G5 Eng Module Wk 3 Gramm

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Grade 5 English First Quarter Module Week 3

Name: _______________________ Date: __________________

Section: ______________________ Score: __________________

Lesson 3: Grammar

Lesson 3 Learning Objectives

At the end of lesson 3 you will be able to:

 Identify the gender of nouns
 Give the opposite gender of nouns
 Construct sentences using gender of nouns
 Write a composition using gender of nouns about taking care of environment
Let’s Try This
Activity 1:
Read the paragraph below taken from the story “Nature’s Revenge” and analyze the
underlined words. Describe each word in the lines provided.
After quite sometime of fishing, the men headed straight home. On the seashore women
and children were eagerly waiting to see if the fishermen had a good catch.
1. men - _________________________________________________________________
2. women - _________________________________________________________________
3. children - ________________________________________________________________
4. seashore - ________________________________________________________________
5. fishermen - ______________________________________________________________

Let’s Study This

Gender of Nouns
Gender is the quality of noun by which sex is distinguished. There are four genders: masculine,
feminine, common and neuter.
Musculine nouns – refer to male gender
Examples: husband, man, boy
Feminine nouns – refer to the female gender
Examples: woman, girl, hen
Common nouns- refer to the nouns that do not specify gender.
Examples: teacher, president, soldier
Neuter nouns – refer to things that do not have gender.
Examples: cabinet, table, mug
Let’s Do This

Activity 2:
Identify the gender of the given nouns below. Write your answer on the lines provided.
1. bride - __________ 6. lad - __________
2. jewelry - __________ 7. priest - __________
3. uncle - __________ 8. interviewer - __________
4. hero - __________ 9. lioness - __________
5. spider - __________ 10. foreigner - __________

Let’s Do More

Activity 3:

Place the given nouns inside the heart in their category.

ally lass
camera Mary
enemy bachelor
waiter stallion
photographer firefighter

Masculine Feminine

Common Neuter

Let’s Test Ourselves

Read the following sentences in the table below then answer the questions that follow.

Group 1 Group 2
The husbands was surly and cross. The castles in the London served as training schools.
The earl was an old gracious man The long table could sit 16 guests.
The boy spilled the sauce on the linen. Our tree is ancient.
Group 3 Group 4
The maid hurried to feed the donkey. The kid shyly gave us a sweet smile.
The countess was an old elegant lady. The clever guide entertained us on a long trip.
The waitress spilled the juice on the floor. The group leader is alert and aggressive.

1. Which group of sentences shows nouns in the masculine gender?

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

1. Which group of sentences shows nouns in the feminine gender?

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

1. Which group of sentences shows nouns which have no sex?

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

1. Which group of sentences shows nouns which are either masculine or feminine?
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

Activity 5:

Give the masculine form of these words in feminine gender.

1. heiress - ________
2. duchess - ________
3. lass - ________
4. countess - ________
5. bride - ________

Give the feminine form of these words in masculine gender.

1. shepherd - ________
2. priest - ________
3. emperor -________
4. gander - ________
5. hero - ________

Choose five words that you like in masculine and feminine gender then use it in sentences. Write your
sentences on the lines below.
1. ________________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________________

Let’s Enrich Ourselves

Activity 6:
In a 3-paragraph form write a composition on how to protect our nature and what to do to improve our
surroundings. Make sure to use gender of nouns in your essay. Entitle your composition “To My
Relevance –5
Use of gender of nouns -5
Content –5
To My Future


Summary of Scores in Lesson 2 (Grammar)

Activity Number Highest Possible Score Your Score
Activity # 1 5
Activity # 2 10
Activity # 3 10
Activity # 4 4
Activity # 5 15
Activity # 6 15
Total Score 59

Overall Score in Lesson 2 (Literature and Grammar)

Lesson 2 HPS Your Score
Literature 54
Grammar 59
Overall Score 113

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