4.Practice Assignment 4.1 - Not Graded

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Practice Assignment 4.

1 - Not Graded

This assignment will not be graded and is only for practice.

Note : This assignment is for your practice purpose only. Your score in this will not count towards the
Qualifier Process.
This Assignment will be considered for the Bonus Marks. The final submission before August
4th is considered.

Calculate the correlation coefficient between marks obtained by ten students each of class
10th(𝑋)(X) and class 12th(𝑌)(Y) as given in Table 4.1.P.

Accepted Answers:

(Type: Range) 0.65,0.66

1 point

1 point

Let 𝑟 be the sample correlation coefficient for the data pairs (𝑥𝑖,𝑦𝑖),𝑖=1,...,𝑛(xi,yi),i=1,...,n. Then, the
sample correlation coefficient for the data pairs (𝑎+𝑏𝑥𝑖,𝑐+𝑑𝑦𝑖),𝑖=1,...,𝑛(a+bxi,c+dyi),i=1,...,n, provided
that 𝑏b and 𝑑d have the same sign, is



Accepted Answers:

1 point

Let the correlation coefficient 𝑟r between two variables 𝑋X and 𝑌Y be zero. Then, the
variables 𝑋X and 𝑌Y are:

linearly related

not linearly related



Linearly related implies correlation coefficient not equal to zero. Zero correlation coefficient implies not
linearly related. Therefore option (a) is wrong. Now if X = Y , then there is a linear relationship
between them and hence the correlation coefficient is not equal to zero. Therefore, option (c) is
wrong. Option (b) is correct.

Accepted Answers:

not linearly related

1 point

If the values of the explanatory variable (𝑋X) is high and the corresponding values of the response
variable (𝑌Y) is low and vice versa, then (𝑋X) and (𝑌Y) are

Positively correlated.

Negatively correlated.

No relationship between the two variables.

The value of the correlation coefficient (𝑟r) will be zero.

Accepted Answers:

Negatively correlated.

A shopkeeper sales two brands of milk, 𝐴A and 𝐵B. The data of 1010 customers buying one of these
two products in a month is shown in Table 4.4.G.

What is the absolute value of point bi-serial correlation coefficient between Milk brand and Sales?
(Correct upto 22 decimal points)

Accepted Answers:

(Type: Range) 0.50,0.56

Table 4.5.P represents the IQ score of eight fathers and their daughters.
Choose which of the following describe the correlation between the IQs of fathers and
daughters.(More than one option can be correct)



no correlation



Accepted Answers:



Consider the set of points (2, 6), (3, 8), (4, 10), (5, 14), (10, 𝑛) in the XY - plane. What should the
value of 𝑛n be so that the correlation between the X-values and Y -values is 1?



A value different from any of the above

No value for n can make r = 1


No linear relation is possible for the given data points such that the value of correlation coefficient
equal to 1. Therefore, option (e) is correct.
Accepted Answers:

No value for n can make r = 1

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