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Dr / Essa fuad

Course SPLE. 00967778819807

SPLE ‫ﺍﺣﺪﺙ ﺍﻻﺳﺌﻠﻪ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺠﻤﻴﻌﺎﺕ‬

Dr / Essa fuad
Pt have depression, weakness, bradycardia, what medication can cause this?

quinidine -

-Propranolol -


A 28-year-old woman who is 24 weeks pregnant with

her first child is admitted to the hospital for monitoring

and intravenous fluid hydration. Which of the following agents prevents the development of
?preterm labor A 60-year-old man (weight 75 kg) presents to
A) Albuterol)
the ED with crushing substernal chest pain and
B) Isoproterenol)
ST-segment elevations on ECG. He has a medical
C) Metaproterenol)
history of diabetes and a 40 pack-year history of
D) Metoprolol)
smoking. He is taken immediately to the catheter-
E) Terbutaline)
ization laboratory for primary PCI, and a drug-

eluting stent is placed in his left anterior descend-

ing artery. In addition to aspirin, which regimen

drug can cause iron deficiency ?
would best maintain this patient’s stent patency?
A- Magnesium hydroxide
A. Clopidogrel 300-mg LD, followed by 75 mg
B- Levothyroxine
daily for 12 months.
C- Metformin
B. Prasugrel 60-mg LD, followed by 10 mg daily
what to give for patient take metformin?
for 12 months.
A- Vit c
C. Ticagrelor 180-mg LD, followed by 90 mg
B- Vit d
daily for 6 months.
C- Vit b12
D. Clopidogrel 600-mg LD, followed by 75 mg
D- Vit 9
daily for 6 months.
Dr / Of
Antidote Essa fuad
CourseDigibind, digifab
SPLE. 00967778819807

plant used to treat gout? Colchicine

Anticoagulant for pregnant? LMWH (enoxaparin)

MOA of Methotrexate? Inhibits purine and pyrimidine synthesis

DM drugs that are Cl in heart disease patient?

•sulfonylurea: (glipizide, Glimepiride, Glyburide)

•thiazolidinedions: ( pioglitazone, rosiglitazone)

Untreated hyperthyroidism in the elderly can result in ?Atrial fibrillation

statin has optimum effect at evening?

A. Atorvastatin

B. Rosuvastatin

C. Lovastatin
Dr / Essa fuad

Course SPLE. 00967778819807

patient with severe gastric pain radiating to right upper quadrant with vomiting and pain

radiaties to back also and gets worse with fatty meals ?

A- Pancreatic

B- gallstones

C- hepatic disease

?Which of the following is a characteristic cholesterol

A)Cholesterol has hydroxyl group at carbons

Beta blocker used in HF?
B)Cholesterol is a very hydrophilic compound
MBC (Metoprolol, Bisoprolol,
C)Cholesterol has four fused hydrocarbon rings Carvedilol)
D)Cholesterol has three double bonds in its structure

Which of the following inhibits gluconeogenesis?




Dr / Essa fuad

Course SPLE. 00967778819807

n a patient receiving stable LT4 therapy, laboratory monitoring should be performed every

A. Month

B. 6 to 8 weeks

C. 3 months

D. Year

E. 5 years

Untreated hyperthyroidism in the elderly can result in:

A. Mania

B. Atrial fibrillation SPLE question by Dr/ Essa fuad

C. Deafness

D. Hirsutism

E. A and D are true

Which of the following drugs may be used to quickly relieve symptoms seen in


A. Radioactive iodine

B. Propylthiouracil

C. Methimazole

D. Lithium

E. Propranolol
Dr / Essa fuad

Course SPLE. 00967778819807

Why is propylthiouracil (PTU) the antithyroid therapy of choice in pregnant patients with

Graves disease?

A. It is less hepatotoxic than methimazole (MMI)

B. It may be less teratogenic than MMI

C. It has less risk of causing fetal hypothyroidism than MMI

D. It causes less agranulocytosis in these patients than MMI

E. A and C are true

A patient with gastric bypass, which vitamin deficiency will he have? B12 deficiency

. Patient with hypothyroidism, which deficiency is he likely to have? Iodine deficiency

. Which Vitamin D is used in infants? Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3)

. What is the first-line treatment for patient with osteoarthritis where non-

pharmacological measures were ineffective. Topical NSAID (gel or patch).

. Which drug is an IV direct thrombin inhibitor? Argatroban/Bivalirudin

. A female with hypothyroidism has developed osteoporosis, what is the appropriate

treatment? Alendronate (High doses of levothyroxine can cause bone resorption

Dr / Essa fuad

Course SPLE. 00967778819807

A patient with DM type 2, with uncontrolled (high) blood glucose for years. The patient

complains of burning and stabbing pain in his extremities started for years. Which of the

types of pain this patient is experiencing?

A. Acute pain

B. Costochondritis

C. Neuropathic pain

D. inflammatory pain

Which of the following is the mechanism of action of liraglutide?

A. Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor

B. Glucagon like peptide-1receptor agonist

C. Sodium /glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor

D. Activate peroxisme proliferator-activated receptor

Which anti-hyperthyroidism drug could cause agranulocytosis?

A. Xylocaine

B. Metoprolol

C. Sodium iodide

D. Propylthlouracil
Dr / Essa fuad

Course SPLE. 00967778819807

Which of the following to be used with caution in renal failure

A. Glipizide

B. Rosiglitazone

C. Sitagliptin

D. Linagliptin

One of Hyperthyroidism

A. Weight gain

B. Sensitivity to cold

C. Nervousness

D. Depression

medication given for hyperthyroidism causes permanent decline in thyroid hormones


B. methimazole

C. RAI radio active iodine

49-A 48 woman suffers from fatigue, weakness and polyurination and lab tests

proved that she is diabetic A Doctor prescribed her 850 mg metformin twice a day and so

blood sugar become normal but after sometime she did another lab tests and the result

was hemoglubinated sugar increased by 1% than the last result what will you advise her ?

A. increase metformin dose

B. decrease metformin dose

C. do nothing

D. shifting to another type insulin

Dr / Essa fuad

Course SPLE. 00967778819807

Which of the following is not a secondary cause of dyslipidemia ?

A. Hypothyroidism

B. Hyperthyroidism

C. Diabetes

D. Protease inhibit

Pt with hypertension, Heart failure, DM what is the first line after metformin

A. pioglitazone

B. Gliclazide

C. Empagliflozin

D. Insulin

Patient on TPN and nothing by oral (NOP) and A1C blood glucose is 11 Which drug

add to this patient p ?

A. Gliclazide

B. NPH insulin

C. Glargin

D. Regular insulin

pt DM2 symptoms ..whent to lose weight..HTN ,heart failure life style change -

and excirses drug choice for DM 2 ?

A- Insulin

B- liraglutide

C- metformin

D- Glypuride
Dr / Essa fuad

Course SPLE. 00967778819807

Which of the following is the most appropriate regimen to prevent constipation in a patient

starting on morphine for pain?

A) docusate and senna

B) bisacodyl and lactulose

C) polyethylene glycol and Metamucil

D) methylnaltrexone and magnesium sulfate

Which of the following medications can cause pneumonia as a side effect?

A) Lisinopril

B) Metformin

C) Simvastatin

D) Omeprazole

Which of the following regimen is the treatment of choice for a patient who develops a

gastric ulcer cause by Helicobacter pylori infection?

A. famotidine and amoxicillin

B. lansoprazole and clarithromycin

C. misoprostol, clarithromycin, amoxicillin

D. clarithromycin, amoxicillin and lansoprazole

which of the following drugs can be safely recommended to a patient that has been

suffering from chronic constipation?

A. Glycerol suppository

B. Ispaghula husk

C. Bisacodyl

D. Senna
Dr / Essa fuad

Course SPLE. 00967778819807

Which of the following is the mechanism by which bisacodyl laxative relieves constipation?

A. Causing colon relaxation

B. Acting as a surfactant to soften the stool

C. Absorbing water and forming a gelatinous mass

D. Stimulating enteric nerves to increase colonic contractions

?Which of the following is the mechanism of action of loperamide antidiarrheal effect

A. Binding bile acids

B. Blocking of cholinergic receptors

C. Activation of the opioid receptors

D. Activation of alpha-2 adrenergic receptors

which drug should be used for both bone and GIT problems?

A- Ca gluconate

B- Ca Carbonate

C- Metoclopramide

D- Omeprazole

Which of the following tests can be used to confirm eradication of H. pylori q ?

A. Urea breath test

B. Stool antigen assay

C. EGD with biopsies

D. Serologic testing

E. Both A and D
Dr / Essa fuad

Course SPLE. 00967778819807

A 50-year-old man on warfarin therapy started drinking an herbal tea extra (one gallon -

daily). A week later his INR dropped to 1.35 prior to that time, his INR had been in the range
of 2.5-

3. Once the herbal tea was discontinued, the patient's INR came back up to 2.50.

Which of the following is the content of the herbal tea extract?

A. Anise

B. Ginger

C. Green tea

D. Chamomile

Which of the following best describe the main pharmacological property of cholestyramine?

A. Decreases excretion of cholesterol

B. Lowers high density lipoprotein (HDL) level

C. Increases low density lipoprotein (LDL) level

D. Increase the efficiency of lipoprotein removal

A 45-year-old surgeon has developed symmetric early morning stiffiness in her hands. She

has to do several fong surgical procedures in the next few months. Which of the following

steriodal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDS) has the longest duration of action?

A. piroxicam

B. Ibuprofen

C. naproxen

D. diclofenac
Dr / Essa fuad

Course SPLE. 00967778819807

A 28-year-old woman who is 8 months pregnant is taking naproxen 500 mg twice daily for

the past four weeks to treat severe backache. Which of the following health issues at the
time of

birth puts the neonate at higher risk?

A. asthma

B. cardiac arrhythmias

C. uncontrolled bleeding

D. gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

patient has osteoarthritis in knee ?

A. paracetamol

B. gabtin

C. glucosamine

Which of the following antigout medications acts by decreasing serum levels but

increasing urine levels of uric acid, thus increasing the risk of kidney stone development?

A- colchicine

B- allopurinol

C- probenecid

D- rasburicase

C- pegloticase

Plant Alkaloid uses in Acute gout attack?

A- Naproxen

B- Colchicine

C- Allopurinol

D- Indomethacin
Dr / Essa fuad

Course SPLE. 00967778819807

Xanthine oxidase inhibitors uses in gout?

A- Allopurinol

B- Sulindac

C- Naproxen

D- Indomethacin

elderly renal pt ?

A. Ibuprofen

B. sulindac

C. indomethacin

D. codaine+paracetamol

Which of the following is the most appropriate advice to give to asthmatic patients as non-

pharmacological management?

A. Air purifiers will help ease the patients’ symptoms

B. OB Weight-loss is unlikely to affect their symptoms now

C. Patients should be trained on breathing exercise programs

D. OD.increase physical activit

Which of the following counselling points is best to discuss with a patient who is taking


A. It can be taken with calcium supplements or dietary foods with no problems

B. Take it in the morning on an empty stomach, at least 30 mins (before breakfast)

C. If you miss a dose, make sure to double the next scheduled levothyroxine dose

D. Take it immediately after the breakfast with a large glass of water to avoid stomach

Dr / Essa fuad

Course SPLE. 00967778819807

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