myTest (2)

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1 A beam that consists of both α-particles and β-particles is passed through a region of space where
there is a magnetic field perpendicular to the direction of the beam.

State two ways in which the deflection of the α-particles differs from that of the β-particles.

1. ..............................................................................................................................................

2. .............................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

2 Carbon-14 is radioactive with a half-life of 5700 years.

An animal bone is dug up in an archaeological excavation. The quantity of carbon-14 in the bone
is 25% of what it was when the bone was buried.

Calculate the time that has elapsed since it was buried.

time = .............................................. years [2]

[Total: 2]

3 Astatine-210 is a radioactive material. It has a half-life of 8 hours.

The mass of a sample of astatine-210 is 0.500 kg.

Calculate how long it takes for 0.375 kg of the sample to decay.

decay time = .............................................. hours [3]

[Total: 3]

4 Astatine-210 is a radioactive material. It has a half-life of 8 hours.

The count rate of a sample of astatine-210 is measured over 24 hours.

On the diagram, sketch a line to show how the count rate changes over the 24 hours.


[Total: 2]

5 The half-life of iridium-194 is 19 hours. A sample of iridium-194 has an initial count-rate of

1100 counts / min.

Calculate the count-rate from this sample after 38 hours.

count-rate = .............................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

6 State two ways in which γ-emission differs from β-emission.

1 ...............................................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................................... [2]

[Total: 2]

7 Scientists use carbon-14 to estimate the age of wood that is very old.
A very old sample of wood contains 1.0 × 10 carbon-14 atoms.
When the sample was new, it contained 8.0 × 10 carbon-14 atoms.

The half-life of carbon-14 is 5700 years.

Estimate the age of the sample of wood.

age of wood = .............................................. years [3]

[Total: 3]

8 Tritium is an isotope of hydrogen. It can be represented by .

The graph shows how the activity of a sample of tritium varies with time.

Use the graph to calculate the half-life of tritium. Show clearly how you used the graph.

half-life = .............................................. years [3]

[Total: 3]

9 A sample of rock includes some uranium-239.

The half-life of uranium-239 is 23 minutes.

Determine the fraction of the uranium-239 that remains after 46 minutes.

fraction remaining = .............................................. [2]


[Total: 2]

10 When the nucleus of a uranium atom decays, it releases a β-particle.

Describe the relative ionising effect, and the relative penetrating ability, of a β-particle.

relative ionising effect ..............................................................................................................


relative penetrating ability ........................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

11 A detector of ionising radiation measures the background count rate in a classroom where there
are no radioactive samples present.

The readings, in counts / minute, taken over a period of time are shown in the table.

counts / minute 16 12 14 16 15 17

State two possible sources of this background radiation.


.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

12 A detector of ionising radiation measures the background count rate in a classroom where there
are no radioactive samples present.

The readings, in counts / minute, taken over a period of time are shown in the table.

counts / minute 16 12 14 16 15 17

Explain why the readings are not the same.


.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

13 With no radioactive sample present, a scientist records a background radiation count of

40 counts / minute.

The scientist brings a radioactive sample close to the detector. The count rate increases to 200
counts / minute.

After 24 days the count rate is 50 counts / minute.

Calculate the half-life of the radioactive sample.

half-life = .............................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

14 Thorium-234 ( ) is radioactive. It decays by β-emission to form an isotope of protactinium


(a) A pure sample of thorium-234 emits β-particles at a count rate of 2480 counts/second. The
half-life of thorium-234 is 24 days.

Calculate the count rate for the emission of β-particles from the thorium in the sample after
72 days have passed.

count rate .............................................. [3]

(b) The isotope of protactinium produced by the decay of Thorium-234 is also radioactive. It decays
by β-emission and has a half-life of 70 seconds.

State and explain how this would affect the observed count rate for the sample in (a) after
72 days.




........................................................................................................................................... [3]

[Total: 6]

15 A radioactive sample is placed close to a detector. The radioactive isotope in the sample has a
long half-life. The detector records a count rate of 597 counts / s.

The table shows the readings when different materials are placed between the radioactive sample
and the detector.


a sheet of paper 602

a piece of thin aluminium 598

a piece of thin lead 510

Explain whether any α-particles, β-particles or γ-rays are emitted by the radioactive sample.

α-particles ................................................................................................................................


β-particles ................................................................................................................................


γ-rays .......................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 3]

16 Radioactive decay may include the emission of:




(a) From the list, state the type of radiation which has the greatest ionising effect.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) From the list, state the type of radiation which has the lowest penetrating ability.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 2]

17 State two safety precautions when handling sources that emit gamma radiation.

1 ...............................................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................................... [2]

[Total: 2]

18 A radioactive isotope has a half-life of 6.0 years.

A sample of this isotope has a mass of 12 mg.

Calculate the mass of this isotope that remains in the sample after 18 years.

mass remaining = .............................................. mg [3]

[Total: 3]

19 A radioactive isotope decays by emitting a β-particle.

(a) Describe the nature of a β-particle.


........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) Describe how the nucleus of the isotope changes due to the emission of a β-particle.


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 3]

20 Describe the penetrating ability of α-particles.


.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

21 Explain why it is dangerous to swallow a source that emits α-particles.




.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

22 Explain why γ-rays are dangerous to living things.



.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

23 In a factory, rollers press aluminium metal to make thin foil sheets. An automatic system for
controlling the thickness of the foil used a radioactive source. The automatic system changes the
gap between the top and bottom roller. The diagram shows the equipment.

(a) Use your ideas about the properties of radiation to suggest and explain the type of radiation

type of radiation ................................................................................................................

explanation .......................................................................................................................



........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) The aluminium foil passing the radiation detector is too thin. Describe how this fault affects
the reading on the counter.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Suggest how the fault in (b) is corrected. State what happens to the rollers.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(d) The source used is strontium-90. A nucleus of strontium-90 can be described as

State the number of protons in a nucleus of strontium-90.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 5]

24 State the type of radioactive emission that causes the proton number of a nuclide to increase
by 1.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

25 State the type of radioactive emission that causes the nucleon number of a nuclide to decrease
by 4.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

26 State the type of radioactive emission that causes no change in the proton number and no change
in the nucleon number of a nuclide.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

27 The isotope radon-220 is radioactive and it decays by α-particle emission.

The diagram shows a beam of α-particles entering the electric field between two charged plates.

On the diagram, sketch the path that the beam of α-particles follows in the electric field. [1]

[Total: 1]

28 The isotope radon-220 is radioactive.

The half-life of radon-220 is 56 s.

A sample of this isotope contains 7.2 × 10 atoms.

Predict the number of α-particles that the radon-220 in the sample emits in the next 168 s.

number of α-particles emitted = .............................................. [3]

[Total: 3]

29 A nucleus of uranium-235 undergoes nuclear fission in a nuclear reactor.

Suggest why a nuclear reactor is surrounded by thick concrete walls.




.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

30 Thorium is radioactive and has a half-life of 26 hours. At a certain time, a pure sample of this isotope
initially contains 4.8 × 10 atoms.

Calculate the number of atoms of this sample that decay in the following 52 hours.

number = .............................................. [3]

[Total: 3]

31 Radon-222 is radioactive and has a half-life of 3.8 days.

At a certain time, a sample contains 6.4 × 10 radon nuclei.

Calculate the number of α-particles emitted by the radon nuclei in the following 7.6 days.

number = ..................................... [3]

[Total: 3]

32 Radon-222 is radioactive.

A radon-222 nucleus decays by α-particle emission to a polonium (Po) nucleus.

Complete the equation for the decay of radon-222.


[Total: 2]

33 The diagram shows a radioactive source placed close to a radiation detector and counter. The
detector can detect α, β and γ radiation.

The radioactive source emits β-particles only.

Describe how you could show that the source emits β-particles only.
As part of your answer, you may draw on the diagram and add any other apparatus you may need.







.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 4]

34 To ensure the safety of workers in laboratories where radioactive sources are used, describe how
radioactive materials:

(a) should be stored


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) should be handled.


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 2]

35 State the type of radiation emitted when a phosphorus nucleus ( ) decays into a silicon nucleus
( ).

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

36 State the type of radiation emitted when an americium nucleus ( ) decays into a neptunium
nucleus ( ).

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

37 Complete the table for three types of emission from radioactive sources.

type of emission nature range in air absorbed by

electromagnetic radiation several km

helium nucleus 0.2 mm paper



[Total: 3]

38 Which row describes the behaviour of -rays in an electric field and in a magnetic field?

electric field magnetic field

A deflected deflected
B deflected undeflected
C undeflected deflected
D undeflected undeflected


[Total: 1]

39 Radioactive carbon-14 decays to nitrogen-14 by the emission of a particle.

Which particle has been emitted in this process?

A a -particle

B an -particle
C a neutron
D a proton

[Total: 1]

40 The rate of emission of a radioactive source is measured until the reading reaches the
background rate of 20 counts per minute.

The results are shown.

rate of emission
counts / minute
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
time / minute

What is the best estimate of the half-life of the source?

A 10 minutes
B 12 minutes
C 14 minutes
D 30 minutes

[Total: 1]

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