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Current Advances for Development of

Functional Foods Modulating

Inflammation and Oxidative Stress
Blanca Hernandez-Ledesma
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Current Advances for Development of Functional
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Current Advances for
Development of Functional
Foods Modulating
Inflammation and Oxidative
Edited by
Blanca Hernández-Ledesma
Department of Bioactivity and Food Analysis, Institute of Food Science Research

Cristina Martı́nez-Villaluenga
Department of Food Characterization, Quality and Safety, Institute of Food Science,
Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN-CSIC), Madrid, Spain
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List of contributors xv 2.2.1 Dietary polyphenols 17

Preface xxi 2.2.2 Fatty acids 19
2.2.3 Proteins and amino acids 20
1. Bioactive compounds modulating 2.2.4 Dietary fibers 21
inflammation and oxidative stress in 2.3 Fermented foods for better bioavailability
some traditional functional foods and of some nutrients—fighting with
inflammation and oxidative stress 23
beverages 1
2.3.1 Importance of good nutrition in
Ilkay Gok inflammation and oxidative stress 23
2.3.2 Food fermentation 24
1.1 A brief overview of inflammation and
2.3.3 Fermented foodfunctional foods
oxidative stress 1
and health impact 25
1.2 Food compounds for the control of the
2.4 Conclusion 27
oxidative stress and inflammation 2
Acknowledgments 27
1.2.1 Effect of dietary fiber/prebiotics on
References 27
oxidative stress and inflammation 2
1.2.2 Effect of nutritional antioxidants on 3. Development of functional foods by
oxidative stress and inflammation 3
using 3D printing technologies:
1.2.3 Effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids on
inflammation and oxidative stress 5
application to oxidative stress and
1.3 Traditional diet: effects on oxidative
inflammation-related affections 33
stress and inflammation 6 Ivana M. Cotabarren and Camila A. Palla
1.3.1 Effect of food composition on gut
3.1 Introduction 33
microbiota, oxidative stress, and
3.2 3D food printing technologies 33
inflammation 6
1.3.2 Effect of fermented foods on oxidative 3.2.1 Extrusion 34
stress and inflammation 7 3.2.2 Power binding 35
1.4 Functional traditional foods effect on 3.2.3 Inkjet printing 36
oxidative stress and inflammation with 3.3 The role of diet and nutrients in oxidative
bioactive compounds 9 stress and inflammatory processes 36
1.5 Conclusion 13 3.4 Personalized functional foods through
References 13 3D printing 38
Further reading 16 3.4.1 Incorporation of food components
with antioxidant and/or
2. Health-promoting activities and antiinflammatory action 38
bioavailability of bioactive 3.4.2 Customized health diseases
compounds from functional foods 17 preventive foods 46
3.4.3 New food textures for people with
Sonia A. Socaci, Anca C. Fărcaş, Francisc V. Dulf,
swallowing and chewing
Oana L. Pop, Zoriţa M. Diaconeasa and
difficulties 48
Melinda Fogarasi
3.4.4 New ingredients for functional foods
2.1 Introduction 17 development 49
2.2 The role in modulating inflammation and 3.5 Functional foods through 3D printing:
oxidative stress of food bioactive opportunities, challenges, and
compounds 17 perspectives 50

vi Contents

3.6 Conclusions 51 5.4 Physicochemical properties of multiple

Acknowledgments 51 emulsions 77
References 51 5.5 Applications of multiple emulsions in
developing functional foods 81
4. The regulatory aspects of substantiating 5.5.1 Multiple emulsions in improving
health benefits of foods containing the fatty acid profile of foods 81
antioxidants 57 5.5.2 Role of emulsions in developing
low-fat food products 82
Karin G.M. Lenssen and Alie de Boer 5.5.3 Multiple emulsions in developing
4.1 Introduction 57 low-sodium food products 83
4.2 European food law 57 5.5.4 Encapsulation of functional
4.2.1 The regulation of novel foods 58 ingredients 83
4.2.2 The regulation of nutrition and health 5.6 Stability of multiple emulsions 92
claims 59 5.6.1 Characterization of multiple
4.3 Health claims on antioxidants 61 emulsions in assessing their stability 92
4.3.1 The substantiation of antioxidant 5.7 Bioavailability and bioaccessibility of
health claims 61 bioactives encapsulated with multiple
4.4 Biomarkers for oxidative damage to DNA, emulsions 93
proteins, and lipids 62 5.8 Conclusion and future trends 94
4.4.1 General characteristics of References 94
biomarkers 62
4.4.2 Biomarkers for protein oxidation 63 6. A new approach of functional pectin
4.4.3 Biomarkers for DNA oxidation 64 and pectic oligosaccharides: role as
4.4.4 Biomarkers for lipid oxidation 65 antioxidant and antiinflammatory
4.5 Discussion and conclusion 68 compounds 105
References 69
Antonia Montilla, Nerea Muñoz-Almagro and
Mar Villamiel
5. Developing novel foods using multiple
emulsions: insights with reference to 6.1 Pectins 105
bioaccessibility and bioavailability 73 6.1.1 General aspects 105
6.1.2 Pectins as antioxidant agents 107
Hafiz Ubaid ur Rahman, Sadia Aslam, 6.1.3 Antiinflammatory effects 109
Aqsa Akhtar, Waqas Asghar and Nauman Khalid 6.2 Pectic oligosaccharides 111
5.1 Introduction 73 6.2.1 General aspects 111
5.2 Types of multiple emulsions 74 6.2.2 Antioxidant activity 112
5.3 Methods of preparing multiple emulsions 74 6.2.3 Antiinflammatory activity 114
5.3.1 Two-step method of multiple 6.3 Concluding remarks 115
emulsion preparations 74 References 116
5.3.2 Phase inversion techniques 76
5.3.3 Preparation of double emulsion by 7. Fatty acids from natural resources in
solvent evaporation techniques 76 inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases
5.3.4 Preparation of multiple emulsion by with specific focus on inflammatory
microfluidics (one-step formation of bowel disease 121
multiple emulsion) 76
Marcin Talar, Aleksandra Tarasiuk,
5.3.5 Preparation of multiple emulsion by
Maciej Salaga and Jakub Fichna
pressure homogenization 76
5.3.6 Preparation of multiple emulsions by 7.1 Preface 121
ultrasonication 76 7.2 Gastrointestinal diseases and fat
5.3.7 Preparation of double emulsion digestion—the background 121
(W/O/W) by microchannel 7.3 Overview of fatty acids nomenclature,
emulsification process 77 classification, their occurrence, and
5.3.8 Preparation of multiple emulsion by role in IBD 123
layer-by-layer deposition 77 7.3.1 Saturated FAs 124
Contents vii

7.3.2 Unsaturated FAs 127 9.2.3 Sources of phenolics compounds 169

7.4 Tight junctions, FAs, and inflammation 128 9.3 Phenolic compounds as antioxidants 169
7.5 FFAs and FFAR cross-talk in IBD 129 9.3.1 Mechanism of actions 170
7.6 Summary of the role of FAs in 9.4 Phenolic compounds as antiinflammatory
inflammatory gastrointestinal disease 130 agents 171
Acknowledgments 130 9.4.1 Mechanism of actions 174
Author disclosures 130 9.5 Conclusion and future perspectives 177
Authors’ contributions 130 References 177
Abbreviations 131
References 131 10. Role of micronutrients zinc and
selenium in inflammation and
8. Proteins, peptides, and protein oxidative stress 181
hydrolysates as immunomodulatory
Graziela Biude da Silva Duarte, Bruna Zavarize Reis
and antioxidant agents for the and Marcelo Macedo Rogero
formulation of functional foods 137
10.1 Inflammation, oxidative stress,
Andrea Araiza-Calahorra, Martin Mondor,
and chronic diseases 181
Christine Boesch, Caroline Orfila,
10.2 Selenium 181
Francisco M. Goycoolea and
10.2.1 Biological essentiality 182
Alan Javier Hernández-Álvarez
10.2.2 Recommended intake and
8.1 Introduction 137 bioavailability 182
8.2 Sources of food-derived bioactive 10.2.3 Se, inflammation, and oxidative
hydrolysates and peptides 138 stress 183
8.3 Bioactive peptides as antioxidants 138 10.3 Zinc 184
8.3.1 In vitro studies 138 10.3.1 Biological essentiality 184
8.3.2 Studies using in vitro biological 10.3.2 Recommended intake and
models 154 bioavailability 184
8.3.3 In vivo studies 155 10.3.3 Zn, inflammation, and oxidative
8.4 Antiinflammatory properties of stress 185
bioactive peptides 155 10.4 Conclusions 186
8.4.1 In vitro studies in cultivated cells 155 References 186
8.4.2 In vivo studies 156
8.4.3 Structurefunction relationship to 11. Glucosinolates and their bioactive
modulate inflammatory activity 157 metabolites as functional compounds
8.5 Bioactive peptides as ingredients in modulating inflammation 189
functional foods 157
Paula Garcı́a-Ibañez, Oumaima Ben-Romdhane
8.5.1 Market opportunity 157
and Diego A. Moreno
8.5.2 Technical aspects of bioactive
peptide incorporation into foods 158 11.1 Introduction 189
8.5.3 Biomarkers 158 11.1.1 Brassicas and their impact on
8.6 Conclusion and future prospective health 189
studies 158 11.1.2 Diet, Brassicas, and inflammation 190
References 159 11.2 Molecular mechanisms of glucosinolates
and their bioactive form in
9. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant inflammatory pathways 191
phenolic compounds 165 11.2.1 Aliphatic isothiocyanates and
related metabolites 191
Sirima Puangpraphant, Edith-Oliva Cuevas-
11.2.2 Indoles and related compounds 191
Rodrı́guez and Miguel Oseguera-Toledo
11.2.3 Glucosinolates and inflammatory
9.1 Introduction 165 diseases 192
9.2 Phenolic compounds: definition, 11.3 Concluding remarks 198
classification, and sources 166 Acknowledgments 198
9.2.1 Definition 166 Abbreviations 198
9.2.2 Classification 166 References 199
viii Contents

12. Microalgal bioactive components as 14.1.1 Health implications of aging and

antiinflammatory and antioxidant antiaging interventions 247
agents for health promotion 205 14.1.2 Cereal bioactive compounds and
their potential to counteract
Javier Ávila-Román, Elena Talero, Azahara age-related diseases 247
Rodrı́guez-Luna, Sara Garcı́a-Gil, Marı́a Dolores 14.2 Molecular antiaging mechanisms of
Jiménez-Gordillo and Virginia Motilva bioactive compounds in cereals 261
12.1 Potential scope of microalgae and 14.2.1 Mechanisms behind the
biotechnological implications 205 suppression of oxidative stress 261
12.2 Biotechnology of microalgae in the 14.2.2 Mechanisms behind the
food industry 206 suppression of low-grade chronic
12.3 Biological compounds from microalgae inflammation 262
with properties of interest in 14.2.3 Mechanisms behind the suppression
inflammatory processes 207 of cellular senescence 263
12.4 Main pathological mechanisms of 14.2.4 Mechanisms behind changes in
inflammation, including mediators and microbiota composition and
molecular pathways involved 207 activity 264
12.5 Microalgae-derived products 210 14.3 Health effects of wholegrain cereals 265
12.5.1 Carotenoids 210 14.3.1 Risk factors for T2DM 265
12.6 Conclusions 220 14.3.2 Weight gain, satiety, and food
References 220 intake 274
14.3.3 Risk factors for CVD 274
13. Polysaccharides from macroalgae: 14.3.4 Cognitive function and risk of
chemical characterization, functional neurodegenerative diseases 276
properties and biological activity 233 14.4 Conclusion 276
Acknowledgments 277
Tarcisio Vieira de Brito, Cynthia Maria Carvalho References 277
Pereira, Jalles Arruda Batista, Diva de Aguiar
Magalhães, Stefany Guimarães Sousa, Fernando 15. Potential role of pulses in the
Mesquita de Sousa de Lima, Antonio Kleiton de development of functional foods
Sousa and André Luiz dos Reis Barbosa modulating inflammation and
13.1 Compounds extracted from macroalgae oxidative stress 287
with biological action 233 Helena Ferreira, Elisabete Pinto,
13.2 Sulfated polysaccharides: structure and Ana M. Gil and Marta W. Vasconcelos
chemical characterization 234
13.3 Functional properties and industrial 15.1 Introduction 287
applications of sulfated polysaccharides 15.2 Pulses bioactive compounds,
from seaweed 235 inflammation and oxidative stress 289
13.4 Proven biological activities of sulfated 15.2.1 Proteins and bioactive peptides 289
polysaccharides 238 15.2.2 Carbohydrates 290
13.5 Perspectives for the use of sulfated 15.2.3 Tocopherols and carotenoids 295
polysaccharides 240 15.2.4 Phytosterols 296
13.6 Conclusions 241 15.2.5 Saponins 296
Acknowledgment 241 15.2.6 Polyphenols 297
References 241 15.3 Challenges and opportunities of pulses
in the development of functional foods 298
14. Role of cereal bioactive compounds 15.3.1 Traditional and new uses of
in the prevention of age-related pulses 298
diseases 247 15.3.2 Types of pulses and their
applications 299
Irene Tomé-Sánchez, Elena Peñas, Blanca
15.3.3 Effects of food processing 299
Hernández-Ledesma and Cristina Martı́nez-
15.3.4 Pulse-based new ingredients 300
15.3.5 Ensuring in vivo biological
14.1 Introduction 247 activity 301
Contents ix

15.4 Concluding remarks 302 17.7 Gryllodes sigillatus 352

Conflicts of interest 302 17.7.1 Antioxidant activity 356
Acknowledgments 302 17.7.2 Antiinflammatory activity 356
References 302 17.7.3 Antidiabetic activity 356
17.7.4 Antihypertensive activity 357
16. Probiotics and postbiotics: focus on 17.8 Alphitobius diaperinus 357
metabolic syndrome 311 17.9 Conclusion 357
References 358
Paola Gauffin-Cano, Antonela Marquez,
Matı́as Russo, Estefanı́a Andrada,
Claudia Abeijón-Mukdsi and Roxana Medina 18. Advances in production and
properties validation of multifunctional
16.1 Introduction 311 ingredients from Argentine food fruits
16.1.1 Metabolic syndrome, a
to modulate oxidative stress and
noncommunicable disease 311
16.2 Probiotics as nutritional approaches for
inflammation 365
the prevention or treatment of Iris Catiana Zampini and Marı́a Inés Isla
metabolic syndrome 315
18.1 Introduction 365
16.2.1 Short-chain fatty acids 317
18.2 Argentine food fruits and their
16.2.2 Polyunsaturated fatty acids 319
antioxidant and antiinflammatory
16.2.3 Phenolic compounds 320
properties 367
16.3 Conclusion and future directions 322
18.2.1 Solanum betaceum 367
Acknowledgments 322
18.2.2 Ziziphus mistol 367
Conflict of interest 323
18.2.3 Geoffroea decorticans 368
References 323
18.2.4 Prosopis alba 369
17. Potential of edible insects as a new 18.2.5 Prosopis nigra 370
18.3 Use of Northwestern Argentine fruits in
source of bioactive compounds
oxidative stress and inflammatory
against metabolic syndrome 331 processes related to metabolic
Joaquı́n Navarro del Hierro, syndrome 371
Blanca Hernández-Ledesma and Diana Martin 18.4 Development of multifunctional
ingredients from Argentine food fruits 372
17.1 Introduction 331
18.5 Conclusion 374
17.2 Composition of edible insects in
Acknowledgments 374
relation to their health properties and
References 374
metabolic syndrome 332
17.3 Tenebrio molitor 333
17.3.1 Antioxidant activity 333 19. Bioactive compounds from Moringa
17.3.2 Antiinflammatory activity 335 oleifera as promising protectors of
17.3.3 Antidiabetic activity 335 in vivo inflammation and oxidative
17.3.4 Antihypertensive activity 336 stress processes 379
17.3.5 Antilipidemic activity 336
Jaime González-Romero, Eduardo Jesús
17.4 Hermetia illucens 337
Guerra-Hernández and Celia Rodrı́guez-Pérez
17.4.1 Antioxidant activity 337
17.4.2 Antiinflammatory activity 342 19.1 Introduction 379
17.4.3 Antilipidemic activity 342 19.1.1 Chemical composition and
17.5 Musca domestica 343 traditional uses of Moringa
17.5.1 Antioxidant activity 343 oleifera 379
17.5.2 Antiinflammatory activity 346 19.1.2 Principal bioactive compounds
17.5.3 Antidiabetic activity 347 from Moringa oleifera 379
17.5.4 Antihypertensive activity 347 19.2 In vivo antioxidative effect of Moringa
17.5.5 Antilipidemic activity 347 oleifera 386
17.6 Acheta domesticus 348 19.2.1 Antioxidative effect in liver 386
17.6.1 Antioxidant activity 348 19.2.2 Antioxidative effect in other
17.6.2 Antilipidemic activity 352 organs 389
x Contents

19.2.3 Antidiabetic effect of Moringa oleifera 21.3 Emerging technologies for the
associated to its antioxidant extraction of bioactives 429
activity 389 21.3.1 Pressurized liquid extraction 429
19.3 In vivo antiinflammatory activity of 21.3.2 Microwave-assisted extraction 434
Moringa oleifera 393 21.3.3 Ultrasonic-assisted extraction 435
19.4 Conclusion and future prospects 395 21.3.4 Enzyme-assisted extraction 436
References 395 21.3.5 Supercritical CO2 extraction 437
21.3.6 High voltage electrical
discharge 438
20. Cruciferous vegetables: a mine of 21.3.7 Pulsed electric field 439
phytonutrients for functional and 21.4 Comparative performance 439
nutraceutical enrichment 401 21.5 Combinations 440
Satish Kumar, Shweta Sharma, Vikas Kumar, 21.6 Challenges and future trends 440
Rakesh Sharma, Anamika Minhas and References 441
Revathi Boddu
22. Encapsulation technologies
20.1 Introduction 401 applied to bioactive phenolic
20.2 Cruciferous vegetables and their compounds and probiotics with
significance 402 potential application on chronic
20.3 Crucifer phytochemicals and their
inflammation 447
activity 404
20.4 Nutraceutical significance of the Miriam Ferrer-Sierra, Paloma Rodrı́guez-López,
crucifers 405 Francisco Javier Leyva-Jiménez,
20.4.1 Cabbage 405 Isabel Borras-Linares, Daniela Giacomazza,
20.4.2 Cauliflower 405 Carolina Fredes, Paz Soledad Robert Canales,
20.4.3 Broccoli 408 Antonio Segura-Carretero and
20.4.4 Horseradish 408 Jesús Lozano-Sánchez
20.4.5 Mustard green 408
22.1 Methods 447
20.4.6 Kale 409
22.1.1 Search strategy 447
20.4.7 Arugula 409
22.1.2 Inclusion criteria 447
20.4.8 Kohlrabi 409
22.2 Importance of phenolic encapsulation:
20.4.9 Radish 410
stability, digestion, and absorption 448
20.5 Crucifers their processing and
22.2.1 Stability of phenolic compounds 448
antioxidant potential 410
22.2.2 Digestion and absorption 448
20.6 Recent trends for nutritional
22.2.3 In vitro, in vivo and clinical
improvement of the crucifers 414
trials to study polyphenol
20.6.1 Application of biotechnological
metabolism 449
tools 414
22.3 Encapsulation process applied to
20.6.2 Controlled abiotic stresses to
improve the phenolic bioaccesibility/
enhance the nutraceutical
bioavailability 454
properties 416
22.3.1 Encapsulation of phenolic
20.7 Conclusion and future prospects 418
compounds subject to in vitro
Acknowledgments 418
simulated digestion 454
Conflict of interest 418
22.3.2 In vitro gastrointestinal digestion 459
References 418
22.4 Probiotic encapsulation techniques to
improve the cell viability 463
21. Challenges in the extraction of 22.5 Gut microbiota and polyphenols diet
antiinflammatory and antioxidant interactions: synergistic effects against
compounds from new plant inflammation 465
sources 427 22.5.1 In vitro, in vivo and clinical trials
to study polyphenols—gut
Beatriz Dı́az-Reinoso and Herminia Domı́nguez
microbiota interactions 466
21.1 Introduction 427 22.6 Conclusions 470
21.2 Conventional solvent extraction 428 References 470
Contents xi

23. Fermentation and germination as 24.4.6 Bovine colostrum and fermented

a way to improve cereals milk 507
antioxidant and antiinflammatory 24.5 Concluding remarks 510
properties 477 Acknowledgments 511
Conflict of interest 511
Morena Gabriele and Laura Pucci References 511
23.1 Background 477
23.2 Fermentation technology for enhancing 25. Current evidence on the modulatory
the nutritional and functional properties effects of food proteins and
of postprocessed cereal grains 477 peptides in inflammation and gut
23.2.1 Effects of fermentation on cereal microbiota 517
grains nutritional value 478
Samuel Fernández-Tomé, Lourdes Amigo,
23.2.2 Effects of fermentation on
Cristina Martı́nez-Villaluenga and Blanca
bioactive compounds and
functional properties of cereal
grains 481 25.1 Introduction: inflammation and
23.3 Germination technology for enhancing oxidative stress 517
the nutritional and functional properties 25.2 Impact of “gut health” on
of postprocessed cereal grains 484 “general human health” 517
23.3.1 Effects of germination on cereal 25.3 Inflammatory bowel diseases:
grains nutritional value 485 the role of foods and their bioactive
23.3.2 Effects of germination on bioactive compounds 518
compounds and functional 25.4 Role of food proteins and peptides
properties of cereal grains 489 against inflammatory bowel disease 520
23.4 Possible harms and hurdles 491 25.4.1 In vitro evidence on the
23.5 Conclusions and future perspective 492 antioxidant, antiinflammatory,
References 492 and immunomodulatory
effects 520
24. Modulation of inflammation and 25.4.2 In vivo evidence on experimental
oxidative stress in Helicobacter pylori models of inflammatory bowel
infection by bioactive compounds disease 521
from food components 499 25.5 Effects of food peptides on gut
microbiota 525
Jose Manuel Silvan and Adolfo J. Martinez- 25.6 Future prospects 526
Rodriguez Acknowledgments 529
24.1 Brief overview of Helicobacter pylori as Conflict of interest 529
human pathogen 499 References 529
24.2 Inflammatory response and oxidative
stress associated to H. pylori infection 500 26. Immunonutritional agonists in the
24.3 Helicobacter pylori virulence factors neuroimmune response in
and their relationship with gastric AGE-Ing 535
inflammation and oxidative damage 500
Jana Baranda, Juan Antonio Giménez-Bastida,
24.4 Bioactive compounds from food
M. Morante, Aurora Garcı́a-Tejedor and
components as tools against inflammatory
Jose Moises Laparra
and oxidative damage associated to
H. pylori infection 502 26.1 Introduction 535
24.4.1 Probiotics 502 26.2 Neuroinflammation: pathways and
24.4.2 Phenolic compounds 503 biomarkers 536
24.4.3 Fruits, vegetables and their 26.3 Metabolic-induced neuroinflammation:
metabolites 505 from periphery to central nervous
24.4.4 Herbal extracts, spices and system 537
honey 506 26.4 Immunonutritional communication
24.4.5 Fatty acids 507 within the gutbrain axis 539
xii Contents

26.5 Concluding remarks and future 29. Cancer on fire: role of inflammation
perspectives 540 in prevention and treatment 605
Acknowledgements 540
References 540 Manoj K Pandey, Max Von Suskil,
Robert Chitren, Omar Al-Odat,
Subash C. Jonnalagadda and Bharat B. Aggarwal
27. Role of dietary spices in modulating
inflammation and oxidative stress 545 29.1 Introduction 605
29.2 Inflammatory players and their roles in
Ester S. Oh, Kristina S. Petersen,
tumorigenesis 605
Penny M. Kris-Etherton and Connie J. Rogers
29.2.1 Tumor necrosis factor-α 605
27.1 Introduction 545 29.2.2 Interleukins 607
27.2 Methods 547 29.2.3 Chemokines 607
27.3 Results 547 29.2.4 Inflammatory enzymes 608
27.3.1 Capsicum spp 558 29.2.5 Transcription factor 609
27.3.2 Cardamom 558 29.3 Prevention and treatment of cancers
27.3.3 Cinnamon 559 by targeting inflammatory pathways 610
27.3.4 Cumin 560 29.3.1 Curcumin 612
27.3.5 Dill 560 29.3.2 Capsaicin 612
27.3.6 Fenugreek 561 29.3.3 Diallyl sulfide 613
27.3.7 Garlic 561 29.3.4 Cinnamaldehyde 613
27.3.8 Ginger 562 29.3.5 6-Gingerol 613
27.3.9 Onion 563 29.3.6 Eugenol 613
27.3.10 Oregano 564 29.3.7 Diosgenin 614
27.3.11 Parsley 564 29.3.8 Garcinol 614
27.3.12 Sage 564 29.3.9 Thymoquinone 614
27.3.13 Sesame 565 29.3.10 Quercetin 614
27.3.14 Turmeric 565 29.3.11 Sulforaphane 614
27.3.15 Spice blend 566 29.3.12 α-Pinene 615
27.4 Discussion 567 29.3.13 Piperine 615
27.4.1 Antioxidative effect of spices 567 29.3.14 1,8-Cineole 615
27.4.2 Antiinflammatory effect of spices 568 29.4 Conclusion and future perspective 615
27.5 Conclusion 569 Acknowledgement 616
References 569 Conflict of interest 616
References 616
28. Functional foods, hormesis, and
oxidative stress 581 30. The effects of soya consumption
on glycemic parameters of type 2
Mohammad Alizadeh and Sevana Daneghian
diabetes: potential for functional
28.1 Introduction 581 foods 627
28.2 What is hormesis? 581
Longli Zhou, Alan Javier Hernández-Álvarez,
28.3 Stressor-mediated pathways and
Christine Boesch and Caroline Orfila
disease 582
28.3.1 Endoplasmic reticulum stress 582 30.1 Introduction 627
28.3.2 Mitochondria and oxidative stress 582 30.1.1 Glycemic markers of type 2
28.3.3 KEAP1/NRF2/ARE pathway 583 diabetes mellitus 627
28.3.4 NF-kB signal pathway 584 30.1.2 Dietary approaches in type 2
28.3.5 Heat shock proteins 584 diabetes mellitus 627
28.3.6 Autophagy 585 30.1.3 Soya: an ancient food for
28.4 Antioxidants and related food sources modern times 628
(prooxidants or antioxidants) 586 30.2 Soya intake and type 2 diabetes
28.4.1 Hormetins 586 mellitus 630
28.5 Conclusion and future prospects 595 30.2.1 Evidence from epidemiological
References 595 studies 630
Contents xiii

30.2.2 Evidence from clinical trials: soya 30.3.2 Isoflavones 633

protein and isoflavones 630 30.4 Conclusion 633
30.3 Mechanistic effects and potential for References 634
formulation of functional foods 632
30.3.1 Protein and bioactive peptides 632 Index 639
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List of contributors

Claudia Abeijón-Mukdsi Center of Reference for Jalles Arruda Batista Laboratory of Experimental
Lactobacilli (CERELA) -CONICET, San Miguel de Physiopharmacology, LAFFEX—Parnaiba Delta
Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina Federal University, Parnaiba, PI, Brazil
Bharat B. Aggarwal Inflammation Research Center, San Oumaima Ben-Romdhane Unit of “Related Risks to
Diego, CA, United States Environmental Stresses, Control and Prevention”
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences of
Aqsa Akhtar School of Food and Agricultural Sciences,
Bizerte, University of Cartage, Zarzouna, Tunisia
University of Management and Technology, Lahore,
Pakistan Revathi Boddu Department of Food Technology and
Nutrition, School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional
Mohammad Alizadeh Food and Beverages Safety University, Phagwara, Punjab, India
Research Center, Urmia University of Medical
Sciences, Urmia, Iran Christine Boesch Nutritional Sciences and Epidemiology
Group, School of Food Science and Nutrition, University
Omar Al-Odat Department of Biomedical Sciences, of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
Cooper Medical School of Rowan University,
Camden, NJ, United States; Department of Chemistry Isabel Borras-Linares Center of Research and
and Biochemistry, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, Development of Functional Food, Health Science
United States Technological Park, Granada, Spain

Lourdes Amigo Institute of Food Science Research Paz Soledad Robert Canales Department of Food
(CIAL, CSIC-UAM, CEI UAM+CSIC), Department Science, Technology and Chemistry, Faculty of
of Bioactivity and Food Analysis, Madrid, Spain Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of
Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile
Estefanı́a Andrada Center of Reference for Lactobacilli
(CERELA) -CONICET, San Miguel de Tucumán, Robert Chitren Department of Biomedical Sciences,
Tucumán, Argentina; Faculty of Agronomy and Cooper Medical School of Rowan University,
Zootechnics, National University of Tucumán, Camden, NJ, United States; Department of Chemistry
Tucumán, Argentina and Biochemistry, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ,
United States
Andrea Araiza-Calahorra School of Food Science &
Ivana M. Cotabarren Chemical Engineering
Nutrition, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
Department—National University of the South, Bahı́a
Waqas Asghar School of Food and Agricultural Blanca, Argentina; Pilot Plant of Chemical
Sciences, University of Management and Technology, Engineering (PLAPIQUI, UNS-CONICET), Bahı́a
Lahore, Pakistan Blanca, Argentina
Sadia Aslam School of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Edith-Oliva Cuevas-Rodrı́guez Faculty of Chemistry
University of Management and Technology, Lahore, and Biological Sciences, Autonomous University of
Pakistan Sinaloa, Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico
Javier Ávila-Román Department of Biochemistry and Graziela Biude da Silva Duarte Faculty of
Biotechnology, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Pharmaceutical Science, University of São Paulo, São
Tarragona, Spain Paulo, SP, Brazil
Jana Baranda Molecular Immunonutrition Group, Sevana Daneghian Food and Beverages Safety Research
Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Food Center, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia,
(IMDEA-Food), Madrid, Spain Iran

xvi List of contributors

Diva de Aguiar Magalhães Laboratory of Experimental Carolina Fredes Department of Health Sciences,
Physiopharmacology, LAFFEX—Parnaiba Delta Nutrition and Dietetics Career, Faculty of Medicine,
Federal University, Parnaiba, PI, Brazil Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago,
Alie de Boer Food Claims Centre Venlo, Campus Venlo, Chile
Maastricht University, Venlo, The Netherlands Anca C. Fărcaş Faculty of Food Science and
Tarcisio Vieira de Brito Laboratory of Experimental Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and
Physiopharmacology, LAFFEX—Parnaiba Delta Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca,
Federal University, Parnaiba, PI, Brazil Romania
Antonio Kleiton de Sousa Laboratory of Experimental Morena Gabriele Institute of Agricultural Biology and
Physiopharmacology, LAFFEX—Parnaiba Delta Biotechnology, National Research Council, Pisa, Italy
Federal University, Parnaiba, PI, Brazil Sara Garcı́a-Gil Department of Pharmacology,
Universidad de Seville, Seville, Spain
Fernando Mesquita de Sousa de Lima Laboratory of
Experimental Physiopharmacology, LAFFEX— Paula Garcı́a-Ibañez Aquaporins Research Group, Plant
Parnaiba Delta Federal University, Parnaiba, PI, Brazil Nutrition Department, CEBAS-CSIC, University
Campus of Espinardo, Murcia, Spain
Zoriţa M. Diaconeasa Faculty of Food Science and
Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Aurora Garcı́a-Tejedor Valencian International
Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, University (VIU), Valencia, Spain
Romania Paola Gauffin-Cano Center of Reference for
Beatriz Dı́az-Reinoso CITI-University of Vigo, Galician Lactobacilli (CERELA) -CONICET, San Miguel de
Technological Park, Ourense, Spain Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina
Herminia Domı́nguez Department of Chemical Daniela Giacomazza Biophysic Institute, National
Engineering, University of Vigo, Faculty of Science, Research Council, Palermo, Italy
Campus Ourense, Ourense, Spain Ana M. Gil Department of Chemistry and CICECO-
André Luiz dos Reis Barbosa Laboratory of Aveiro Institute of Materials, University of Aveiro,
Experimental Physiopharmacology, LAFFEX— Campus Universitário de Santiago, Aveiro, Portugal
Parnaiba Delta Federal University, Parnaiba, PI, Juan Antonio Giménez-Bastida Laboratory of Food and
Brazil Health, Research Group on Quality, Safety and
Francisc V. Dulf Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bioactivity of Plant Foods, Department of Food
Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj- Science and Technology, CEBAS-CSIC, Murcia,
Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Spain
Samuel Fernández-Tomé Health Research Institute of Ilkay Gok Faculty of Applied Sciences, Istanbul Okan
the University Hospital La Princesa (IIS-IP), CIBER University, Istanbul, Turkey
of Hepatic and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD), Jaime González-Romero University of Granada,
Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), Madrid, Departmen of Nutrition and Food Science, Campus of
Spain Cartuja, Granada, Spain
Helena Ferreira Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Francisco M. Goycoolea School of Food Science &
CBQF - Centro de Biotecnologia e Quı́mica Fina – Nutrition, University of Leeds, Leeds, United
Laboratório Associado, Escola Superior de Kingdom
Biotecnologia, Porto, Portugal
Eduardo Jesús Guerra-Hernández University of
Miriam Ferrer-Sierra Department of Food Science and Granada, Departmen of Nutrition and Food Science,
Nutrition, University of Granada, Campus Campus of Cartuja, Granada, Spain
Universitario Granada, Spain
Alan Javier Hernández-Álvarez Nutritional Sciences
Jakub Fichna Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of and Epidemiology Group, School of Food Science and
Medicine, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland Nutrition, University of Leeds, Leeds, United
Melinda Fogarasi Faculty of Food Science and Kingdom
Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Blanca Hernández-Ledesma Department of Bioactivity
Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, and Food Analysis, Institute of Food Science Research
Romania (CIAL, CSIC-UAM, CEI-UAM+CSIC), Madrid, Spain
List of contributors xvii

Marı́a Inés Isla Faculty of Natural Sciences and Miguel Biotechnology and Microbiology, Institute of Food
Lillo Institute, National University of Tucumán, Science Research (CIAL), CSIC-UAM, Madrid, Spain
Institute of Bioprospecting and Plant Physiology,
Cristina Martı́nez-Villaluenga Institute of Food Science,
National Council for Scientific and Technical
Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN-CSIC), Department
Research, San Lorenzo, Argentina
of Food Characterization, Quality and Safety, Madrid,
Marı́a Dolores Jiménez-Gordillo Department of Spain
Pharmacology, Pediatrics and Radiology, Universidad
Roxana Medina Center of Reference for Lactobacilli
de Sevilla, Seville, Spain
(CERELA) -CONICET, San Miguel de Tucumán,
Subash C. Jonnalagadda Department of Chemistry and Tucumán, Argentina; Faculty of Agronomy and
Biochemistry, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, Zootechnics, National University of Tucumán,
United States Tucumán, Argentina
Nauman Khalid School of Food and Agricultural Anamika Minhas Department of Food Technology and
Sciences, University of Management and Technology, Nutrition, School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional
Lahore, Pakistan University, Phagwara, Punjab, India
Penny M. Kris-Etherton Department of Nutritional Martin Mondor Saint-Hyacinthe Research and
Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University, Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food
University Park, PA, United States Canada, Quebec, Canada; Institute of Nutrition and
Satish Kumar Department of Food Science and Functional Foods (INAF), Université Laval, Quebec,
Technology, Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Canada
Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, India Antonia Montilla Chemistry and Functionality of
Vikas Kumar Department of Food Technology and Carbohydrates and Derivatives, Institute of Food
Nutrition, School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional Science Research, CIAL (CSIC-UAM), CEI (UAM
University, Phagwara, Punjab, India +CSIC) Madrid, Spain
Jose Moises Laparra Molecular Immunonutrition M. Morante Molecular Immunonutrition Group, Madrid
Group, Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Food Institute for Advanced Studies in Food (IMDEA-
(IMDEA-Food), Madrid, Spain Food), Madrid, Spain
Karin G.M. Lenssen Food Claims Centre Venlo, Diego A. Moreno Phytochemistry and Healthy Foods
Campus Venlo, Maastricht University, Venlo, The Lab (LabFAS), Department of Food Science and
Netherlands Technology, CEBAS-CSIC, University Campus of
Francisco Javier Leyva-Jiménez Center of Research Espinardo-25, Murcia, Spain
and Development of Functional Food, Health Science Virginia Motilva Department of Pharmacology,
Technological Park, Granada, Spain Universidad de Seville, Seville, Spain
Jesús Lozano-Sánchez Department of Food Science and Nerea Muñoz-Almagro Chemistry and Functionality of
Nutrition, University of Granada, Campus Carbohydrates and Derivatives, Institute of Food
Universitario, Granada, Spain; Center of Research and Science Research, CIAL (CSIC-UAM), CEI (UAM
Development of Functional Food, Health Science +CSIC) Madrid, Spain
Technological Park, Granada, Spain Joaquı́n Navarro del Hierro Department of Production
Antonela Marquez Center of Reference for Lactobacilli and Characterization of Novel Foods, Institute of Food
(CERELA) -CONICET, San Miguel de Tucumán, Science Research (CIAL) (CSIC-UAM), Madrid,
Tucumán, Argentina Spain; Departmental Section of Food Science, Faculty
Diana Martin Department of Production and of Science, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM),
Characterization of Novel Foods, Institute of Food Madrid, Spain
Science Research (CIAL) (CSIC-UAM), Madrid, Ester S. Oh Department of Nutritional Sciences, The
Spain; Departmental Section of Food Science, Faculty Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA,
of Science, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), United States
Madrid, Spain Caroline Orfila Nutritional Sciences and Epidemiology
Adolfo J. Martinez-Rodriguez Food Microbiology and Group, School of Food Science and Nutrition,
Biocatalysis Group (MICROBIO), Department of University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
xviii List of contributors

Miguel Oseguera-Toledo Department of Biomedical Research Centre, University of Granada,

Nanotechnology, Center for Applied Physics and Avenida del Conocimiento s/n, Granada, Spain;
Technology, National Autonomous University of Institute of Biosanitary Research ibs. Avenida de
Mexico, Querétaro, Mexico Madrid, Granada, Spain
Camila A. Palla Chemical Engineering Department— Marcelo Macedo Rogero Department of Nutrition,
National University of the South, Bahı́a Blanca, School of Public Health, University of São Paulo, São
Argentina; Pilot Plant of Chemical Engineering Paulo, SP, Brazil; Food Research Center (FoRC),
(PLAPIQUI, UNS-CONICET), Bahı́a Blanca, CEPID-FAPESP, Research Innovation and
Argentina Dissemination Centers São Paulo Research
Manoj K Pandey Department of Biomedical Sciences, Foundation, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, Connie J. Rogers Department of Nutritional Sciences,
Camden, NJ, United States The Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
PA, United States; Center for Molecular
Elena Peñas Department of Food Characterization, Quality
Immunology and Infectious Disease, The
and Safety, Institute of Food Science, Technology and
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA,
Nutrition (ICTAN-CSIC), Madrid, Spain
United States
Cynthia Maria Carvalho Pereira Laboratory of
Matı́as Russo Center of Reference for Lactobacilli
Experimental Physiopharmacology, LAFFEX—
(CERELA) -CONICET, San Miguel de Tucumán,
Parnaiba Delta Federal University, Parnaiba, PI, Brazil
Tucumán, Argentina
Kristina S. Petersen Department of Nutritional
Maciej Salaga Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of
Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX,
Medicine, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz,
United States
Elisabete Pinto Universidade Católica Portuguesa,
Antonio Segura-Carretero Department of Analytical
CBQF - Centro de Biotecnologia e Quı́mica Fina –
Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of
Laboratório Associado, Escola Superior de
Granada, Granada, Spain,; Center of Research and
Biotecnologia, Porto, Portugal; EPIUnit - Instituto de
Development of Functional Food, Health Science
Saúde Pública, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
Technological Park, Granada, Spain
Oana L. Pop Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Rakesh Sharma Department of Food Science and
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Technology, Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of
Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, India
Sirima Puangpraphant Department of Food Shweta Sharma MS Swaminathan School of
Technology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn Agriculture, Shoolini University of Biotechnology and
University, Bangkok, Thailand Management Sciences, Solan (H.P.), India
Laura Pucci Institute of Agricultural Biology and Jose Manuel Silvan Food Microbiology and Biocatalysis
Biotechnology, National Research Council, Pisa, Italy Group (MICROBIO), Department of Biotechnology
Bruna Zavarize Reis Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, and Microbiology, Institute of Food Science Research
University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil; (CIAL), CSIC-UAM, Madrid, Spain
Department of Nutrition, Federal University of Rio Sonia A. Socaci Faculty of Food Science and
Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and
Paloma Rodrı́guez-López Department of Food Science Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca,
and Nutrition, University of Granada, Campus Romania
Universitario Granada, Spain Stefany Guimarães Sousa Laboratory of Experimental
Azahara Rodrı́guez-Luna Department of Pharmacology, Physiopharmacology, LAFFEX—Parnaiba Delta
Universidad de Seville, Seville, Spain Federal University, Parnaiba, PI, Brazil
Celia Rodrı́guez-Pérez University of Granada, Marcin Talar Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of
Departmen of Nutrition and Food Science, Campus of Medicine, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
Cartuja, Granada, Spain; Institute of Nutrition and Elena Talero Department of Pharmacology, Universidad
Food Technology (INYTA) “José Mataix,” de Seville, Seville, Spain
List of contributors xix

Aleksandra Tarasiuk Department of Biochemistry, Science Research, CIAL (CSIC-UAM), CEI (UAM
Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Lodz, +CSIC) Madrid, Spain
Lodz, Poland
Max Von Suskil Department of Biomedical Sciences,
Irene Tomé-Sánchez Department of Food Cooper Medical School of Rowan University,
Characterization, Quality and Safety, Institute of Food Camden, NJ, United States; Department of Chemistry
Science, Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN-CSIC), and Biochemistry, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ,
Madrid, Spain United States
Hafiz Ubaid ur Rahman School of Food and Iris Catiana Zampini Faculty of Natural Sciences and
Agricultural Sciences, University of Management and Miguel Lillo Institute, National University of
Technology, Lahore, Pakistan Tucumán, Institute of Bioprospecting and Plant
Marta W. Vasconcelos Universidade Católica Physiology, National Council for Scientific and
Portuguesa, CBQF - Centro de Biotecnologia e Technical Research, San Lorenzo, Argentina
Quı́mica Fina Laboratório Associado, Escola Superior Longli Zhou Nutritional Sciences and Epidemiology
de Biotecnologia, Porto, Portugal Group, School of Food Science and Nutrition,
Mar Villamiel Chemistry and Functionality of University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
Carbohydrates and Derivatives, Institute of Food
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