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Industrial Engineering Program

IND413: Advanced Quality Management

Lecture #1
The Concept of Quality

Dr. Sayed Ali Zayan Summer Term 2023/2024

Quality Definitions
1) Fitness for use or purpose is a definition of
quality that evaluates how well the product
performs for its intended use. (Joseph Juran)
2) Quality is the conformance to
requirements/specifications. This is a definition
of quality to find out, how well a product or
service meets the targets and tolerances
determined by its designers. (Philip Crosby)
3) Quality should be aimed at the needs of the
customer, present and future. (Dr. Edward
Quality Definitions
Quality is The totality of features and
characteristics of a product or service that bear
on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.
(ISO 8402: Quality Vocabulary)
Quality is the loss (from function variation and
harmful effects) a product causes to society after
being shipped, other than any losses caused by
its intrinsic functions. (Dr Genichi Taguchi)
Quality is the degree to which a set of inherent
characteristics fulfills requirements. (ISO 9000:
Quality Definitions
Quality Can Be Quantified As Follows:

If Q is greater than 1.0, then the customer
has a good feeling about the product or

Q = quality
P = performance
E = expectations
Customer-driven Definitions of Quality

Value for price paid: Quality is defined in terms of

the utility of the product or service for the price
Support services: Quality is defined in terms of the
support provided after the product or service is
Psychological criteria : A way of defining quality
that focuses on judgemental evaluations of what
constitutes product or service excellence.
Dimensions of Quality
A) Product Quality Dimensions: (David Garvin)
B) Service quality dimensions
Understanding/Knowing The Customer
Important Quality Terms
 Quality management is a method for ensuring that all the
activities necessary for the design, development and
implementation of a product or service are effective and
efficient with respect to the system and its performance.
 Quality control is the ongoing effort to maintain the integrity of a
process to maintain the reliability of achieving an outcome.
 Quality assurance is the planned or systematic action
necessary to provide enough confidence that a product or
service will satisfy the given requirements of quality.
 Quality improvement can be distinguished from quality control
in that quality improvement refers to purposeful change of a
process to improve the reliability of achieving an outcome.
Quality Control vs Quality Assurance
Types of Quality
1. Quality of Design
The quality of design is based on the use of market research
to identify the product characteristics which connote‫تضمن‬
quality to customers.
2. Quality of Conformance
Quality of conformance deals with translating user-based
characteristics into identifiable product attributes.
3. Quality of Performance
Quality of performance deals with organizing the
manufacturing process to ensure that product quality
stringently adheres to specifications.
Types of Quality
Table shows other classifications of the types of quality.
Three Levels of Quality

Viewing an organization from three levels helps clarify

the roles and responsibilities of all employees in
pursuing quality. Total quality management rests on the
foundation of the total involvement of all the employees
of the organization. An organization that is committed
to quality must examine this at three levels:
Organizational level
Process level
The performer or job level or the task design
Three Levels of Quality
1. Organizational level:
At this level, quality concerns revolve around meeting the
requirements of the external customer. An organization must seek
customer inputs on a regular basis. Top managers must focus
attention at the organizational level. The following questions are
designed to help define quality at this level:
 What products and services meet your expectations?
 What products and services do not meet your expectations?
 What are the products or services that you need but are not
 Are you receiving products or services that you do not need?
Three Levels of Quality
2. Process level:
At the process level, organizational units are classified as functions or departments
such as those undertaking marketing, design, product development, operations,
finance, purchasing, billing and so on. Since most processes are cross functional, the
managers of particular organizational units may try to optimize the activities under their
control, which can sub-optimize activities for the organization as a whole. Middle
managers and supervisors must, therefore, focus their attention at the process level. To
define quality at the process level, managers must ask questions such as:
 What products or services are the most important to external customers?
 What processes produce those products and services?
 What are the key inputs to the process?
 Which processes have the most significant effect on the organization’s
customer driven performance standards?
 Who are my internal customers and what are their needs?
Three Levels of Quality
3. Performer or job level or task design level:
At the performer level, standards for output must be based on
quality and customer service requirements that originate at
the organizational and process levels. These standards include
requirements for innovation, timeliness, completeness,
accuracy and costs. All employees must understand quality at
the performer level. To define quality at the job level, one must
ask questions such as:
 What is required by customers, both internal and external?
 How can the requirements be measured?
 What is the specific standard for each measure?

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