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- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

1 1
B - 1.2 minutes

2 A 1

3 1
C - They are not deflected at all.

4 2 half-lives 2
240 hours

5 1 helium nuclei OR 2
nuclide notation OR
2p, 2n
2 low / few cm of air / stopped
by paper

6 2 half-life indicated 2
25 (%)

7 gamma 1

8 time for activity / count rate / 1

number of nuclei / number of
atoms to halve

9 an electron 2
in / from / by the nucleus
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

10(a) α-particles would be stopped / 1

absorbed by the plastic / bottle

10(b) γ-rays would not be absorbed 1

by the liquid / bottle OR
reading not reduced (in passing
through liquid / bottle) OR
very penetrative so no change
in detector reading

11 nucleon numbers balance each 3

side of equation
proton numbers balance each
side of equation

12 proton numbers balance on left 3

and right sides of equation
nucleon numbers balance on left
and right sides of equation

13 1
C - 3.0 million

14 D 1

15 1
C - 5 counts / s
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

16 1
C - 12 hours

17 pair of count-rate values used 3

clear indication of use of graph,
expect two vertical lines or two
clear indications on axes using
their values
8 days (± 1 day)

18(a)(i) proton 1

18(a)(ii) positive or +1 1

18(a)(iii) tick in third box 1

18(b) idea of mass being halved, 2

e.g. 0.5
0.25 (mg)
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

19 any 4 from: 4
type of detector named e.g.
Geiger counter
place absorber between sample
and detector and measure count
uses paper to absorb/stop alpha
if count rate or radiation
decreases/is stopped/is
absorbed/returns to background
sample is emitting alpha
if count rate remains unchanged
sample is emitting beta
uses aluminium to absorb/stop
beta particles
if count rate or radiation
decreases/is stopped/is
absorbed/returns to background
sample is emitting beta

20 (radiations that) remove 1

electrons OR
break molecules
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

21(a) background count rate stated as 4

in range 17 - 21 counts / s
background used on at least 2
of first 3 readings
any halving of corrected or
uncorrected reading
(half-life =) ½ hour

21(b) top: any path to the left with 45° 3

middle: path to the right and
deflected down (ending in a
straight line)
bottom: path not deflected OR
path to the right and deflected
up much less than middle

22 thick gloves would stop α/alpha 2

(so helpful)
(some) β/beta/radiation would
penetrate gloves/reach other
body parts (so insufficient

23 radiation from 2
space/cosmic rays
random variation owtte
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

24 (ionising effect of) α-particles 3

greater than
β-particles and β-particles
greater than γ-rays
any two from:
mass α > mass β > mass γ
charge α > charge β > charge γ
speed γ > speed β > speed α

25(a) produces a narrow beam of 1

γ-rays OR
absorb γ-rays that are not on
path shown

25(b) no change 3
γ-rays not deflected
γ-rays are electromagnetic
radiation/unchanged OR
not deflected by magnetic

26 top: path not deflected 3

middle: any path to the left within
45° of horizontal
bottom: path to the right and
deflected down ending in a
straight line
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

27 1

28 1
C - There is background
radiation present.

29 Gamma / B1

30 1
C - between 2 hours and 3 hours

31 A 1

32 1
A - -radiation consists of
charged particles and is the
most highly ionising radiation.

33 1
B - 192 counts / s

34 initial count rate halved C1

OR pair of count rates indicating

at least one corresponding time C1

from graph

20 days ± 2 days A1
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

35 GM tube OR Geiger counter B1 accept radiation/film


36 point at 40 days indicated C1

775 ± 75 A1

37 ionising radiation B1
OR radioactive emissions
OR radioactivity

from surroundings B1
OR that is always present

38 3 plots all correct B1

good best-fit single line curve B1

39 evidence of halving 20 000 C1

idea of three half lives C1

- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

3 × 5800 C1 allow ecf for

candidate’s no. of

17 400 (years) A1

40 electron: 0/zero/blank space B1 note: no mark for

neutron: 2 electron, but max. 1
mark for question if
electron has any
non-zero number

proton: 2 B1

[Total: 82]

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