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fa After completing this chapter you should be able to: © Find the expected value of a discrete random variable X > pages2-5 © Find the expected value of X2 + pages3-5 © Find the variance of a discrete random variable > pages 5-7 © Use the expected value and variance of a function of X + pages 7-11 © Solve problems involving random variables > pages 11-14 The random variable X ~ B(12, 2). Find: a P(X=2) b PU<2) Statistics and Mechanics © P8 ¥) ) = Var) + (EX)? batbtcs1-03 5 = OAS 12 2.5 and Var(Y) = 13.95, find: Rearrange the formula ¥= 3-1 to get it in terms of X. Adding a constant does not change variance, 50 Var(¥ + 1) = Var(¥). Vara + b) = a2Var(x) The probabilities must sum to 1. Using £00 =~0.5 from part a. Using E(X®) = 18 from part a. Discrete random variables Waiting equations (1), (2) and (3) as a single matrix equation (hi 14 Se, by inverting the matrix we find = ___ Enter the 3 x 3 matrix representing the three simultaneous equations into your calculator, Find its inverse and multiply to ‘s\(‘0 5\ oe find the values of a, b and ¢. (2) -(e) Sea=0.2,b202 andes 005. 2 Pk» Nark>ax-yarr ¥)=03+02+025 075 — | Add the probabilities of all the values of 3, that satisfy theinequality. 1 Xis.a discrete random variable, The random variable Yis defined by Y= 4X - 6. Given that E(¥) =2and Var(¥) = 32, find: a E(X) b Var(X) ¢ the standard deviation of X. 2 Wis discrete random variable, The random variable ¥ is defined by Y- Given that E(Y) = -1 and Var(¥) = 9, find: a EX) b Var(x) © EW) ® 3 The discrete random variable X has a probability distribution given by x 12,34 Px=y [03 | a | b | 02 ‘The random variable Y is defined by Y= 2X + 3. Given that E(Y) = 8, find the values of a and b. The discrete random variable X has a probability distribution given by x 90° | 180° | 270° Pixs) [a | 6 | 03 ‘The random variable Y is defined as Y= sin X°. @ Find the range of possible values of EY). (5 marks) b Given that ECY) = 0.2, write down the values of a and hb. (2 marks) 13 | a ee ® 5 The discrete random variable X has a probability distribution given by x a2af-1[ofif2 PX=xy | a) bo cl bia ‘The random variable Y is defined Y = (X + 1)°. a Given that E(Y) = 24 and P(Y > 2)= 0.4, show that: 2a+Ib+e= 10a + 4b + a+b 4 b Hence find the values of a, b, and c. ¢ Find P2X+3< Y). 4 GP) 6 The discrete random variable X has a probability distribution given by a x=1,23 P(X¥=x)= { x=4,5 co x36 ‘Suppose that Yis defined by Y= 1 - 2%. ‘a Given that E(¥) = ~5.6 and P(Y < —5) = 0.6, write down the value of E(X). (1 mark b Show that: 3a+2b+ 2a+3b+2¢=1.1 a+2b+ c= 06 (4 marks ¢ Solve the system to find values for a, 6, c. (2marks d Find P(¥>5+ ¥). (2 marks tee 1 The random variable ¥ has the probability function P(Y= x) =r x=1,2,3,4,5,6 a Construct a table giving the probability distribution of X. Find: b P2X). (2 marks) 17 The discrete random variable X has a probability distribution given by x -2 0 2 3 4 px=y | a [oe [ai] sb |e The random variable Yis defined as Y= 2=3¥ You are given that E(Y) = ~0.98 and P(¥ » ~1) = 0.4, a Write down three simultaneous equations in a, 6 and c. (4 marks) b Solve this system to find the values of a, b and c, marks) © Find P(-2¥> 10Y). (2 marks) Cars ERD Vou cam make use of the Let 1 be a positive integer and suppose that ‘is a discrete following results: random variable with P(X si) =4fori=1,....m. Show that €(¥) ="£1 and var(x) = wene-y © Core Pure Book 1, Chapter 3 Ww Chapter 1 Summary of key points 18 1 The expected value of the discrete random variable X is denoted E(X) and defined as E(X) = DxP(X= x) The expected value of X? is E(X?) = S)x*P(X = x) N w . The variance of X's usually written as Var(X) and is defined as Var(X) = E((X — E(X))*) n ‘Sometimes, it is easier to calculate the variance using the formula Var(X) = E(X?) - (E(X))? 'F X isa discrete random variable, and gis @ function, then g(2X) is also a discrete random variable. You can calculate the expected value of g() using the formula: E(g(X)) = Dats) P(X =) If Xis a random variable and a and 6 are constants, then E(aX + 5) = aE(X) +5. ~ \f Xand Yare random variables, then E(X + Y) = E(X) + E(Y) if Xis a random variable and a and b are constants then Var(aX + 5) = a?Var(X)

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