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2023-2024 academic years, Second term

Grade 7 Test 1 Variant 2

1=0.4 points

Name Surname__________________________
Date ______________

1. Replace the personal pronouns by possessive pronouns.

1. The luggage on the counter is (he) _________________.

2. The pictures on the wall near the pillar are (she) _______________.

3. In our garden in the summerhouse is a bird. The nest is (it) __________________.

4. This smelly good for nothing cat is (we) _______________.

5. Honestly, this was not my fault. It was (you) _____

2. Choose the correct answer.

1. If you want to get well, you should take the doctor’s _______________ (advice/ advices).
2. Mary never does her _______________ (homework/ homeworks)
3. Johnny has lost his _______________ (luggage/ luggages).
4. The factory workers stopped working and took (a rest/ rest).
5. The children sat on the _______________ (grass/ grasses).

3. Choose “either during or for”

1. The discounts_______________Christmas time are quite pleasing.

2. I haven’t seen John__________________many years.
3. We fell asleep_______________the film.
4. Lily doesn’t often go out______________the week.
5. Luisa was absent________________two or three hours. Nobody knew where she was.

4. Choose the correct Variant

1. It is very popular _____________ 2. ______________ the two women the air
collectors and dealers because it's rare. had thickened with utter hatred.
a) between a) between
b) among b) among

3. During the daytime I just walk 4. Neither at work nor ____________ her
_____________mankind for the sake of neighbours did she say anything to a soul
appearances. a) between
a) between b) among
b) among

5. Robert stepped aside, a whole dark space ______________ him and the giant hound.
a) between

b) among

5.Match the words with their definitions

Lazy (of a person) tending to work with energy and commitment; diligent.

Hardworking unwilling to work or use energy.

Wise having the ability to create or design new things or to think originally.

Stupid having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense

Inventive having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgement.

1. His g. Hers h. Its i. Ours j. Yours

2 advice 7. homework 8. luggage 9. a rest 10. grass

3. during/for/during/during/for

4. Among/ between/ among/among/between


Lazy unwilling to work or use energy.

Hardworking (of a person) tending to work with energy and commitment; diligent.

Wise having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgement.

Stupid having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense

Inventive having the ability to create or design new things or to think originally.

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