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Amateur Gamer Contract

This Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into on [feb15th 2024] between [JAGAIMO GT]and
[KingDoblo] regarding the Player's participation in the Club's gaming team as an amateur player.

1. Term

This Agreement shall commence on [start date] and shall remain in effect until terminated by
either party in accordance with the terms herein.

2. Player Obligations

2.1. **Performance:** Player agrees to actively participate in training sessions, tournaments,

and other team activities as scheduled by the Club.

2.2. **Conduct:** Player shall conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner at all
times, both online and offline, including interactions with teammates, opponents, officials, and
the gaming community.

2.3. **Availability:** Player agrees to communicate their availability and any scheduling conflicts
promptly to the team captain or designated team representative.

2.4. **Skill Development:** Player shall make reasonable efforts to improve their gaming skills,
including practicing regularly and seeking opportunities for skill development.

2.5. **Equipment:** Player is responsible for maintaining their gaming equipment in good
working condition and ensuring compatibility with the Club's requirements.

2.6. **Representation:** Player agrees to represent the Club positively and uphold its reputation
both during and outside of official team activities.

3. Club Obligations

3.1. **Support:** The Club shall provide resources and support to facilitate the Player's
participation in training, tournaments, and other team activities.

3.2. **Communication:** The Club shall maintain open communication channels with the Player
regarding team schedules, strategies, and any other relevant information.

3.3. **Opportunities:** The Club shall endeavor to provide opportunities for the Player to
compete in tournaments, leagues, and other competitive events to the best of its ability.
3.4. **Development:** The Club may offer guidance, coaching, and resources to support the
Player's skill development and improvement as an eSports athlete.

4. Compensation

As an amateur player, Player acknowledges that they are not entitled to monetary compensation
for their participation in the Club's activities. Any rewards, prizes, or benefits earned by the team
through tournaments or sponsorships shall be split between the players according to their
efforts, contribution, and performance as determined by the Club.

5. Termination

Either party may terminate this Agreement with written notice to the other party. Termination
shall be effective immediately upon receipt of such notice, unless otherwise specified.

6. Miscellaneous

6.1. **Entire Agreement:** This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the
parties concerning the subject matter herein and supersedes all prior agreements and
understandings, whether written or oral.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first
above written.


[KingDoblo ]

[Feb 15th 2024]

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