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Grade 5 English First Quarter Module Week 2

Name: _______________________ Date: __________________

Section: ______________________ Score: __________________

Lesson 2: Grammar

Lesson 2 Learning Objectives

At the end of lesson 2 you will be able to:

 Form the plurals of nouns by applying rules
 Write examples of nouns, singular or plural, about given ideas

Let’s Try This

Activity 1:
Since you have been studying nouns, let’s find out if you could still remember it. Read the
paragraphs below and list down all the nouns that you will find.

Our orchard has tomatoes, turnips, onions, potatoes, leeks, carrots, lemons, cabbages, and
lentils. We also have guavas, mangoes, chicos, papayas, and star apples.
The children were required to bring to school each of the following: pencil, ball pen,
ruler, eraser, notebook, diary, sharpener, envelope, and folder.

1. List down all the nouns in the first paragraph on the lines provided.

2. List down all the nouns in the second paragraph.


Let’s Study This

Number of Nouns
When we say Number it is that quality of noun which denotes whether the person, place or thing that it
refers to is only one (singular number) or more than one (plural number).
There are rules on how to form the singular nouns to its plural form. Form the plural of given singular
nouns that follow after the examples. Here are the common rules:
1. Most nouns form their plural by adding s to the singular.
1. ant ____ants____ 6. house __________
2. book ___books___ 7. notebook __________
3. feather ___________ 8. Pen __________
4. folder ___________ 9. Plate __________
5. horse ___________ 10. Sharpener __________

2. Nouns ending in s, x, z, ch, sh, and ss form the plural by adding es.

1. beach ___beaches__ 6.excess ____________

2. bench ___________ 7. match ____________
3. box ___________ 8. glass ____________
4. brush ___________ 9. saah ____________
5. buzz ___________ 10. wax ____________
3. Nouns ending in y preceded by a consonant form the plural form by changing y to i and
adding es.

1. baby ____babies__ 6. delivery ____________

2. body ___________ 7. facility ____________
3. berry ___________ 8. library ____________
4. cherry ___________ 9. party ____________
5. daisy ___________ 10. ruby ____________

4. Nouns ending in y preceded by a vowel form their plural by adding s.

1. alley ___alleys____ 6. ray ____________

2. boy ____________ 7. toy ____________
3. day ____________ 8.turkey ____________
4. journey ____________ 9.valley ____________
5. key ____________ 10.tray ____________

5. Some nouns ending in f or fe form the plural by changing f or fe to ves.

1. elf ____elves___ 6. loaf ____________

2. half ___________ 7. scarf ____________
3. knife ___________ 8. thief ____________
4. leaf ___________ 9. wife ____________
5. life ___________ 10. wolf ____________

6. Nouns ending in o preceded by a vowel form the plural by adding s to the singular.
1. boo ___boos____ 6. patio ____________
2. cameo ___________ 7. portfolio ____________
3. duo ___________ 8. radio ____________
4. kangarroo ___________ 9. rodeo ____________
5. moo ___________ 10. stereo ____________
7. Nouns ending in o preceded by a consonant form their plural by adding es to the singular.
1. cargo ___cargoes__ 3. potato ____________
2. echo ___________ 4. tomato ____________
8. A few nouns form their plural by a slight change in appearance.

1. child ___children_ 5. mouse ____________

2. foot ___________ 6. ox ____________
3. goose ___________ 7. tooth ____________
4. man ___________ 8. woman ____________

9. Some nouns are always plural. You should memorize them.

1. ashes 6. shears
2. goods 7. tongs
3. pincers 8. trousers
4. proceeds 9. tweezers
5. scissors 10. pants
10. Some nouns are in plural form but singular in meaning. You should memorize them.

1. aeronautics 6. mathematics
2. civics 7. measles
3. economics 8. molasses
4. electronics 9. mumps
5. ethics 10. news

11. Only the main word in the compound word is pluralized.

1. brother-in-law _brothers-in-law 5. man-of-war ____________

2. commander-in-chief _____________ 6. mother-in-law ____________
3. editor-in-chief _____________ 7. passer-by ____________
4. jack-in-the-box _____________ 8. sister-in-law

12. Nouns ending in ful form the plural by adding s to the last syllables.

1. bagful ___bagfuls__ 4. glassful ____________

2. bucketful ___________ 5. plateful ____________
3. cupful ___________ 6. Spoonful ____________

13. Numbers, letters, and symbols form the plural by adding s.

1. a _____as____ 6. + ____________
2. 3 ___________ 7. x ____________
3. 40 ___________ 8. w ____________
4. t ___________ 9. 20 ____________
5. m ___________ 10. $ ____________

14. When a name is preceded by a title, the name or the title may be pluralized.

1. Miss Tan ____Misses Tan____ ____Miss Tans____

2. Mr. Domingo ________________ ________________
3. Mrs. Yu ________________ ________________
Let’s Do This

Activity 2:
To check your understanding, form the plural form of the following nouns.

1. mushroom ______________
2. wife ______________
3. patch ______________
4. worry ______________
5. colony ______________
6.louse ______________
7. shelf ______________
8. 500 ______________
9. witch ______________
10. Dr. Valencia ______________

Let’s Do More

Activity 3:
Rewrite the following sentences correcting wrongs in the spelling of the plural nouns.

1. Doctors and nursies protect their patients.

2. Ethicses and morals are often associated with religion.
3. Mysterious flashs of lights were seen across the valleys.
4. Mr. Dela Fuente reminded his son-in-laws to do well in their studys.
5. The proceed of the concert will go to several charitys in town.

Let’s Remember This

Number it is that quality of noun which denotes whether the person, place or thing that it refers
to is only one or more than one.
Rules on how to form singular nouns to its plural form:

1. Most nouns form their plural by adding s to the singular.

2. Nouns ending in s, x, z, ch, sh, and ss form the plural by adding es.
3. Nouns ending in y preceded by a consonant form the plural form by changing y to i and
adding es.
4. Nouns ending in y preceded by a vowel form their plural by adding s.
5. Some nouns ending in f or fe form the plural by changing f or fe to ves.
6. Nouns ending in o preceded by a vowel form the plural by adding s to the singular.
7. Nouns ending in o preceded by a consonant form their plural by adding es to the singular.
8. A few nouns form their plural by a slight change in appearance.
9. Some nouns are in plural form but singular in meaning.
10. Only the main word in the compound word is pluralized.
11. Nouns ending in ful form the plural by adding s to the last syllables.
12. Numbers, letters, and symbols form the plural by adding s.
13. When a name is preceded by a title, the name or the title may be pluralized.

Let’s Test Ourselves

Activity 4:

Think of at least 3 of your favourite things or nouns that can be seen in the given places below.
Write first their singular forms then change into their plural forms. Afterwards, use each of the plural form in a

1. Beach Singular Plural

________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

1. School Singular Plural

________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

1. Farm Singular Plural

________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

1. Park Singular Plural

________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

Let’s Enrich Ourselves

Activity 5:
In 3-5 sentences, give the importance of understanding and applying the rules of number of nouns in our
every day communication with the people around us. Write a concrete situation where it can be applied. Your
explanation will be rated using the rubrics below.

Relevance –5
Content –5

Summary of Scores in Lesson 2 (Grammar)
Activity Number Highest Possible Score Your Score
Activity # 1 10
Activity # 2 10
Activity # 3 6
Activity # 4 20
Activity # 5 10
Total Score 56

Overall Score in Lesson 2 (Literature and Grammar)

Lesson 2 HPS Your Score

Literature 45
Grammar 56
Overall Score 101

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