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Lesson Type: Prose

Lesson Name: The Bond of Love
Number of Lessons: 3
Duration: 40 minutes
Class: 9th
Resource: NCERT (Beehive)

General Objectives:
The learners will be able to:

➢ Develop the skill of speaking,

➢ Develop the skill of reading,
➢ Develop the skill of writing,
➢ Develop the skill of listening,
➢ Enhance their vocabulary,
➢ Enable the students for the use of grammar correctly,

Methodology Reflections
Day 1: Paragraph 1-7
Pre-Reading: (Duration : 10+8 minutes)
Objective: The learners will be able to infer the theme of the text.
The learners will be able to express their thoughts fluently.
The learners will be able to get the meaning of words (wantonly, prostrate, scooted
and condiments.
The teacher will begin the class with some questions:
1. Do you love animals?
2. Do animals love us back?
3. If I give you a chance to pick any animal as your pet, which one you will
choose? (Teacher will record the response of the learners on a slide.)
4. The weirdest pet animal you have seen in real life.
After recording the responses of the learners, the teacher will show them some
After observing the above given pictures, the learners will be asked:
1. Categorize the animals which could be pet animals and which could not be the
pet animals? (Teacher will use a slide to categorize according to learner’s
2. Would you like to have an elephant, a bear or a snake as a pet? What would
happen when we pet these animals?

A video will be shown:

1. What have you seen in the video?

2. Now can you imagine having a pet like those in the video?

• Teacher will show a slide and give the meaning of some words, those my hinder
learner’s understanding about the text

While-Reading: (10+5+5 Minutes)

Objective: The learners will be able to read the text with conceptual understanding.
The learners will be asked to read the given text silently. They will be given a
worksheet to fill while reading the text. Teacher will give them clear instruction
about to fill the worksheet.
Worksheet 1.
Read the text and find out which picture suited best for
each paragraph. Write the number of paragraph in front
of the picture.

Global Questions:
1. How did the author get the baby sloth bear?
2. Why did the author not kill the sloth bear when she appeared suddenly?
3. How did the author’s wife receive the baby sloth bear?
4. “The bear became very attached to the dogs, to the children in the
neighbourhood “. Which qualities of the bear are highlighted in this statement?

Objective: The learners will be able to express their ideas fluently in writing.
The above given worksheet will be discussed.
After that the teacher will make the learners write:
Write a paragraph on ‘Me and My Pet’ in 80-100 words.

Collect the information about the sloth bear and make notes of the important
1. Physical Appearance
2. Native Habitat
3. Food/Eating Habits
4. Conservation, Etc.

Methodology Reflection
Day 2: Paragraph 8-13
Objective: The learners will be able to express their thoughts fluently in speaking.
The learners will be able to listen with comprehension.
The learners will be able to get the meaning of words (floundering, hypodermic,
studebaker, curator)
The homework given in the previous session will be discussed. Every learner will be
given a chance to list out their written facts in front of the class. After that the
teacher will show them a video:

1. Do you have any animal friend? If yes, how do you spend time together?

• Teacher will show a slide and give the meaning of some words, those my hinder
learner’s understanding about the text

Objective: The learners will be able to read to grasp the conceptual understanding.

The learners will be asked to read the given text silently. The teacher will provide a
Worksheet 2.
Some headings are given below. Find the relevant paragraphs in the text to match
the headings:

An accidental case of poisoning

Playful Baba

Bruno came to senses

Bruno taken to the vet hospital

Decide to send Bruno in a zoo.

Global Questions:
1. “One day an accident befell him”. What accident befell Bruno?
2. What used to be Bruno’s activities at author’s home?
3. Was Bruno a loving and playful pet? Then why was it sent to the Mysore
4. How did Bruno come to be called ‘Baba’?
5. Why Bruno had to be kept in chains most of the time?

Objective: The learners will be able to express their experiences in writing fluently.

The above given worksheet will be discussed.

After that the learners will be asked to write a letter to curator of the zoo in place of

In the chapter the author wrote a letter to the Curator of the Zoo, and asked
him whether he want a tame bear for his collection. Imagine yourself at the
place of author and you have to write a letter enquiring about is he interested in
keeping a tame sloth bear.

Hint box:
• How did you found the sloth bear?
• How long it has been living with you?
• How was your experience living with the bear?
• Is the nature of the bear dangerous for others?
• Why do you want to give the bear to the zoo?

A M Road,


The Curator,
Sri Chamarajendra Zoological Garden,
Indira Nagar, Ittige Gudu, Mysuru,


Dear Sir,

Awaiting your reply.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully
Kenneth Anderson

Methodology Reflection
Day 3: Paragraph 14-23
Objective: The learners will be able to express their thoughts fluently in speaking.
The work given in the previous session will be discussed. The learners will be
presenting their letter Writing one by one.
After that the teacher will ask:
In the previous section of the text, we have seen that Bruno was sent to the Zoo at
Mysore. Can you predict what would have happened next? Would Bruno settle in
the Zoo life and the author’s wife would move on in her life normally?

The teacher will record the responses of the learners on a slide.

Objective: The learners will be able to read the text with comprehension.
The learners will be asked to read the text silently. They will be provided a
Worksheet 3.
“The bond of love between the Author’s wife and Baba was
mutual”. Highlight the lines from the text which support the statement:

Lines reflecting Baba’s love-

• ___________________________________________
• ___________________________________________
• ___________________________________________
• ___________________________________________
• ___________________________________________
Lines reflecting love of Author’s Wife-
• ___________________________________________
• ___________________________________________
• ___________________________________________
• ___________________________________________
• ___________________________________________

Global Questions:
1. Why Bruno was ultimately brought back home?
2. What efforts did the author’s wife make to bring the Baba back from Mysore
3. What makes you feel that the mother is more attached to Bruno than the
other family members?

Worksheet would be discussed by the teacher.

Objective: The learners will be able to express their thoughts fluently in speaking.
The learners will be able to develop interpersonal relationships.
The learners will be able to develop critical thinking.

• Teacher will show learner a picture. They have to observe the picture and
find out the different attitude of human being towards a bear.
Teacher will not down the responses of learners on a slide by categorizing in two
parts for 1st picture and 2nd picture.
After the discussion over the picture learners are asked to fill the Google form.


• Learners are asked to do a vocabulary task The bond of love (vocabulary

task) worksheet (

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