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2.7 Insttallatio
on Instrruction
1).Preepare WWindowss 7 or W Windows 8 , 10 xx64 and update
windo ows com mplete.
2).Exttract or mount image file f PTT 2 2.7 ISO bundle installerr.
3).Run Tech ToolT Insstaller.exxe
4).Inssert user validattion Clieent ID : 123456
1 User ID : m303773
Pass : 123456 6
5).Select man nual clieent updaate notifications , wait for
installlation w
when aftter instaallation ffinish do o not reestart PC
C if
when n installaation fin
nish systtem forcced resttart windows yo ou can
restart it.
6).Op pen folder DeveeloperPaackage and a instaall developerpaackage
file an
nd patch h.
7).Settting follder opttion show w hide ffolder and unch heck hidde
exten nsion forr know ffile typees.
8).Op pen folder C:\PrrogramD Data\Tecch Toolss\Waf reemove D DtR
and O OtD foldder.
9).Op pen folder and eextract APCI+.ra
A ar and copy to
C:\ProgramD Data\Tecch Toolss\Waf w with DtR and OtD D.
10).OOpen Follder C:\P Program m Files(xx86)\Clieent Update\Con nsole\
and rrename extensio on file C
CLUPcon nsole.exe to oth her extention
not eexe it.
11).OOpen folder C:\P Program m Files(x8 86)\Tech Tool\TTech
Tool\\ApciPlu us\ and rrename extention apcid db.dll to
o other
exten ntion.
12).CCopy APC CIdb.dll to C:\Prrogram Files(x86)\Tech h Tool\Tech
Tool\\ApciPlu us\ and rrestart w windowss.
13). EExtract PPTT 2.7FFull.rar tto C:\TechToolLLicenseEEditor.

Run Get__HW_ID D.exe and generrated ID and opeen KG_A Act for
2.7 license activvator and d run KG
G_Act an nd inserrt HW_ID and
name and customer and
put n d WLGen_Techttools Liccense
manaager and d copy reegkey.dat to TeechToolLLicenseEEditor folder
Open TecchToolLicenseEditor fo
15).O older and Run Administ
A trator
Run.bbat for P
PTT 2.7 aactivatoor.
Open KG_Dev fo or activaator for P
PTT devveloper tools.
17).Service aand Keyggen runn ning ediit First n
name an nd last name
and sselect usser type as deveeloper.
Click "Creeate DB with neew key" if you w will get eerror syn
nc ID
populate error just sstart andd close PPTT.
Re‐createed "Creaate DB w with new w key" aand "Pattch Login"
Open PTTT 2.7 an nd login User ID : XX789 911 and close PTTT 2.7
Right Clicck 2.7regg.reg an
21).R nd Mergge.
Open PTTT 2.7 an nd Checkking abo out PTT 2.7 you will seee
develloper daatabase..

Enjoyy for useed PTT 2


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