The Tripura Co MCQ

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The Tripura Co-operative Societies Act passed in which year ?

a) 1976




ans - b

Q) Who regulates Cooperative Bank ?

1) RBI

2) Government of India

3) President of India


ANS -1

Under which act RBI Regulate Cooperative banks?

a) BR act 1949

b) RBI act 1934

c) RBI ACT 1935

d) BR act 1948

ans - a

Registration of Cooperative societies of Tripura has done Under which act and section ?

a) Section 8 TCS Act 1974

b)Section 9 TCS Act 1974

c)Section 10 TCS Act 1974

d)Section 11 TCS Act 1974

ans - b

Auditor of the Society to audit the accounts of the society is appointed by whom? ( under TCS act

a) Registrar

b) Chairman

b) Director

d)Govt of Tripura

Cooperative credit structure society includes—-

a)State Cooperative Bank

b)The Co-operative land development bank

c)A primary agricultural credit society

d) All of the above

ans - D

State Cooperative Bank means an apex cooperative society doing the business of banking as defined
in which section

a) clause (b) of Section 5 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949

b)clause (c) of Section 5 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949

c)clause (f) of Section 5 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949

d)clause (b) of Section 5 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1948


Co-operative land development bank" means a society which is functioning or is to function as a land
development bank under Which chapter —

a) Chapter XII of TCS act 1974

b)Chapter X of TCS act 1974

c)Chapter I of TCS act 1974

d) Chapter V of TCS act 1974

ans - a

The Word ‘’ Dividend’’ Means

a)the Expenses Have to be paid by a society, in proportion to the shares held by him

b)the Government’s income paid out of the profits of a society, to a member in proportion to the
shares held by him

c)the amount paid out of the profits of a society, to a member not in proportion to the shares held
by him

d)the amount paid out of the profits of a society, to a member in proportion to the shares held by

‘’Financing bank" means a co-operative bank which -

a)include the creation of funds but doesn’t provide loan

b)include the creation of a society which promotes Students to get higher educational degree

c)include the creation of funds to be loaned to Commercial banks

d)include the creation of funds to be loaned to other societies

ans:- d

In federal society -

a)the members which are societies have not less than one-fifths of the total number of votes in the
general meeting

b)the members which are societies have not less than two-fifths of the total number of votes in the
general meeting

c)the members which are societies have not less than four-fifths of the total number of votes in the
general meeting
d) the members which are societies have not less than three-fifths of the total number of votes in
the general meeting

ans- c

"federal society" means a society-

a)not less than five members of which are themselves societies

b)not less than three members of which are themselves societies

c)not less than two members of which are themselves societies

d)not less than four members of which are themselves societies

ans- a

"Firm" means a firm registered under which act -

a)The Indian Partnership Act, 1932

b)The Indian Partnership Act, 1934

c)The Indian Partnership Act, 1933

d)The Indian Partnership Act, 1948

ans- a

"housing society" means a society the object of which-

a)is providing its members

belonging to low income group with an income of not more than rupees five hundred per month
with dwelling houses
b)is providing its members belonging to low income group with an income of not more than rupees
six hundred per month with dwelling houses;

c)is providing its members belonging to low income group with an income of not more than rupees
Seven hundred per month with dwelling houses;

d)is providing its members belonging to low income group with an income of not more than rupees
Seven thousand per month with dwelling houses;


“Liquidator" means a person appointed as liquidator under which act -

1) TCS ACT 1974

b)BR ACT 1949

c)RBI ACT 1934


ans -a

“Registrar” means a person appointed to be the Registrar of Co-operative

Societies under which section ?

a) section 3 of TCS ACT 1974

b )section 4 of TCS ACT 1974

c)section 5 of TCS ACT 1974

d) section 6 of TCS ACT 1974

ans a

“primary agriculture credit society means a Co-operative Society as defined under clause (cciv) of

a) Section 2 of BR act 1949

b)Section 10 of BR act 1949

c)Section 11 of BR act 1949

d)Section 5 of BR act 1949

ans :- D

The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development established

under which section?

a)Section 3 of NABARD act 1981

b)Section 4 of NABARD act 1981

c)Section 5 of NABARD act 1981

d)Section 6 of NABARD act 1981

ans :- a

The Reserve Bank of India established under section 3 of the Reserve Bank of

India Act—





ans :- b

No society, other than a federal society, shall be registered under this Act, unless it

consists of at least ________ members—

a) 14 members

b)16 members

c) 10 members

d) 41 members


No credit society shall be registered if the bye-laws of such society permit

admission, as member thereof, of a person who is—

a) a money-lender by profession

b) a Farmer by profession

c) a teacher by profession

d) a common man

ans:- a

If the Registrar is satisfied that a proposed society has complied with the

provisions of this Act and the rules, and that its proposed bye-laws are not contrary to this

Act or to the rules, he may, within__________ from the date of receipt of the

application, register the society and its bye-laws——

a)One month

b)Two months

c)Three months

d)four months

ans :- A
What is the primary objective of a credit cooperative society?

A) Profit maximization

B) Social welfare

C) Market dominance

D) Shareholder dividends

Answer: B) Social welfare

What is the maximum interest rate typically charged by credit cooperative societies on loans to their

A) Market rate

B) Prime lending rate

C) Usury rate

D) Lower than market rate

ANS-D) Lower than market rate

What is the significance of the term "par value" concerning the shares held by members in a credit
cooperative society?

A) Market value of shares

B) Nominal value of shares

C) Dividend yield of shares

D) Face value of shares

ANS-B) Nominal value of shares

What is the concept of "cooperative federalism" in the context of credit cooperative societies?

A) Exclusive control by the federal government

B) Collaboration between cooperative societies and federal agencies

C) Strict separation of powers within cooperatives

D) Competition among cooperatives at the federal level

ANS;- B) Collaboration between cooperative societies and federal agencies

According to the Act, who is eligible to be a member of a cooperative society in Tripura?

A) Only residents of urban areas

B) Any person competent to contract

C) Only government employees

D) Only individuals with prior cooperative experience

Answer: B) Any person competent to contract

Question: What is the tenure of the elected members of the committee of a cooperative society as
per the Tripura State Cooperative Societies Act 1974?

A) 1 year

B) 2 years

C) 3 years

D) 5 years

Answer: C) 3 years

Under the Tripura State Cooperative Societies Act 1974, what is the role of the Registrar of
Cooperative Societies?

A) Only to collect annual fees from societies

B) To provide loans to societies

C) To register, regulate, and supervise cooperative societies

D) Only to resolve disputes between societies

Answer: C) To register, regulate, and supervise cooperative societies

What role does the Reserve Fund play in helping Tripura Credit Cooperative Societies manage
interest rate risks?

A) Providing additional income to offset low-interest rates

B) Absorbing potential losses and ensuring financial stability

C) Determining interest rates on loans

D) Investing in high-risk ventures to increase returns

Answer: B) Absorbing potential losses and ensuring financial stability

According to the Tripura State Cooperative Societies Act 1974, what is the primary source of income
for credit cooperative societies in Tripura?

A) Membership fees

B) Government grants

C) Interest on loans to members

D) Donations from members

Answer: C) Interest on loans to members

Question: How do credit cooperative societies in Tripura determine the interest rates on loans to
their members?

A) Fixed rates set by the Registrar of Cooperative Societies

B) Variable rates based on the market conditions

C) Rates decided by the government

D) Rates determined by the Board of Directors of the society

Answer: D) Rates determined by the Board of Directors of the society

How does the creditworthiness of members affect the interest rates offered by Tripura Credit
Cooperative Societies?

A) It has no impact on interest rates

B) Higher creditworthiness leads to lower interest rates

C) Lower creditworthiness leads to higher interest rates

D) Creditworthiness is only considered for savings accounts

Answer: B) Higher creditworthiness leads to lower interest rates

What is the significance of the common bond in a credit cooperative society?

a. It ensures exclusivity

b. It defines the membership criteria

c. It limits financial growth

d. It promotes competition

Answer: b. It defines the membership criteria

How are the activities of a credit cooperative society governed?

a. By a central bank

b. By a board of directors

c. By individual shareholders

d. By government regulations

Answer: b. By a board of directors

What is the key difference between a credit cooperative society and a commercial bank?

a. Profit motive

b. Membership criteria

c. Interest rates

d. Ownership structure

Answer: a. Profit motive

In a credit cooperative society, what is the role of a Supervisory Committee?

a. Approving loans

b. Conducting audits
c. Setting interest rates

d. Marketing financial products

Answer: b. Conducting audits

What is the primary source of funds for a credit cooperative society?

a. Government grants

b. Member deposits

c. Stock market investments

d. Corporate loans

Answer: b. Member deposits

How are profits distributed in a credit cooperative society?

a. Amongst the board of directors

b. As dividends to members

c. To external shareholders

d. Used for marketing purposes

Answer: b. As dividends to members

Who elects the board of directors in a credit cooperative society?

a. Government officials

b. External investors

c. Board members themselves

d. General membership

Answer: d. General membership

What committee is responsible for promoting financial literacy in a credit cooperative society?

a. Credit committee

b. Education committee

c. Marketing committee

d. Audit committee

Answer: b. Education committee

What is the primary responsibility of the credit manager in a credit cooperative society?

a. Setting interest rates

b. Evaluating loan applications

c. Managing member relations

d. Conducting financial audits

Answer: b. Evaluating loan applications

How does a credit cooperative society handle delinquent loans?

a. By seizing collateral

b. By reporting to credit bureaus

c. By forgiving the debt

d. By increasing interest rates

Answer: a. By seizing collateral

What is the primary objective of providing loans in a Primary Agricultural Society?

a. Profit maximization

b. Supporting members' agricultural needs

c. Funding industrial projects

d. Promoting international trade

Answer: b. Supporting members' agricultural needs

What role does a Primary Agricultural Society play in rural communities?

a. Promoting urbanization

b. Focusing on non-agricultural ventures

c. Enhancing agricultural productivity and rural development

d. Managing international trade agreements

Answer: c. Enhancing agricultural productivity and rural development

How often are elections typically held for the board of directors in a PACS?

a. Annually

b. Biannually

c. Once every five years

d. Subject to government approval

Answer: c. Once every five years

In the context of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS), what role does the Arbitration
Committee play?

a. Managing financial audits

b. Approving loan applications

c. Resolving conflicts among members

d. Setting interest rates

Answer: c. Resolving conflicts among members

What is the primary function of the District Central Cooperative Bank (DCCB) in the three-tier

a. Facilitating international trade

b. Directly serving individual farmers

c. Overseeing and supporting Primary Credit Societies (PCS)

d. Regulating interest rates nationally

Answer: c. Overseeing and supporting Primary Credit Societies (PCS)

Which tier of the three-tier system is most closely connected to the grassroots level and operates at
the village or small-town level?

a. Primary Credit Society (PCS)

b. State Cooperative Bank (SCB)

c. District Central Cooperative Bank (DCCB)

d. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)

Answer: a. Primary Credit Society (PCS)

Who are the main members of a credit cooperative society?

a) Shareholders b) Customers c) Employees d) Members of the community

Answer: a) Shareholders

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