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Grade 5 English First Quarter Module Week 4

Name: _______________________ Date: _________________

Section: ______________________ Score: _________________

Lesson 2: Literature
Lesson 2 Learning Objectives
At the end of lesson 2 you will be able to:
 Identify the meaning of the unfamiliar words through context clue
 Note the significant details in the story
 Fill up the outline based on the story
 Make an essay about the given quotation related to the story read.

Let’s Try This

Activity 1:
Answer the following questions before we read a story. Find out how it is related to the story we are
about to read.
Do you believe in saints? Why or why not?
Can you name some saints whom you know? How are they called?
What titles are given to them?

Activity 2: Read Me
Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton
Elizabeth Ann Seton was the first person born in the United States to be recognized as a saint by
the Roman Catholic Church. She was canonized (declared a saint) in 1975. Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, who is
also called Mother Seton, founded the Sisters of Charity; she also pioneered in Catholic Education in the US.
Mother Seton was born Elizabeth Ann Bayley in New York City on August 27, 1774. Her father
was a promising physician; her mother was the daughter of Episcopalian minister. Her mother died when she
was only three years old. Dr. Bayley found himself with three motherless girls to care for – Mary, seven; Betty
not quite three; and Kitty, an infant.
Throughout the traditional mourning period of one year, Dr. Bayley relegated his profession to
second place. When the mourning period ended, he remarried. Betty’s new stepmother was Cahrlotte Barclay, a
young woman from one New York’s leading families.
The family’s nest was swelling. Dr.Bayley’s second marriage was blessed with four sons and
three daughters. When Betty was eight years old, her father decided to bring her together with Mary to New
Rochelle. The habit of prayer had stayed with her, and often she would sit alone by the waterside thinking of
God or reading.
She became engaged to William Mazel Seton, a very wealthy New York shipping magnate.
They got married in 1794. The couple had five children. She joined Isabel Graham and the society matrons in
founding an organization to help poor and the needy.
After four blissful years, sorrow disrupted the happiness of the Setons. His father-in-law died. The
Setons’ financial worries were aggravated by other difficulties. The children got sick one after another. William
was forced to go into bankruptcy for the sake of his dependents. The Setons packed up and left their big house
on Stone Street forever.
William’s health was failing rapidly. It was tuberculosis, hereditary in his family line He died in 1803 at
the age of thirty-five. His widow joined the Catholic Church two years later. In 1808, Elizabeth Seton settled in
Baltimore and established the Pace Street School, the first Catholic Elementary School in US. She took her
religious bows in 1809 and founded the Sisters of Charity in Emmitsburg, Maryland that same year.
Elizabeth’s zeal was truly tireless. She trained teachers, translated French religious books, wrote several
spiritual treatises, and visited the poor and the sick of the neighbourhood. Many of whom were blacks and
became Catholic because of her example. Conformity to God’s will, faithful correspondents with His grace, a
spirit of sacrifice, and perfect observance of the rules, these virtues were conspicuous in Elizabeth’s conduct as
a superhero.
In 1814, she established the Orphan Assylum of Philadelpia, that nations first Catholic child-care
Tuberculosis, the “family’s enemy,” was gradually undermining Elizabeth’s strength. Her days were a
continuous prayer, where she wanted to be prepared to meet Him. In August 1820, her constitution deteriorated
rapidly that the sisters thought they would lose her any day. Humility and trust, loving abandonment in the
hands of Divine Providence, illness grew steadily worse. She died on January 4, 1821.
The holiness of Elizabeth Ann Seton was brought to the attention of the wider Church of James
Cardinal Gibbons in the 1870s. She was declared “Venerable” in 1959.
Before a person may be proclaimed “Blessed,” miracles attributed to her are required by the Church to
be presented. The first miracle in Mother Seton’s case was the disappearance of a cancer from the pancreas of
a sister in New Orleans, Sister Gerthrude Korzendorfer in 1935. The cancer had been declared inoperable and
A second miracle attributed to Mother Seton was the curing of Ann Theresa O’ Neil, four years old of
Baltimore who was suffering from lukemia. She was declared “Blessed” by Pope John XXIII on March 17
In clearing the way for Mother Seton canonization, Pope Paul VI waved the requirements for two more
In 1963, Mr. Kalin, a Lutheran, was taken to St. Joseph Hospital. He had a rare brain disease and was
expected to live only a few hours. Mr. Kalin’s Catholic wife implored Mother Seton intercession and placed her
relic upon dying man’s body. Shortly afterward, Kalin’s fever dropped and he emerged from coma. Eleven
years later, when Mr. Kalin showed no trace of the disease that had almost taken his life.
Mother Elizabeth Seton’s feast day is on January 4. She became the patron saint of mothers with many
children, as well as of teachers.

Let’s Study This

Outline - a tool used to organize written ideas about a topic into a logical order. Outlines arrange
major topics, subtopics, and supporting details. Writers use outlines when writing their papers in order to know
which topic to cover in what order.
Let’s study the given examples below. Read the text then its outline.
The Power of Prayer
Prayer is a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God. There are several
reasons why Christians pray; when they have problems in life, when they want something to be granted, and
when they are thankful for the blessings they receive from God.
Many Christians believe that prayer is a powerful weapon. Prayer can lift a person when he is
down; can give him joy and happiness, peace, understanding, courage and can heal and restore his body and
soul. When a person pray he will feel transformed and blessed.
Christians have particular ways on how to pray. It has an acronym of ACTS. The first step is
adoration: adoring God and loving him with heart, mind, & soul. Second is confession: confessing sins, big and
small, because they all matter. Third one is thanksgiving: giving thanks to God for what He has given and what
He hasn't. And the last one is supplication: asking God for the needs and others.
It is important to pray because it has a lot of benefits. But a person should not pray not because it
will give merits but because we do it willingly and with all our hearts for God.

The Power of Prayer

I. Prayer
1. A solemn request
2. Expression of thanks to God

II. Reasons why Christians pray

1. When they have problems
2. When they want something
3. When they are thankful

III. Prayer as Powerful Weapon

1. Can lift a person
2. Gives joy and happiness
3. Gives peace
4. Gives understanding
5. Gives courage
6. Heal and store body and soul

IV. How to Pray

A. Adoration
1. Adoring God
2. Loving Him
B. Confession
1. Confessing sins big or small
C. Thanksgiving
1. To what He has given
2. To what He hasn’t
D. Supplication
1. Asking God for the needs
2. Others

As you can see in the outline, the meaning of the prayer can be found in the first paragraph so as
the reasons why Christians pray. In the second paragraph we could read the power of prayer to Christians. In
the third paragraph, there are the ways on how to pray.
Through using outline writing about a specific topic will be easy to do because the ideas are
organized it will make any composition logical and understandable.

Let’s Do This

Activity 2:
To unlock the meaning of some unfamiliar words used in the story, read the following sentences and
analyze the meaning of italicized words. Encircle the letter that gives you the most nearly correct
definition of each word.
1. Sorrow disrupted the peace and happiness of the Setons.
a. continued b. stopped c. threw into confusion
2. The Setons financial worries were aggravated by other difficulties.
a. enlightened b. made worse c. affected
3. Elizabeth’s zeal was really tireless.
a. eager desire b. disposition c. seal
4. Mrs. Kalin implored the intercession of Mother Seton
a. interest b. invocation c. mediation
5. Tubercolosis was undermining Elizabeth Seton’s health.
a. making stronger b. prolonging c. taking away little by little
Let’s Do More

Activity 3:
Answer the following questions in a complete sentence.
1. When and where was Mother Seton born?
2. Describe Mother Seton’s family.
3. Why did Mr. Bayley decide to bring Betty and Mary to New Rochelle?
4. Why were the Setons forced to leave their big house on Stone Street forever?
5. What disease took away the lives of William and Elizabeth?
6. What were Elizabeth’s fine virtues as a superior?
7. Who call on to Mother Seton for intercession and grace?

Let’s Remember This

 Outline - a tool used to organize written ideas about a topic into a logical order.
 Outlines arrange major topics, subtopics, and supporting details.
 Writers use outlines when writing their papers in order to know which topic to cover in what

Let’s Test Ourselves

Read the story about Elizabeth Ann Seton on pages 33 to 35 and complete the following outline.
Use words and phrases rather than sentences for the various items.

Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton

I. Elizabeth Ann Seton and Her Family

A. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s birth
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
B. Family
1. A promising physician for a father
2. Mother who died when she was three years old
3. _________________________________________________________________
II. Her Marriage and Tragedy
A. Married Life
1. Engaged to William Mazel Seton
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. Had five children
B. Tragedy
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. Children got sick one after another
4. Death of husband in 1803.
III. Her Religious Life
A. Established a Catholic school
B. Took her religious vows in 1809 and founded the Sisters of Charity in Emmitsburg,
1. Trained teachers
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. Visited poor and the sick
C. ___________________________________________________________________

IV. Death
A. Became ill with tuberculosis
B. ____________________________________________________________________

V. Sainthood
A. Was declared “venerable” in 1959
B. _________________________________________________________________
C. ___________________________________________________________________
D. Pope Paul VI announced Mother Seton’s canonization on September 14, 1975.

Let’s Enhance Ourselves

Activity 5:
Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the lines provided.
Relevance –3
Meaningfulness –3
1. Do you believe in the power of prayers? Give examples of personal experiences.
2. How can outline help you in writing as a learner?

Summary of Scores in Lesson 2 (Literature)

Activity Number Highest Possible Score Your Score
Activity # 1 3
Activity # 2 5
Activity # 3 7
Activity # 4 13
Activity # 5 6
Total Score 36

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