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Grade 5 English First Quarter Module Week 4

Name: _______________________ Date: __________________

Section: ______________________ Score: __________________

Lesson 2: Grammar
Lesson 2 Learning Objectives
At the end of lesson 4 you will be able to:
 Identify the cases of nouns and their uses
 Construct sentences using nouns in different cases
 Write a composition about environmental awareness

Let’s Try This

Activity 1:
Read and analyze the following sentences below. Write the things that you will notice on the
underlined words in each sentence.
1. Children learn valuable things from parents.
2. Computer helps children in their research work.
3. The Internet can deliver a world of information.
4. The boy is my friendly neighbor.
5. The tall man is my uncle.
6. Diana was an exuberant city girl.
Write your observations of the given sentences on the lines provided below.

Let’s Study This

Cases of Nouns

Case is the quality of noun that shows its relationship to a word or words in the sentence.
A noun used as the subject of the verb is in the nominative case and a noun that used as the
predicate noun is predicate nominative. It usually follows the verb to be.
Let’s give examples of a sentence in nominative and predicate nominative case.
1. Elizabeth was religious.
2. The lady who helped me is my sister.
The first sentence is in nominative case because Elizabeth is the subject in the sentence, on the
other hand, the second sentence is in the predicate nominative since the noun, sister, comes after
the verb to be is. You will also notice that the lady and sister is just the same person.

A noun used in direct address is in the nominative case. It is the person spoken to in the
sentence. It is set off by a comma, when found at the beginning or end of the sentence and commas if
found at the middle of the sentence.
Look at the examples below.
1. Jesus, I love you.
2. Come with me, Diana.
3. The mall, Joana, is closed now.
The highlighted words are the nouns in direct address and also in nominative case.

Let’s Do This
Activity 3:
Tell whether the underlined noun in the sentence is used as subject or a predicate nominative. Write S
for a subject and PN for predicate nominative.
_____1. Jesus is our best friend.
_____2. Hope is a walking dream.
_____3. Patience and perseverance are virtues.
_____4. The dictionary is a book of words.
_____5. English they say is a crazy language because of its complexity.

Let’s Do More

Activity 4:

Write the nouns in direct address to complete the following sentences.

1. The cheetah, ___________, is the fastest animal on land.

2. Serve the dinner for the guests, ________________.
3. ___________, what is humility?
4. You have to be careful, ________, it’s not safe to go outside late at night.
5. _________, do you like the story?
Let’s Test Ourselves

Activity 5:

Now, you will make your own sentences using cases of nouns. Underline the nouns you use.

A. Write 5 sentences in nominative case.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________________

B. Write 5 sentences in predicate nominative.

6. ________________________________________________________________________________
7. ________________________________________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________________________________________
9. ________________________________________________________________________________
10. ________________________________________________________________________________

C. Write 5 sentences in predicate nominative.

11. ________________________________________________________________________________
12. ________________________________________________________________________________
13. ________________________________________________________________________________
14. ________________________________________________________________________________
15. ________________________________________________________________________________

Let’s Remember This

 Case is the quality of noun that shows its relationship to a word or words in the sentence.
 A noun used as the subject of the verb is in the nominative case
 noun that used as the predicate noun is predicate nominative. It usually follows the verb to be.

Let’s Enrich Ourselves

Activity 5:
In a 3-5 sentences, state the reason why we have to use cases of nouns. Write your answer on the lines.
Relevance –5
Content –5


Summary of Scores in Lesson 2 (Grammar)

Activity Number Highest Possible Score Your Score
Activity # 1 5
Activity # 3 10
Activity # 4 5
Activity # 5 15
Total Score 35

Overall Score in Lesson 2 (Literature and Grammar)

Lesson 2 HPS Your Score

Literature 36
Grammar 35
Overall Score 71

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