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CSA3023 Advanced Databases Lab

Lab 2 Manual
Level 1:
Experiment No. 2: Try experiments on MongoDB Operators
Level 1: Perform queries involving MongoDB Query and Projection Operators using ‘Student’
MongoDB provides many different operators for interacting with the database.
Operators are special symbols or keywords that tell a compiler or interpreter what
mathematical or logical operations to perform.

Here we'll learn query and projection operators. So let's get going!
Query operators
The query operators extend MongoDB's capabilities by allowing developers to write
complicated queries that interact with data sets relevant to their applications.

MongoDB offers the following query operator types:

 Comparison
 Logical
 Element
 Evaluation
 Geospatial
 Array
 Bitwise
 Comments

Now, let's dive deeper into these operators.

1.) Comparison operators
To compare values in a document, Mongodb comparison operators can be utilized.
The comparison operators are shown in the table below.
2.) Logical Operators
Logical operators in MongoDB can be used to filter data based on certain criteria.
Multiple conditions can be combined using these operators. Each operator assigns a
true or false value to the specified condition.

The logical operators in MongoDB are listed below:

Let’s see one example of all the above logical operators.
a.) $and operator
To find documents that satisfy both the following conditions
 designation is equal to "Software Developer".
 empAge is between 20 and 35
db.employees.find({ $and: [{"designation ": "Software Developer"}, {"emp_age": {$gte: 20, $lte: 35}}]})

b.) $or and $nor Operators

To find documents that satisfy either of the following conditions.
 designation is equal to "SDE1" or "SDE2".
db.employees.find({ $or: [{"designation ": "SDE1"}, {"designation ": "SDE2"}]})

To find documents that do not satisfy either of the following conditions.

 designation is equal to "SDE1" or "SDE2".
db.employees.find({ $nor: [{"designation": "SDE1"}, {"designation": "SDE2"}]})

c.) $not operator

To find documents where they do not match the given conditions.
 empAge is not greater than or equal to 35
db.employees.find({ "empAge": { $not: { $gte: 35}}})

3.) Element Operators

The element query operators are used to find documents based on the document's
The current element operators are listed in the table below.
Let’s see one example of each.
a.) $exists operator
To find documents where the empAge field exists and is greater than equal to 30.
db.employees.find({ "empAge": { $exists: true, $gte: 30}})

b.) $type Operator

The following query statement returns documents if the emp_age field is a double
type. If we specify an alternative data type, no records will be returned even though
the field exists because it does not correlate to the relevant field type.
db.employees.find({ "empAge": { $type: "double"}})

4.) Evaluation Operators

The MongoDB evaluation operators can assess a document's overall data structure
as well as individual fields. Because these operators might be considered advanced
MongoDB capabilities, we are merely looking at their fundamental functionality.
The following is a list of MongoDB's most popular evaluation operators.

Let’s see one example of each.

a.) $jsonSchema Operator
To find documents that correspond to the following JSON schema in the testdata
Syntax: { $jsonSchema: <JSON Schema object> }
We’ll create the following collection named students and use the $jsonSchema
operator to set schema validation rules:
Student Collection:
db.createCollection("students", {
validator: {
$jsonSchema: {
bsonType: "object",
required: [ "name", "year", "major", "address" ],
properties: {
name: {
bsonType: "string",
description: "must be a string and is required"
year: {
bsonType: "int",
minimum: 2017,
maximum: 3017,
description: "must be an integer in [ 2017, 3017 ] and is required"
major: {
enum: [ "Math", "English", "Computer Science", "History", null ],
description: "can only be one of the enum values and is required"
gpa: {
bsonType: [ "double" ],
description: "must be a double if the field exists"
address: {
bsonType: "object",
required: [ "city" ],
properties: {
street: {
bsonType: "string",
description: "must be a string if the field exists"
city: {
bsonType: "string",
"description": "must be a string and is required"

Now, we’ll define the sample schema object as:

let myschema = {
required: [ "item", "qty", "instock" ],
properties: {
item: { bsonType: "string" },
qty: { bsonType: "int" },
size: {
bsonType: "object",
required: [ "uom" ],
properties: {
uom: { bsonType: "string" },
h: { bsonType: "double" },
w: { bsonType: "double" }
instock: { bsonType: "bool" }

Now, we can use $jsonSchema operator as follows:

 Using the $jsonSchema to find all documents in the collection that satisfy the schema:
db.inventory.find( { $jsonSchema: myschema } )
db.inventory.aggregate( [ { $match: { $jsonSchema: myschema } } ] )

 Using the $jsonSchema with the $nor to find all documents that do not satisfy the
db.inventory.find( { $nor: [ { $jsonSchema: myschema } ] } )

 Updating all documents that do not satisfy the schema:

db.inventory.updateMany( { $nor: [ { $jsonSchema: myschema } ] }, { $set: { isValid: false } } )

 Deleting all documents that do not satisfy the schema:

db.inventory.deleteMany( { $nor: [ { $jsonSchema: myschema } ] } )

b.) $mod Operator

To find documents where the remainder is 1000 when divided by 3000 in the
inventory collection, we use the following:
db.inventory.find({"quantity": {$mod: [3000, 1000]}})

c.) $regex Operator

To find documents that contain the word "employee" in the name field in the
inventory collection.
db.inventory.find({"name": {$regex: '.employee.'}})

d.) $text Operator

To find documents by using a text search for "Non-CS" in the branch field. If the field
is not indexed, we should create a text index before searching.
db.inventory.createIndex({ "branch": "text"})
db.inventory.find({ $text: { $search: "Mon-CS"}})

e.) $where Operator

To find documents from the "employee" collection where the empid field is a string
type and is equal to the given md5 hash specified by the JavaScript function.
db.employee.find({ $where: function() { var strvalue = isString(this.empid ) && hex_md5(this._id) ==
'57fee1331906c3a8f0fa583d37ebbea9'; return value; }})

5.) Array Operators

Array operators in MongoDB are used to query documents that include arrays.
MongoDB provides the following array operators.

Let’s see one example of each.

a.) $all operator
To find documents where the category array field contains "Web-dev" and
"MachineLearning" values.
db.inventory.find({ "category": { $all: ["Web_dev", "MachineLearning"]}})

b.) $size operator

To find documents where the category array field has two elements.
db.inventory.find({ "category": { $size: 2}})

6.) Comment Operator

A comment is associated with an expression that takes a query predicate when
using the MongoDB comment query operator. Adding comments to queries makes it
easier for database managers to monitor and analyze MongoDB logs.
$comment Operator
The following example adds a $comment to a find() operation:
{ x: { $mod: [ 2, 0 ] },
$comment: "Find even values."
7.) Projection Operators
Some of the important projection operators of MongoDB are given below.
a.) $ Operator
The $ operator restricts the contents of a query result array to only the first member
that matches the query document.{ "period": { $eq: 7}, $comment: "Find Weeklong tests"}).
b.) $elemMatch
Using this operator, the content of the array field from the query result is confined to
the first element matching the element $elemMatch condition.
db.library.find( { bookcode: "60109" }, { students: { $elemMatch: { roll: 103 } } } )

c.) $meta
The meta operation delivers a response for each document that matches the query
in terms of metadata.
{ $meta: <metaDataKeyword> }

d.) $slice
This operator controls the number of values in an array that a query returns.
db.books.find( { field: value }, { array: {$slice: count } } );

This was all about projection and Query operators of MongoDB.

Level 2: Do queries involving MongoDB update operator on ‘Employee’ Database.

(Student will implement in the lab and write in lab record)

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