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J.G.V.V. Mat. Hr. Sec.

School – 2021 -

2022 III Mid Term Test

Std: VIl English Marks: 50

Date: 15.11.2021 Time: 1.30 hours
I. Choose an appropriate synonyms for the underlined words: 3x1=3
1. There were hilarious scenes when the pig ran into the shop.
a) Frightening b) boring c) amusing d) fascinating
2. He was awarded a cross for gallantry in combat.
a) Fight b) peace c) retreat d) accord
3. The girl tells an incredible story.
a) Believable b) unbelievable c) fact d) truth
II. Choose an appropriate antonyms for the underlined words:
4. Every man is the master of his own fortune.
a) Owner b) servant c) proud d) respectful
5. She seemed embarrassed for a moment but quickly recovered her poise.
a) Doubtfully b) proud c) shameless d) unsettled
6. The sun appeared through a rift in the clouds.
a) Vanished b) looked c) seem d) materialized
III. Vocabulary: 4x1=4

8. Read the following sentence and write the meaning of the Italicised

words: We have marchpasting March.

9. Separate the syllable for the given word:


10. Frame your own sentence with the given

word: Adventures

IV. Grammar: 3x2=6

11.Fill in the blanks with a suitable degrees of

comparison: i)The Ganges is the river in India. (

long )

ii) Ram's handwriting is tha

that of Ajai. ( good )
12. Identify the Voice:
i) Sam kicks the ball.

ii) A brownie is being baked by Anu.

13. Fill in the blanks with the suitable verb forms:

Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3
i) Take
ii) taught
V. Answer the following: 5x2=10
14. Why was the elephant owner happy with the deal?
15. Which mode of transport did Fogg choose?
16. Why was Sir Francis angry?
17. Describe the elephant driver in your own words.
18. Did he hire kiouni? Why?
Vl. Read the following poetic lines and answer the following: 2x2=4
19. There are many legends based on their heroic exploits
A legacy of tales which have been told with much adroit.
a) What does 'heroice exploits' mean?
b) What are legends?
20. And is fighting for their country, faith and king

Nobel impressions on People's minds would ring.

a) What does ' noble impression' mean?

b) Who can leave a noble impression?
VII.Quote from memory: 1x5=5
21. From: Where the voice ---------------------
To: is our home.
VIII. Answer in a paragraph: 1x5=5
22. Write a paragraph about Sindbad’s first voyage.
IX. Letter writing: 1x5=5
23. Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper paper complaining about the
Construction work on your road in the middle of monsoon season causing
inconvenience to he people of your locality.
X. General Comprehension: 5x1=5
24. Read the passage and answer the following questions:

Our Friendly Neighbours

My name is Maria and I live in Mumbai with my grandparents, parents,
and my naughty younger brother. Our neighbours are the Naiks, who live in the
penthouse. They have a pet, the friendly Beagle, named Oliver. Mr Naik
always takes Oliver for a walk in the morning and comes back with little
goodies for my brother and me, Mrs Naik is a great cook and whenever
they cook anything the aroma floods our house and all of us keep
dreaming what it is. Their children are married and live outside Mumbai.
One day, my mom was unwell and had to be hospitalised for a few days, my
dad was wondering how to manage food for us. The Naiks came home and
told my parents not to worry and they will manage our kitchen. Everyday,
they used to come to our house in the morning by 6. 30 am and make our
breakfast & lunch, which was always something different and tasty. They
used to cook dinner at their home and send it to us. My grandparents also
love their cooking.
My dad told me that time, it is a great virtue to help one another at times
of need which I will always remember thanks to the Naiks.
1.How many people are there in Maria's
house? 2.Where were the Naiks living?
3.Who was hospitalised and what was the issue because of that?
4.What did Maria learn from this incident?
5.Write down three good qualities you think one should have.

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