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Things you need to know about Mental Health

In these trying times, not only that we are bound to our socio-economic conditions around us but
also to our internal worlds – our own selves. Some even say that our greatest adversary is no
one but ourselves. To establish a relationship to our own self is also as difficult as how we do to
our external worlds (and sometimes, it’s harder) because the mind and the heart are not always
in good terms. Not only we have problems with our rational dispositions but also to our
emotions. It’s difficult to deal with those.
Now, I’m here to (lightly) discuss one of the things that are very important now: mental health.
Yes, aside from keeping our physical body in good shape, we also need to keep our mental and
emotional dispositions healthy.

What is mental health?

Mental health is an integral part of health, and that mental, physical and social functioning are
interdependent factors that contribute to one’s health. This facet of one’s life includes his or her
emotional, psychological, and social well-being.
In other words, this ‘health’ that we are talking about here is the one where our mind (as in
thinking) and our heart (as in feeling) are at stake. It is equally important to the other ‘healths’
that we are maintaining in life. They are all imperative to our flourishing as human.

What are the factors that affect or influence metal health outcomes?
Now these are the things that you need to always take in mind. One, is the “Social
Environmental Factors”. This is the prolonged exposure to the stressful experiences that can
have positive or negative impacts on one’s mental health. The place you live in, the people you
interact with, the kind of organizations you are involved with, and other things that involve social;
all of these affect your mental health positively or negatively, or both.
Second is the “Psychological Factors”. This includes your personality traits, thoughts, emotions
and attitudes that could make a person more likely to develop a mental health disorder.
Third, is the “Biological Factors”. Among the three, this is the one that is hardest to avoid
because this is biologically inherited. These can be genetic predispositions to mental illness.
To put it simply, social and economic circumstances, environmental factors, and individual
attributes and behaviors are the contributing factors to our mental health.

What are the things I need to know more about mental health?
Well to tell you, the cases of depression is high. There are a lot of people out there who undergo
this mental illness. And wait, there are more mental illnesses aside from depression. Here is a
link for you to know more about these:
But, depression is one of the alarming ones because simply it has killed a lot of people already.
Another is anxiety. Anxiety is a state of neurological arousal characterized by both physical and
psychological signs. The prevalence estimates of anxiety disorders are generally higher in
developed countries that in developing countries according to Global Mental Health anxiety are
complex and may involve genetic, biological, and psychological factors. The common signs for
anxiety are: (1) Cognitive – pessimistic disposition, (2) Physiological – sweating, butterflies,
hyperventilating, and (3) Emotional – sadness.
Now, the most fatal part is suicide. Depression and anxiety are high risks of suicide. Anybody
who expresses suicide thoughts or intentions should be taken very seriously. The best way to
minimize the risk of suicide is to know the risk factors recognize the warning signs of suicide.
Now what are the risk factors of suicide? The following can be the case: one or more prior
suicide attempts family history or mental health disorder or substance abuse, family history of
suicide, family violence, physical or sexual abuse, peeping firearms in the home, chronic
physical illness, including chronic pain, incarceration, exposure to the suicidal behavior of
others, and many more.
To know more about these, read this:
Another illness that is also important to know is addiction. This is also a dangerous mental
health illness. This is the substance abuse, such as alcohol and other drugs or other vices.
Negative consequences of the behavior may occur, but the individual persists with the behavior
in spite of this. They have effects on relationships, which are often neglected in favor of the
addictive behavior, undermining trust etc.
Addiction has a psychological/physical component (e.g. withdrawal symptoms, increase in
tolerance). Often, the initial reward is no longer felt, and the addiction on continues because
withdrawal is so unpleasant.
How would you know? The following are the signs of the one who suffers addiction: substance
or addictive behavior dependence, withdrawal symptoms, addiction continues despite health
problem awareness, social and/or recreational sacrifices, maintaining a good supply, taking
risks, dealing with problems, obsession, secrecy and solitude, denial, excess consumption,
dropping hobbies and activities, having problems with the law, financial difficulties, relationship
problems, among others.

What can you do?

This is the most important part of this article. With all this information about mental health, what
can you do? What can you do to help those who are in need?
Offer support! This is the best thing you could. Emphasize that there is no shame in feeling
depressed. Help the individual identity others can serve as a support (family, friends). Help
him/her identity and focus on personal strengths and the positives in a challenging situation.
Help him/her identity focus on what they can control. Ask about hopeless and suicidal feelings
and the intent to act on these feelings.
And don’t forget the professional psychological interventions. Always referring to experts. Do not
simply diagnose other persons or yourself. Prevention and early intervention. Identify the health
problem early. Know when to seek mental health intervention. Know more about the intervention
and show support. Follow through.
With all that is happening now, mental health is really one of the things that we need to keep our
eye on. As I said from the start, mental health is equally important to the other “healths” we are
maintaining. Never ever underestimate the things that may happen to your mind and your
With all these, please remember all the things I said here. You are loved. Your life matters. And
let other people know this too. Carry on…

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