpÅ sSÌpIÄ¡v
\nÝbn¨n«pÅ ]pkvXI§fpw (Kh¬saâv {]kn²oIcW§Ä am{Xw)
Ahbn hcp¯nbn«pÅ t`ZKXnIfpw XÂkw_Ôambn Khs×âv
{]kn²s¸Sp¯nbn«pÅ BÎv Bâv dqÄkv am{Xw D]tbmKn¡mhp¶XmWv.
kÀ¡mÀ D¯chmIp¶ apdbv¡v \nÝnX t]¸dn\v \nÀ±nã Imemh[n¡v
A\phZn¡p¶ kzImcy {]kn²oIcW§Ä am{Xta XZ\pkrXambn
]co£mlmfn D]tbmKn¡phm³ A\phmZapÅq. C{]Imcw Time Table
Notification - Â hyàambn ]dªn«pÅXÃmsX kzImcy {]km[IÀ
{]kn²oIcn¨n«pÅ tIcf kÀÆokv dqÄkv XpS§nb Hcp kzImcy
{]kn²oIcWhpw ]co£mlmfn D]tbmKn¡phm³ ]mSpÅXÃ.
Ipdn¸pItfm hnhc§tfm AS§nb _p¡pIfpw ssKUpIfpw, AwKoIrX
]pkvXI§fpsS km£ys¸Sp¯nb ]IÀ¸v (ssSw tS_nÄ
hnÚm]\¯n A\phZn¨n«pÅh HgnsI) F¶nhbpw ]co£mlmfnÂ
sIm−p hcp¶Xn\v A\phZn¡p¶XÃ. Cu \nÀt±i§Ä¡v hn]coXambn
s]cpamdp¶ ]co£mÀ°nIfpsS ]co£m^ew Akm[phm¡s¸Sp¶XmWv.
AXnt\msSm¸w Xs¶ I½oj\v DNnXsa¶v tXm¶p¶ aäv in£m
\S]SnIfpw kzoIcn¡p¶XmWv. kne_knsâ t\À¡v with books F¶v
FgpXnbn«nÃm¯ ]co£IÄ _p¡pIfpsS klmbanÃmsX
FgptX−XmWv. aäv \nÀt±i§Ä AUvanj³ Sn¡äns\m¸w e`n¡p¶Xpw
Ah hmbn¨v IrXyambn ]ment¡−XpamWv.

18.(F) samss_ t^m¬, »qSq¯v, hm¡vam³, Im¡pteäÀ, kvamÀ«v

hm¨v / hm¨v XpS§n hnhchn\nab¯n\pÅ FÃm Cet{ÎmWnIv
D]IcW§fpw ]co£m Iym¼kn IÀi\ambn
\ntcm[n¨ncn¡p¶p. C¯cw D]IcW§Ä ]co£mlmfn\pÅnÂ
ssIhiw hbv¡p¶ ]co£mÀ°nIfpsS ]co£m^ew
Akm[phm¡p¶Xv DÄs¸sSbpÅ in£m \S]SnIÄ I½oj³

19. ]co£m NpaXe hln¡p¶ No^v kq{]−nt\mtSm AknÌâv

kq{]−nt\mtSm AUojWÂ No^v kq{]−nt\mtSm A]acymZbmbn
s]cpamdpItbm ]co£bn GsX¦nepw Xc¯nepÅ {Iat¡SpIÄ
ImWn¡pItbm JÞnI 18 se \nÀt±i§Ä¡v hn]coXambn
]co£mlmfn _p¡pIÄ sIm−p hcnItbm sN¿p¶hcpsS ]co£
Akm[phm¡s¸Sp¶XmWv. AXn\p ]pdta Ahsc tIcf ]»nIv kÀÆokv
I½oj³ \nÝbn¡p¶ Imet¯mfw Un¸mÀ«vsaâ ]co£IÄ
FgpXp¶Xn \n¶pw hne¡p¶XmWv. ta¸dª \S]SnIÄ¡p ]pdta
aäv DNnXamb \S]SnIÄ¡mbn _Ôs¸« hIp¸p ta[mhnItfmSpw
hnPne³kv Un¸mÀ«vsaâv UbdÎtdmSpw ip]mÀi sN¿p¶XmWv.
I½nj\wK§sftbm, I½ojsâ Ìm^nÂs¸« Bscsb¦neptam,
]co£Is\tbm ]co£ kw_Ôn¨ Imcy§Ä¡mbn kzm[o\n¡phm³
{ian¡pItbm AXn\v aämscsb¦nepw \ntbmKn¡pItbm sN¿p¶hÀ¡pw
ta¸dª in£ \ÂIp¶XmWv.

20. Un¸mÀ«vsaâ ]co£bv¡v At]£ kzoIcn¡p¶ Ahkm\ XobXn hsc

]co£mÀ°nIÄ¡v t]¸dpIÄ/taJe F¶nh amäphm\pÅ Ahkcw
AhcpsS s{]mss^en e`yamIp¶XmWv. ]co£mt]¸dpIÄ
]co£mÀ°nIÄ kzbw sXcsªSp¡p¶Xn\m Ahkm\ XobXn¡p
tijw bmsXmcp ImcWhimepw A\phZn¡s¸« t]¸dpIfn amäw

(F) ]co£bpsS skâdpIÄ amän¡n«Wsa¶pÅ At]£IÄ

km[mcWKXnbn ]cnKWn¡p¶XÃ. F¶mÂ
{Sm³kv^À/s{Sbn\nwKv aqew ]co£mtI{µw amän¡n«Wsa¶v
B{Kln¡p¶hÀ AUvanj³ Sn¡äv In«nbXn\p tijw _Ôs¸«
D¯chv klnXw ]co£ XpS§p¶Xn\p ap¼v Xs¶ tIcf ]»nIv
kÀÆokv I½oj³ hIp¸pXe ]co£mhn`mKw tPmbnâv
sk{I«dnbv¡v At]£ \ÂtI−XmWv. A¯cw tIkpIfnÂ
e`yXbv¡\pkcn¨v ]co£mtI{µ§Ä amän \ÂIp¶XmWv.
I½ojsâ B^okn \n¶pw e`n¡p¶ tcJmaqeamb A\phmZw
IqSmsX skâdpIfpw t]¸dpIfpw amdn FgpXp¶
]co£mÀ°nIfpsS ]co£m^ew Akm[phm¡s¸Sp¶XmWv.
]co£mÀ°nIÄ¡v X§fpsS Cã{]Imcw ]co£mtI{µ§Ä
sXcsªSp¡p¶Xn\v Hcp ImcWhimepw kzmX{´yw
D−mbncn¡p¶XÃ. F¶m Region, Region- DÄs¸Sp¶
PnÃIÄ ap³KW\m{Ia¯n sXcsªSp¡mhp¶Xpw
sXcsªSp¯ Region Xs¶bmWv Online Application - Â
tcJs¸Sp¯nbsX¶pw Dd¸phcpt¯−XmWv. At]£IÄ
Abbv¡p¶ kab¯v ]co£mÀ°nIÄ C¡mcyw {]tXyIw
{i²nt¡−XmWv. hIp¸pXe ]co£m kw_ÔambpÅ
I¯nS]mSpIÄ FÃmw tPmbnâv sk{I«dn (hIp¸pXe ]co£m
hn`mKw), tIcf ]»nIv kÀÆokv I½oj³, ]«w, Xncph\´]pcw,
]n³tImUv - 695 004 F¶ hnemk¯n Bbncnt¡−XmWv.

21. FIvsskkv Un¸mÀ«vsaânsâ kvs]jy dqÄ t`ZKXnsb XpSÀ¶v tIcf

]»nIv kÀÆokv I½oj³ t\cn«p \nban¡p¶ {]nhâohv B^okÀamÀ¡v
s{]mt_j\pth−n \S¯p¶ hIp¸pXe ]co£IÄ (Excise Test Part A-I
&II Papers, Part B-IIIPaper,(MOP))സിവിൽ എ1ൈസ3 ഓഫീസർ
XkvXnIbnepÅhÀ¡v {]nhâohv B^okÀ XkvXnIbntebv¡pÅ
s{]mtamj\v _m[Iam¡nbpw,സിവിൽ എ1ൈസ3 ഓഫീസർamÀ¡v
\S¯nh¶ncp¶ ""Departmental Test for Excise Guards as Preventive
Officers" F¶ ]co£ \nÀ¯em¡nbpw, 20-8-2011 se
G.O.(P)No.26/2011/P&ARD {]Imcw kÀ¡mÀ D¯chp]pds¸Sphn¨ncp¶p.
2012 P\phcnbnse hIp¸pXe ]co£IÄ apXÂ Sn D¯chn\v {]m_eyw
\ÂIn \S¸nem¡n hcnIbmWv. BbXn\m hIp¸pXe ]co£bv¡v
At]£n¡p¶ സിവിൽ എ1ൈസ3 ഓഫീസർ XkvXnIbnepÅhÀ, {]nhâohv
B^okÀ XkvXnIbnepÅhÀ¡v I½oj³ Ct¸mÄ \S¯n hcp¶
hIp¸pXe ]co£IfpsS t]¸dpIÄ sXcsªSpt¡−XmWv.
22. മലയാളം ഒരു വിഷയമായി പ.ാം 9ാ3 വെരേയാ, അെല;<ിൽ =3 ടു/
ബിരുദതല.ിേലാ പഠി ി@ില;ാ.വർ സർ ാർ സർAീസിൽ Bപേവശി ുേDാൾ,
െBപാേബഷൻ പൂർ.ികരി ുവാൻ േകരളാ പFി1 സർAീ3 ക!ീഷൻ നട.ു
മലയാളം ഭാഷാ പരീH (വിവരണാJക പരീ£ ) പാസാകണെമ ് വ)വL

െചMതിരി ു ു. (14.08.2022െല G.O (P) No 10/2022 P& ARD നDർ

ഉ.രN.) മലയാളം ലാംേഗO െടP് അനുബQം

A(ANNEXURE. A) യിൽ 44 -
þmaXmbn േചർ.ി@R,്. സിലബ3, മാർ ്, സമയ{Iaw തുടSിയ

വിശദവിവര§ൾ അനുബQം.E (ANNEXURE. E) യിൽ െകാടു.ിരി ു ു.

23. Xmsg ]dbp¶ \yq\XIfpÅ At]£IÄ \ncp]m[nIw \nckn¡p¶XmWv.

1. aXnbmb At]£m ^okv CÃm¯ At]£IÄ

2. ]co£m^okv ASbv¡p¶Xn \n¶pw Hgnhm¡s¸Sp¶Xn\pÅ

AÀlX CÃmsX kuP\y Ahkcw e`n¡p¶Xn\v At]£n¨hcpsS

3. Hcp kÀ«n^n¡än\mhiyamb t]¸dpIÄ¡v apgph\mtbm

`mKnIamtbm kuP\y Ahkcw Hcp XhW tcJs¸Sp¯pIbpw
]n¶oSv kuP\y Ahkc¯n\v At]£n¡pIbpw sNbvXn«pÅhÀ

4. \nÀt±i {]ImcaÃm¯ t^mt«mtbmSpIqSnb At]£IÄ

t\m«v: {]kvXpX \yq\XIÄ GsX¦nepw L«¯nÂ

Is−¯pIbmsW¦n Adnbns¸m¶pw IqSmsX At]£ \nckn¡phm\pw
]co£m^ew Akm[phm¡phm\pw I½oj\v A[nImcw D−mbncn¡p¶XmWv.

24. Xmsg ]dbp¶ \yq\XIfpÅhcpsS ]co£m^ew Akm[phm¡p¶XmWv.

1. AUvanj³ Sn¡änse km£ys¸Sp¯epIÄ bYmhn[n

2. ^okv kuP\yw At]£bn AhImis¸SpIbpw BbXv
sXfnbn¡p¶ kÀ«n^n¡äv lmPcm¡mXncn¡pIbpw sN¿pI.

3. AUvanj³ Sn¡äv {]Imcw A\phZn¡m¯ t]¸dpIÄ¡v ]co£


4. AUvanj³ Sn¡änse t^mt«mbv¡p apIfn aäp t^mt«m H«n¨v

]co£bv¡p lmPcmIpI.

25. AUvanj³ Sn¡äv þ ]co£mÀ°nIÄ AUvanj³ Sn¡äv ]co£m lmfnÂ

lmPcmt¡−Xpw ]cntim[\bv¡mbn A[nIrXÀ¡v ssIamtd−XpamWv.
AUvanj³ Sn¡äv lmPcm¡m¯ ]£w ]co£ FgpXphm³
A\phZn¡p¶XÃ. AUvanj³ Sn¡äv km£ys¸Sp¯pt¼mÄ
]co£mÀ°nbpsS H¸v, t^mt«m, t]cv F¶nhbpw {^oNm³kv
AhImis¸SpIbmsW¦n BbXpw ]cntim[n¨v tae[nImcn _Ôs¸«
tImf§fn amÀ¡v sNbvXpsh¶pw Hm^okv ap{ZtbmsSm¸w
km£ys¸Sp¯p¶ tae[nImcnbpsS H¸v, t]cv, XkvXnIbpsS t]cv
F¶nhtbmtcm¶pw hyàambn¯s¶ AUvanj³ Sn¡änÂ
tcJs¸Sp¯nbn«p−v F¶pw Dd¸p hcpt¯−XmWv. B^okv koÂ
tae[nImcnbpsS HutZymKnI ]Zhn¡v sXfnhmbn kzoIcn¡p¶XÃ.
At]£I³ Xs¶ B^okv tae[nImcnbmsW¦n At±l¯nsâ
tae[nImcnbpsS tasem¸pw hm§nt¡−XmWv. ChbnÂ
GsX¦nepsam¶v hn«pt]mIp¶Xn\mepw A]qÀ®tam, Ahyàtam Bb
km£ys¸Sp¯epIÄ ImcWw ]co£mÀ°nIÄ¡v ]co£
FgpXphm\pÅ Ahkcw \ãamIp¶XmWv.

26. hIp¸pXe ]co£IÄ¡v Hm¬sse\mbn kaÀ¸n¨ At]£IfpsS

BZyL« kq£va ]cntim[\bn km[phmbn Is−¯p¶hsc am{Xw
tkm]m[nIambn ]co£ FgpXphm³ A\phZn¡p¶XmWv.
]co£mlmfnse hnZKv[ ]cntim[\bn GsX¦nepw Xc¯nse
{Iat¡SpIÄ Is−¯p¶hcpsS ]co£m^ew Akm[phm¡p¶XmWv.

27. At]£IÄ hnPbIcambn kaÀ¸n¨p (Successfully uploaded/Received)

F¶XpsIm−v At]£IÄ A´naambn kzoIcn¡s¸«p F¶v
[cnt¡−XnÃ. At]£IfpsS kq£va ]cntim[\ \S¯nbXn\v tijw
am{Xta At]£IfpsS kzoImcyX kw_Ôn¨v Adnbphm³

28. ]co£mÀ°nIÄ Region XncsªSp¡p¶ kab¯pw e-payment Bbn

^okv HSp¡p¶ kab¯pw \ÂIp¶ 'Alert' IrXyambn {i²n¨v
XpSÀ\S]SnIÄ kzoIcnt¡−XmWv.
29. At]£I³ Hcp s{]mss^eneqsS Xs¶ At]£ kaÀ¸n¨v _Ôs¸«
t]¸dpIÄ hnPbn¨m am{Xta kÀ«n^n¡äv \ÂIpIbpÅq. c−v
s{]mss^ hgn At]£ \ÂIn hnPbn¨ tijw kÀ«n^n¡äv
Bhiys¸«m \ÂIp¶XÃ. Hcp ]co£bpsS FÃm t]¸dpIfpw Hä
s{]mss^Â hgn Xs¶ At]£n¨p hnPbn¨ncn¡Ww. Hcp ]co£mÀ°n
H¶n IqSpX s{]mss^ krãn¡m³ ]mSpÅXÃ.

30. GsX¦nepw ImcWhim hIp¸pXe ]co£IÄ d±m¡pItbm,

amänshbv¡pItbm sN¿p¶ ]£w BbXv kw_Ôn¨ hnhc§Ä ]{X
Zriyam[ya§Ä hgn am{Xw Adnbn¡p¶XmWv. ]co£mÀ°nIÄ¡v
hyànKX sat½m \ÂIp¶XÃ.

സാ_ േജാ>ജ്
tIcf ]»nIv kÀÆokv I½oj³
]«w, Xncph\´]pcw - 695 004
Name of Test Syllabus
1. Secretariat Manual Test (One Paper) The Kerala Secretariat Office Manual

2. District Office Manual Test (One The District Office Manual


3. Manual of Office Procedure Test Manual of Office Procedure for use in

(One Paper) Offices other than Secretariat

4. Departmental Test for the Staff of the The Kerala Public Service Commission
Kerala Public Service Commission Office Manual

5. KSRTC Manual Test The Kerala State Road Transport

Corporation Manual

6. P W D Manual Test The Kerala P W D Manual and additions

amendment to it from time to time (With

7. Account Test (Lower) – (4 Papers) 1. Kerala Service Rules (With Books)

2. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I and II
and Kerala Budget Manual (With
3. Kerala Account Code Volume I (With
Books) and Introduction to the Indian
Government Accounts and Audit (Vth
Edition except Chapters 12, 26, 27, 28
and 29) (Without Books).
4. The Kerala Treasury Code Volume I and
II and Kerala Account Code Volume II
(With Books)

8. Account Test (Lower) for the 1. Kerala Service Rules (With Books)
Ministerial and Executive Staff of the 2. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I and II
KSE Board - (3 Papers) and the Kerala Budget Manual (With
3. Elements of Commercial Accounts &
Book-keeping (including basic concepts
of Company Accounts excluding
Partnership Accounts) (Any Financial
Accounting book prescribed by any
recognized Universities in Kerala)

9. Account Test for Executive Officers 1. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I and II.
Name of Test Syllabus
(2 Papers) The Kerala Account Code Volume I and
Kerala Budget Manual (Chapters I to IV,
VI and VII) (With Books).
2. Kerala Service Rules (With Books).

10. Account Test (Higher) – (4 Papers) Part I

1. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I,II and
Kerala Budget Manual (With Books).
Part II
1. Introduction to Indian Government
Accounts and Audit (Vth edition except
Chapters 12, 26, 27, 28 and 29) (Without
Books). The Constitution of India (With
Books)and Kerala Account Code
Volume I (With Books).
2. Kerala Treasury Code Volumes I and II
and the Kerala Account Code Volume II
(With Books).
3. Kerala Service Rules (With Books).

10A. Account Test (Higher) – 5 papers for Part I

those working in P W D 1. Kerala Public Works Account Code and
Kerala Account Code Volume III (With
2. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I, II and
Kerala Budget Manual. (With Books)

Part II
1. Introduction to Indian Government
Accounts and Audit (Vth edition except
Chapters 12, 26, 27, 28 and 29) (Without
Books). The Constitution of India (With
Books) and Kerala Account Code
Volume I (With Books).
2. Kerala Treasury Code Volumes I & II
and the Kerala Account Code Volume II
(with books)
3. Kerala Service Rules (With Books)
Name of Test Syllabus
10B. Account Test (Higher) – 4 Papers for Part I
those working in KSEB 1. Kerala Public Works Account Code
(with books)
2. Kerala Financial Code Vol.I & II, Kerala
Budget Manual (with books)
Part II
1. Introduction to Indian Government
Accounts and Audit (V edition except
Chapters 12, 26, 27, 28 & 29) (without
books), The Constitution of India (with
2. Kerala Service Rules (with books)

11. Kerala P W D Test (2 Papers) 1. Kerala P W D Code (With Books)

2. Kerala P W D Account Code (With

12. Departmental Test for the Ministerial 1. Kerala P W D Code (With Books)
Staff of the K S E Board (5 Papers) 2. Kerala P W D Account Code (With
3. Electricity Act 2003 (without books)
Companies Act 2013 & Rules (with
books) (Chapters
4. Departmental Manual of Office
5. Goods & Services Tax (with books)
1. Basic Concepts.
2. Definitions of various terms under.
(i) CGST Act, 2017 and rules there
(ii) Kerala SGST Act, 2017 and Rules
there under.
(iii) IGST Act, 2017 and Rules there
(iv) GST ( Compensation to States)
Act, 2017.
3. Registration Procedure.
4.Inter State & Intra State supply,
determination of nature of GST to be
levied (IGST/CGST/SGST & Cess).
5. Valuation of taxable supplies.
6.Incidence of taxation and invoicing
for taxable supplies.
Name of Test Syllabus
7.Documents to be issued under
GST Acts under various situations and
maintenance of books of accounts.
8. Remittance of GST.
9. Returns under GST.
10.Tax structure - Basic rates and
special rates.
11.TDS provisions under GST.
12.Input tax credit provisions.
13.E -way bill provisions.
14.Refund provisions.
15.Penal provisions.
Indian Contract Act, 1872 (without
books) ( Chapters II,IV VI)

13. Departmental Test for Executive 1. Kerala P W D Code (With Books).

Staff of K S E Board (4 Papers) 2. Kerala P W D Account Code (With
3. Electricity Act 2003 (without books)
Companies Act 2013 & Rules (with
books) (Chapters
4. Goods & Services Tax (with books)
1. Basic Concepts.
2. Definitions of various terms under.
(i) CGST Act, 2017 and rules there
(ii) Kerala SGST Act, 2017 and Rules
there under.
(iii) IGST Act, 2017 and Rules there
(iv) GST ( Compensation to States)
Act, 2017.
3. Registration Procedure.
4.Inter State & Intra State supply,
determination of nature of GST to be
levied (IGST/CGST/SGST & Cess).
5. Valuation of taxable supplies.
6.Incidence of taxation and invoicing
for taxable supplies.
7.Documents to be issued under
GST Acts under various situations and
maintenance of books of accounts.
8. Remittance of GST.
Name of Test Syllabus
9. Returns under GST.
10.Tax structure - Basic rates and
special rates.
11.TDS provisions under GST.
12.Input tax credit provisions.
13.E -way bill provisions.
14.Refund provisions.
15.Penal provisions.
Indian Contract Act, 1872 (without
books) ( Chapters II,IV VI)

14. The Kerala Municipal Tests (3 1. Kerala Service Rules (With Books).
Papers) 2. Kerala Financial Code Volumes I and II
and the Kerala Budget Manual, Kerala
Account Code Vol.I and II (With
3. Act and Rules, Special Services Rules
and Standing Orders as described
hereunder (With Books).
(a) Kerala Municipalities Act and Rules.
(b) The Kerala Municipal Corporation
Act, 1961.
(c) Local Authorities Loans Act and
(d) Local Authorities Entertainment
Tax Act and Rules.
(e) Places of Public Resort Act and
(f) Public Health Act and Rules.
(g) Food Adulteration Act and Rules.
(h) Town Planning Act and Rules.
(i) Cattle Trespass Act and Rules.
(j) Other Acts and Rules prescribed
from time to time.
(k) Special Service Rules framed for
Local Body Employees.
(l) Standing Orders in respect of
Municipal Matters.

15. Municipal Department Test (One 1. Act and Rules, Special Service Rules
Paper) and Standing Orders as described
hereunder (with books).
(a) Kerala Municipalities Act and Rules.
(b) The Kerala Municipal Corporation
Name of Test Syllabus
Act, 1961.
(c) Local Authorities Loans Act and
(d) Local Authorities Entertainment Tax
Act and Rules.
(e) Places of Public Resort Act and
(f) Public Health Act and Rules.
(g) Food Adulteration Act and Rules.
(h) Town Planning Act and Rules.
(i) Cattle Trespass Act and Rules.
(j) Other Acts and Rules prescribed
from time to time.
(k) Special Service Rules framed for
Local Body Employees.
(l) Standing Orders in respect of
Municipal Matters (Common paper
under item 14 (3) above)

16. Local Fund Audit Department Test 1. Acts and Rules as described hereunder
(Higher) (3 Papers) (with books).
(a) Constitution of India.
(b)Kerala Municipal Act 1994 and the
Rules thereunder.
(c) The Court of Wards Act and Rules
(d) LFAD Act and Rules thereunder.
(e) Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994.
(f) The Kerala Local Authorities
Entertainment Tax Act and the Rules
(g) The Kerala Local Authorities Loans
Act and Rules thereunder.
(h) The Kerala Places of Public Resort
Act and the Rules thereunder.
(i) The Public Health Act and the Rules
(j) The Food Adulteration Act and the
Rules thereunder.
(k) The Town Planning Act and the
Rules thereunder.
(l) The Kerala Cattle Trespass Act and
the Rules thereunder.
(m)The Madras Hindu Religious and
Name of Test Syllabus
Charitable Endowments Act and
Rules thereunder.
(n)The Travancore Cochin Hindu
Religious Institutions Act.
(o)The Charitable Endowments Acts and
Rules thereunder.
(p)The Kerala University Act and the
Statutes thereunder.
(q)The Cochin University Act and the
Statutes thereunder.
(r) The Calicut University Act and the
Statutes thereunder.
(s) The Kerala Agricultural University
Act and the Statutes thereunder.
(t) The Kerala State Housing Board Act
and the Rules thereunder.
Note:- Panchayat Manual and the Kerala
Municipal Corporation Manual published by
Government can be used as reference books
as per G.O.(Ms.) No.248/84/Fin. Dated;
2. Finances of Local Bodies and Principles
of Local Fund Audit, Principles and
Procedure in the Indian Audit Code and
Audit Manual with special reference to
Local Fund Account. (with books)
3. Book-keeping and Accountancy.

17. Local Fund Audit Department Test 1. Acts and Rules (with Books).
(Lower) (2 Papers) (a) LFAD Act and Rules thereunder.
(b) Municipal Enactments
(i) Kerala Municipal Act 1994
(Chapters V, VI and schedules II
& III) and the Rules thereunder.
(ii)The Kerala Municipalities Act
(Chapters V, VI, XIV, XVI and
schedule II) and the rules
(c) The Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994
and the Rules thereunder.
(d) Other Enactments:
(i) The Charitable Endowments Act
and the Rules thereunder.
(ii) The Madras Hindu Religious and
Charitable Endowments Act and
Name of Test Syllabus
the Rules thereunder.
(iii) The Travancore – Cochin Hindu
Religious Institutions Act.
Panchayat Manual and the
Kerala Municipal Corporation
Manual published by
Government can be used as
reference books as per G.O.(Ms.)
No.248/84/Fin. Dated; 9.5.1984.
2. General Knowledge, Precis and Drafting
(a) Office Procedure in Local Fund
Audit Office including Precis and
Draft writing.
(b) Principles and Procedure of Audit of
Fund Accounts.

18. Kerala State Probation Test (4 Part- I

Papers) 1. Indian Penal Code
2. Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Act 2
of 1974) Security Section (Chapter VIII
– Sections 106 to 124) Maintenance of
Public Order and Tranquility (Chapter
X Sections 129-132 G.O.Ms 3/76/LA &
SWD dated 5-1-1976)
1.(a) Probation of Offenders Act, 1958
Central and the Kerala Probation
of Offenders Rules, 1960
(b) Immoral Traffic Prevention Act,
1986 and the Rules framed
(c) Juvenile Justice Act 1986 and the
Rules framed thereunder and
(i) Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children) Act
2000 (Central Act)
(ii) Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children) Rules
2003 (State Rules)
(iii) Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children)
Amendment Act 2006 (Central
(iv) Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children) Rules
Name of Test Syllabus
2007 (Central Model Rules
2. Principles of the Probation System
(Probation and related measures- A
publication issued by the
United Nations)

19. Test on Kerala Police Manual Police Manual (with books)

20. Test on Manual of Office Procedure Manual of Office Procedure (Police)


21. Departmental Test for the Ministerial 1. Police Manual (with books)
Staff of the Vigilance Division 2. Manual of Office Procedure for Offices
(2 Papers) other than the Secretariat.

22. Forest Test (For Executive and 1. General Law

Controlling Staff) (3 Papers) (a) The Kerala Forest Act and Rules
there under
(b) The Kerala Land Acquisition Act
(c) The Boundary Act
(d) The Cattle Trespass Act
(e) The Indian Penal Code Chapters 1 to
5, 9 to 11, 17, 18 and 23 and
(f) Indian Criminal Procedure Code,
1973 (Chapters 1,5,6,7,15,16,19, 20,
23, 24,26,27 and 30)
2. Law – The Kerala Forest Act and Rules
there under (with books)
3. Procedure – The Kerala Forest Code and
Departmental Rules (with books)

23. Forest Test (for Clerical and 1. The Kerala Forest Code (with books)
Protective Staff) (2 papers) 2. Law – The Kerala Forest Act and
Rule there under (with books)

24. Kerala Jail Officer's Test (4 papers) 1.

(a) Indian Penal Code
(b) Criminal Procedure Code
(c) Kerala Prisons and Correctional
Services (Management) Act 2010
Act 9 of 2010 of the Kerala Prisons
Name of Test Syllabus
and Correctional Services
Management Rules 2014
(d) Mental Health Act, 1987
2. Sociology, Penology and Criminology
3. Test in (1) Close Order drill (2) Lathi
drill, (3) Weapon Training and (4)
Revolver firing (Practical Test)
4. First Aid, Personal Hygiene and
General Sanitation

25. Kerala Jail Subordinate Officers Test 1. The Kerala Prisons and Correctional
(2 papers) Services (Management) Act, 2010 Act 9 of
2010 of the Kerala Prisons and Correctional
Services Management Rules 2014
2. Test in (1) Close Order Drill (2) Lathi Drill
(3) Weapon Training and (4) Rifle Firing
(Practical Test)

26. Kerala Co-operative Test (2 Papers) 1. Elements of Banking

2. Principles of Co-operation and the Co-
operative Societies Act and Rules
issued thereunder. The following
reference books will be used by the
candidate for the preparation of the
(i) Banking Law and Practice – By
(ii) Modern Banking in India – By

(i) Co-operation – Law and Practice –
By Calvert
(ii) Co-operation at Home and Abroad –
By C.R.Fay
(iii) Co-operation in India (1962
Edition)- By Prof.Bhagatswaroopp.
(iv) Theory and Practice of Co-operation
in India – By Prof.Kulkarani.

Candidates should study on the Co-

operative Societies Act and Rules
and the Madras Co-operative Manual
written by Sri.J.C.Rayaon for Co-
Name of Test Syllabus

27. Canal Rules Test (One Paper) Canal Rules and Regulations, Travancore
and Cochin.

28. Agricultural Income-tax and Sales- 1. (a) The Kerala General Sales-tax Act,
tax Test ( 3 papers) 1963 and the Rules thereunder
(with books)
(b) The Central Sales-tax Act, 1956, the
Central Sales-tax (Registration and
Turnover) Rules, 1957 and the
Central Sales-tax Kerala Rules, 1967
(with books)
(c) Goods and Services Tax
2. Agricultural Income-tax Act and the
Rules thereunder (with books)
3. Book-keeping & Accountancy

29. Civil Judicial Test ( 2 Papers) 1.

(a) Indian Civil Procedure Code (With
Only Bare Acts will be allowed. Books)
(b) The Kerala Civil Rules of Practice
(With Books).
(a) The Indian Limitation Act (With
(b) The Kerala Civil Courts Act (With
(c) The Kerala Courts Fee and Suit
Valuation Act (with books).
(d) The Kerala Stamp Act (With Books).

30. Criminal Judicial Test (2 Papers) 1.

(a) Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Act
Only Bare Acts will be allowed. 2 of 1974) (With Books).
(b) The Criminal Rules of Practice
Kerala, 1982
2. The Indian Penal Code (With Books).

31. Panchayat Test (4 Papers) 1. Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994 and
Rules (With Books) excluding subject
specified under Paper III with specific
reference to citizens charter,
Name of Test Syllabus
Ombudsman, Tribunal for LSGI’s etc.
2. Allied Acts and Rules including KMBR
Registration & Birth & Death Act 1969,
Hindu Marriage Act 1955, Local Fund
Audit Act 1994, Registration of
marriages (common) Rules 2008,
Cinema Registration Act 1958, Local
Bodies Entertainment Tax Act 1961,
Public Health Act 1955, (T.C.), Public
Health Act 1939 (Madras)
3. Acts, Rules, Manuals, Government
Orders/Circulars in respect of Accounts,
Audit (LF, AG, Social) Budgeting, Store
Purchasing, Public Works Governing the
PRIs and functions transferred to PRIs.
4. Constitution 73rd, 74th Amendments,
Provisions of Writ Jurisdiction Cr.PC
1973 – Chapter VI (of process to compel
Chapter VII (of process to compel
production of documents)
Chapter X (Public nuisances)
C.P.C 1908 – Section 15 to 20,60,79,80
and order XVI, XXI
RTI Act – 2005, Disaster Management,
Centrally Sponsored Schemes viz,
various Social Security pension, the
Person with Disabilities (Equal
Opportunities, Protection of Right and
Full Participation) Act – 1995,
Decentralised Planning of PRIs, Five
Year Plan with reference to the functions
specified under Schedule III, IV, V of
Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994. Betta
service deliver, Front Office system,
Good Governance, Civil registration
online, Hospital Kiosks, Environmental
Protection Act 1986.

32. Departmental Test on Employment 1. Placement work (this will cover

Exchange Procedure (2 Papers) placement work including placement
of physically handicapped) and
collections of employment market
Name of Test Syllabus
information based on the following
chapters in Parts I, II and IV of the
National Employment Service
Manual Vol. I and II (with the
connected E.E Minutes/Notes/
Amendments etc. issued from time
to time. Chapters V to XIII, XVI,
and XVIII of Part I and all chapters
of Part II and Part IV, NESM (Vol.I)
with relevant portion of NESM
Vol.II. (NESM 1984 edition with
subsequent changes.)

2. Special Scheme and General

Instructions: This will cover Special
Schemes like Vocational Guidance
and Employment Counselling,
Occupational Research etc. and the
Chapters on (i) Study and
Development of Employment
Opportunities (ii) Public Relations
and Publicity, (iii) Various General
Instructions and (iv)Inspections and
Technical Evaluation of
Employment Exchanges based on
the following Chapters in Paras II
and III of NESM. Vol.I and
Vol.II(With connected E.E
Minutes/Notes/ Amendments etc.,
issued from time to time). Chapters
I to IV, XIV, XV and XVII of Part I
and all Chapters of Part III. N.E.S.
M Vol.I with the relevant portions
of N.E.S.M. Vol.II.

33. Kerala Registration Test (4 Papers) Part – I

1. The Indian Registration Act, the Kerala

Registration Rules and Table of Fees as
prescribed by the Kerala Government
( With Books).

2. The Kerala Registration Manual and

Name of Test Syllabus
Circular Orders (With Books).

NOTE: Questions will be based on the

Revised Registration Manual, 2021
which came into effect from 01-01-
2022. Questions on matters covered by
Registration Act, Rules and Table of
fees after 01-01-2022 will be based on
the Circular Orders issued by the
Inspector General of Registration.
Part – II
The Kerala Stamp Act and the Rules
there under and the Indian Stamp Act in
respect of documents specified in entry 91
of List I (Union List) of the Seventh
Schedule of the Constitution of India and
the Rules relating to these documents (With
Part – III
(Miscellaneous Act, etc. )
The Transfer of Property Act, 1882,
the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, the Special
Marriage Act, 1954, (Central Act 43 of
1954), Kerala Special Marriage Rules, 1958,
the Chit Funds Act, 1982 (Central Act 40 of
1982), Kerala Chit Funds Rules 2012
[G.O.(P) No. 94/2012/ TD dated 4.6.2012],
The Societies Registration Act, 1860, The
Travancore-Cochin Literary, Scientific and
Charitable Societies Registration Act, 1955,
Kerala Document Writers' License Rules,
1960 and Kerala Document Writers',
Scribes' and Stamp Vendors' Welfare Fund
Act 2012, Rules and Scheme thereunder
(With Books).

34. [A] Departmental Test on laws (1) Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and
relating to Motor Vehicles for Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989
the Members of the Kerala and the Kerala Motor Vehicles
Transport Subordinate Rules, 1989 (With Books).
Service and the Ministerial (2) Kerala Motor Vehicles Taxation Act,
Name of Test Syllabus
Staff of the Motor Vehicles 1976 and the Rules made thereunder
Department (2 Papers) (With Books) (G.O.(P)215/76/PW
dated; 22.9.1976).

[B] Second Class Language Test Common paper under item 42

in Malayalam for those who (See also Annexure ‘C’)
have not studied Malayalam
for SSLC or its equivalent, as
a medium of language as a
Subsidiary Language (for the
members of the Kerala
Transport Service and the
Kerala Transport Subordinate

35. Departmental Test in Code of The Code of Criminal Procedure,1973 (Act

Criminal Procedure and the Kerala 2 of 1974). Covering Chapters I to VII, XII,
Manual of Office Procedure (for the XIII, XV to XVII, XIX to XXI, XXIIIA,
Motor Vehicles Inspectors in the XXIIIB, XXIV, XXVII, XXIX, XXXII and
Kerala Transport Service). Kerala Manual of Office Procedure (with
books) (G.O.Rt.1673/75/PW dated;

36. Hand Book of SC Development Hand Book of the Harijan Welfare

Department Test (One Paper) Department (With Books).

37. Test in Kerala Education Act and Kerala Education Act and Rules
Rules (One Paper)

38. Labour Department Test (3 Papers) Part – I

(One Paper – With Books )
The following Acts and Rules administered by
the Labour Department:-
1. Plantation Labour Act, 1961.
2. Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
3. Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation)
Act, 1986
4. Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961.
5. Kerala Shops and
Commercial Establishments Act, 1960.
6. Payment of Wages Act,1936 ( in respect
of establishment other than Factories).
7. The Beedi and Cigar Workers(Conditions
of Employment) Act, 1966 and
Name of Test Syllabus
8. The Motor Transport Workers (Payment
of Fair Wages) Act, 1971.
Part – II
(One Paper – With Books)
The following Acts and Rules
administered by the Labour Department:-
1. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
2. Industrial Employment (Standing Orders
Act, 1946).
3. Indian Trade Union Act, 1926.
4. Working Journalists (Conditions of
Service and Miscellaneous Provisions)
Act, 1955.
5. Working Journalists (Fixation of Rates of
Wages) Act, 1958.
6. Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 (Central
7. Kerala Industrial Establishments
(National and Festival Holidays) Act,
8. The Employees Compensation Act, 1923.
9. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
10. The Kerala Industrial Employees
Payment of Gratuity Act, 1970.
11. The Interstate Migrant Workmen
(Regulation of Employment and
conditions of service) Act 1979.
12. Labour Laws (Exemption from
Furnishing Returns and maintaining
Registers by Certain Establishment) Act,
13. The Building & other Construction
workers (Regulation of Employment &
Condition of Service) Act, 1996
14. The Building & other construction
workers Welfare Cess Act, 1996.
Part – III
(One Paper – With Books)
The following Acts and Rules administered
by the Labour Department:-
1. The Contract Labour (Registration and
Abolition ) Act, 1970.
2. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.
3. The Kerala Payment of Subsistance
Allowance Act, 1973.
4. The Kerala Agricultural Workers Act,
Name of Test Syllabus
5. The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976.
6. The Sales Promotion Employees
(Conditions of Service) Act, 1976.
7. The Kerala Casual Temporary and Badali
workers (Wages) Act 1989
8. The Kerala Head Load workers Act 1978.

39. Animal Husbandry Department Test Animal Husbandry Department

(One paper) Manual(With books)

40. Excise Test- Parts A & B (3 papers) Part A- Excise Manual

First Paper
Abkari Acts and Rules and Notifications
(With books)
Second Paper
Prohibition Act and Rules, Medicinal and
Toilet Preparation Act and Rules. The
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
Act 1985 and the Rules made there under by
the Government of India and Government of
Kerala, Spirituous preparation, Inter-state
Trade and Commerce Control Act, Rules
(with books)
Part B- Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Act 2 of
1974), Evidence Act and Indian Penal Code
(with books)

41. The Kerala Port Department Test 1. The Kerala Port Department Manual
(One paper-with books) 2. The Indian Ports Act, 1908 (Act XV of
3. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 (Act
XLIV of 1958)
4. The Indian Light House Act
5. The Madras Minor Ports Harbour Crafts
Rules, 1953
6. Port Conservancy Rules, Port Pier Rules
governing the Warehousing of goods in
the Government sheds and godowns at
the Port of Travancore-Cochin, Port
Cargo Boats Rules and Rules for the
working of Tugs “Alappuzha” and
Name of Test Syllabus
“Venad” issued in Notification No.
PWC 4-3496/55/PWC dated 18/10/1955
amended from time to time.
7. Note for the guidance of Officers in
Common Wealth Countries, Overseas
Territories and the Irish Republic
(British Merchant Shipping and Seaman
Revised) issued by the Ministry of
Transport 1963.
i. The Merchant Shipping
(Registration of Sailing Vessels)
Rules, 1960.
ii. The Merchant Shipping
(Tonnage fee Measurement of
Sailing Vessels) Rules, 1960.
iii. The Sailing Vessels (Assignment
of Free Board) Rules, 1960.
iv. The Sailing Vessels (Statement
of Crew) Rules, 1960 and the
Sailing Vessels (Inspection)
Rules, 1962.
v. The Indian Merchant Shipping
(Life Savings Appliances) Rules,
vi. Merchant Shipping (Distressed
Seamen) Rules 1960
vii. Merchant Shipping (Continuous
Discharge Certificates) Rules,

viii. Merchantile Marine Circulars

issued by the Government of
India from time to time
ix. Sea Rescue Operations
x. The Inland Vessels Act 1917 as
amended by the Inland vessels
Act 2007
xi. Kerala Inland Vessels Rules
xii. International Maritime
Organization structure and
xiii. UN Conventions and Protocols
on maritime law and regulations
Name of Test Syllabus
xiv. Coastal Zone Regulation Rules
xv. Dock workers Safety Rules
xvi. Marine pollution and oil slicks.

42. Second Class Language Test (See Annexure – C below)

(in Malayalam)

43. Minority Language Test (See Annexure – D below)

(in Tamil/ Kannada)

44 Malayalam Language Test (See Annexure – E below)

45. Test in Weights and Measures Act 1. The Legal Metrology Acts, 2009.
and Rules (One paper) 2. The Legal Metrology (General Rules)
3. The Legal Metrology (Numeration)
Rules, 2011.
4. The Legal Metrology (National
Standards) Rules 2011.
5. The Legal Metrology (Approval of
Models) Rules 2011.
6. The Legal Metrology (Packaged
Commodities) Rules, 2011
7. The Indian Institute of Legal Metrology
Rules 2011
8. Kerala Legal Metrology (Enforcement)
Rules 2012.
9. Legal Metrology (Govt. approved Test
Centre) Rules 2013

46. Departmental Test for Assistant Paper-I

Electrical Inspectors (2 papers) Function of Electrical Inspectorate, Kerala
State Electricity Board Ltd., Kerala State
Electricity Regulatory Commission, Energy
Management Centre and such other
statutory organisations and statutory
provisions as envisaged in central statutes
pertaining to generation, transmission,
distribution, and use of electrical energy
provided under the Electricity Act, 2003,
Central Electricity Authority (Measures
Relating to Safety and Electric Supply)
Name of Test Syllabus
Regulations, 2010, Energy Conservation Act
2001, and Codes prescribed by the Bureau
of Indian Standards. General ideas regarding
functioning of Central Electricity Authority,
Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission, State
Regulatory Commission etc., Obligations of
Licensees as envisaged in the basic statutes.
(with books)

Various provisions in the State Regulations
such as Kerala Electricity Duty Act, 1963,
Kerala Electricity Duty Rules, 1963, Kerala
Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1958, Kerala
Cinemas (Regulation) Rules, 1988, Kerala
State Electricity Licensing Board Rules,
Kerala Lift and Escalators Act 2013 and the
Rules made thereunder, Kerala Electricity
Supply Code 2014, obligations of licensed
electrical contractors and consumers as
envisaged in State Regulations (with books)

47. Kerala State Housing Board Act and (i) Kerala State Housing Board Act, 1971
Rules (One paper) (with books) (19 of 1971)
(ii) Kerala State Housing Board
Establishment Regulations,1977
(iii) Kerala State Housing Board
Establishment Regulations (Maintenance
of Accounts) Rules, 1984
(iv) Kerala State Housing Board
Establishment Regulations Allotment

48. Departmental Test on Kerala Head 1. Kerala Headload Workers Act – 1978
Load Workers Rules (One Paper) 2. Kerala Headload Workers (Regulation
(With books) of Employment and Welfare) Scheme
3. Kerala Headload Workers Rules, 1981
4. Kerala Headload Workers (Attached
Section) Welfare Scheme - 1995
5. Kerala Headload Workers (Scattered
Section) Welfare Scheme - 1999
6. Kerala Headload Workers Welfare
Board Staff (Appointment, Service
Name of Test Syllabus
Conditions, Code and Conduct) Rules,
7. Workmen Compensation Act, 1923
8. Various regulations and plans
formulated under Kerala Headload
Workers (Regulation of Employment
and Welfare) Scheme - 1983


Name of Test Syllabus

49. Revenue Test – I Paper 1. Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and

Resettlement Act 2013
2. Kerala Land Relinquishment Act –1958
3. Kerala Survey and Boundaries Act-1961
4. Kerala Escheats and Forfeitures Act
5. Kerala Treasure Troves Act – 1968
6. Kerala Requisitioning and Acquisition
of Property Act 1981
7. Kerala Road Fund Act – 2001
8. Kerala Land Utilisation Order – 1967
9. Kerala protection of Paddy Land and
Wet Land Act – 2008
10. National Highway Act - 1956

50. Revenue Test – II Paper 1. Kerala Government Land Assignment

Act – 1960
2. Kerala Restriction on Transfer by and
Restoration of Lands to Scheduled
Tribes Act – 1999
3. Kerala Scheduled Tribe (Restoration on
Transfer of Lands and Restoration of
Alienated Land Act – 1975)
4. Kerala Land Conservancy Act – 1957
5. Kerala Land Development Act – 1964
6. Kerala Land Development Corporation
Limited (Special Powers) Act – 1974
7. Kerala Service Inam Lands (Vesting
and Enfranchisement) Act – 1981
8. Kerala Highway Protection Act – 1999
9. Kerala Protection of River Bank’s and
Regulation of Removal of Sand Act –
10. Kerala Stay of eviction proceedings Act
– 2001

11. Kerala Private Forest (Vesting and

Assignment) Act – 1971
12. Sree Pandaravaka Lands (Vesting and
Enfranchisement) Act – 1971
13. Sreepadam Lands Enfranchisement Act
– 1969
14. Malabar Land Registration Act – 1895
15. Kannan Devan Hills (Resumption of
Lands) Act – 1971
16. Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional
Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest
Rights) Act 2006

51. Revenue Test – III Paper 1. Kerala Land Reforms Act – 1963
2. Kerala Land Tax Act – 1961
3. Kerala Revenue Recovery Act – 1964
4. Kerala Public Accountants Act – 1963
5. Kerala Board of Revenue Abolition Act
– 1996
6. Transfer of Registry Rules – 1966
7. Kerala Plantation Tax Act – 1960
8. Kerala Building Tax Act – 1975
9. Kerala Building (Leases and Rent
Control) Act – 1965
10. Kerala Stamp Act 1959

52. Revenue Test – IV Paper Land Revenue Manual Volume VI (with



[Should have applied for Part A (written test) Part B (viva voce) separately.]

Details of marks
Item of Syllabus Maximum Minimum Separate
of test
marks Marks Minimum

Translating an essay
passage of Tamil/
Kannada Prose relating to
Indian Subjects which
contains no words that 100 35% 30%
have not familiar
equivalents in Malayalam
(The passage may be of
VII Standard)
Viva Voce
Part- B 15
70 marks out of 200 Minutes
Conversing with accuracy
and fluency in Malayalam


Written Test
Syllabus Maximum Minimum Duration of
Marks Marks Test
A Simple Test in translation consisting
of one paper of two hours duration.
There shall be Two questions, One on
100 40% 2 Hours
translation from English to Kannada or
Tamil and the other on translation from
Kannada or Tamil to English.



Written Test
Syllabus Maximum Minimum Duration of
Marks Marks Test
Topics to assess the
proficiency in Malayalam
Vocabulary, Spellings, 100 40% 2 Hours
Sentence Structure ,
Comprehension passage,
Precis writing,paragraph/
essay writing, Outline
Story Writing etc.


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