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Quintain 2nd Edition – AGoT LCG Solitaire Rules v1.

2 by Ricky Royal, Feb 2018

Basic Principles Challenges Phase

• Quintain will challenge in order of the most number of challenge icons he has on his standing
These rules provide a framework in which you can play AGoT LCG solitaire against an AI opponent called
characters; break ties in MILITARY, POWER, INTRIGUE order. Use the ATTACK SEQUENCE and
Quintain. The game can only be played as a two-player joust – you against Quintain. The game will be
DEFEND SEQUENCE tables to determine how Quintain plays during this phase.
played exactly the same as a regular AGoT two-player joust, except that a set of rules (the AI) have been
introduced to decide what actions Quintain will take during the game.
Dominance, Stand and Taxation Phases
• The Dominance, Stand and Taxation phases all play as per the normal rules (see Rule 1 when
How To Play considering Reserve).
You should create a House and Plot deck for you and for Quintain. You decide the make-up of Quintain’s
deck, depending on the type of challenge you wish to get from the game.
Important Character Table Defending Character Table
Set-Up Most POWER 1 Can be SAVED
Give yourself the First Player Token. Highest COST 2 No POWER and can be returned to
First complete your setup as per the regular rules, but you can place your setup cards face-up. Then: Highest STRENGTH HAND rather than DEAD PILE
• Shuffle Quintain’s plot cards and place them face-down on the table. Quintain will select plot cards Most # CHALLENGE ICONS 3 Least POWER
randomly from this deck each Round. Lowest Card # 4 Lowest COST
• Shuffle Quintain’s house deck and place it face-down in Quintain’s player area.
• Reveal cards from Quintain’s deck and put them into play as per the rules of the Marshalling, until the
cost of cards played exceeds 7 gold. NOTE THAT: Any Events or cards drawn which are unplayable,
are set aside and shuffled back into Quintain’s deck after setup (note Rule 3). 7 NON-UNIQUE
Important Location Table
• Finally, draw 7 cards for Quintain’s hand, keeping the cards face-down and in a single stack of 8 Highest Card #
Highest COST
sideways cards (or “hand”) at all times.
For the rest of the game you will play each Round as normal. Quintain will instead use the following LIMITED Attacking Character Table
additional rules for each phase of the game: Limited X Per Deck 1 Highest COST
Lowest Card #
Plot Phase 2 Highest STRENGTH
• Once you have chosen your plot for the round, reveal the top card of Quintain’s plot deck as his plot 3 STEALTH
card for this Round. 4 RENOWN
• If Quintain wins initiative he always chooses to go first, and his “When Revealed” effects trigger first. Important Attachment Table 5 Least # CHALLENGE ICONS
Has a named CHARACTER in play 6 Lowest Card #
Draw Phase
• Draw 2 cards face-down for Quintain, adding them to the top of his hand one at a time. Has a named TRAIT in play
• Add 1 Power to Quintain’s House Card (except during the 1st Round of the game).
Highest COST
Marshalling Phase UNIQUE
Quintain takes his income as per normal rules. Draw the top card from Quintain’s hand and put the card
into play with the following guidance (see Rule 6 for Attachments): LIMITED
• Any face-up Duplicates would be played IMMEDIATELY. Limited X Per Deck
• If the card would break the Limited rule, or is an Attachment with no suitable target, then instead put
that card on the bottom of Quintain’s DRAW DECK and draw the top card from his draw deck, into his Lowest Card #
hand, to replace it.
• If the card is an Event, return it to the bottom of his hand, face-up, and draw again.
• Each time a card is put into play, remove the gold cost from Quintain’s income.
- If Quintain does not have enough gold to pay for the card, pay no gold and put the card into play
anyway, but marshal no more cards;
- if Quintain had just the right amount of gold (reducing his gold to zero), marshal no more cards;
- if Quintain did not spend all his gold, continue to marshal more cards.
The Golden Rules
During gameplay, when rules are not provided by any other section of this rulebook, you should apply the
Golden Rules. The Golden Rules aim to provide a course of action for each eventuality that can come up
in a two-player joust of AGoT LCG.

Adding & Removing Cards to Quintain’s Hand or Deck

Using Keywords
• Rule 1: If a non-specific card is removed/discarded from Quintain’s hand, remove/discard
the bottom-most card. • Rule 9: when attacking with Stealth, Quintain will choose characters on the defending side to
stealth past, in order, according to the “Attacking Character Table”.
• Rule 2: If a non-specific card (e.g. draw 1 card) is added to Quintain’s hand, draw one card
and add it to the top of the deck representing Quintain’s hand. If a specific card is added to Quintain’s • Rule 10: Quintain can only make use of the “Ambush” ability when a card with the ability is face-up
hand (e.g. searching for a specific card from the house deck, or putting a card in-play back into in his hand; see Rule 11, for when Quintain has a face-up card in his hand with the “Ambush” ability.
Quintain’s hand), add it face-down to the bottom of Quintain’s hand. If Quintain’s hand is empty, a
Using Abilities & Responses
card cannot be drawn.
• Rule 11: If one of Quintain’s cards in play has an ability or response (or is a face-up card in
• Rule 3: when adding a card to the top of a Quintain’s house deck, if you have seen the card
Quintain’s hand with an ability that allows it to be played from his hand) then, during the phase in
then place it face-up on top of the deck. When shuffling cards back into Quintain’s decks, if any face-
which it is first applicable, this ability or response is activated. If a decision involves choosing a
up cards would remain on top of the deck, leave them face-up on top of the deck, in the same order,
character then use the important character table, unless Quintain is attacking or defending in the
instead of including them in the shuffle.
challenges phase, in which case they use the respective attacking or defending table.
• Rule 4: If an effect or event asks that Quintain play or discard a specific card or type of card
Playing Event Cards
from his hand, and you do not get to look at his hand: if he has a card face-up in his hand which
matches the requirement, then use this card. If they do not have such a card, then instead draw and • Rule 12: Quintain’s hand may contain one or more face-up Event cards. Quintain will always play
discard face-down cards from Quintain’s hand until you find a matching card, setting aside any cards these event cards at the first opportunity, using the maximum amount of gold available and necessary
not matching the requirement; shuffle all set-aside cards back into his draw deck, and replenish his to pay for them (otherwise they can’t be played), even if they negatively impact Quintain. If more
hand with a number of cards from the top of his draw deck, equal to the number of cards we set than one event can be played at the same time, randomly determine which Quintain will play first
aside. For example, imagine we used an event card against Quintain which says “Discard 1 event card (shuffle them and draw randomly, for example). If the event involves making a decision, always
from your hand, if able”. So, if Quintain has no event cards face-up in his hand but has 4 face-down assume the decision is ‘Yes’.
cards, we draw those 4 cards one at a time until we draw an Event card; let’s say the 3rd card drawn
is an event card; we would discard it, shuffle the 2 cards we set aside, back into Quintain’s draw deck, Using Locations
and then draw 2 cards face-down, back into Quintain’s hand. • Rule 13: Quintain will ALWAYS kneel/discard locations, if they have that ability, to get their cost
Selecting Cards reduction bonuses in the Marshalling phase. Quintain will always do this in the most efficient manner
possible (i.e. it will choose the largest cost reduction first, unless there is another card which will
• Rule 5: If Quintain is required/able to search his house deck for a non-specific character, reduce the cost more efficiently – e.g. if a card costs 1 Quintain will kneel/discard a location providing
attachment, or location use the “Important Character Table”, “Important Attachment Table” or a 1 cost reduction before kneeling/discarding a location providing a 2 cost reduction). Kneeling or
“Important Location Table” to choose which card to search for. discarding a location is classified as a negative effect on a location in the context of Rule 7.
• Rule 6: If Quintain plays an attachment, or must select a character to gain power, use the
Important Character Table to choose the character to attach it to (if Quintain is free to choose either
his own Character or a Player’s character, Quintain will select Player characters for negative effects
and his own characters for positive effects).
• Rule 7: If Quintain is required to select a location, use Quintain’s Important Locations table, to
determine either the most-important or least important location depending on whether it is a positive
(from Quintain’s perspective) effect on a location or a negative effect on a location respectively.
• Rule 8: When choosing a character to kill, Quintain will use the Defending Character table, and
will always use any abilities he can to save the character from being killed. If he has to kill 2 or more
characters, he will choose the characters and kill them in order of most important to least important.
Eligible Characters – all characters who are ABLE to participate in the Attack.
Participating Characters – all characters who will actually participate in the Attack (i.e. a subset of the Eligible Characters).
Power Differential – the difference between the Player’s Power and Quintain’s Power. For example, if the Player has 2 more Power tokens than Quintain, or if Quintain has 2 more Power tokens than the Player,
then the Power Differential is 2; if the Player and Quintain have the same Power, then the Power Differential is zero.

Form the initial list of Participant Characters as follows:

If Quintain is 1st Player – begin with the first eligible character (in Attacking Character Table order for MILITARY or POWER challenges, and in reverse Attacking Character Table order for INTRIGUE challenges) as the
only Participating Character;

If Quintain is 2nd Player – consider only characters who remain eligible for ONLY this type of challenge this Phase as the Eligible Characters, and only when other participating characters are needed should you start
considering other eligible characters; Of those, begin with the first eligible character (in Attacking Character Table order) as the only Participating Character;

Then REPEAT the following 3 STEPS for the group of Participating Characters, until either the challenge is confirmed or there are no more eligible characters to consider:

STEP 1 - The Player’s Score is equal to the sum of the STRENGTH of all eligible DEFENDING characters. Check if any participating character can STEALTH past any defending character (in Attacking Character
Table order) and reduce the Player’s Score by all defending characters stealthed past.

STEP 2 - Sum the STRENGTH of Quintain’s participating characters to give Quintain’s score.

STEP 3 - If Quintain’s Score >= Player’s Score then DECLARE THE CHALLENGE with the current set of Participating Characters; otherwise, if Quintain’s Score < Player’s Score, add the next eligible character (in
Attacking Character Table order) to the list of Quintain’s Participating Characters, and repeat from STEP 1. If there are no more eligible characters, then Quintain will not declare this challenge.


The Player’s Score is equal to the sum of the STRENGTH of all ATTACKING characters.
For Quintain, consider only the MINIMUM NUMBER of eligible characters needed to successfully defend the challenge, in Defending Character Table order. If Quintain CAN successfully defend the challenge with
these characters then:

If Quintain is 1st Player then DEFEND the challenge with these characters only if:
· this is a MILITARY challenge, OR
· this is clearly the FINAL challenge (i.e. the Player cannot perform another challenge Phase), OR
· you reveal the top card of Quintain’s deck and its cost is greater than the Power Differential; shuffle this card back into Quintain’s deck.

If Quintain is 2nd Player then DEFEND the challenge with this character only if:
· this is a MILITARY challenge and there less than 4 Quintain characters in play, OR
· you reveal the top card of Quintain’s deck and its cost is greater than the Power Differential; shuffle this card back into Quintain’s deck.

FINALLY: If Quintain CHOSE NOT to or CANNOT successfully defend the challenge, then consider just the first eligible character in Defending Character Table order, and if the Player is not able to make a
subsequent MILITARY challenge this Phase, or this is clearly the FINAL challenge (i.e. the PLAYER cannot perform another challenge), then DEFEND the challenge with this character

NOTE: see Rule 8 for details on how Quintain selects one of his characters to Kill.

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