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Note: Bring Article for magazine.
1. List of poems and their poets on A3 sheet.
2. Make a dictionary alphabetically from the lessons- The Fun,They Had and ‘The Sound of Music’ Also,
make a cover page for the same.
3. Revise the syllabus thoroughly.
1 अपठित गद्यांश (व्ययकरण पुस्तक में)
2 मे री खूठिययाँ, मे री कममययाँ ठिषय पर 6-6 पांठिययाँ मिमखए।
3 स्कूि की ियठषिक पमिकय के मिए िेख (कठितय, गद्, चुटकुिे, अनमोि िचन, कहयनी आठि)
1. Three assignments based on the following chapters:
• Polynomials
• Lines and Angles
• Linear Equations
2. Complete Maths Lab Manual
Experiments 2, 3, 15 to be covered.
(Assignments would be given through Edusecure app)

1. Activity- Compare the properties of Mixture and compound by taking example of Iron filling and
Sulphur powder.
2. Complete Lab Manual (First Semester)
3. Revise the syllabus
1. Project work on Disaster Management.
Any one Man Made or Natural Disaster.
a. Introduction
b. Define Disaster
c. Causes of Disaster(according to the topic)
d. Dissaster Management Techniques
e. Any two real incident
➢ Students must add more content after doing proper research.
2. Map work
I. Physical Features of India:
a. Mountain Ranges: Karakoram Range, Zaskar Range, Shiwalik Range, Vindhya Range, Aravali
Range, Western and Eastern Ghats.
b. Mountain Peaks: K2, Kanchanjuenga, Anai Mudi
c. Coastal Plains: Konkan, Malabar,Coromandel and Northern Circar
d. Plateau : Deccan Plateau, Chotta Nagpur Plateau, Malwa Plateau.
II. Drainage System:
a. Lakes: Wular, Pulicat, Sambar, Chilika
3. Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution Assignment.

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