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Sign Off Levels :L1 bf wou STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FO ‘Strauss Leadership LLC neon 727 Martn Luther King Jr Way S Seattle, WA 98164.3117 ‘Statement Period: 0101/2022 - 01/91/2022 / 2rT3298 Sine Beginning Withdrawals! Dividends! Ending Account # Balance Fees" sits Interest Balance Business Member Share Savings ‘3600971994 20.00 20,00 Business Basic Checking ‘3600972017 6565824 (2520.27) 9,000.00 raar37 Business Maney Market ‘3600972116 50.16 50.16 “Including the following Fees Statement Period Total 2022 Yearto-Date Total Overcaft Fees 0.00 0.00 Non-bfcient Funds (NSF) Fees 0.00 0.00 PEE Business Member Share Savings - 3600971904 0.00% Annual Percentage Yield Eamod for 31 day period 0.02% autdond rom 0101/22 ‘Average Daly Balance: $20.00, Year-tosdato dividends: $0.00 Business Basle Checking - 3600972017 Deposits Date Amount ‘Transaction Description oto 9,000.00 Descriptive Depost incoming Wire Transfer Withdrawals Date “Amount ‘Transaction Description 1104 (250.00) External Withdrawal WEG ING - ACH ono (@07.04) External Withdrawal ADP Tax KT- ADP Tax ROVEF O1T001A01 ona (048.56) Edemal Withdrawal CAPITAL ONE -GRCARDPMT 3L10HWLOGO2UMH over (125.67) Extemal Withdrawal PAYPAL INSTANT TRANSFER INST XFER 0126 (378.00) Exemal Withdrawal ADP Tax KW - ADP Tax ROVEF 3385380VV Business Money Market - 3600872116 2.00% Annual Percentage Vild Earned for 31 day period 0.05% cvidonds rom 0101/22 ‘Avorage Daiy Batarco: $50.16 Yor to dato dividends: $0.00 Paget 2 ng eit Un bo wou Sign Off Levels 1 ‘Strauss Leadership LLC HO ‘Statement Period: 01/01/2022 - 01/31/2022 smputation of Annual Percentage Vield Earned (APYE} and tnterestDividend Pal [APE is the annualized rate calculation based on the amount of interesudvidends earned (nck credited) and the average dally balance in the account during the Statement period. Interestindends are crested atthe end of the account's credting perio as reflected inthe activity column an the periodic statement. We may report information bout your accounts) to cect bureaus. Lal report If yu think information about your BECU account ina ret report or other consumer reports wrong, then please wie to BECU - Crit Repert Disputes, Mailstop 1082-2, P.O. Box 97050, Seale WA 98724, Please provide your fl name and maiing adress, the account amber of the account bang puted, the specific Information that you disput, the rame of the edt bureau or ether consumer reporting agency fem which the infermation care, and any supparting documentation that might substantiate your dispute. ayments, missed paymerts, or other defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit Page 20f2 tei wOh Sipn Of Levels Lt bf wou Sign OFF Levels Lt STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FO ‘Strauss Leadership LLC neon 727 Martn Luther King Jr Way S Seattle, WA 98164.3117 ‘Statement Peri: 02/01/2022 - 02/28/2022 2rT3298 Sine Beginning Withdrawals! Dividends! Ending Account # Balance Fees" sits Interest Balance Business Member Share Savings ‘3600971994 20.00 20,00 Business Basic Checking ‘3600972017 713797 (1,385.20) 17,000.00 ere Business Maney Market ‘3600972116 50.16 50.6 “Including the following Fees Statement Period Total 2022 Yearto-Date Total Overcaft Fees 0.00 0.00 Non-bfcient Funds (NSF) Fees 0.00 0.00 PEE Business Member Share Savings - 3600971904 0.00% Annual Percentage Yield Eamod for 28 day period ‘Average Daly Balance: $20.00, Year-tosdato dividends: $0.00 Business Basle Checking - 3600972017 Deposits Date Amount ‘2108 9,000.00 aa 8,000.00 Withdrawals Date Amount 2102 (250.00) o2ino (907.05) ons (188.15) Business Money Market - 3600872116 2.00% Annual Percentage Vild Eamed for 28 day period ‘Average Daly Batarco: $50.16 Year-to-date ivdends: $0.00 Paget 2 ng eit Un 0.02% ation rom 0201/22 ‘Transaction Description Descriptive Depost incoming Wire Transfer Descriptive Deposit incoming Wire Transfer Transaction Description External Withdrawal WEG INC - ACH External Withdrawal ADP Tax AA - ADP Tax ROVE 02100101 Exemal Withdrawal CAPITAL ONE -CRCARDPMT 3LBG0PAO7JOEWNT 0.05% cvidends from 0201/22 bo wou Sign Off Levels 1 ‘Strauss Leadership LLC ‘Statement Period: 02/01/2022 - 02/28/2022 smputation of Annual Percentage Vield Earned (APYE} and tnterestDividend Pal [APE is the annualized rate calculation bases on the amount of interesudvidends earned (nck credited) and the average daly balance in the account during the Statement period. Interestindends are crested atthe end of he account's credting perio as reflected inthe activ eclumn an the periodic statement. We may report information bout your accounts) to cect bureaus. Lal report If yu think information about your BECU account ina ret report or other consumer reports wrong, then please wie to BECU - Crit Repert Disputes, Mailstop 1082-2, P.O, Box 97050, Seale WA 98724, Please provide your ful name and maiing adress, the account amber of the account bang puted, the specific Information that you disput, the rame of the edt bureau or ther consumer reporting agency fam which the infermation came, and any supparting documentation that might substantiate your dispute. ayments, missed paymerts, or other defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit Page 20f2 tui woh Sipn Off Levels 1 Sign OFF Levels Lt STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS bf wou ‘Strauss Leadership LLC neon 727 Martn Luther King Jr Way S Seattle, WA 98164.3117 ‘Statement Peri: 0101/2022 - 03/31/2022 2rT3298 Sine Beginning Withdrawals! Dividends! Ending Account # Balance Fees" sits Interest Balance Business Member Share Savings ‘3600971994 20.00 20,00 Business Basic Checking ‘3600972017 8778277 (1,513.96) 17,000.00 103,268.81 Business Maney Market ‘3600972116 50.16 50.6 “Including the following Fees Statement Period Total 2022 Yearto-Date Total Overcaft Fees 0.00 0.00 Non-bfcient Funds (NSF) Fees 0.00 0.00 PEE Business Member Share Savings - 3600971904 0.00% Annual Percentage Yield Eamod for 31 day period ‘Average Daly Balance: $20.00, Year-tosdato dividends: $0.00 Business Basle Checking - 3600972017 Deposits Date Amount oaite 9,000.00 oat 8,000.00 Withdrawals Date Amount 02 (250.00) o3it0 (got.04) oats (952.92) Business Money Market - 3600872116 2.00% Annual Percentage Vild Eamed for 31 day period ‘Average Daly Batarco: $50.16 Year-to-date ivdends: $0.00 Paget 2 ng eit Un 0.02% autdond rom 0301/22 ‘Transaction Description Descriptive Depost incoming Wire Transfer Extemal Deposit KAKWEKO PARTNERS ONLNE TRNSFR88871070- SENDER Transaction Description External Withdrawal WEG INC - ACH Exdemal Withdrawal ADP Tax KW - ADP Tax REVEF 03100201 Extemal Withdrawal CAPITAL ONE - CRCARDPNT SLE4SVP8IOSXQ5X 0.05% cvidends from 0301/22 bo wou Sign Off Levels 1 ‘Strauss Leadership LLC ‘Statement Period: 03/01/2022 - 03/31/2022 smputation of Annual Percentage Vield Earned (APYE} and tnterestDividend Pal [APYE is the annualized rate calculation based on the amount of interesudvidends earned (nck credited) and the average dally balance in the account during the Statement period. Interestiidends are crested atthe end of the account's credting perio as reflected inthe activ eclumn an the periodic statement. \We may report information bout your accounts) to cect bureaus. Lal report If yu think information about your BECU account ina cre report or other consumer reports wrong, then please wie to BECU - Credit Report Disputes, Mailstop 1082-2, P.O. Box 97050, Seale WA 98724, Please provide your fl name and maiing adress, the account amber of he account bang puted, the specific Information that you disput, the rame of the edt bureau or ther cnsumer reporting agency fam which the infermation care, and any supparting documentation that might substantiate your dispute. ayments, missed paymerts, or other defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit Page 20f2 te Ou Sign Off Levels Lt bf wou Sign OFF Levels Lt STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS ‘Strauss Leadership LLC neon 727 Martn Luther King Jr Way S Seattle, WA 98164.3117 ‘Statement Period: 04/01/2022 - 04/30/2022 2rT3298 Sine Beginning Withdrawals! Dividends! Ending Account # Balance Fees" sits Interest Balance Business Member Share Savings ‘3600971994 20.00 20,00 Business Basic Checking ‘3600972017 10326881 (2,608.18) 15,900.00 196,562.68 Business Maney Market ‘3600972116 50.16 50.6 “Including the following Fees Statement Period Total 2022 Yearto-Date Total Overcaft Fees 0.00 0.00 Non-bfcient Funds (NSF) Fees 0.00 0.00 PEE Business Member Share Savings - 3600971904 0.00% Annual Percentage Yield Eamod for 0 day period 0.02% eutdond trom 0401/22 ‘Average Daly Balance: $20.00, Year-tosdato dividends: $0.00 Business Basle Checking - 3600972017 Deposits Date Amount ‘Transaction Description 0401 2,400.00 Deposit Business Mabile Deposit oat 4,500.00 External Deposit MDXPANEL INC - 7000161626 oan 8,000.00 Descriptive Deposit incoming Wire Transfer Withdrawals Date Amount ‘Transaction Description 0404 (20.00) External Withdrawal WEG ING - ACH ‘4108 (691.06) External Withdrawal ADP Tax LS - ADP Tax ROVEF OAD803A0t «ina (.455:12) Eemal Withdrawal CAPITAL ONE - CRCARDPMT SLKOSLCC38VWHEH Business Money Market - 3600872116 2.00% Annual Percentage Vill Earned for 30 day periad 0.05% cider rom 0401/22 ‘Avorage Daiy Batarco: $50.16 Yor to dato dividends: $0.00 Paget 2 ng eit Un bo wou Sign Off Levels 1 ‘Strauss Leadership LLC ‘Statement Paria: 04/01/2022 - 04/30/2022 smputation of Annual Percentage Vield Earned (APYE} and tnterestDividend Pal [APE is the annualized rate calculation bases on the amount of interesUdvidends earned (nck credited) and the average daly balance in the account during the Statement period. Interestindends are crested atthe end of the account's credting perio as reflected inthe activ eclumn an the periodic statement. We may report information bout your accounts) to cect bureaus. Lal report If yu think information about your BECU account ina cre report or other consumer reports wrong, then please wie to BECU - Credit Repert Disputes, Mailstop 1082-2, P.O. Box 97050, Seale WA 98724, Please provide your fl name and maiing adress, the account amber of he account bang puted, the specific Information that you disput, the rame of the edt bureau or ether consumer reporting agency fam which the infermation care, and any supparting documentation that might substantiate your dispute. ayments, missed payments, or other defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit Page 20f2 vo oO Sipn OFF Levels 1 bf wou Sign OFF Levels Lt STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS Fo ‘Strauss Leadership LLC neon 727 Martn Luther King Jr Way S Seattle, WA 98164.3117 ‘Statement Peri: 05/01/2022 - 05/31/2022 2rT3298 Sine Beginning Withdrawals! Dividends! Ending Account # Balance Fees" sits Interest Balance Business Member Share Savings ‘3600971994 20.00 20,00 Business Basic Checking ‘3600972017 11656263 (11,131.36) 35,700.00, 141,191.29 Business Maney Market ‘3600972116 50.16 50.6 “Including the following Fees Statement Period Total 2022 Yearto-Date Total Overcaft Fees 0.00 0.00 Non-bfcient Funds (NSF) Fees 0.00 0.00 PEE Business Member Share Savings - 3600971904 0.00% Annual Percentage Yield Eamod for 31 day period 0.02% aviiond rom 0510/22 ‘Average Daly Balance: $20.00, Year-tosdato dividends: $0.00 Business Basle Checking - 3600972017 Deposits Date Amount ‘Transaction Description 05103 2,400.00 Deposit Business Mabile Deposit sits 9,000.00 Descriptive Deposit Incoming Wire Transfer 08128 8,000.00 €Eenal Deposit KAKWEKO PARTNERS ONLNE TRNSFRGB871070- SENDER star 16,300.00 Descriptive Deposit incoming Wire Transfer Withdrawats Date ‘Amount ‘Transaction Description (05103 (260.00) External Withdrawal WEG ING - ACH sito (91.08) Exemal Withdrawal ADP Tax KH - ADP Tax ROVEF 051004401 site (4,980.30) Extemal Withdrawal CAPITAL ONE -GRCARDPMT 3LROBECHADsIOZH 081 (6,000.00) Descriptive Withdrawal Oulgang Wire Transfer Paget 2 ng eit Un bo wou ‘Strauss Leadership LLC ‘Statement Period: 05/01/2022 - 05/31/2022 Sign Off Levels 1 FO Deposit Account Activity (continued) Business Money Market - 3600972116 0.00% Annual Percentage Yiek! Eamed for 31 day period 0.05% cuidonds trom 05101722 ‘Average Daly Balance: $50.16 Year-tosdato dividends: $0.00 ‘omputation of Annual Percentage Yield Earned (APYE) and InterestDividend Paid [APYE is the anrualzed rate calculation based onthe amount of inereaidvidends earned (not credited) and the average dally balance in the account during the Statement period. Iferestidends are creed atthe end of he account's credting perio as reflected inthe activ eclurm onthe periodic statement. ‘Negative Information Reporting Notice: and Address for Disputing Information on Consumer Reports We may rar information about your accounts) to credit bureaus. Lale payments, missed payments, or ther defaults en your account may be reflected in your credit report If yu think informatien about your BECU accour in ret report or other consumer report wrong, then please we to BECU - Credit Repert Disputes, Mastop 1082-2, P.O, Box 97050, Seale WA 98124, Please provide your ful name and maling adress, the account amber of the account bang spud, the spectic Information that you disput, the rame of the edt bureau or ether cansumer reporting agency fam which the nfermation care, and any supparting documentation that might substantiate your dispute Page 2of2 vo oO Sipn Of Levels 1 bf wou Sign OFF Levels Lt STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS Fo ‘Strauss Leadership LLC neon 727 Martn Luther King Jr Way S Seattle, WA 98164.3117 ‘Statement Peri: 06/01/2022 - os/30'2022 2rT3298 Sine Beginning Withdrawals! Dividends! Ending Account # Balance Fees" sits Interest Balance Business Member Share Savings ‘3600971994 20.00 20,00 Business Basic Checking ‘3600972017 14113129 (2538.41) 7,000.00 225 592.88 Business Maney Market ‘3600972116 50.16 50.6 “Including the following Fees Statement Period Total 2022 Yearto-Date Total Overcaft Fees 0.00 0.00 Non-bfcient Funds (NSF) Fees 0.00 0.00 PEE Business Member Share Savings - 3600971904 0.00% Annual Percentage Yield Eamod for 0 day period 0.02% auidond trom 0811/22 ‘Average Daly Balance: $20.00, Year-tosdato dividends: $0.00 Business Basle Checking - 3600972017 Deposits Date Amount ‘Transaction Description sit? 9,000.00 Descriptive Depost incoming Wire Transfer ‘6124 78,000.00 Descriptive Deposit Incoming Wire Transfer Withdrawals Date Amount Transaction Description ‘102 (250.00) External Withdrawal WEG INC - ACH osit0 (gt.08) Exdemal Withdrawal ADP Tax KY- ADP Tax REVEF 061005401 sina (4,282.38) External Withdrawal CAPITAL ONE - CRCARDPMT SLXIPXBEJZJJT21 06129 (108.98) TAT Withorawal AT PAYPAL. 1020925434978 LOVELYVELAS Business Money Market - 3600872116 2.00% Annual Percentage Vill Earned for 30 day periad 0.05% cvidends rom 06/01/22 upto 0628/22 ‘Avorage Daiy Batarco: $50.16 (0.19% cuidonds rom 0629722 Yor to dato dividends: $0.00 Paget 2 ng eit Un bo wou Sign Off Levels 1 ‘Strauss Leadership LLC ‘Statement Period: 05/01/2022 - 06/30/2022 smputation of Annual Percentage Vield Earned (APYE} and tnterestDividend Pal [APE is the annualized rate calculation bases on the amount of interesudvidends earned (nck credited) and the average daly balance in the account during the Statement period. Inteestidends are crested atthe end of the account's credting perio as reflected inthe activ eclummn an the periodic statement. \We may report information bout your accounts) to cect bureaus. Lal report If yu think information about your BECU account ina credit report or other consumer reports wrong, then please wie to BECU - Credit Report Disputes, Mailstop 1082-2, P.O. Box 97050, Seale WA 98724, Please provide your fl name and maiing adress, the account amber of he account bang puted, the specific Information that you disput, the rame of the edt bureau or ther consumer reporting agency fem which the infermation care, and any supparting documentation that might substantiate your dispute. ayments, missed paymerts, or other defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit Page 20f2 tei woh Sign Off Levels 1 bf wou Sign OFF Levels Lt STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS ‘Strauss Leadership LLC neon 727 Martn Luther King Jr Way S Seattle, WA 98164.3117 ‘Statement Peri: 07/01/2022 - 07/31/2022 2rT3298 Sine Beginning Withdrawals! Dividends! Ending Account # Balance Fees" sits Interest Balance Business Member Share Savings ‘3600971994 20.00 20,00 Business Basic Checking ‘3600972017 zessees (1641437) 3,000.00, azarae Business Maney Market ‘3600972116 50.16 ont ‘0.7 “Including the following Fees Statement Period Total 2022 Yearto-Date Total Overcaft Fees 0.00 0.00 Non-bfcient Funds (NSF) Fees 0.00 0.00 PEE Business Member Share Savings - 3600971904 0.00% Annual Percentage Yield Eamod for 31 day period 0.02% evidond rom 07/0122 up to 0716/22 ‘Average Daly Balance: $20.00, (0.25% ations trom 0710822 Year-tosdato dividends: $0.00 Business Basle Checking - 3600972017 Deposits Date Amount ‘Transaction Description ons 9,000.00 Descriptive Depost incoming Wire Transfer ‘7720 6,000.00 Descriptive Deposit Incoming Wire Transfer 0728 8,000.00 Descriptive Deposit incoming Wire Transfer Withdrawals Date Amount ‘Transaction Description ‘O70 (714,788.93) Esdemal Withdrawal WELLS FARGO IFI -DDA TO DDA ‘710s (260.00) External Withdrawal WEG INC - ACH 07108 (691.05) Exemal Withdrawal ADP Tax KF - ADP Tax ROVBF 070806001 oni (474.39) External Withdrawal CAPITAL ONE - CRCARDPMT 3M3VOQLILWREINX Paget 2 ng eit Un bo wohl uw ‘Strauss Leadership LLC ‘Statement Period: 07/01/2022 - 07/31/2022 FO n0009 Deposit Account Activity (continued) Business Money Market - 3600972116 0.249% Annual Percentage Yiek! Eamed for 31 day period 0.19% cuidonds trom 07/01/22 ‘Average Daly Balance: $50.16 Year-to-date dividends: $0.01 Sign Off Levels 1 Deposits Date ‘Amount ‘Transaction Description O74 01 Ohidendlinterest Computation of Annual Percentage Vield Earned (APYE) and InterestDividend Paid [APYE is the annualzed rate calculation based on the amount of iterestividends earned (not credited) and the average dally balance in the account during the Salomon! period. IferesUcidends are credited al the end of the account's crediting pari as reflected in tha actly elurm on the periodic statement Neative information Reporting Notice: and Address for Disputing Information on Consumer Report We may roport information about your accounts) to credit bureaus, Lale paymonts, missed payments, or ther defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit report If yu tink information about your BECU account ina ret report or ether consumer reports wrong, then please write to BECU - Credit Repert Disputes, Mailstop 1082-2, P.O, 8x 97050, Seattle WA 98724, Pleate provide your fullname and maiing adese, the account number of the account being spud, the spectic Information that you dispute, the name of the ced bureau or ther consumer reporting agency fram which th infermation care, and any supporting documentation that might substantiate your dspute Page 20f2 vo oO Sipn Of Levels 1 bf wou Sign OFF Levels Lt STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS = ‘Strauss Leadership LLC neon 727 Martn Luther King Jr Way S Seattle, WA 98164.3117 ‘Statement Peri: 09/01/2022 - 06/31/2022 2rT3298 Sine Beginning Withdrawals! Dividends! Ending Account # Balance Fees" sits Interest Balance Business Member Share Savings ‘3600971994 20.00 20,00 Business Basic Checking ‘3600972017 zeaTes! (1,508.03) 5,750.00 2re42048 Business Maney Market ‘3600972116 50.17 ont 50.8 “Including the following Fees Statement Period Total 2022 Yearto-Date Total Overcaft Fees 0.00 0.00 Non-bfcient Funds (NSF) Fees 0.00 0.00 PEE Business Member Share Savings - 3600971904 0.00% Annual Percentage Yield Eamod for 31 day period 0.25% aviiond trom 0801/22 ‘Average Daly Balance: $20.00, Year-tosdato dividends: $0.00 Business Basle Checking - 3600972017 Deposits Date Amount ‘Transaction Description ‘02 4,250.00 Deposit Business Mobile Deposit ‘on 4,500.00 External Deposit MIXPANEL INC - 7000181008 Withdrawals Date Amount Transaction Description ‘02 (250.00) External Withdrawal WEG INC - ACH ait (gt.08) External Withdrawal ADP Tax RU - ADP Tax REVEF O81007A01 ois (956.99) Extemal Withdrawal CAPITAL ONE - CRCARDPMT SMAFTJUVE207RVD Business Money Market - 3600872116 0.24% Annual Percentage Vild Earned for 31 day period 0.18% ction rom 0801/22 ‘Average Daiy Balance: $50.17 Year-to-date cividends: $0.02 Paget 2 ng eit Un bo wohl uw ‘Strauss Leadership LLC ‘Statement Period: 08/01/2022 - 08/31/2022 FO n0009 Deposit Account Activity (continued) Sign Off Levels 1 Deposits Date ‘Amount Transaction Description ot oot Ohidendnterast ‘Computation of Annual Percentage Vield Eamed (APYE) and Interest/Dividend Paid [APE is the annualized rate calculation based on the amount of iteresUdvidends earned (not credited) and the average daly balance in the account during the Saloment period. InoresU@vidends are credited atthe ond of the account's eredtng pao’ as relectad In the acy column an the pvidlestatoment. ‘Neaative information Reporting Notice: and Address for Disputing Information on Consumer Reports \We may report information about your accounts) to erect bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or ther defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit you think infermation about your BECU account in ered repr or ether consumer repo wrong, then please wie to BECU - Credit Repert Disputes, Mailstop 1082-2, P.0, 80% 97050, Seale WA 98724, Please provide your fullname and mallng aless, the account namber of the account being puted, the specie information that you dispute, the ame of the cect bureau o ther consumer reporing agency fom which the infermatin came, and any suppartng documentation that might substanate your dispute Page 20f2 vo oO Sipn Of Levels 1 bf wou Sign OFF Levels Lt STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS ‘Strauss Leadership LLC 727 Martn Luther King Jr Way S Seattle, WA 98164.3117 ‘Statement Period: 09101/2022 -o9/30'2022 27298 Sine Account # Business Member Share Savings ‘3600971994 Business Basic Checking ‘3600972017 Business Maney Market ‘se00972116 “Including the following Fees Statement Period Total Overcaft Fees Non-bfcient Funds (NSF) Fees Beginning Withdrawals! Dividends! Ending Balance Fees" sits Interest Balance 20.00 20,00 27s42048 (61,720.48) 5,300.00, 250,000.00 50.8 ont 50.9 2022 Yearto-Date Total 0.00 0.00 PEE Business Member Share Savings - 3600971904 0.00% Annual Percentage Yield Eamod for 0 day period ‘Average Daly Balance: $20.00, Year-tosdato dividends: $0.00 Business Basle Checking - 3600972017 0.25% avidond rom 0901/22 Deposits Date Amount oot 76,000.00 oats 76,300.00 ‘026 23,000.00 Withdrawals Date Amount ‘02 (20.00) ‘021098 (691.05) oon (2.49570) ota (8:73:73) 0029 (23,300.00) Paget 2 ‘Transaction Description Descriptive Depost incoming Wire Transfer Descriptive Deposit incoming Wire Transfer Descriptive Deposit incoming Wire Transfer ‘Transaction Description External Withdrawal WEG ING - ACH External Withdrawal ADP Tax KC - ADP Tax ROVEF 080808A01 Exenal Withdrawal CAPITAL ONE - CRCARDPMT 3MGYRIVLTOEIYVT Withdrawal To self for personal use an Keep act. below 250K Withdrawal Transfer to personal to keep below 250K bo wohl uw ‘Strauss Leadership LLC ‘Statement Period: 09/01/2022 - 09/30/2022 FO n0009 Deposit Account Activity (continued) Business Money Market - 3600972116 0.249% Annual Percentage Yiek! Eamed for 30 day penod 0.19% cuidonds trom 0901/22 ‘Average Daly Balance: $50.18, Year-to-date dividends: $0.03 Sign Off Levels 1 Deposits Date ‘Amount ‘Transaction Description 09130 01 Ohidendlinterest Computation of Annual Percentage Vield Earned (APYE) and InterestDividend Paid [APYE is the annualzed rate calculation based on the amount of iterestividends earned (not credited) and the average dally balance in the account during the Salomon! period. IferesUcidends are credited al the end of the account's crediting pari as reflected in tha actly elurm on the periodic statement Neative information Reporting Notice: and Address for Disputing Information on Consumer Report We may roport information about your accounts) to credit bureaus, Lale paymonts, missed payments, or ther defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit report If yeu tink information about your BECU account ina credit report or ether consumer report wrong, then please writs to BECU - Credit Repert Disputes, Mailstop 1082-2, P.O, 8x 97050, Selle WA 98724, Pleate provide your ful name and maiing adese, the acount number of the account being spud, the spectic Information that you dispute, the name of the ced bureau or ther consumer reporting agency fram which th infermation care, and any supporting documentation that might substantiate your dspute Page 20f2 vo oO Sipn Of Levels 1 sinortee it FN) 241 sO us STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS = Sass Leader xn Par Marte ng i Way Seat WASETCASTT Suto Por 00 2210112022 73084 Se Begining Withdrawals Dividend Ending a pas Tees! ote ret Balance Buses Member Share Sates 600071998 2000 2000 Buses Base Checking seoooraoi7 ——~ainQ0000——@asr)—a 00000 wor0e12 Buses Money Mar 60972116 5079 01 5020 -tcluaing th lowing Foes Statomont Prod Tota 2022 Yearso Dat Total Oval Fost 000 000 rut Funds NSF om 0.00 000 PEE Business Member Share Savings - 3600971904 0.00% Annual Percentage Yield Eamod for 31 day period ‘Average Daly Balance: $20.00, Year-tosdato dividends: $0.00 Business Basle Checking - 3600972017 Deposits Date Amount “0105 0,000.00 "0106 10,000.00 "0107 4,000.00 one 23,000.00 001 46,000.00, Withdrawals Date ‘Amount “0108 (260.00) 0107 (621.05) one (1.04184) 020 (108.99) Paget 2 ng 0.25% cvidonds rom 1010122 up to 1027/22 (0.80% cuidends from 1027/22 ‘Transaction Description Edemal Deposit KAKWEKO PARTNERS ONLNE TRNSFR88871070- SENDER External Deposit KAKWEKO PARTNERS ONLNE TRNSFR#8871070- SENDER ermal Deposit KAKWEKO PARTNERS ONLNE TRNSFRE8871070- SENDER Descriptive Deposit incoming Wire Transfer Descriptive Dopost incoming Wire Transfer ‘Transaction Description eral Withdrawal WEG ING - ACH External Withdrawal ADP Tax 42 - ADP Tax ROVEF 100709A01 Exeral Withdrawal CAPITAL ONE -CRCARDPMT 3MNAMFSUTMPICIH AT Withdrawal AT PAYPAL 1022992865227 LOVELYVELAS bo wohl uw ‘Strauss Leadership LLC ‘Statement Period: 10/01/2022 - 10/31/2022 FO n0009 Deposit Account Activity (continued) Business Money Market - 3600872116 0.24% Annual Percentage Vil! Earned for 31 day periad 15% dividends rom 10/0122 up to 1072622 ‘Average Daiy Balance: $50.19 (0.78% cuidonds from 1026/22 Year-to-date cividonds: $0.04 Sign Off Levels 1 Deposits Date ‘Amount ‘Transaction Description 001 001 Oividendnterast ‘Computation of Annual Percentage Vield Eamed (APYE) and InterestDividend Paid [APE is te annualized rate calculation based on the amount of iteresUdvidends earned (not credited) and the average dally balance in the account during the Salement period. Inerestividends are credited atthe end of the account's eredting perio’ as elected Inthe acy column an the peviole statement. ‘Nedative information Reporting Notice: and Address for Disputing Information on Consumer Reports \We may report information abou your accounts) to cect bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or ther defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit If yu think information about your BECU account ina credit report or ether consumer repartis wrong, then please we to BECU - Credit Repert Disputes, Mailstop 1082-2, P.O. 80x 97050, Sete WA 98124. Please provide your ful name and mallng adress, the account number of the account being puted, the specie Iefermaton that you dispute, the ame of he cet bureau or ther consumer reporting agency fem which the infermatin came, and any suppartng documentation that might substanate your depute Page 20f2 vo oO Sipn Of Levels 1 Sign Off Levels :L1 bf wou ‘Strauss Leadership LLC neon 727 Martn Luther King Jr Way S Seattle, WA 98164.3117 ‘Statement Peri: 1101/2022 - 11/90/2022 2rT3298 Sine Beginning Withdrawals! Dividends! Ending Account # Balance Fees" sits Interest Balance Business Member Share Savings ‘3600971994 20.00 001 2001 Business Basic Checking ‘3600972017 ‘30,702.52 (177,651.33) 17,908.17 180,956.98 Business Maney Market ‘3600972116 5020 9044212 48.49 905388 “Including the following Fees Statement Period Total 2022 Yearto-Date Total Overcaft Fees 0.00 0.00 Non-bfcient Funds (NSF) Fees 0.00 0.00 PEE Business Member Share Savings - 3600971904 0.81% Annual Percentage Yield Eamod or 0 day period 0.50% cutiond trom 1101/22 ‘Average Daly Balance: $20.00, Year-to-date dividends: $0.01 Deposits Date Amount ‘Transaction Description 180 oot Dvidendlinterst Business Basle Checking - 3600972017 Deposits Date “Amount ‘Transaction Description nT 47,906.17 Descriptive Deposit incoming Wire Transfer Withdrawals Date “Amount ‘Transaction Description ‘02 (260.00) External Withdrawal WEG INC - ACH "108 (0,442.12) (Withdrawal Ta bring account 2077 below 250% to (70,497.74) External Withdrawal ADP Tax KF - ADP Tax ROVEF 111010001 5 asi47) External Withdrawal CAPITAL ONE -GRCARDPNT 3MTUS7SNFALZNXS ‘a2 (415,000.00) External Withdrawal WELLS FARGO IFI -DDATO DDA Paget 2 ng eit Un bo wohl uw ‘Strauss Leadership LLC ‘Statement Peri: 1101/2022 - 11/30/2022 FO n0009 Deposit Account Activity (continued) Business Money Market - 3600872116 0.82% Annual Percentage Vild Earned for 30 day periad 0.75% cvidonds trom 1101/22 up to 1129/22 ‘Average Daiy Batanco: $69,288.16 1.50% avons trom 11/29/22 Yoarto-deto divsonds: $46.55 Sign Off Levels 1 Deposits Date ‘Amount ‘Transaction Description "108 90,442.12 Deposit To bring account 2017 below 250k ‘80 4649 Oidendnterest Computation of Annual Percentage Yield Earned (APYE) and Intores Dividend Paid [APE iste annualized rate calculation based on the amount of iteresUdvidends earned (not credited) and the average daly balance in the account during the saloment period. IneresU@vidends are credited atthe ond of the account's eredtng pao’ as reectad In the acy clumn an the pvidlestatoment. ‘Neaative information Reporting Notice: and Address for Disputing Information on Consumer Reports \We may report information about your accounts) to rect bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or ther defauits on your account may be reflected in your cred yeu think infermation about your BECU account in ered report or ether consumer repot i wrong, then please write fo BECU - Credit Reprt Disputes, Maistop 1082-2, P.O, 80% 97050, Seale WA 98724, Pleate provide your fullname and mallngadess, the account number of the account being puted, the spectic information that you dispute, the name of the cect bureau o ther consumer reporting agency fom which the information came, and any suppartng documentation that might substanate your dispute Page 20f2 vo oO Sipn Of Levels 1 bf wou Sign OFF Levels Lt STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS ‘Strauss Leadership LLC neon 727 Martn Luther King Jr Way S Seattle, WA 98164.3117 ‘Statement Period: 1201/2022 - 12/31/2022 v 2773294 Sime Beginning Withdrawals! Dividends! Ending Account # Balance Fees" Interest Balance Business Member Share Savings ‘3600971994 2001 001 20.02 Business Basie Checking ‘3600972017 180,956.95 (185,723.15) vases 70.82.62 Business Maney Market ‘3600972116 9053881 1534 90,654.15, “Including the following Fees Statement Period Total 2022 Yearto-Date Total Overcaft Fees 0.00 0.00 Non-bfcient Funds (NSF) Fees 0.00 0.00 Business Member Share Savings - 3600971904 0.59% Annual Porcontage Yield Eamod for 3 day period 0.50% cutdonds trom 1201/22 ‘Average Daly Balarce: $2001 Year-to-date dividends: $0.02 Deposits Date Amount ‘Transaction Description "eB1 oot Dvidendlinterst Business Basle Checking - 3600972017 Deposits Date “Amount ‘Transaction Description vane sasr774 External Deposit ADP Tax R- ADP Tax ROVEF TS7B8S7VV ana 5941.07 Descriptive Deposit incoming Wire Transfer Withdrawals Date ‘Amount ‘Transaction Description 2 1202 (250.00) External Withdrawal WEG ING - ACH 2007 (10,000.00) External Withdrawal WELLS FARGO FI -DDATO DDA +2100 (68577.74) External Withdrawal ADP Tax RI- ADP Tax REVEF 120917A01 7104.17) External Withdrawal CAPITAL ONE - CRCARDPMT SNOS2CULLKAQFIX (6.263.74) External Withdrawal ADP Tax KC - ADP Tax ROVEF 122607401 72n9 (45,508.00) ‘Withdrawal Cashiers Chock Paget 2 ng eit Un ete ‘Sign OfT Levels L1 bo wohl uw ‘Strauss Leadership LLC Fo ‘Statement Pri: 1101/2022 - 12/31/2022 PE geen) Withdrawals (continued) Date ‘Amount ‘Transaction Description 7209 (28,255.00) (Withdrawal Cashiers Check yet (6,935.00) ‘Withdrawal Nick net payalfor 2022 vet (1,822.50) ‘Withdrawal Kalle net payroll for 2022 Business Money Market - 3600972116 1.51% Annual Percentage Yield Eamed for 31 day perod 1.50% avends tm 12/01/22 Average Daly Balance: $90,538.81 Year-todato dividends: $161.87 Deposits Date ‘Amount ‘Transaction Description 134 11534 Dvidendlinterest Computation of Annual Percentage Vield Earned (APYE) and InterestDividend Paid [APYE is the annualzed rate calculation based on the amount ofinterestividends eared (not credited) and the average dally balance in the account during the Salamon! period. IferesUcdends ae credited al the end of the account's creting perio as reflected in tha actly clurm on the periodic statement Negative Information Reporting Notice: and Address for Disputing Information on Consumer Re We may ror information about your accounts) to credit bureaus. Lale payments, missed payments, or lher defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit repent. If yu tink information about your BECU account ina rect report or ether consumer reports wrong, then please wits to BECU - Credit Reprt Disputes, Mailstop 1082-2, P.O, 80x 97050, Seale WA 98724, Pleate provide your fullname and maiing adese, the account namber of the account being puted, the spectic Irformaien that you dispute, the name of he ert bureau or ther consumer reporting agency fram which the Ifermation came, ané any Supporting documentation that might substantiate your depute Page 20f2 voi woh Sign Of Levels 1

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