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- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

1 B1

2 nucleus B1

3 gamma emitter used B1

can penetrate ground to B1

surface/for several metres

4 in direction of field OR C1
towards negative (plate)
OR β in opposite direction to
field OR β towards positive
OR α and β deflected in
opposite directions

in direction of field OR A1
towards negative (plate)
β in opposite direction to field
OR β towards positive (plate)
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

5 long enough to find leak B1

short enough to disappear B1


6 2 protons and 2 neutrons OR B1

helium nucleus

7 592 – 85 OR 507 seen OR B1


507 / 3 C1 accept 592 / 3 (i.e.

background not

169 counts / min A1 accept 197.3

counts / min (i.e.
background not
Note: a candidate who
does not deduct
background but whose
answer is otherwise
correct will gain two
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

8 background OR reasonable B1
source of background

9(a) all 5 points plotted ± ½ small B2

square -1 e.e.o.o.

smooth best-fit single line curve B1

through most of the points, not
joining points dot to dot

9(b)(i) half / 50% / 0.5 / ½ B1

9(b)(ii) indication of correct use of B1


idea of halving, e.g. 175 or mark C1

at 175 on graph, NOT halving
number of days, i.e. 7

3.4 – 4.0 A1 accept nearest integer

from candidate’s

9(c)(i) candidate’s (ii) OR integer either M1

side of candidate’s (ii)
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

9(c)(ii) half-life not affected by sample A1 accept idea that

size / starting point half-life does not

10 any three from: B3

- low count rate due to
background radiation only
- slightly less reading due to
random nature of radioactivity
- very high reading due to
α-particles OR emission from
- sudden increase of count rate
at limit of range of α-particles

11 background (radiation) B1
OR a specific source of
background radiation e.g. rocks
/ building materials / radon gas
/ cosmic rays

12(a)(i) electron B1

12(a)(ii) sensible mention of decay (of B1 NOT decay of

source) something
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

half-life mentioned sensibly B1

OR activity decreases
OR fewer (radioactive/unstable)
atoms/nuclei present

12(b) α-particles range < 10 cm B1 owtte

OR short

α more ionising (than β) B1

OR have more mass / charge /
size / collisions
OR shorter range than β
OR reading is background

13 any one specific source of B1

background radiation
e.g. rocks, ground, building
materials, radon, radiation from
space, Sun, cosmic rays,
nuclear waste

14(a) electromagnetic radiation OR B1

- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

(very) high frequency B1

OR (very) short wavelength
OR high energy

14(b) (count rate) decreases B1

(count rate decreases but) not B1

completely absorbed (by lead)
OR only some γ-rays detected

15 no part of electron path from R B1 note: no mark for this

to L point, but must be
present for subsequent
marks to be
curve starts at end of plates awarded
curve up and only up
OR down and only down
OR 3 or more curves, all up or
all down

deflection down AND only down B1

- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

16(a) downward curve B1

deviation starts at start of plates B1

16(b) (count rate) decreases / B1

background only

17(a) no deflection (last / fifth box B1


17(b) (γ-rays) are uncharged / neutral B1 IGNORE not affected

by magnetic fields

18 1
B - have the greatest ionising

19 4 (hours) B1
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

appropriate indication of method B1

(minimum indication any halving
of count rate on axis or curve)

20 400 (counts / min) B1

21 2nd box ticked : B1

same as at the start

22 3rd box ticked: B1

half the number at the start

23 : none / zero / 0 / neutral AND B1

2 cm (or more) of lead / thick
lead / 50 cm (or more) of

β: particle / electron AND B1

any named metal / glass /
concrete OR 1 m of air

α: particle / helium nucleus / 2 B1

protons + 2 neutrons / /
AND positive OR + OR +2
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

24 36 hours = 3 half-lives C1
OR halving in steps from 4800
to 600 seen

half-life = 12 hours C1
OR 3 half-lives
OR 2 / 3 of 36

(further time to reduce to A1

150 Bq =) 24 (hours)

25 not deflected B1 NOT extra(s) in


α towards –ve or +ve AND β B1 NOT extra(s) in α or β

opposite column

α towards –ve AND β towards B1 NOT extra(s) in α or β

+ve column

26(a) atoms / molecules lose / gain B1 condone particles

electrons NOT α or β particles
OR become charged lose / gain electrons
OR become charged
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

26(b) maximum three points (to B3

include at least one explanation)
maximum two points from:
- α is charged / is a helium ion
(is scored if 3rd explanation
marking point scored)
- is not charged
- α has mass
- does not have mass
- α has large size
- has negligible / no size
- is electromagnetic (wave) /
- α travels more slowly (than ,
but NOT more slowly than speed
of light unless next marking point
is also scored )
- travels at the speed of light /
faster (than α)
any explanation (maximum
three) e.g.:
- α makes frequent collisions
(with air molecules) so range
- has few (successful)
collisions (with electrons) so not
very ionising / range long
- α more ionising because it has
greater charge
- has no charge so less
- α loses some energy with each
collision so range short
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

- loses energy in single rare

collision so takes longer
distance before losing all energy
- faster so travels further
before energy is lost
different methods of ionisation
make α more ionising

27 1
C - There is always some
background radiation.

28 C 1

29 1
C- -rays

30 1
A - be stopped by the paper.

[Total: 66]

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