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Grade 7 English First Quarter Module Week 2

Name: _______________________ Date: __________________

Section: ______________________ Score: __________________

Lesson 2: Grammar
In our lesson 1, we have discussed about nouns as the building blocks of language. Now our focus is
about the basic rules in sentence writing.

Lesson 3 Learning Objectives

At the end of lesson 2 you will be able to:
 Identify the parts of a sentence
 Construct sentences correctly
 Give the importance of parts of a sentence.

Let’s Try This

Activity 1:
Read the following paragraphs about the fables we have read in your lesson 2 in literature. Then
describe the function of underlined and italicized words. Write your answer on the lines provided.

Fables are narrative stories that a moral lesson. It usually features animals that behave and speak as
humans. Fable came from Latin word “Fibula” which means “a story” and derivative of the word “fari” which
means “to speak”. It is intended to teach a lesson in the end.
The examples of fables are “The Tortoise and the Monkey”, “The Dog and the Lion”, “The Monkey
and the Crocodile”. “The Fox and the Crane” and others.
In the fable, “The Monkey and the Tortoise”, the story tells us that we shouldn’t take advantage of other
people. The monkey deceived the tortoise. This teaches us that we shouldn’t break the trust of people and be
wise to. Furthermore, the fable “The Dog and the Lion”, teaches people to be clever. The dog found a way to
trick the lion to save his life. The last fable, “The Monkey and the Crocodile”, also the monkey made a way to
save his life too. It tells us to make our own judgement and don’t believe easily at the counsel of others or we
will regret.

1. Fables teach a moral lesson

2. The monkey deceived the tortoise.
3. The dog found a way to trick the lion to save his life
Let’s Study This

The Parts of a Sentence

A sentence is a group of words that has two main parts: the subject and the predicate. These
parts express a complete thought.
Subject – pertains to what or whom the sentence is all about.
Predicate – Tells something about the subject.
Let’s read and analyze the given examples of sentences.
1. Jose Rizal wrote a fable.
In the sentence above, the underlined words is the subject since we are talking about him who wrote
a fable.
2. Jose Rizal wrote a fable.
This time, the word wrote was underlined. It tells something about the subject, Jose Rizal therefore
it is the predicate.
3. The monkey fooled the crocodile.
In sentence number 3, the underlined words are what we called complete subject since we
include even the article “The”. Complete subject consists of all the words that tell whom or what
the sentence is all about.
4. The monkey fooled the crocodile.
In sentence 4, the underlined words are what we called the complete predicate. It includes the
verb and all the words that tell something about the subject.
5. The fox and the crane learned a lesson from their experience.
Compound subject refers to two or more subjects. In the example above, we have two subjects
which are the fox and the crane. We can notice it easily because usually there are connectors or
words that linked the subjects. In sentence 5, the subjects are connected by the word and.
The italicized words in sentence 5 are simple predicate because it only has 1 verb which is
learned together with the word with it.
6. The monkey and the dog thought of a way and escaped from their predators.
In sentence 6, we have a compound subject (monkey and the dog) and compound predicate
(thought of a way and escaped). In the same way, compound predicate is composing of two or more
verbs together with the words with included.
Let’s Do This

Activity 2.1:
Identify the simple subject and simple predicate in the following sentences. Underline once the
simple subject and underline twice the simple predicate.
The child cried for milk.
1. I read a fable yesterday.
2. Our teacher advised us to be obedient.
3. The theme of the fable taught us to be wise.
4. Our ancestor handed-down stories such us myths, fables and legends.
5. Narratives give lessons so we should read stories.

Let’s Do More

Activity 2:
Underline the complete subject and box the complete predicate. Then, on first line before the number
write CS if it is compound subject and CP if it compound predicate.
1. Baguio and Sagada are popular vacation spots in our country.
2. Reading improves your vocabulary and hones your speaking skills.
3. Dana and Lovely cleaned their rooms and sweep the floor.
4. Dogs and cats are the common favourite pets.
5. Discipline is needed to resolve environmental problems and to save our nature from ruin

Let’s Remember This

 A sentence is a group of words that has two main parts: the subject and the predicate. These
parts express a complete thought.
 Subject pertains to what or whom the sentence is all about.
 Predicate tells something about the subject.
 Complete subject consists of all the words that tell whom or what the sentence is all about.
 Complete predicate includes the verb and all the words that tell something about the subject.
 Compound subject refers to two or more subjects..
Let’s Test Ourselves

Activity 3:
Construct 5 sentences with simple subject and simple predicate.

Activity 3.2:
Construct 3 sentences with simple subject and compound predicate, 3 sentences with compound subject
simple predicate, 3 sentences with compound subject and compound predicate.
Simple Subject and Compound Predicate:
Compound Subject and Simple Predicate:
Compound Subject and Compound Predicate:
Let’s Enrich Ourselves

Activity 4:
Answer the question that follows regarding our lesson in grammar. Refer to the rubrics for
evaluation of your answer.
Relevance –5
Organization of ideas –5

1. How does understanding the parts of a sentence express your ideas effectively?

Summary of Scores in Lesson 1 (Grammar)

Activity Number Highest Possible Score Your Score
Activity # 1
Activity # 2
Activity # 3
Activity # 4
Activity # 5
Total Score

Overall Score in Lesson 2 (Literature and Grammar)

Lesson 2 HPS Your Score
Overall Score

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