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Explain valence bond structure of

Carbon monoxide molecule
The electronic configuration of CC is 1s^22s^22p^2.1s
Consider formation of two sp-sp−hybrid orbitals, one
directed toward oxygen and directed 180^o180
This contains carbon lone pair, leaving empty spsp hybrid
orbitals with a filled oxygen \sigmaσ-orbital.
To complete the octet, C forms a pi bond and a dative bond.
Hence, the valence bond structure of carbon
monoxide is best described as : C \equiv O:C≡O
with a dative bond from oxygen atom to the less
electronegative carbon atom.

The electronic configuration of C is 1s22s22p2..

Consider formation of two sp−hybrid orbitals, one directed toward oxygen and
directed 180o opposite.
This contains carbon lone pair, leaving empty sp hybrid orbitals with a filled
oxygen σ-orbital.
To complete the octet, C forms a pi bond and a dative bond.
Hence, the valence bond structure of carbon monoxide is best described
as :C≡O with a dative bond from oxygen atom to the less electronegative carbon
10.Draw the molecular orbitals formed by the S-S
combination of atomic orbitals also illustrate the
electron densities for these orbitals and explain them

When these atomic orbitals

combine, the electron density
increases and the shaped formed is
given below .
It is a region where probability of finding the electron is
In quantum mechanics, electron configurations of atoms are
described as wave functions.The orbitals can combine in
two ways : Either their region adds up or the regions get
subtracted .

1. The addition of orbitals give rise to bonding orbitals and

subtraction of orbitals give rise to anti-bonding orbitals .
2. The mutual overlap between the half filled "S" orbitals of
two atoms is called s – s overlap and the covalent bond
formed is known as sigma (s) bond.

The mutual overlap of p-p bond occurs in two ways :

If it occurs along the inter-nuclear axis --the bond formed is
Sigma bond .
If it occurs side to side overlapping --the bond formed is pi

The propertie of some compounds to have same chemical

properties but different structures is called as structural
Example of butane is given below:

Structural isomerism refers to the chemical phenomenon
in which two or more compounds have the same molecular
formula but different bonding patterns and atomic
organisations. They are of 3 types :-
1. chain isomers
2. functional group isomers
3. positional isomers
Explanation: Structural Isomers have the same molecular
formula but different arrangements of atoms. There are
three types of structural isomers: chain isomers, functional
group isomers and positional isomers. Chain isomers have
the same molecular formula but different arrangements or

12. What are racemic mixtures? Discuss their resolution involving the formation of

In chemistry, a racemic mixture, or racemate (/reɪ

ˈsiːmeɪt, rə-, ˈræsɪmeɪt/), is one that has equal
amounts of left- and right-handed enantiomers of a
chiral molecule. The first known racemic mixture
was racemic acid, which Louis Pasteur found to be
a mixture of the two enantiomeric isomers of
tartaric acid.
A racemic mixture is a 50:50 mixture of two
enantiomers. Separation of racemates into their
component enantiomers is a process called
resolution. Since enantiomers have identical
physical properties, such as solubility and melting
point, resolution is extremely difficult.
13. drawNewman and Sawhorse projection for the eclipsed
and straggered conformations of ethane. Whichof these is
conformations is more stable and Why???
in staggered form of ethane, the electron
clouds of carbon-hydrogen bonds are as far apart as possible. Thus, there
are minimum repulsive forces, minimum energy and maximum stability of
the molecule. On the other hand, when the staggered form changes into
the eclipsed form, the electron clouds of the carbon-hydrogen bonds come
closer to each other resulting in increase in electron cloud repulsions. To
check the increased repulsive forces, molecule will have to possess more
energy and thus has lesser stability

14. Compare the relative acidities of ethanoic acid,

propanoic acid, fluoroethanoic acid andiodoethanoic
acid. Explain your answer giving appropriate reasons.

+-The relative acidities of ethanoic acid, propanoic acid,

fluoroethanoic acid and iodoethanoic acid is given as :
Fluoroethanoic acid > Iodoethanoic acid > Ethanoic acid >
Propanoic acid.
- With the increase of the carbons in the chain, acidity of
carboxylic acid decreases. Hence, ethanoic acid is more
acidic than propanoic acid.
- The acidity of carboxylic acid increases with the increase
of the electronegativity of adjacent groups. Hence,
iodoethanoic acid is more acidic than ethanoic acid and
fluoroethanoic acid is even more acidic than iodoethanoic
- So the correct order of acidity is :
Fluoroethanoic acid > Iodoethanoic acid > Ethanoic acid >
Propanoic acid

15. Which is more stable in each pair given below? Give reasons for your answer.

(a)see the question paper


In the first pair, the first compound is the most stable, since the carbation is unstable if the
positive charge is at the carbon atom that contains the acceptor group.
In the second pair of particles, the second is the most stable, since the chlorine pulls the
electron density on itself, thereby destabilizing the radical if the unpaired electron is in the b-
position relative to the chlorine.
a) - 1
b) - 2
The stability of the radical decreases in the following series:
Therefore, the most stable radical in this variant is C (CH3) 3
C (CH3) 3

16. (a) Explain the following:

(i) Wurtz reaction, has limited synthetic applications.
(ii) Alkanes are relatively unreactive or do not react with
most of the reagents.
(iii) Physical constants like boiling points, densities, etc. of
alkanes generally increase with
increase in the number of carbon atoms.

(a) Synthesize only Symmetric Alkanes

Wurtz reaction chemical reaction is as follows -

Limitations of this reaction are listed below -

 By Wurtz's reaction, we can synthesize only symmetric

alkanes a mixture of alkane products is formed when
dissimilar alkanes are reacted (these mixtures are difficult
to separate).
 Using the Wurtz reaction methane cannot be synthesized
because the product formed must have at least two carbon
 When tertiary alkyl halides are used as the reactant then
Wurtz coupling reaction does not occur
 A side reaction exists with which an alkene product is

(B) Alkanes are generally unreactive. Alkanes contain only

C–H and C–C bonds, which are relatively strong and difficult
to break. The similar electronegativities of carbon and
hydrogen give molecules which are non-polar.

(C) Physical properties

The boiling points of alkanes increase with increasing number of carbons. This
is because the intermolecular attractive forces, although individually weak, become
cumulatively more significant as the number of atoms and electrons in the
molecule increases


International Space Station life support. ... NASA is

using the Sabatier reaction to recover water from
exhaled carbon dioxide and the hydrogen previously
discarded from electrolysis on the International Space
Station and possibly for future missions. The other
resulting chemical, methane, is released into space.
NASA is using the Sabatier reaction to recover water
from exhaled carbon dioxide and the hydrogen
previously discarded from electrolysis on the
International Space Station and possibly for future
missions. The other resulting chemical, methane, is
released into space

(ii) The reaction

The solid sodium salt of a carboxylic acid is mixed

with solid soda lime, and the mixture is heated.

For example, if you heat sodium ethanoate with soda

lime, you get methane gas formed:

This reaction can be done with certain carboxylic

acids themselves. For example, benzene can be made
by heating soda lime with solid benzoic acid
(benzenecarboxylic acid), C6H5COOH


Saytzeff's rule states that “ more substituted an alkene is, more stable it is and hence,
more easily it is formed.”

Examples :

CH3CH(Cl)CH2CH3 (2-chlorobutane) on treatment with alc.KOH gives two products, 1-

butene (CH3CH2CH=CH2) which is a minor product and 2-butene (CH3CH=CHCH3)as
the major product.

This can be explained based on saytzeff's rule that's 2-butene is more substituted than

Answer. According to Saytzeff rule "In dehydrohalogenation reactions, the preferred product
is that alkene which has the greater number of alkyl groups attached to the doubly bonded
carbon atoms." For example: The dehydrohalogenation of 2-bromobutane yields two
products 1-butene and 2-butene


(i) The solvated electrons (the free electrons in the solution of sodium in liquid ammonia which
are responsible for the intense blue colour) add to the aromatic ring, giving a radical anion. This
radical anion is supplied with a proton by the alcohol. The alcohol also supplies another proton to
the penultimate carbanion. Now, with the alcohol present, the products – cyclohexadiene and an
alkoxide ion are formed. The Birch reduction mechanism is illustrated below.

Thus, the required 1,4 cyclohexadiene where two hydrogen atoms are attached on opposite
ends of the molecule is formed. Alternative organic solvents such as tetrahydrofuran can be
employed instead of ammonia since liquid ammonia must be condensed into a flask and left to
evaporate overnight post the completion of the reaction (which is a time-consuming task)

(ii)Wittig Reaction Mechanism

The Wittig reaction mechanism proceeds via three steps. These steps are:
Step 1: The negatively charged carbon belonging to the ylide is nucleophilic. This carbon
proceeds to execute a nucleophilic attack on the carbonyl carbon of the aldehyde or ketone. This
leads to the formation of a charge separated (and dipolar) intermediate called a betaine. This
step can be illustrated as follows:

Step 2: The betaine intermediate which is formed in step 1 is now subject to the formation of a
new oxygen phosphorus bond, yielding another intermediate which has a four-membered ring
structure. This step is illustrated below:
Step 3: In the four-membered ring intermediate, the carbon-oxygen bond and the carbon-
phosphorus bonds are cleaved. The oxygen takes both the bonding electrons and forms a new
double bond with the phosphorus which lost the bonding pair of electrons to the carbon atom. A
new carbon-carbon double bond is formed with this electron pair as well, yielding the required
alkene product. This step is illustrated below.

(iii) When an alkyl halide is heated with concentrated solution of KOH, a

molecule of hydrogen halide eliminated and an alkene forms. This reaction is
called dehydrohalogenation

18. what are the difference between markownikoffs and anti

markownikoff's rules

Difference Between Markovnikov Rule And Anti

Markovnikov Rule In Tabular Form

The Markovnikov rule states

Anti Markovnikov rule states that
that in addition reactions of
in addition reactions of alkenes
alkenes or alkynes, the proton
or alkynes, the proton is added
Description is added to the carbon atom
to the carbon atom that has the
that has the greatest number
least number of hydrogen atoms
of hydrogen atoms attached to
attached to it.

The mechanism of The mechanism of anti

Mechanism Markovnikov rule in chemistry Markovnikov rule is a free radical
is an ionic mechanism. mechanism.

The hydrogen atom is attached The hydrogen atom is attached

to the carbon atom with the to the carbon atom with the
Hydrogen Atom
highest number of hydrogen least number of hydrogen
substituent. substituent

A medium is required for anti

No medium is required in Markovnikov rule. The medium
Markovnikov rule. is generally Peroxide or

The electronegative part of the The electronegative part of alkyl

alkyl halide usually goes to the halide attaches to the carbon
carbon which consists of the atom that consists of the highest
Part Of Alkyl
least number of hydrogen number of hydrogen atoms
atoms attached to a carbon attached to the carbon atom in
atom in Markovnikov rule. anti Markovnikov rule.

The carbocation, which is the

intermediary in this reaction,
Rearrangement The produced intermediary does
then undergoes a
Reaction not undergo rearrangement.
rearrangement which increases
the stability of carbocation.

HBr is the only free reactant that

HBr, HI, HCl and H2O are the
is used in anti Markovnikov rule
Reactants reactants that are used in
and HCl, or HI are not used in
Markovnikov rule.
this kind of addition reaction.

In Markovnikov rule major In the presence of peroxide, the

product is given by HBr from main product of anti
(CH3)2C=CHCH3 will produce Markovnikov rule will be given as

Attack On The hydrogen ion from the Halogen-free radical X, which is

Carbon-Carbon reactant HX in Markovnikov formed by the communication
Bond rule starts the attack on the between HX and the radical
peroxide, usually starts the
carbon-carbon double bond. attack on carbon-carbon double
bond in anti Markovnikov rule.

The Markovnikov addition of

The creation of carbon-free
hydrogen halide to olefin
Reaction radical is generally known as the
usually results in the
Intermediary reaction intermediary in anti
production of carbocation as
Markovnikov rule.
the reaction intermediary.

Examples of Markovnikov and Anti-Marknovnikov Addition


The Hydration of Alkenes

When alkenes are treated with certain aqueous acids (usually sulfuric acid), the resulting
electrophilic addition reaction yields an alcohol as the product. The regioselectivity of such
reactions can be predicted by Markownikoff’s rule. Therefore, these reactions can be classified
as Markovnikov reactions. In the hydration of alkenes, the H+ ion acts as an electrophile and
attacks the alkene to generate a carbocation intermediate (the intermediate with greater stability
is protonated). The subsequent nucleophilic attack on the carbocation by water molecules forms
an oxonium ion, which is deprotonated to afford the required alcohol product.

The Hydroboration/Oxidation of Alkenes

When alkenes are treated with borane (BH3) in the presence of hydrogen peroxide or sodium
hydroxide, an alcohol is obtained as the final product. In this electrophilic addition reaction, the
boron atom acts as an electrophile. This reaction does not obey Markovnikov’s rule and can,
therefore, be classified as an anti-Markovnikov reaction.

Vicinal dihalides, compounds that have halogens on adjacent carbons, are prepared by the
reaction between a halogen and an alkene. The simplest example is the reaction between
ethylene and chlorine to give 1,2-dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride)
The geminal dihalides or gem-dihalides are the organic compounds in which two halogen
atoms are attached to same carbon atom
Stereoselective Reaction: A reaction in which there is a choice of pathway, but the product
stereoisomer is formed due to its reaction pathway being more favourable than the others
Catalyst poisoning refers to the partial or total deactivation of a catalyst by a chemical
compound. Poisoning refers specifically to chemical deactivation, rather than other
mechanisms of catalyst degradation such as thermal decomposition or physical damage

19.(B) How would you prepare following compounds

from an internal alkyne? Give the mechanism ofthe

(i) 3-Hexanone

(ii) Ethanoic acid

structural formula would be like this- Ch3-ch2-ch2-c--o-ch2-
ch3 (-- this refers to double bond)
Refer to the attachment for 3-Hexanone
Now Ethanoic acid is as follows
Structural formula of Ethanoic acid- Ch3cooh or Ch3c--oh (--
refers to double bond)
Refer to the attachment for Ethanoic acid

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