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INDEX NUMBER: 7371010331








I dedicate this report to my entire family especially to my loving and caring mother and my
sister for their financial support.

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I declare that this was my original work which has never been submitted to any institution of
higher learning

Declaration by candidate




Declaration by the supervisor

Name: Meshack O Osodo



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My first acknowledgement goes to the staff of Sori lakeside hospital for having granting me
opportunity to my field practicum in their deeply obliged to my supervisor Mr.
Joshua Check for exemplary guidance and support without her help this attachment would have
not been successful.

My second acknowledgement goes to the administration management of Ramogi Institute of

Advanced Technology for offering me a chance in their institution as a student, special
acknowledgement goes to project supervisor Mr. Meshark Osodo for advising me and giving
direction as far as field practicum is concerned.

Special thanks to my family members, especially my brother for the full support he offered me
during this period of time.

I also acknowledge my friends who stood by my side just to know how i was faring on with my
field practicum. The majority could call me through the phone and urge me to do work better and
my special thanks go to all of them.

I used different books as reference materials concerning the practicum work and I was also
guided by some members of the community especially on the community work and survey.

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The practicum report entails seven sections to be complete. That is chapter one: social policy and
administration, which contains the introduction, historical background of the agency, policy
making, staff and their functions, co-ordination with other agencies, observation and findings.
Chapter two is all about community survey:- it is made up of introduction to the topic area of
study, the population of the community under study, the unique customs of these people, their
social organization, the major occupations of these people, their achievements as a community,
needs and problems of the people, recommendation and the conclusion.

Chapter three is the community work, community project: this chapter is made up of the
introduction of the name of the project, methods of data collection, findings and justification,
aims and the objectives of community project. Student involvement, status of the project by the
time of joining, project plans, implementation process, impact of the project, achievements,
status of the project by the time of leaving, problems encountered, recommendations,
disengagements and conclusion.

Chapter four is the social group work: it is made up of introduction, name of the group,
engagement , historical background of the group , methods of data collection, aims and the
objectives of the group, group activities , student involvement , plans of the group
implementation process , achievement status of the group by the time of leaving, problems
encountered disengagement, recommendation and conclusion. Chapter five is the social case
work. The trainee studied four cases that entailed nature of the case, details of the client,
engagement, presented problem, case history, assessment, real problem, treatment plan and
problem solving process, problem encountered, and achievement status of the client by the tie of
leaving, recommendation and disengagement. Chapter six is enterprise development and
management, which entails nature of income generating activities, aims and objectives, support
given by the agency, management of entrepreneurial activities, monitoring of the activities,
problem encountered, future plans of the agency on supporting the business and recommendation.
Chapter seven: capacity building of the agency, aims and the objectives, how the agency plans its
capacity building activities, how the agency evaluates its capacity building activities,
recommendation and conclusion.

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DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................................. i

DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................ ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..........................................................................................................................iii

ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................................................................iv

CHAPTER ONE ......................................................................................................................................... 1

1.0 SOCIAL POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION ................................................................................ 1

1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Historical Background ...................................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Vision................................................................................................................................................ 1

1.4 Mission ............................................................................................................................................. 1

1.5 Core values ....................................................................................................................................... 2

1.6 Aims and objectives .......................................................................................................................... 2

1.7 Procedure .......................................................................................................................................... 2

1.8 Sources of finance ............................................................................................................................. 3

1.9 Other Resources of the agency .......................................................................................................... 3

1.10 Policy Making ................................................................................................................................. 3

1.11 How the agency was being guided by policy .................................................................................. 3

1.12 Structure of organization ................................................................................................................. 4

1.13 Staff and their functions .................................................................................................................. 5

1.14 Channel of Communication ............................................................................................................ 6

1.15 How the personnel influences services ............................................................................................ 6

1.16 Services given by the Agency ......................................................................................................... 6

1.17 Observation and findings ................................................................................................................ 6

1.18 Recommendations ........................................................................................................................... 6

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1.19 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 7

CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................................ 8

2.0 COMMUNITY SURVEY/STUDY .................................................................................................. 8

2.1 The Area ........................................................................................................................................... 8

2.2 The People ........................................................................................................................................ 8

2.3 How people in Sori are related to one another .................................................................................. 8

2.4 Unique Customs of the People .......................................................................................................... 8

2.5 Social organization............................................................................................................................ 9

2.6 Major occupation of the People ........................................................................................................ 9

2.7 People Achievement ......................................................................................................................... 9

2.8 Services and Institution Available ..................................................................................................... 9

2.9 Recommendation .............................................................................................................................. 9

2.10 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 10

CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................. 11

3.0 COMMUNITY WORK/COMMUNITY PROJECT ....................................................................... 11

3.1 Historical Background .................................................................................................................... 11

3.2 Finding and justification ................................................................................................................. 11

3.3 Aims and Objectives of the Group .................................................................................................. 11

3.4 Student Involvement ....................................................................................................................... 11

3.5 Status of the Project ........................................................................................................................ 11

3.6 Project plans .................................................................................................................................... 11

3.7 Implementation ............................................................................................................................... 12

3.8 Achievements.................................................................................................................................. 12

3.9 Status of Project by the time of leaving ........................................................................................... 12

3.10 Problem Encountered .................................................................................................................... 12

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3.11 Disengagement .............................................................................................................................. 12

3.12 Recommendations ......................................................................................................................... 12

3.13 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 13

CHAPTER FOUR .................................................................................................................................... 14

4.0 GROUP WORK/SOCIAL GROUP WORK ................................................................................... 14

4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 14

4.2 Name of the Group.......................................................................................................................... 14

4.3 Engagement .................................................................................................................................... 14

4.4 Historical Background .................................................................................................................... 14

4.5 Methods of Data Collection ............................................................................................................ 14

4.6 Aims and Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 14

4.7 Group Activities .............................................................................................................................. 15

4.8 Student Involvement ....................................................................................................................... 15

4.9 Implementation ............................................................................................................................... 15

4.10 Achievements................................................................................................................................ 15

4.11 Status of the group by the time of leaving ..................................................................................... 15

4.12 Problem Encountered .................................................................................................................... 15

4.13 Disengagement .............................................................................................................................. 16

4.14 Recommendations ......................................................................................................................... 16

4.14 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 16

CHAPTER FIVE ...................................................................................................................................... 17

5.0 CASE STUDY ................................................................................................................................ 17

5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 17

5.2 CASE ONE ..................................................................................................................................... 17

5.2.1 Engagement ............................................................................................................................. 17

vii | P a g e
5.2.2 Case history .............................................................................................................................. 17

5.2.3 Assessment ............................................................................................................................... 17

5.2.4 Real problem ............................................................................................................................ 18

5.2.5 Treatment plan ......................................................................................................................... 18

5.2.6 Problem solving process .......................................................................................................... 18

5.2.7 Problem Encountered ............................................................................................................... 18

5.2.8 Status of the client by the time of leaving ................................................................................ 18

5.2.9 Disengagement ......................................................................................................................... 19

5.2.10 Recommendations .................................................................................................................. 19

5.2.11 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 19

5.3 CASE TWO .................................................................................................................................... 20

5.3.1 Engagement ............................................................................................................................. 20

5.3.2 Presented Problem.................................................................................................................... 20

5.3.3 Case history .............................................................................................................................. 20

5.3.4 Assessment ............................................................................................................................... 20

5.3.5 Real problem ............................................................................................................................ 20

5.3.6 Problem Solving Process .......................................................................................................... 20

5.3.7 Achievement ............................................................................................................................ 21

5.3.8 Problems Encountered During Solving Problem ...................................................................... 21

5.3.9 Status of the Client by the time of Leaving .............................................................................. 21

5.3.10 Disengagement ....................................................................................................................... 21

5.3.11 Recommendations .................................................................................................................. 21

5.3.12 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 21

5.4 CASE THREE ................................................................................................................................ 22

5.4.1 Engagement ............................................................................................................................. 22

viii | P a g e
5.4.2 Presented problem .................................................................................................................... 22

5.4.3 Case history .............................................................................................................................. 22

5.4.4 Assessment ............................................................................................................................... 22

5.4.5 Real Problem ............................................................................................................................ 22

5.4.6 Treatment plan ......................................................................................................................... 22

5.4.8 Achievements ........................................................................................................................... 23

5.4.9 Problem Encountered ............................................................................................................... 23

5.4.10 Status of the client by the time of leaving .............................................................................. 23

5.4.11 Disengagement ....................................................................................................................... 23

5.4.12 Recommendations .................................................................................................................. 23

5.4.13 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 23

5.5 CASE FOUR .................................................................................................................................. 24

5.5.1 Engagement ............................................................................................................................. 24

5.5.2 Presented problem .................................................................................................................... 24

5.5.3 Assessment ............................................................................................................................... 24

5.5.4 Real Problem ............................................................................................................................ 24

5.5.5 Treatment plan ......................................................................................................................... 24

5.5.7 Problem Encountered ............................................................................................................... 25

5.5.8 Disengagement ......................................................................................................................... 25

5.5.9 Recommendations .................................................................................................................... 25

5.5.10 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 25

CHAPTER SIX ......................................................................................................................................... 26

6.0 ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT ......................................................................... 26

6.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 26

6.2 Nature of the income generating activity ........................................................................................ 26

ix | P a g e
6.3 Aims and objectives ........................................................................................................................ 26

6.4 Support given by the agency ........................................................................................................... 26

6.5 Management of entrepreneur activities ........................................................................................... 26

6.6 Monitoring of the activities ............................................................................................................. 26

6.7 Problem encountered....................................................................................................................... 26

CHAPTER SEVEN .................................................................................................................................. 27

CAPACITY BUILDING, EMPOWERMENT AND MANAGEMENT ................................................... 27

7.0 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 27

7.1 Empowerment programme in the local communities ...................................................................... 27

7.2Aims and objective .......................................................................................................................... 27

7.3 How the agency implements into capacity building activity ........................................................... 27

7.4How the agency evaluate capacity building ..................................................................................... 27

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1.1 Introduction
Social policy and administration is academic subject concerned with the study of social services
are provided and welfare of the state is taken care of the alongside background of the agency.
Procedure services of finance staff and other resources of the agency.

1.2 Historical Background

Sori lakeside is a level in health care facility in Nyatike Sub-county Migori County bordering
Homabay and Migori counties. It has a 180 bed capacity for in patient. The facility is located in
Karungu Sori trading center along Sori Gwassi Road. It offers a preventive, curative,
rehabilitative service ambulance and physio therapy, pharmacy, laboratory, mental and child
health, patient support center for HIV/AIDS services testing and counseling.

It is very accessible and has accessible and has branches which includes, Sori Lakeside Nyatike
Annex location in Migori county, Sori lakeside Sindo branch in Homabay county, Sori lakeside
hospital Ndiwa branch in Homabay county and Sori lakeside mbita branch in Homabay county,
the four branches have both in-patient and out-patient services. It has a catchment population of
about 100,000 people excluding children and this is due to its, Integrity, quality services and
good will from the surrounding community.

1.3 Vision
To provide quality health care for all and Ensure people are free from preventable diseases.

1.4 Mission
Sori lakeside is non-denominational not for a profit organization dedicated for caring for life
through a broad range of health care services, the poor and the sick are the heart of God by
serving the sick lake side serves Christ.

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1.5 Core values



Transparency and accountability

Good governance

1.6 Aims and objectives

 To design effective process which are consistent with the hospitals mission, vision and
 To collect data to minor the stability of existing process, identify opportunities for
improvement identify changes that with lead to improvement identify changes that with
lead to improvement and sustain improvement.
 To aggregate and analysis data and ongoing basis in order to identify changes that will
lead to improved performance and a reduction in error.
 To achieve improved performance and sustain in the improvement throughout the

1.7 Procedure
1. The department being a welfare organization it gave welfare packages including the
enlightening of individual and the community own effort.
2. The department served the patients who were incapable of paying their hospital bills,
abandoning people, HIV/AIDS, mental illness, support in group teenage.
3. Noted that all of those were done when a client came to the facility and was issue would
then be forwarded to social worker who would do psychological assessment and proper
recommendation for the client.

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1.8 Sources of finance
Sori lakeside hospital is being financed in various ways;
1. Through government like funds from ministry of health, Linda mama, National insurance
2. Britam insurance
3. Out of package payments by those who do seek medication in the facility or a well-wishers
voluntary aid.

1.9 Other Resources of the agency

 Maryland university
 Sumba Maisha International cancer Institute.
 UAP Insurance

1.10 Policy Making

Policies were constructed by the government under the ministry of health through the board of
directors then policies would go specifically to the ministry of medical services who would then
direct for implementation for various hospital.

Most of the policies were being made through the hospital board and those people included
superintendence and administrator.

1.11 How the agency was being guided by policy

There is a secretary, co-coordinators office agricultural office, clients office before you go to the
coordinator you must pass through the clerk every department has its own this include social
medical Agricultural were the general the coordinator.

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1.12 Structure of organization

Board of Directors

Resource mobilization

Managing Directors

Resource mobilization
Resident Directors

General management, Governance and

Overall co-ordination of institutional progress


Administration, quality assurance monitoring and providing quality

Planning and policy development clinical services, care, patients

Safety and co-coordinating good

In-Patient and out-patient services


Human Finance Information Support Therapeutic Diagnostic

resource staff

Budgeting Patient House Clinical Medical
Recruitment registration keeping imaging
Billing Nursing
Orientation Admission Catering Laboratory
Collection of Physiotherapy
Staff training insurance Records Maintenance services
Procurement Farewell Dietary
ICT services
Filing returns
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1.13 Staff and their functions
Chief Administrator

 Signing financial documents of the hospital managing and handling senior staff.
 Signing outgoing correspondents and rectifying the facility.

Human Resources.

1. Receive mail and dispatching them.

2. Record keeping.
3. Leave approval.
4. Salary and submission of financial repair.

Accounts and Billing

1. Insurance of receipts for services offered.

2. Sells of books and records.
3. Researching and training.

Medical and social work

 Other psychosocial counseling to the patients.

 Trace home of abandoned babies linking patients to the relevant organization.

Public health

1. Maintain steady safe water supply.

2. Maintain a functional drainage system.


 Provide health education.

 Plan for the menu and hospital diet.
 Manage malnutrition and supervision.

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Ward of tenders

1. Insurance of procurement requisition forms

2. Make a follow ups for delivery.

1.14 Channel of Communication

The communication channels are use of internal and external memorandum there is also the
mandate of the director they advertise and put posters so that the community can read.

1.15 How the personnel influences services

The agencies also had well trained doctors and nurses who came for assistance.

1.16 Services given by the Agency

 The agency as a whole offer frees voluntarily guidance and counseling services.
 Training and disease prevention methods.
 Offers clinical services in various disciplines.

1.17 Observation and findings

The trainee observes the following during industrial training;

I. Inter department communication challenges.

II. Inadequate skilled human Resources as most of the senior officer have poor academic
III. Inadequate capacity building and retraining of employees.
IV. Lack of policies on work place safety.

1.18 Recommendations

 In order to minimize or overcome the challenges gaps during planning period the
management involves the department should focus on strengthening human and
institutional capacity of public service and creation enabling and policy and regulatory
 Development an appropriate organizes structure and conduct continuous training on new
technological changes.
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 Institutionalize the performance management system and avail adequate work facilities.
 Implement customer focused communication strategy that is the service.
 Provide conducive work environment for its employees as a means of motivation.

1.19 Conclusion
In conclusion during the attachment period, acquired skill and knowledge very relevant to any
field of study and more so valuable to the operation at Sori lakeside hospital.

I had a great chance to widen my scoop of knowledge and learn other activities outside the scope
of many courses.

It was such a great moment to replenish and explore other activities that takes place outside the
scope of my course

It was such a great moment to replenish and explore other activities that takes place outside my
field of study.

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During the study period of attachment, the trainer was required to understand the area people
their social organization, major accusation, their achievement, other social related development
services and institutions and problem, recommendations and conclusion.

2.1 The Area

The community in the area under study was situated in Sori were location which boarded,
Kachieng ,Kaluoch and Karungu community.

2.2 The People

The people are purely Luos, speaking Luo language and are divided into sub-community
unities,Kaluoch, Kachieng and kanguru community they are headed by ward administrators and

Being in the Luo tribe, the people at Karungu follow the Luo culture and traditions line wife

There is a higher percentage of children follows by women than men.

2.3 How people in Sori are related to one another

The people around Sori are related through religion, business, common language and sharing of
public utilities like schools.

2.4 Unique Customs of the People

The people of the community had various customs and believe they practiced, religious believes,
cultural practices, educational, marriage birth naming, farming of both food crops and cash crops.


Food being very important in society, maize was the food crop and favorite meal toasted.


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Birth being a dedicated issue in the society women were expecting a baby to be born they were
not to carry head loads or eases


Sori being a cosmopolitan town it had a different denomination range from Christianity among

2.5 Social organization

The way of living is dwelling in the places this is done through the social administration and
leaders who include chief assistance, chief neighborhood associated market leaders the whole
community is ruled by the chief.

2.6 Major occupation of the People

The people in area practice agriculture to meet their living most of them are self-employed and
they did small scale business and few were employed by government.

2.7 People Achievement

Being a united community, they achieve the community goals in terms of constructing a
community development, project through receiving funds from CDF, NGAAF. The CDF do
construct schools, hospitals and roads making the community to receive services such as
medication and education easily.

2.8 Services and Institution Available

The area has services like Sori water project, post office which has eased communication with
area leadership has controlled social problems hence has govern ship in the region.

2.9 Recommendation
The trainee recommended that the government should create job opportunities so that all can get
employed to earn a better living.

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2.10 Conclusion
The exercise was tiresome and interesting the trainee was given assistance by field supervisor
who given assistance by field supervisor who give a clear details about the community and the

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This is work done by community members in order to raise their living standard.

3.1 Historical Background

The project which is known as Chuodho Women Group was founded in was started with
a membership of 25 women at North Kadem, Karungu division were Karungu sub location in
Sori village. The project started by few women who tried ways on how they can eradicate
poverty and also creates employment among the people in the community.

3.2 Finding and justification

The trainee attended group meeting. It came clear that lack of employment and groups that
people could borrow money to raise their standard of living through large or small scale business.

3.3 Aims and Objectives of the Group

Training women in different societies, marketing, distributing goods from the received delivery
of products like cooking stoves, installations.

Look at the welfare of the members in time of need.

3.4 Student Involvement

The trainee involved in the group project by the assistance chief who introduced her to the
members of the project.

3.5 Status of the Project

The trainee found the project running well and joined them to add more support and encouraged
those to participate by the time of joining seventy partners got sponsorship from other programs.

3.6 Project plans

The trainee found out that the community members sat down and were able to make plans for the
project. In order to receive more staff, the trainee encouraged the group members to work hard
following the plans drawn hence better and faster improvement will be seen.
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3.7 Implementation
The trainee together with the project members participated in the implementation process this
was by writing documents.

3.8 Achievements
Ochuodho women group worked towards ensuring no woman is left vulnerable in the society

They had a group had purchase more chairs for hire.

There was a mutual trust and cooperation among the members of the time the trainee joined the

3.9 Status of Project by the time of leaving

The project was more stable and known by many members of the community.

Through the trainer effort in the group, 20 children in different households got sponsorship in
secondary school by NGO known as (CIHEB) Center of International Health and Education

3.10 Problem Encountered

Due to inadequate funds the group could not manage to open up some of its branches which
might help in creation of employment to other women within the community.

3.11 Disengagement
By the time of leaving the trainee let selected members of community to take charge of the
project and group was also selected in hand helping the committee.

3.12 Recommendations
There is need for the group to employ more trained workers to help in the community work and
project and to mobilize the community for awareness In case they want to carry out a community

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3.13 Conclusion
The exercise was good as the trainee found more time to cooperate with the project members
because they were able to provide her with relevant information regarding the project showing
high level of active participation which brought about sustainable development of the project.

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4.1 Introduction
Social group work through which individuals in groups in social agencies settings are helped by
workers who guide the interactions in program activities so that they may recite themselves to
others and experience growth.

4.2 Name of the Group

The name of the group the trainee joined was young farmers association.

4.3 Engagement
The trainee was introduced to the group by the head of the social work in Sori lake side hospital
during field work study.

4.4 Historical Background

The group was formed in 2015 in the month of July. It started with the woman and five men.
This association helped bring young’s from bad to good and help solve challenges they face in
community as well as the Institutions help they are most of the time

4.5 Methods of Data Collection

 Interviews
 Meetings
 Observation
 Discussion with the group member.

4.6 Aims and Objectives

1. To help improve living standard of the people.
2. To fight HIV/AIDS in the community
3. To help people work together and fight poverty.
4. To help people live and know the importance of healthy life.

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5. Help acquire knowledge and how to control the disease.

4.7 Group Activities

Young farmers association has several activities like;

 Raise funds to the members

 Making friendly environment to the customers
 Practicing proper hygiene with the environment.

4.8 Student Involvement

Student was involved in the group by attending the group meetings and also taught the members
on the importance of registration of the national hospital insurance fund this was to help them
managing the hospital bill in case one of the members feel sick. The trainee encouraged the
members on the importance of group work.

4.9 Implementation
The group members with the help of the trainee try so hard that the group could work hand in
hand doing farm work, they even wrote a proposal so that they could get and find help from both
governmental and non-governmental organizations.

4.10 Achievements
1. Ensure there is no poverty within the community
2. There was a mutual trust and cooperation among the time the trainer joined the group.
3. Almost all members were able to register to register with the NHIF.

4.11 Status of the group by the time of leaving

The staff was able to find and keep records in appropriate order for casework; the project had got
financial support hence through working as a team. It had smoothened work appropriately.

4.12 Problem Encountered

The trainee experienced lots of challenges due to inadequate funds in the farm making them not
to meet the quality services within them.

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4.13 Disengagement
The trainee handed over the project to the project and hoped that it will continue effectively to
help achieve set goals in the community.

4.14 Recommendations
The group should see up clear project goals and objectives and also promotes ream work to avoid
conflicts and also allows the members of the group to participate in budgeting in order to create
transparency and accountability to the members.

4.14 Conclusion
The trainee concludes, the group members should meet different groups in different area in order
to acquire knowledge based on the project needs.

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5.1 Introduction
Case work and management is an investigation of an individual institution and situation. They
involve studies over a long period of time or involved the present circumstances.


NATURE OF THE CASE: Domestic violence
NAME:Pamela Adhiambo
AGE: 32 years
RELIGION: Christian

5.2.1 Engagement
The word matron said that the client was bought into the facility husband who used a machete to
beat her up. She was admitted in ward one and had healed but feared going back to her husband
knowing she would be killed.

5.2.2 Case history

The problem started when the husband to the client had started. Rejection his wife for unknown
reasons. The client was an orphan and got married at age 18 years and nothing to do the brothers
were also not earning much to support her since they also left school at class eight levels.

5.2.3 Assessment
The trainer assessment showed that the client was a vegetable vended and earn 200 shillings per
day but her husband could take all the money she made and only give her 50 shillings to buy

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supper and the rest of the money he would squander drinking with his friends and come back
manual workers and the other was physically and mentally challenged.

5.2.4 Real problem

After the assessment done by the trainee who was violence and thus the client's child got out of
wedlock and the mistreatment of the client by her husband since the child did not belong to him.

5.2.5 Treatment plan

The trainer planned to talk to the client husband and warn him about the act he committed and
made him understood how valuable women are and the rights they had and repercussions he
could lightly face where a legal action was taken against him.
The trainee planned to talk to the client in guidance and counseling room in order for her to
know the importance of re-uniting with her family.

5.2.6 Problem solving process

The trainer talked to the client's husband after home visit which she made and warned him about
the act he committed could have led to being jailed.

5.2.7 Problem Encountered

During the home visit accessing the area where the client’s husband lives was difficult due to
poor development of the area and transport cost was also high. The client husband was always
away from his home hence getting him was very difficult convincing the client to reunite with
her husband and they went back together.

5.2.8 Status of the client by the time of leaving

By the time of leaving the client had already reunited with the family.

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5.2.9 Disengagement
The trainee disengaged the case the medical supervisor who took their responsibility to ensure
was peace among the two.

5.2.10 Recommendations
The partners should therefore understand one another and see equal they should also engage in
income generating activities in order to help them hence reducing heavy burden on the hospital
bill payment.

5.2.11 Conclusion
The trainee realized that violence was sometimes as a result of alcoholism neglect of parental
responsibility, violation another person’s right.

19 | P a g e
NAME: Cynthia Auma
AGE: 17
SEX: Female

5.3.1 Engagement
The trainee was engaged with the client while practicing their social work. The trainee met a
social girl during their visit place doing the house work job because of lack of school fees after
coming from a poor background.

5.3.2 Presented Problem

The girl complained of lack of school fees after getting to form one and learning for the first term.

5.3.3 Case history

The client’s parents were disappointed because they depended on small scale farming for food.

5.3.4 Assessment
The trainee interviewed to found out if she still has the interest to go back to school and learn.
The client’s interest was to continue with her education if the school fees were provided to her.

5.3.5 Real problem

The trainee found that the real problem was lack of school fees hence poverty in the family.

5.3.6 Problem Solving Process

The trainee tried to give the clients advice on how education is important in Kenya today. He
also talked to the county representative on how school girl can be sponsored.

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5.3.7 Achievement
The trainee talked to the county representative officer on how the girl gets a letter to back to

5.3.8 Problems Encountered During Solving Problem

The process of sending a letter to the county officer on girl child education was difficult.

5.3.9 Status of the Client by the time of Leaving

The trainee advised the client on the importance of being educated hence encouraged her to work
hard in school.

5.3.10 Disengagement
The client was very happy when she managed to go back to school.

5.3.11 Recommendations
The trainer suggested that the parents should organize the Harambee for the girl child education.

5.3.12 Conclusion
During the interview the parents were afraid to tell the truth while the girl was willing to go back
to school. The trainer tried all means and managed to solve problem.

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NATURE OF CASE: Drug abuse
NAME: Felix Ochieng'
SEX: Male
AGE: 17

5.4.1 Engagement
The trainee got engaged to the client during the field work practice.

5.4.2 Presented problem

Due to the peer pressure from the age mates the boy engaged himself in bhang smoking because
of being idle after his parents failed to pay his fees.

5.4.3 Case history

The client began smoking at the tender age of 13 years He said he did so because he was idle and
was not seeing his future ahead of moving on his studies being that his elder brother has also
dropped in form two.

5.4.4 Assessment
The trainee tried to discuss the matter with the boy and his parents.

5.4.5 Real Problem

The trainee found out that the real problem was lack of school fees to continue with his studies
being he comes from a poor family.

5.4.6 Treatment plan

The trainee took the client to the nearest health center so that he can be examined if the drug he
is taking had already affected his body system.

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5.4.7 Problem Solving

The trainee taught the client on the effects of drug taking.

5.4.8 Achievements
The client managed to abstain from drugs and become responsible person through starting a
chicken keeping project.

5.4.9 Problem Encountered

It was so difficult to convince the boy to stop smoking since he was already addicted to them.

5.4.10 Status of the client by the time of leaving

The client has gained hope in Life when he had started keeping chickens and secondly after
listening to the trainee's advice. The client decided to stop taking bhang hence abstain from it

5.4.11 Disengagement
The trainee was very happy to abstain and was planning to go back to school.

5.4.12 Recommendations
The trainee recommends that the client should not influence by peer pressure hence stop taking
bhang then go back to school.

5.4.13 Conclusion
Dealing with the client was so much hectic. The trainee had to convince him beyond doubt in
order to stop taking bhang. After winning the battle the client promised to go back to school and
study up to higher level.

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NAME: Vena Mware


AGE: 9 years

RELIGION: Christian

RESIDENCE: St. Camilus

EDUCATION: Class three

5.5.1 Engagement
The trainee got engaged to the client to the facility at the department of gender based violence
recovery center when the client was brought in by the mother.

5.5.2 Presented problem

The mother to the client told the trainee that the child was defiled when she went to market with
the people she knew very well.

5.5.3 Assessment
The trainee tried to find out what could be the cause of the problem, the mother and the client
were free and said they had those people’s debt so it was like they were revenging.

5.5.4 Real Problem

The trainee realized that the main problem as to why that happened is that the mother owed the
man some cash worthy 20,000 she had refused to pay back, those people were now revenging
through that young girl.

5.5.5 Treatment plan

The trainee had to take the kids to the doctor to get treatment and also to be tested to know
whether she was infected with the any diseases like the STI'S and HIV AIDS
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5.5.6 Problem Solving

The trainee offered supportive psychological counseling to the mother and the child and also to
re-assure her that the child would be fine and will get recovery

5.5.7 Problem Encountered

There was difficulty in communication due to fear of the client.

The perpetrators had relocated to unknown placeless thus it was difficult to track them..

5.5.8 Disengagement
The trainee disengaged the case with the police and the child was tranferred to Agape children's
home after she had recovered from the injury.

5.5.9 Recommendations
The trainee recommended the client's mother to pay the debt to avoid such cases of defilement
and also to take good care of her daughter since she was still young.

5.5.10 Conclusion
The trainee concluded that failure to clear debts owed to individuals may cause harm or any
other lose thus people should try to settle their debts.

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6.1 Introduction
The process acquiring contribution to assist in operating and offer financial support towards
business sustainability while managing means the act of dealing with or controlling either things
or people.

6.2 Nature of the income generating activity

The group receives the income generating activity through their farm products i.e. bee keeping,
growing of vegetables etc.

6.3 Aims and objectives

The agency helped the enterprenuered activity by enabling the client raise his/her standard of

6.4 Support given by the agency

They donated some seeds to the nearby farmers to plant their own vegetables and crops.

They also gave out some seedlings in their seedbeds to be planted by other farmers.

6.5 Management of entrepreneur activities

The clients achieved good management of the birds through a combing quality nutrition
guidance and high security and providing food for them.

6.6 Monitoring of the activities

The monitoring sessions by the agency was done after every month after the harvest and before
planting of the farm produces.

6.7 Problem encountered

Lack of water for the seedlings

Lack of farm tools and equipments to boost in farming process.

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7.0 Introduction
The capacity building programmes were carried out so as to engage the community members
towards achieving desired goals. Goals and objectives like ensuring there is school dropouts i.e.
marriage and early pregnancies.

7.1 Empowerment programme in the local communities

The agency empowered the community through organizing out internships to create room for
educating them in some problems.

7.2Aims and objective

 To eradicate poverty through selling and buying the farm produce.
 To create employment by employing more workers to work in the farm and other

7.3 How the agency implements into capacity building activity

During implementation process on the approved subjects strategies and plan were established
and carried out in the areas agreed upon by the community members and know how they can be
helped by the end.

7.4How the agency evaluate capacity building

After the completion of empowerment process. The government was able to address the
community problem through the views of people and written minutes sub settled by the agency.
The agency was able to work with the community members in helping the identity possible
solutions to the proposed areas of weakness in the community.

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