G7 Eng Module Wk 1 Lit

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Immanuel Integrated Christian School

English 7 Learning Module

First Quarter Module

To the Learner,

Welcome to your new journey!

This learning module will increase your level of proficiency in English as you take
your journey and explore different domains such as the following:

 Listening comprehension
 Oral language and fluency
 Vocabulary development
 Reading comprehension
 Writing and composition
 Grammar awareness
 Attitude
 Study skills

As you go through, these domains will make you become holistic, effective, and
lifelong learner.

You are encouraged to take good care of this module and that will be highly

Have an inspiring and purposeful journey!

Let’s Learn This Way

Your learning will be maximized as you take the following lessons:

 Lesson 1: Pursue Literature

 Lesson 2: Pursue Grammar

In your first quarter in unit 1, you will learn about the rich and literary tradition of
pre-colonial Filipino Literature and the early forms of Spanish colonial literature as well.
In grammar, you will learn about the building blocks of language called the parts of
speech to be an effective speaker and good writer.

 Supply words or expressions that complete and analogy

 Identify the genre of material viewed
 Use active and passive voice meaningfully in varied context
 Use the past and past perfect correctly in varied context
 Use direct and reported speech appropriately in varied context
 Use the appropriate reading style for one’s purpose

Reference: English in Perspective 7 (Learner and Teacher’s Material)

Grade 7 English First Quarter Module Week 1

Name: _________________ Date: ________________

Section: _______________ Score: _______________

Let’s Get Started!

Lesson 1: Pursue Literature

Through literature you will be introduced to a new world of experience because it

reflects the cultures and traditions of people in different places.

We will begin with the rich Philippine Folk Literature and understand and be proud of
its value to us Filipinos.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of lesson 1 in literature you are expected to:

 Compare and contrast the selections read

 Identify the meaning of the unfamiliar words through
context clue
 Find the information correctly from the selections read
 Compare different kind of folk literature
 Make a reflection of the values of Filipino forefathers

Let’s Try This

Activity 1: What’s on Your Mind?

Before we start reading the selections, try to tell at least three things about the image
below. Write what’s on your mind on the spaces provided inside the box.

Activity 2: Read Me ____________________________
Activity 2: Read Me

The Creation
An Igorot Myth

In the beginning there were no people on the earth. Lumawig, the Great Spirit, came
down from the sky and cut many reeds. He divided these into pairs which he placed in
different parts of the world, and then he said to them, "You must speak." Immediately the
reeds became people, and in each place was a man and a woman who could talk, but the
language of each couple differed from that of the others.

Then Lumawig commanded each man and woman to marry, which they did. By and
by there were many children, all speaking the same language as their parents. These, in turn,
married and had many children. In this way there came to be many people on the earth.

Now Lumawig saw that there were several things which the people on the earth
needed to use, so he set to work to supply them. He created salt, and told the inhabitants of
one place to boil it down and sell it to their neighbors. But these people could not understand
the directions of the Great Spirit, and the next time he visited them, they had not touched the

Then he took it away from them and gave it to the people of a place called Mayinit.
These did as he directed, and because of this he told them that they should always be owners
of the salt, and that the other peoples must buy of them.

Then Lumawig went to the people of Bontoc and told them to get clay and make pots.
They got the clay, but they did not understand the moulding, and the jars were not well
shaped. Because of their failure, Lumawig told them that they would always have to buy their
jars, and he removed the pottery to Samoki. When he told the people there what to do, they
did just as he said, and their jars were well shaped and beautiful. Then the Great Spirit saw
that they were fit owners of the pottery, and he told them that they should always make many
jars to sell.
In this way Lumawig taught the people and brought to them all the things which they now

Si Malakas and Maganda

(Myth of the First Man and a Woman)
Retold by Teofilo del Castillo)

Si Malakas and Maganda

(Myth of the First Man and a Woman)
Retold by Teofilo del Castillo)

A long time ago, there was no land. There were only the sea and the sky. A bird was
then flying in the sky. Soon it grew tired and wanted to rest. But it could not. As it was smart,
it made the sea throw rocks up at the sky. And the sky turned very dark and poured down
water. That was how the island came about. Now the waves break on the shore and can never
rise as high as the sky again.

Horrified by the unusual downpour of rain, the bird flew away as fast as it could and it
saw the land just created. And on that land, the bird could see tropical trees, throwing up their
naked shoulders. These green things were merely bamboos.

As the bird was flying all the time, it became thirsty. But it could not quench its thirst
with the salty sea water. Therefore, the bird looked for rivulets. Unfortunately, there was
none. Realizing that some water was stored in the bamboo joints, the bird alighted, and
started to peck on the bamboo clumps.

“Peck harder, peck harder,” a weak voice cried, the moment its bill struck the
bamboo. The bird was extremely frightened, and was about to fly away. But like a curious
woman, the bird restrained itself because it wanted to know if that was really voice that it
heard inside. Gathering courage, the bird pecked, pecked, and pecked.
“Peck harder, peck harder,” the weak voice complained again. The bird became more
curious. It pecked and pecked with all its might. But as its pecking was ineffectual, the bird
snatched a piece of rock nearby and dropped it on the bamboo. The bamboo was broken and
split in two. In the wink of an eye, a man and a woman stepped out of the bamboo joint, the
man bowing politely to the woman. The woman gave recognition to the man; then they
walked away hand in hand.

The appearance of the human beings frightened the bird. It forgot its thirst and flew
away, hardly realizing that it saw the first human beings, and had a role in their creation.

Let’s Study This

Philippine folk literature began with stories and myths that were told orally by the
narrator, usually an elder in a community who was knowledgeable in about the folk beliefs
and traditions. Some of these Philippine folktales are myths, epics, and legends.

Myth - traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining
some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.
The stories you just have read, “The Creation”, “Malakas and Maganda”, are examples of

Epic - a long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and
adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the history of a nation. An example of this is
“Biag ni Lam-ang” an Ilocano epic.

Legend- a story handed down through a generation which is believed to be historical. “The
Legend of Sampaguita” is one of its examples.

Like any story, the folk narrative has these literary elements:

 Plot – series of events that unfold in the story. This means that it is made up of main
things that happen in the story from beginning, middle, to end.


The Legend of Makahiya


Long time ago, there was a couple in Barangay Masagana (Pampanga today) who
wanted a daughter. Their wish was granted and the wife gave birth to a baby girl. They called
her Maria. Maria was very beautiful but very shy that she wouldn't go out from their house.

Weeks later, Spaniards came to their town. The Spaniards were very cruel that they
get everything they wanted. They rob houses and kill everyone who gets in their way and
who refuses to give what they wanted.

The couple was very frightened to lose their daughter so, they hid Maria in the
bushes so the Spaniards couldn't find her.

After the Spaniards left their town, the couple tried to look for Maria but they
couldn't find her even in the bushes where they hid her, instead they found a little plant that is
very sensitive that when you touch it, it would immediately close.

So they thought it was their daughter, Maria. They called the plant "Makahiya" that
means "touch me not," like their daughter who was very shy.

In the story, “The Legend of Makahiya”, in the beginning of the story they wished to
have a daughter and it was granted but the problem was their daughter was too shy. In the
middle of the story, The Spaniards came and wanted to get anything they wanted, the couple
were scared so they hid their daughter. When the Spaniards went away, the couple look for
their daughter but they could not find her, instead found a plant in the place where they hid
her, it has sensitive leaves which they called Makahiya, and that is the ending of the story,

 Setting – the location where the story takes place. A story may have a change of
setting in different scenes.

As you can see the place in the story is in Barangay Masagana.

 Characters – the persons, figures or animals involved in the story.

The characters in the story are the parents, their daughter, and the Spaniards.

Let’s Do This

Activity 3:

Fill in the chart below with correct information from the stories read.

“The Creation” “Malakas and Maganda”

Setting Setting

Characters Characters
Beginning: Beginning:
Plot Plot

Middle: Middle:


Let’s Do More

Activity 4:

Give the similarities and differences of the stories you have read by filling in the
Venn diagram below.
“The Creation” “Malakas and Maganda”

Let’s Remember This

 Plot – series of events that unfold in the story. This means that it is made

Let’s Remember This
 Myths are traditional stories especially one concerning the early history of a people or
explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural
beings or events.
 Epic is a long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the
deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the history of a nation.
 Legend is a story handed down through a generation which is believed to be
 Plot is series of events that unfold in the story. This means that it is made up of main
things that happen in the story from beginning, middle, to end.
 Setting is the location where the story takes place. A story may have a change of
setting in different scenes.
 Characters – the persons, figures or animals involved in the story.

Let’s Test Ourselves

Activity 5:

Think of Filipino myths, epic and legends that you had read before or research
for it; then, on the chart below, provide the information that are needed for each element of a

Type of Narrative Title Characters Setting What the Story


1. Myth

2. Epic

3. Legend
Let’s Enhance Ourselves

Activity 6:

Answer the following questions regarding the myths we have read.

Be guided by the rubrics.


Relevance -3
Content -3
Organization of ideas -3

What have you learned about your Filipino forefathers after reading these traditional
myths? How will you apply this learning in your life as a Filipino youth?


Summary of Scores in Lesson 1 (Literature)

Activity Number Highest Possible Score Your Score

Activity # 1 3
Activity # 3 10
Activity # 4 10
Activity # 5 12
Activity # 6 9
Total Score 44

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