'PAT Genap B.inggris 9

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1. Matt : You’re awesome, Nancy! You graduated with high honors.

Nancy : I would not make this without you, Matt. I should be the one who expresses my
Matt : …, so that’s enough for me.
Which of these following sentences is appropriate to fill the gap?
a. I’m so thrilled to be celebrating your graduation with you
b. I’m so happy not be the part of your graduation
c. I don’t feel like to celebrate your graduation
d. I’m so gloomy to be celebrating your graduation with you
e. I’m so sad to hear that
Kunci : A

2. Father : Sam, do you enjoy the festival?

Sam : Of course, Dad. I would like to visit there again one day.
Mom : We can go together next time, Sam.
Sam : Really? Thanks, Mom.
The underlined sentence expresses….
a. celebration
b. happiness
c. surprise
d. like
e. isn’t good
Kunci : A

3. Lisa : Rio, what do you think if we make a website about fashion?

Rio : I don’t think it is a good idea.
Lisa : Why?
Rio : It really takes time.
The underlined sentence expresses….
a. disappointment
b. hope
c. agreement
d. disagreement
e. something good
Kunci : D

4. She came while I …, so I could not hear her knocking my door.

Which of these following phrases is appropriate to fill the blank?
a. was sleeping
b. is sleeping
c. slept
d. was sleep
e. I sleep
Kunci : A
5. Where … the project in Semarang?
Which of these following phrases is appropriate to fill the blank?
a. he will be checking
b. will he be checked
c. he will checking
d. will he be checking
e. we will be checked
Kunci : D

6. Eric … understood the homework yet.

a. have not
b. was not
c. is not
d. has not
e. had not
Kunci : D

7. Where … lately?
Which of these following phrases is appropriate to fill the blank?
a. have you be
b. have you been
c. you has been
d. you have been
e. aren’t you
Kunci : B

8. Mom : Asti, when will you have second semester test?

Asti : Perhap, it will begin at the beginning of March.
Mom : .... you can get good scores for all the subjects.
Asti : Thank you, mom.
A. I want
B. I think
C. I hope
D. I agree
E. I didn’t
Kunci : C

9. Salwa : Nita, I got the first champion in the English Speech Contest last week.
Anita : ...
Salwa : Thank you.
A. Congratulation
B. Wish me luck
C. Good luck
D. Have success
E. Nice
Kunci : A
10. Intan : I’m going to wear this dress at Rina’s birthday party. What do you think?
Sintia : That’s fine.
The underlined expression shows ....
A. congratulation
B. disagreement
C. an expectation
D. an agreement
E. has agreemnt
Kunci : D

11. Anggar : Excuse me Sir, may I come in?

Teacher: Yes, please. Why doyou come late this morning?
Anggar : I’m very sorry, Sir. I have to acompany my mother to the doctor.
Teacher: All right. Have a seat, please
From the underlined expression we know that
A. the student is ver sad of his mother
B. the teacher is starting the lesson
C. the class is almost over
D. Anggar is asking for apology
E. The student asking for
Kunci : D

12. Lulu: Dinar, do you think Ms. Dian is going to ask a question about the Study Tour report?
Dinar: …I doubt it will be a difficult question, but there will be a question. Rest assured.
a. l am not certain of it
b. I am sure of it
c. I’m little uncertain
d. I am unsure about it
e. I’m not sure
Jawaban: b

13. Organic food is … than fast food.

a. More health
b. Healthier
c. Healthiest
d. The most health
e. More health
Jawaban: b

14. Mount Merbabu is 11,000 feet high.

Mount Semeru is 8,000 feet high.
The comparison of those sentences is ….
a. Mount Merbabu is higher than Mount Semeru.
b. Mount Semeru is higher than Mount Merbabu.
c. Mount Merbabu is as high as Mount Semeru.
d. Mount Merbabu is the highest in the world.
e. mount semeru is the smalts
Jawaban: a

15. Anna: Was Indonesia team as strong as Japan?

Cindy: No, I think Japan was stronger than Indonesia.
Ana:But … China, Japan or Indonesia?
Cindy: China.
a. Which team is the strongest
b. Which team is the weakest.
c. Which country plays better.
d. Which country plays the fastest
e. which one you choose
Jawaban: a

16. Jane: Do you want to join us for the coming holiday?

Gina: Where are you going?
Jane: To Pangandaran beach.
Gina: … My family plans to visit my grandfather in the village.
a. I am certain
b. That’s a good idea
c. I don’t doubt that
d. I am not sure
e. that’s nice
Jawaban: d

17. Arrange these words into a good sentence

Noodles (1) – a bowl (2) – will (3) – of (4) – have (5) – fried (6) – I (7)
a. 7 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 4 – 6 - 1
b. 7 - 3 - 5 - 2 - 6 - 4 - 1
c. 7 – 3 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 4 - 2
d. 7 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 6
e. 7 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 6
Jawaban: a

18. Ali: I like to hear murotal Al Qur’anul Kareem by reciter Sheikh Ghamidee.
Muhamad: When …?
Ali: Tomorrow, at this dormitory.
a. is borrow me
b. will you lend me
c. you borrow
d. do you borrow it
e. do you bealive it
Jawaban: b

19. Saiful: Are they Hammam and Umar?

Ali: Yes, they are.
Saiful: Where are they going?
Ali: I think they … fishing
Saiful: I love fishing. Let’s join them.
a. Is going to
b. Going to
c. Were going to
d. Are going to go
e. are going on
Jawaban: d
20. Andy: Do you like pizza?
Wiliam: No I don’t. How about you?
Andy: ….
a. I don’t either
b. Neither don’t I
c. I don’t too
d. So do I
e. so I’m
Jawaban: a

21. Zack: …
Smith: Neither can I.
a. I can’t operate a computer.
b. I like to write a letter.
c. I don’t think he can do that.
d. I am not going to go.
e. I didn’t think so
Jawaban : a

22. Harry: I have never been to Bali. How about you?

James: …
a. I have too.
b. I haven’t too.
c. So have I.
d. Neither have I.
e. So have it
Jawaban : d

23. They translated some old documents last week. What is the passive form of this sentence?
A) Some old documents are translated by them last week.
B) Some old documents have been translated by them last week.
C) Some old documents were being translated by them last week.
D) Some old documents were translated by them last week.
E. Some old documents has beened translate last week
Jawaban : D

24. The important email has been sent by my secretary. What is the active form of this sentence?
A) My secretary was sending the important email
B) My secretary sends the important email
C) My secretary is sending the important email
D) My secretary has sent the important email
E My secretary had been sending importan email
Jawaban : D

25. We’ll be visiting our grandmother next week. What is the passive form of this sentence?
A) Our grandmother will be being visited by us next week.
B) Our grandmother will be visited by us next week.
C) Our grandmother would be visited by us next week.
D) Our grandmother would be being visited by us next week.
E. Our grand mother will being visit us next week
Jawaban : A
26. Two tents for our camping would …….. by my mother.
A) Being bought
B) Been bought
C) Be bought
D) Bought
E. Brougt
Jawaban : C

27. Jupiters four moons ……. through a telescope by Galileo.

A) Were first viewed
B) First viewed
C) Had been first viewed
D) Were being first viewed
E. Had been first view
Jawaban : A

28. Mommy cleans the room every day.

Passive voice is:
a. The room was clean by mommy every day
b. The room is clean by mommy every day
c. The room is cleaned by mommy every day
d. Mommy is cleaned the room every day
e. Mommy is clean the room soon
jawaban : C

29. Anna : Was Indonesia team as strong as Japan?

Cindy : No, I think Japan was stronger than Indonesia.
Ana :But … China, Japan or Indonesia?
Cindy : China.
But … China, Japan or Indonesia?
A. Which team is the biggest
B. Which team is the weakest.
C. Which country plays better.
D. Which country plays the fastest
E. Which team is the strongest
Jawaban: E

30. Jane: Do you want to join us for the coming holiday?

Gina: Where are you going?
Jane: To Pangandaran beach.
Gina: … My family plans to visit my grandfather in the village.
A. I am certain
B. That’s a good idea
C. I don’t doubt that
D. I am not sure
E. That’s sound good

Jawaban: D
31. Arrange these words into a good sentence!
Noodles (1) – a bowl (2) – will (3) – of (4) – have (5) – fried (6) – I (7)
A. 7 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 1
B. 7 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 4 – 1
C. 7 – 3 – 5 – 6 - 1 – 4 – 2
D. 7 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 6
E. 7 – 3 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 6
Jawaban : A

32. Jack : Do you know about the most famous sport in the world?
Bob : Yes. That is Olympic games.
Jack : Yeah. I… with you.
A. Sure
B. Certain
C. Agree
D. Disagree
E. Good Idea
Jawaban: C

33. Ali : I like to hear murotal Al Qur’anul Kareem by reciter Sheikh Ghamidee.
Barry : When…?
Ali : Tomorrow, at this dormitory.
A. is borrow me
B. will you lend me
C. you borrow
D. do you borrow it
E. I will borrow it
Jawaban: b

34. Saiful : Are they Hammam and Umar?

Qory : Yes, they are.
Saiful : Where are they going?
Qory : I think they… fishing
Saiful : I love fishing. Let’s join them.
A. Is going to
B. Going to
C. Were going to
D. Are going to go
E. Will we going to
Jawaban: d

35. Mark : This is my painting, Sir.

Mr. Rudolph : Wow, I think it is… one.
Mark : Thank you.
A. the worst
B. the worse
C. the best
D. the better
E. the beast
Jawaban: c
36. James : Which one is better, traveling by taxi or a bus?
Alexa : Of course by taxi, but traveling by bus… than a taxi.
A. more expensive
B. expensive
C. sale
D. cheap
E. cheaper
Jawaban : e

37. Tylor : Why does your father like living in the countryside?
Eva : Because it is… living in the city.
A. quiter than
B. the quietest
C. quite
D. as quietest
E. as a silenr
Jawaban: a

38. Rosa : Do you like listening to the radio?

Linda : Yes, I often listen to the BBC.
Rosa : I do too. But I think the afternoon broadcast is … than the morning.
Linda : You are right.
A. as clear as
B. clearer
C. clearest
D. clear
E. clearly
Jawaban: b

39. Budi beats Hoyer-Larsen of Denmark at the Sanyo Indonesia Open Badminton
Championships because he played … than Hoyer- Larsen
A. Carefully
B. as carefully
C. more carefully
D. the most carefully
E. more care
Jawaban: c

40. Andy : Do you like pizza?

Wiliam : No I don’t. How about you?
Andy : ….
A. I don’t either
B. Neither don’t I
C. I don’t too
D. So do
E. Do I don’t I
Jawaban: a
41. Zack : …
Smith : Neither can I.
A. I can’t operate a computer.
B. I like to write a letter.
C. I don’t think he can do that.
D. I am not going to go
E. I didn’t go anywere
Jawaban : a

42. Harry : I have never been to Bali. How about you?

James : …
A. I have too.
B. I haven’t too.
C. So have I.
D. Neither have I
E. So I have to
Jawaban : d
43. Madani : Um, have you heard that our favorite teacher,
Mr. Dahlan is awarded to be the best teacher?
Umang : ….
Madani : Yeah, here it is the article in the magazine. Read it yourself.
Umang : Wow, it’s great. Let’s congratulate him.

A. Do you think so?

B. Are you sure?
C. Did he tell you?
D. Do you trust on him?
E. See what you want?
Jawaban : B

44. Opick: Din, there is a good film on Multi Screen Theatre this afternoon.
Let’s watch it. I have two free tickets.
Udin : Hmm, I’d love to. But, … I can. I’ve to see my grandma. She’s hospitalized.
Opick : O, sorry. Well, we can go some other time. What if I accompany you?
Udin : It’s okay. Please go, I can manage it myself.
Moreover, grandma is getting better.

A. I can’t say for certain

B. I’m afraid
C. I’m absolutely sure
D. It’s undoubted
E. It’s unpredictable
Jawaban : A

45. Matt : You’re awesome, Nancy! You graduated with high honors.
Nancy : I would not make this without you, Matt. I should be the one
who expresses my gratitude.
Matt : …, so that’s enough for me.

Which of these following sentences is appropriate to fill the gap?

A. I’m so thrilled to be celebrating your graduation with you
B. I’m so happy not be the part of your graduation
C. I don’t feel like to celebrate your graduation
D. I’m so gloomy to be celebrating your graduation with you
E. Im so happy to see you

Kunci : A

46. Lisa : Rio, what do you think if we make a website about fashion?
Rio : I don’t think it is a good idea.
Lisa : Why?
Rio : It really takes time.

The underlined sentence expresses….

A. disappointment
B. hope
C. agreement
D. disagreement
E. Agree

Kunci : D

47. She came while I …, so I could not hear her knocking my door.
Which of these following phrases is appropriate to fill the blank?

A. was sleeping
B. is sleeping
C. slept
D. was sleep
E. was sleepy

Kunci : A

48. Where … the project in Semarang?

Which of these following phrases is appropriate to fill the blank?

A. he will be checking
B. will he be checked
C. he will checking
D. will he be checking
E. will he back

Kunci : D

49. Eric … understood the homework yet.

A. have not
B. was not
C. is not
D. has not
E. has will

Kunci : D

50. Where … lately?

Which of these following phrases is appropriate to fill the blank?

A. have you be
B. have you been
C. you has been
D. you have been
E. have you beeing

Kunci : B


The following picture is for questions no 13-15.

13. What items are sold with 20% off?
A. Household appliances.
B. Stationery.
C. All items.
D. Fashion.
E. House
Jawaban: A
14. The price of a skirt is Rp. 50,OOO. How much should a customer pay during the
discount period?
A. Rp 25,000.
B. Rp 35,OOO.
C. Rp 40,OOO.
D. Rp 50,OOO.
E. Rp 10, 0000.
Jawaban: B
15. How long does the offer last?
A. Two weeks.
B. Thirty days.
C. Fifteen days.
D. Thirty six days.
E. one day
Jawaban: D

The following picture is for questions 20 to 22

20. The main ingredient of the snack is . . .
A. flour
B. wheat
C. flavours
D. potatoes
E. water
Jawaban: D

21. “No artificial flavours or preservatives.”

The underlined word has similar meaning to . . .
A. resen/ations
B. materials
C. additives
D. taste
E. Good
Jawaban: D

22. The snack comes in many . . .

A. colours
B. shapes
C. flavours
D. packages
E. shapes
Jawaban: D

29. Active: She cleans the floor.

Passive: the floor ..... cleaned by her.
A. Is
B. Were
C. Was
D. Are
E. Am
Jawaban: A

30. active: My mother sweeps the floor

Passive: .............
A. the floor is being cleaned by my mother
B. the floor are cleaned by my mother
C. the floor was cleaned by mother
D. the floor had been cleaned
E. The floor is cleaned by mother
Jawaban: E

The following text is for questions 35 to 36.

35. What does FROGGO provide?

A. CDs, cassettes, clothing, and toys.
B. CD players, clothing, and toys.
C. Clothing, CD, and cassettes.
D. Clothing, toys, and TVs
E. book, plates
Jawaban: A
36.. A customer wants to buy two Jazz cassettes. Each cassette costs Rp. 25.000. How
much should he pay?
A. Fifty thousand rupiah.
B. Forty thousand rupiah.
C. Thirty thousand rupiah.
D. Twenty thousand rupiah.
E. Two thousands rupiah.
Jawaban: B

37. It is now 11.00 pm. Iriana ….. sleeping in her bedroom.

A. Is
B. Am
C. Were
D. Was
E. Be
Jawaban: A
38. I need an umbrella because it’s ……………… right now.
A. Rain
B. Rains
C. Raining
D. Rained
E. Be rain
Jawaban: C
39. Susan and Susanna …….. writing poems for an English subject.
A. Is
B. Are
C. Am
D. Be
E. Was
jawaban: B
40. What ……. you …….. ?
A. is – doing
B. are – doing
C. Am- doing
D. Were- doing
E.Was- doing
Jawaban : B
41. … Mary reading a book in her classroom?
A. Is
B. Am
C. Were
D. Was
E. Being
Jawaban : A
42. Active: my brother washes the car.
Passive: ...............
A. The car was cleaned by my brother.
B. The car is cleaned by my brother
C. The car is being cleaned by my brother
D. The car were cleaned by my brother
E. The car are cleaned by my brother.
Jawaban: B
44. Active: Susan reads a novel
Passive: …………
A. A novel is reading by Susan.
B. A novel was reading by Susan
C. A novel is read by Susan
D. A novel were read by Susan
E. A novel was read by Susan.
Jawaban: C
The following text for questions number 47-48

Once, a hunter lived a village. He used to boast of his brave hunting trips to the
villagers. The villagers respected him a lot. He mostly told everyone how he had fought a
lion bare-handed. He said that the tiny animals used to get scared even at the sight of him.
One day, the hunter was passing through a forest. He met a woodcutter from the
same village.
The boastful hunter approached him and said, “How are you? it’s a fine day, isn’t it?”
“Yes, yes, indeed!” the woodcutter replied.
“Well, can you tell me if you have seen some footprints of the lion nearby? it’s been
months since i defeated any.”
The woodcutter knew that the hunter only boasted, so he said, “Yes, a lion is in
a nearby den. Can i take you there?”
The scared hunter said, “No … No … i only just wanted to see his footprints.”
Finally, the boastful hunter ran away from the spot.

47. What is the best title for the text?

A. A Boastful Hunter
B. A Brave woodcutter
C. A Woodcutter’s Advice
D. A Woodcutter’s Rewards

E.A Good hunter

Jawaban: A

48. What did the hunter boast about himself?

A. Nobody defeated him.
B. He was the smartest man.
C. He was the strongest man.
D. He was the most courageous man.

E.He was the brave man

Jawaban : D

50.Active: Rida writes a letter.

Passive: …….

A. A letter is written by Rida

B. A letter was written by Rida
C. A letter is writing by Rida
D. A letter were written by Rida
E. A letter are writing by Rida
Jawaban: A

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