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Write a story.

Write a Make snacks for Write a smoothie Act out your Make labels
postcard to your neighbor. recipe. favorite story for for 10 items in
your friend in your family. your room.

Have a family Go on a Make a Play Chinese Make a graphic Read a book


movie night. scavenger hunt. schedule (with whispers with comic. Present it to someone
times) for the your friends. to your family. else.

Write a letter Make a summer Whispering Create a Find 3 toys that Help your family
to your friend. scrapbook. reading menu for you can donate. in the home.
challenge. your family
for one

Make your Make a poster Talk about your Make a Write a silly Play a tongue
own English about your favorite food for 5 word search story about your twister.
dictionary. favorite fruit. minutes straight to for your favorite animal.
your family. family.

Write an acrostic Create a secret Play BINGO. Finish the No electronics Play hot
poem. H handshake with comic. all-day potato.
A your friend. challenge.

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