myTest (3)

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1 A student determines the half-life of a radioactive isotope.

The student uses a detector over five minutes and plots a graph showing how the count rate
shown on the detector varies with time.

The count rate due to background radiation is 30 counts per minute.

count rate
counts / minute 200




0 1 2 3 4 5
time / minutes

What is the half-life of this isotope?

A 0.30 minutes
B 1.2 minutes
C 1.5 minutes
D 5.0 minutes

[Total: 1]

2 Emissions X and Y from radioactive material are passed through a magnetic field. The diagram
shows the direction of the emissions, the direction of the magnetic field and the effect on the

emission X magnetic field

emission Y into the page

Which type of emission is X, and which type of emission is Y?

emission X emission Y

A -particles -particles

B -particles -rays

C -particles -particles

D -particles -rays


[Total: 1]

3 As -particles pass through the electric field between two charged plates, they are deflected

+ + + + + + + + +


– – – – – – – – –

What happens to -rays passing through the same electric field?

A They are deflected downwards more than the -particles.

B They are deflected upwards.
C They are not deflected at all.
D They follow the same path as the -particles.

[Total: 1]

4 A radioactive substance has a half-life of 120 hours.

Calculate the time for it to decay to 25% of its original amount.

time = ............................................................. hours [2]

[Total: 2]

5 Describe the composition and the penetrating ability of an α-particle.

composition ............................................................................................................................


penetrating ability ...................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

6 Americium-241 is a radioactive isotope. It has a half-life of 400 years.

A sample contains americium-241. Calculate the percentage of americium-241 that remains in the
sample after 800 years have passed.

percentage remaining = ........................................................ % [2]

[Total: 2]

7 State the name of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by some nuclei when they decay.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

8 The half-life of carbon-14 is 5700 years.

Explain what is meant by the term half-life.


.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

9 The radioactive isotope carbon-14 ( ) emits β-particles as it decays.

The decay of carbon-14 produces an isotope of nitrogen (N).

State the nature of a β-particle and state where it is produced.


.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

10 A workman operates a machine that uses β-particles to determine the level of liquid in a plastic
water bottle that is being filled.

Suggest why

(a) α-particles are not suitable for the same purpose,


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) γ-rays are not suitable for the same purpose.


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 2]

11 The radioactive isotope bismuth-210 ( ) decays by β-particle emission to an isotope of

polonium (Po).

Complete the nuclide equation that represents this decay.


[Total: 3]

12 Complete the nuclide equation for the radioactive decay of carbon-14.


[Total: 3]

13 The half-life of a radioactive isotope is 4.0 years.

A sample of this material contains 24 million radioactive nuclei.

How many of these radioactive nuclei remain undecayed after 12 years?

A 0.5 million
B 2.0 million
C 3.0 million
D 6.0 million

[Total: 1]

14 A hospital doctor is using a source of -rays for a medical treatment.

Each diagram shows a view from above of the treatment room.

Which diagram shows the best way to protect the doctor and staff in the corridor from the -rays?

dense dense
concrete concrete
source doctor of γ-rays
of γ-rays wooden wooden
door door
corridor corridor doctor

dense dense
concrete concrete
doctor source
source of γ-rays wooden
of γ-rays
corridor wooden corridor doctor

[Total: 1]

15 The diagram shows a decay curve for a radioactive substance.

count rate 45
counts / s 40

According to the curve shown, what is the background radiation count?

A 40 counts / s
B 20 counts / s
C 5 counts / s
D 0 counts / s

[Total: 1]

16 A sample of a radioactive isotope emits particles at a rate of 240 per minute.

After 48 hours the rate of emission has decreased to 15 per minute.

What is the half-life of the radioactive material?

A 4.0 hours B 8.0 hours C 12 hours D 16 hours


[Total: 1]

17 The graph shows a decay curve for iodine-131

Use information from the graph to determine the half-life of iodine-131. Show clearly how you used
the graph.

half-life = .......................................................... days [3]

[Total: 3]

18 The diagram represents the particles in an atom of the element lithium. The diagram is not to scale.

(a) (i) State the name of particle X.

................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) State the charge of particle X.

................................................................................................................................ [1]

(iii) Tick one box in the diagram that correctly represents an isotope of lithium.


(b) A sample of lithium contains 1.00 mg of a radioactive isotope of lithium.

Calculate the mass of the isotope that remains after 2 half-lives.

mass = ............................................... mg [2]

[Total: 5]

19 A scientist has a sample of a radioactive substance.

Suggest how he can determine whether the sample is emitting α-particles and whether it is emitting










.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

20 β-particles and γ-rays are ionising radiations.

Explain the meaning of ionising radiations.


.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

21 A radioactive source is tested over a number of hours with a radiation detector. The readings are
shown in the table.

time / hours 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

detector reading / (counts / s) 324 96 39 23 21 17 21 20 19 20 18


(a) Use the readings to suggest a value for the background count rate during the test, and to
determine the half-life of the sample.

background count rate = ...........................

half-life of sample = ................................... [4]

(b) The arrows in the diagram show the paths of three α-particles moving towards gold nuclei in
a thin foil.

On the diagram, complete the paths of the three α-particles.


[Total: 7]

22 A technician is handling a solid radioactive sample that emits α-particles and β-particles.

The technician wears thick rubber gloves.

Explain why this may provide some protection from the radiation, but it is not sufficient protection.




.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

23 The diagram shows a geologist holding a radiation detector near a rock.

She holds the detector in a fixed position and records the readings shown in the table.

time / minutes 0 1 2 3 4 5

16 14 17 13 17 15

Explain the changes in the detector readings.




.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

24 State the relative ionising effects of α-particles, β-particles and γ-rays. Suggest an explanation for
the differences.




.................................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 3]

25 The diagram shows equipment that is used to investigate the effect of a magnetic field on the path
of a beam of γ-rays.

A radioactive source emits γ-rays. The γ-rays pass through two small holes in thick lead plates.
Then the γ-rays pass through the shaded region and into the detector.

(a) Suggest the purpose of the two lead plates.


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) A magnetic field, directed into the page, is set up in the shaded region.

State and explain what happens to the reading of the detector.




........................................................................................................................................... [3]

[Total: 4]

26 The arrows in the diagram represent the paths of three α-particles moving towards gold nuclei in
a thin foil. The gold nuclei are shown as shaded circles.

On the diagram, complete the paths of the three α-particles.


[Total: 3]

27 The equation represents an isotope of radium Ra decaying to an isotope of radon Rn with the
emission of particle X.

What is particle X?



[Total: 1]

28 A student investigates how the radiation from a radioactive source changes with time.

The table shows the results from the detector used by the student.

time / count rate /

minutes counts per minute

0 340
2.0 180
4.0 100
6.0 60
8.0 40

The experiment is repeated by many other students, who also measure the count rate every two

The half-life of the source is known to be exactly 2.0 minutes.

Why is the measured count rate always greater than half the previous value?

A Radioactive emissions occur randomly with time.

B The detector used is very close to the source.
C There is background radiation present.
D The radioactive source is decaying.

[Total: 1]

29 Three types of radioactive decay are by the emission of

α - radiation,
β - radiation,
- radiation.

State which of the three types of emission has the greatest speed.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

30 A radioactive isotope is placed near a detector. The readings on the detector are corrected for
background radiation and recorded every hour.

The table shows the corrected readings.

time / hours 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

count rate / counts per second 500 375 280 210 160

What is the half-life of the isotope?

A between 0 and 1 hour

B between 1 hour and 2 hours
C between 2 hours and 3 hours
D between 3 hours and 4 hours

[Total: 1]

31 Which row shows the nature and the penetrating ability of -particles?

nature most are stopped by

A electron a few mm of aluminium

B electron a thin sheet of paper
C helium nucleus a few mm of aluminium
D helium nucleus a thin sheet of paper


[Total: 1]

32 , and -radiations are emitted by radioactive substances.

Which statement is correct?

A -radiation consists of charged particles and is the most highly ionising radiation.
B -radiation consists of charged particles and is the most penetrating radiation.

C -radiation consists of uncharged particles and is the least highly ionising radiation.

D -radiation consists of uncharged particles and is the least penetrating radiation.


[Total: 1]

33 In a laboratory, a detector of ionising radiation records an average background count rate of

8 counts per second.


counts / s

A radioactive source is now placed close to the detector. The count rate on the detector rises to
200 counts per second.


counts / s


What is the count rate due to radiation from the radioactive source?

A 25 counts / s
B 192 counts / s
C 200 counts / s
D 208 counts / s

[Total: 1]

34 Some water is contaminated with a radioactive element.

In a laboratory, the count rate from a sample of the contaminated water is measured every 10 days.
The results are shown in the table.

time / days 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

3250 2300 1650 1200 980 550 400 320



counts / s 2000




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
time / days

Use the graph to determine the half-life of the radioactive element. Ignore background radiation.

half-life = ....................................................... [3]

[Total: 3]

35 In some areas there are high levels of background radiation.

Suggest how background radiation can be detected.


.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

36 Some water is contaminated with a radioactive element.

In a laboratory, the count rate from a sample of the contaminated water is measured every 10 days.
The results are shown in the table.

time / days 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

3250 2300 1650 1200 980 550 400 320

One of the readings is incorrect due to an error.

Circle this point on the graph below and estimate the correct count rate for this day.



counts / s 2000




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
time / days

count rate = ....................................................... [2]

[Total: 2]

37 In some areas there are high levels of background radiation.

Explain what is meant by background radiation.


.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

38 Some water is contaminated with a radioactive element.

In a laboratory, the count rate from a sample of the contaminated water is measured every 10 days.
The results are shown in the table.

time / days 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

3250 2300 1650 1200 980 550 400 320

On the figure below, complete the graph by plotting the first three points and drawing the best-fit



counts / s 2000




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
time / days

[Total: 2]

39 The half-life of carbon-14 is 5800 years.

A piece of wood contained 20 000 carbon-14 atoms when it was buried in a landslide.

Calculate the number of years it takes until the number of carbon-14 atoms in the wood is 2500.

number of years = ................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

40 Radon-219 is a radioactive gas.

Alpha particles are emitted when radon-219 decays.

Complete the table below to show the composition of an alpha particle.

type of particle number





[Total: 2]

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