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MID Exam

Name: Class: A B C

Q1: The environmental impact of the petroleum industry is often negative because
it is toxic to almost all forms of life. Mention five only and explain one of them

Q2: the statements are True or False answer them and correct the False statement
1. The lighter low molecular-weight elements, which are less toxic to organism
than higher molecular-weight, evaporate at slow rate effects on life in the
2. Industrial water use: industry is much dependent on adequate water supply.
The enormous demand of industry for water is obvious such as H2SO4
production, oil refinery, milk products.
3. BOD is the measurement of the amount of oxygen utilized by microorganisms
during oxidation of organic material
4. inorganic salts, mineral acids, and heavy metal compounds. Most of these are
not toxic and are capable of killing living organisms in the water bodies
5. Oxidation is the process of oxygen transfer form atmosphere to water

Q3: The following BOD results are observed for a sample of raw sewage at 20 o C,
Calculate the reaction-rate constant k1’ and the ultimate BOD, Lu
t (days) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Y BOD, mg/l 0 77 134 166 170 189
MID Exam
Name: Class: A B C

Q1: The main sources of water are important to all life on the earth including human
life. Mention them and explain one of them

Q2: the statements are True or False answer them and correct the False statement
1. Respiration At night the algae and the micro-organisms compete with each
other for both dissolved oxygen and organic compounds. This bacterial
respiration is responsible for the production of carbon dioxide and subsequent
depletion of dissolved oxygen
2. The solubility of oxygen in fresh water at saturation point increases with an
increase in temperature
3. Radioactive substances can enter human with food and water and accumulated
in blood, liver, muscular tissues causing to a serious of health problem to
human kinds
4. If the osmotic pressure of the soil solution inside the plant exceeds that outside
the cell, water cannot flow into the plant
5. The hydrocarbon impact on: Marine animals, Human health and Plant growth
when release on land

Q2: The following BOD results are observed for a sample of raw sewage at 20 o C,
Calculate the reaction-rate constant k1’ and the ultimate BOD, Lu
t (days) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Y BOD, mg/l 0 62 110 144 170 199
MID Exam
Name: Class: A B C

Q1: Mention five only and explain one of water Types pollutants and their effects

Q2: the statements are True or False answer them and correct the False statement
1. The ultimate BOD means the original concentration of the organic material
after any biological action has occurred.
2. Photosynthesis requires solar energy radiation. During the process, the green
plants such as algae utilize Oxygen and the inorganic nutrient in the water to
synthesis organic materials and liberate CO2.
3. rate of oxygen transfer (or rate of reaeration) depend on the rate of absorption
through the air-water interface and the rate of dispersion within the body of
water near the surface.
4. inorganic salts, mineral acids, and heavy metal compounds. Most of these are
not toxic and are capable of killing living organisms in the water bodies
5. Y represent the amount of BOD utilized at any time t,

Q3: The following BOD results are observed for a sample of raw sewage at 20 o C,
Calculate the reaction-rate constant k1’ and the ultimate BOD, Lu

t (days) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Y BOD, mg/l 0 55 105 133 162 188

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