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The Escape From The Dinos

The story begins in the cave where they hid from the dinos. The dinos are chasing after them
because They are the last 2 people alive, Tom And Alyshea are the last 2 alive. They have al the
materials to make the potion to revive the dead and to make the Dinos go Exctinct. They don’t really
like eachother because when the dinos weren’t there they always used to fight infact they fought
soo much they despised eachother so if they are going to work together they have to stop fighting
and get used to eachother. They also didn’t have a lot of food and water so they would have to stop
being wastful for a while. Alyshea Was singing and Tom got very annoyed he went to her room in the
cave and he told her to SHUT UP!!! She didn’t listen and kept on going He then made earplugs so he
doesn’t listen to her anymore and he fell asleep easily after putting on the ear plugs. He woke up
with her screaming, he went to check on her and he saw a baby dino! It was soo cute he couldn’t
resist he petted the dino and it didn’t scratch or bite him he was a very friendy dino! They rescued
him from the dangerous crazy animals. They took DNA from the little guy and they completed their
potion but then the dino broke it on accident! Tom didn’t mind but Alyshea went crazzzzzy. She
screamed in horror when she saw the potion but Tom told her to calm down. They re-made the
potion but It didn’t work because Thay Forget that they only had 1 special green magical mushroom.
They went on the hunt for the rest of the materials that they needed to make the potion. They
finally completed the potion but they thought about the baby dino and they realised that he would
die… BUT they had a bright idea! They could make a vaccine with the opposite of the materials that
they used. They completed the vaccine and they injected the vaccine into the dino while he was
sleeping so he wouldn’t feel the pain. They used the potion and all the dinos disappeared other than
the baby dino and all the humans were revived and they happily hugged in relief. The End.

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