San Juan

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Recommendations when you go to San Juan, La Union, Philippines

Are you looking for a good beach this vacation where you could experience the waves under the
heat of the sun? Do you want have the best tan? Do you want to learn surfing? Well, why not try
San Juan, La Union, Philippines? This is a very recommendable place! It is one the best (and
underrated) places here in the Philippines if you really want to enjoy the beach.
Not only that it has one of the best spots for surfing, but the people too are the best! They are
every accommodating and very warm. They will welcome and accommodate you with warm
welcome… warmer than heat of the sun. Well, beach people have that kind of attitude. That
reggae-ish personality, chill and warm at the same time.

What can I do in San Juan, La Union, Philippines?

Well, a lot! But above all, you should not miss learning surfing or at least trying to surf. That’s
how you’ll enjoy the beach. For your information, San Juan, La Union is the Surfing Capital of
the North in the Philippines. It really has the a very good spot for this sport/activity, so it is really
a go-to place for surfers.
San Juan Surf Resort (aside from it being a resort where you can check in, obviously) is one of
the surfing schools in that place. But actually, there’s more (and a lot, actually). They are
acclaimed internationally so they really have that credibility. It is founded by one of the famous
local surfers in the country.
This is their rate (and actually, the price of other surfing schools that offer this service don’t
really vary that much):

 Surfing Lesson with instructor - P400 per hour

 Surf Guide - P500 per hour
 Surfboard Rental - P200 per hour
 Stand Up Paddle Board - P400 per hour
 Kayak (2-3 persons) - P400 per hour
 Body Board - P200 per hour
 Skim Board - P100 per hour
More about San Juan Surf Resort here:

Where can I stay?

If you are planning to stay here for an overnight, for a couple of days, or weeks, I will
recommend to you Flotsam & Jetsam Artist Beach Hostel. This is just one of the best places
where you could spend your day and night. It is located in 12500 MacArthur Highway,
Urbiztondo, San Juan.
This place is so classy just so you know, and very artsy. It is perfect for travelers and for those
people who have the heart for people, too. To meeting different faces, to experiencing new
things, to doing adventures!
Also, not only that this is a “hostel” or an inn where you put your things in, but it also offers
beach parties and chill nights. You can drink and party by the beach. Isn't that fun? Well, as
their tagline says, "Your imagination-inspired beachfront social hostel!" Plus, their kitchenbar
offers good food that you should not miss!
More about Flotsam & Jetsam here (also, you can book now):
You can also follow them in their social media accounts:
Facebook: Flotsam and Jetsam Hostel
Instagram: @FlotsamAndJetsamHostel

How about coffee?

If you are an avid fan of coffee shops and coffee in general, then you should not miss going to
“El Union Coffee” and “Clean Beach”. They are the top coffee places in that place. Coffee by the
beach, huh? That’s a very chill experience.
There’s more because their kitchen bars are just the two of best. Be it for breakfast, snack,
lunch, dinner, or whatever you like! Fan of burgers? They got you!
Also, they have got good baristas. Not the typical baristas for these baristas are also award-
winning. Isn’t that cool? They’re also fun to chat with. And as I have said earlier, these people
are very warm.
Clean Beach also advocates environmental sustainability and they even encourage their
customers to bring their own cups or tumblers so they will get P10 off. You should also try their
Kaya Toast! That is one of their best-sellers! They also, have a lot of projects and causes about
the environment (that’s why they are the “Clean” Beach)! You shouldn’t also miss those stuff.
They are located at 134 Beachfront, Macarthur Highway, Barangay Urbiztondo, San Juan, La
You can follow them on their Instagram account: @Youcleanbeachco
And, El Union is just famous so you must really try it out. They ‘Dirty Horchata’ is a must-try.
They are located at Km 274+600 MacArthur Highway Brgy. Urbiztondo, San Juan, La Union.
You can follow them on their Instagram account: @elunion

Well, these are just (very) few among the best of the best that you could experience in San
Juan, La Union, Philippines. I cannot tell you every detail of it, of course. So, you should really
go there yourself and you should not really miss the things that I have said here.
San Juan is really one of the underrated places but believe me, there’s more in this place, and
aside from the beach and the chill things you can experience here, it’s really the people whom
you’ll really appreciate the most here.

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