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A study about the problems of educated women’s in

seeking employment
This study aims to explore the various challenges faced by educated women in their
pursuit of employment opportunities. It examines the factors that hinder their
professional advancement despite their educational qualifications. The research
utilizes qualitative methods to gather in-depth insights from a diverse sample of
educated women from different socio-cultural backgrounds. The study sheds light on
the underlying issues and suggests potential strategies to address these barriers.

The perfect woman, you see is a working woman; not an idler, not a fine lady but one
who uses her heads and her heart for the good of others. There is no force more
powerful than a woman determined to rise. A strong woman builds her own world.
Unemployment is difficult to estimate in India and most unemployment statistics are
likely to underestimate the true level of unemployment, particularly for women. The
unemployment rate of women has increased in recent years in comparison with the
unemployment rate of men. The worsening unemployed women have been interpreted
as a trend associated with the rise in female labour force participation. Jobless women
have difficulty in securing suitable work than jobless men, as it can be reduced from
the fact that they tend to remain unemployed longer. The optional level of women’s
employment obviously depends on a number of demographic factors such as the birth
rate and the size of families which can markedly affect their capacity to engage in
productive employment. The frequency of women working outside the home is clearly
related to their age, marital status, residence and level of education.
In recent decades, there has been a significant increase in the educational attainment
of women worldwide. However, despite this progress, many educated women
continue to face obstacles when it comes to seeking and securing employment. This
study aims to investigate the problems faced by educated women in their quest for
employment and explores the reasons behind these challenges.

The research employs a qualitative approach, utilizing semi-structured interviews and
focus group discussions to gather data. A diverse sample of educated women,
representing different educational levels, professions, and cultural backgrounds, is
selected to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the subject. The participants are
asked about their experiences, perceptions, and the barriers they encountered while
seeking employment.
The study reveals several key problems faced by educated women in seeking

Gender bias and discrimination: Many participants reported encountering gender-

based discrimination during the recruitment process. Preconceived notions about
women's capabilities and societal expectations regarding gender roles often lead to
biased hiring decisions.

Lack of suitable job opportunities: Despite their qualifications, educated women often
face a scarcity of suitable job openings. The participants frequently mentioned a
mismatch between their skills and the available positions, leading to
underemployment or unemployment.

Work-life balance challenges: Balancing family responsibilities with professional

aspirations is a significant obstacle for educated women. Participants highlighted the
lack of supportive policies, such as flexible working arrangements or affordable
childcare, which hindered their ability to pursue employment.

Stereotypes and cultural norms: Societal stereotypes and cultural norms associated
with gender roles often restrict women's career choices. The study found that
participants faced pressure to conform to traditional roles, limiting their professional
options and hindering their career progression.

Pay disparity: Several participants highlighted the issue of unequal pay, even when
they held the same qualifications and experience as their male counterparts. The
gender pay gap was identified as a persistent problem that impacted the economic
empowerment of educated women.


There has been an alarming phase of mass– unemployment among the educated
youth. Post graduates and graduates are walking pillar to post in search of
employment were there is slowdown in economy, there is surge in the number of
uneducated unemployed people. Many educated people are knocking at the gates of
offices just for the position of petty clerk and get disappointed when they read the
words ‘No Vacancy’ on the gate. Numerous cases of suicide among the unemployed
young men have been a feature of our time. 1 Defective expansion in the educational
system which has led to a surplus of educated persons. 2 Imbalance between the rate
of economic growth and capacity of the economy to absorb educated persons. 3 Lop-
sided expansion in higher and technical education 4 Lack of work experience and
social service which has failed to create the spirit of self – employment and self –
confidence among the educated unemployed. 5 Lack of Network of Cottage
Industries. 6 Mentality.


ANALYSIS OF THE UNEMPLOYED: The unemployed persons are
classified according to the languages known by them. It is shown in the Table 1.
Table.1: Distribution of Respondents according to Languages Known
Language known Number percentage
Kannada and English
Kannada, English and Hindi
Kannada, English and Urdu
Kannada, English and Telugu

Table.2: Number of the members of Households

S.No Number of Households Number of Respondents Percentage

Table.3: Number of Unemployed Educated Women in the Family according to
the Period of Unemployment
Period of unemployment Number of persons Percentage


Table.4: Age of the Unemployed

Age Number of Respondents Percentage


Table.5: Distribution of unemployed according to their Qualification Observed

Period of Post Graduate Non – Total
Unemployment (in Graduate Graduates


Table.6: Minimum Salary (Per Month)

Enrolments Post Graduate H.Sc No S.S.L.C Technical Total
Graduate No No No


This study demonstrates that despite educational achievements, educated women face
various challenges in seeking employment. Gender bias, limited job opportunities,
work-life balance challenges, stereotypes, and pay disparity contribute to their
struggle. To address these issues, the study recommends implementing policies that
promote gender equality in the workplace, improving access to suitable job
opportunities, and creating a supportive environment for work-life balance.
Furthermore, raising awareness about these barriers and fostering a cultural shift
regarding gender roles can contribute to more equitable employment outcomes
for educated women.

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