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4 things you can learn from Avatar: The Last Airbender

(Beware: this article may contain spoilers)

“Avatar: The Last Airbender” is resurfacing again in the internet. After its release last 2005, this
series is again being admired by the crowd. This is very evident in the shared memes and
discussions now in the internet; in Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and even in YouTube.
But what’s so special about this series? Why is such an animated series (created for younger
audiences) being admired again by the people? The answer: because the story is timeless! And
this series is once again available for viewing. You can now watch it in Netflix.
“Avatar” is a very special series and it’s actually one of the top-rated series of in the entire
history. In Rotten Tomatoes, this series has a rating of 100% Imagine that?! That’s how great
this series is. The creators of this movie are geniuses. They are masters of storytelling. This
show has the right amount of suspense, mystery, action, drama, slice of life, spirituality, fantasy,
and actually, I cannot list all of them because there are too many.
This series also grapples a lot of themes, and these are the reasons why this series is so
special. This three-seasoned series has taught me a lot of things. Now, I will tell you four
(among many) of these things.
Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, and (spoiler alert) Zuko. These main characters will really show you
what friendship really looks like. And it’s realistic. Their squad shows that friendships are
imperfect, and that’s true. No friendship or relationship is perfect. This show will show you the
ups and downs. For instance, the incompatibility of personalities; that happens, right? When a
friend sometimes has toxic qualities and you find it annoying.
This series will really you show you what happens in those relationships. You will see how
incompatible personalities in friendships (for instance) become compatible during the process. It
will show you this process, and will show you that it doesn’t happen overnight. You will see that
compatibility does not happen overnight. A relationship is like a seed that needs caring in order
to grow and flourish. Relationship (or friendship) needs the ups and downs. It has to be
imperfect for the sake of growth and character developments.
You will see all of these in this show. Even if you watched it already, when you watch it again, I
swear, the feels is still there. You will still appreciate everything that happens in the story. And
friendship, true friendship is one those things that you will appreciate in watching this show. I
assure you that. You will see yourself and your friend(s) in the show.
Another is love. And we all know that love manifests in different faces and different forms. What
this show can teach you about love is that love really comes from anywhere. From nature, from
your dear uncle, your parents, from your friends (of course as I have already said above), from
yourself, from your spirituality, from your beliefs, from your pets, from the people that surround
you, from your dreams, and many more!
There a lot of sources for love. You will see this in the show. And it will really make you reflect
on the things around you. I know it’s a sad reality that sometimes we ask “where is love?” But I
tell you that in this show, you will see. Love is really everywhere. The dynamics of love, the risks
of love, the happiness in love, the despair in love, the pain and pleasure of loving, what love
languages are, and many more; all of these things, you will see in the show.
All you really need is to always keep you heart and mind open in watching this show. There, it
won’t be hard for you to see the things that I am saying here. These are no joke. I become a fan
of this show because this show really gives you more than you expect. And as you watch it
again and again, you will see more. You will discover more.
Another is this: ambitions. This series has many subplots and many of these subplots are from
the characters and their ambitions. They have different goals in life, and they all are in their
pursuit to achieving these goals. And this series will show you how that pursuit happens – how
this ambition can bring you down if you get too blinded by it, and how you ought to pursue that
path; how you should bring your objectives into light the right way.
It’s true that our ambitions are what drive us in life. These are what motivate us to keep
ourselves active, alive, and awake. In the show, you will see the many sides of ambitions
especially the side of the good and the side of the bad. These two forces are always shown in
the series. Going back, as I have said earlier, ambitions can be very blinding. I think this is one
of the highlights of the show, and it is mostly shown (spoiler alert) in the episodes with the Fire
You will see there how personal and political ambitions can be very dangerous, how it may lead
you to greed and wrath. On the other hand, you will see on the protagonists of the story that this
desire can be cultivated and be used for the better.
I think this is the most important part about this show. If I were to summarize the whole series,
I’d definitely say that it’s really about the pursuit of justice. It is the main theme of the show (I
suppose) for right from the start it’s already been said that the Avatar is the one that balances
the elements. The Avatar is the maker and preserver of peace and justice in the world, among
the different tribes (and elements): air, fire, water, and land (which also have their respective
symbolisms, but I don’t want you to spoil that in you. I want you to see that for yourself).
This series will show you how achieving justice is a hard task, a very, very hard task. But at the
same time, it will show you that achieving this is not impossible. Achieving peace, justice, and
balance is not possible as long as we have the will and as long as we all unite as one.
Truly, this series is undeniably one of the best. The fact that it is also created for younger
audiences is what also makes this series really very special. That for the younger generations,
they can be taught on so many things already just by watching this show. They will be taught
not only on their personal matters but also on the big ones – especially the ones where the
world is at stake.
It is not very surprising why this series is once again resurfacing in the internet. Many people
really love this show, and this show really has shown us a lot of proofs why it’s such an all-time
favorite by many. So, if you haven’t seen this show yet, I am telling you now, you are missing a
lot in your life. But if you’ve watched it already, rewatch it again. I’m sure there’s still more to
discover. There’s still more to learn on this show.
“Avatar: The Last Airbender” is now available in Netflix.

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