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I. One mark Questions:

1. Define empty relation

Ans: A relation R in a set A is called empty relation, if no element of A is related to any
elements of A. i. e, R =   A x A

2. Define universal relation

Ans: A relation R in a set A is called universal relation, if each element of A is related to every
element of A i. e., R = A x A

3. Define identity relation

Ans: The relation, IA = {(a, a) : a  A } is called the identity relation on A

4. Define reflexive relation

Ans: A relation R on the set A is said to be reflexive if  a  A, (a, a)  R

5. Define symmetric relation

Ans: A relation R on the set A is said to be symmetric if a, b  R, (a, b) R  (b, a)  R

6. Define transitive relation

Ans: A relation R on the set A is said to be transitive if
a, b, c  R, (a, b)  R , (b, c)  R  (a, c)  R

7. Define an equivalence relation

Ans: A relation R on the set A is said to be an equivalence relation if R is reflexive , symmetric
and transitive

8. A relation R on the set { 1, 2, 3 } given by R = { ( 1, 1) , (2, 2) , (3, 3), (1, 2 ), (2, 3) } not
symmetric. Why ?
Ans: (1, 2)  R  (2, 1)  R  R is not symmetric

II. Three Marks Questions:

1. Show that the relation R in the set Z of integers given by
R = {(a, b) | 2 divides a – b} is an equivalence relation [July 2014, 3M]

Sol: (a, b)  R  2 divides a – b

(i) 2 divides ‘0’  2 divides a – a  (a, a)  R
 R is reflexive

(ii) (a, b)  R  2 divides a – b

 2 divides – (a – b)
 2 divides b – a
 (b, a)  R
 R is symmetric

(iii) (a, b)  R  2 divides a – b and (b, c)  R  2 divides (b – c)

 2 divides (a – b ) + (b –c)
i. e. 2 divides (a –c)  (a, c)  R
 R is transitive
Hence R is an equivalence relation

2. Relation R in the set z of all integers defined as

R = {(x, y) | x –y is an integer } Prove that R is an equivalence relation [July 2015, 3M]
Sol: (x, y)  R  x – y is an integer
(i) ‘0’ is an integer  x – x is an integer  (x, x)  R
 R is reflexive
ii) (x, y)  R  x –y is an integer
 - (x - y) is an integer
 y –x is an integer  (y, x)  R

 R is symmetric

iii) (x, y)  R  x –y is an integer and (y, z)  R

 y –z is an integer
 x – y + y – z = x – z is an integer  (x, y)  R
 R is transitive
Hence R is an equivalence relation

3. Relation R in the set A = {1, 2, 3, ….13, 14} defined by R = { (x, y) | 3x – y = 0}. Verify
whether R is reflexive, symmetric and transitive. [Mar 2015, Jun 2019, 3M]

Sol: R = { ( x, y ) | 3 x − y = 0 }  R = {(1, 3) , (2, 6), (3, 9) , (4, 12)}

(i) a  R, (a, a)  R  R is not reflexive
(ii) (1, 3)  R  (3, 1)  R  R is not symmetric
(iii) (1, 3)  R and (3, 9)  R  (1, 9)  R
 R is not transitive

4. Relation R in the set N of natural numbers defined as

R={(x,y)|y=x+5, x<4}. Verify whether R is reflexive, symmetric & transitive
Solution: R={ (1,6),(2,7),(3,8)}
(i) xN, (x,x) R ∴ R is not reflexive
(ii) (1, 6)R  (6, 1) R ∴ R is not symmetric
(iii) (1, 6) R and (6, a)R  (1, a)R. ∴R is transitive

5. Check whether the relation R defined in the set {1,2,3,4,5,6} as

R={(a,b)|b=a+1} is reflexive, symmetric or transitive. [July 2017, 3M]
Solution: R={(1,2),(2,3),(3,4),(4,5),(5,6)}
(i)  a  A Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} (a, a)R  R is not reflexive.
(ii) (1,2)R  (2,1)R  R is not symmetric
(iii) (1,2)R and (2,3) R  (1,3)R  R is not transitive.

6. Show that the relation R in the set A={1,2,3,4,5} given by

R={(a,b)||a-b| is even}is an equivalence relation. [July 2016, Mar 2018, 3M]
Solution: R={(1,1),(1,3),(1,5),(2,2), (2,4),(3,1),(3,3),(3,5),(4,2),(4,4),(5,1),(5,3),(5,5)}
(i) |a-a|=0 is an even no  (a, a)R ∴R is reflexive
(ii) (a, b)R  |a-b| is even  |-(a-b)| is also even
 |b-a| is even
 (b,a)R. ∴R is symmetric
(iii) (a, b)R  |a-b| is even  a-b=2K1, K2Z
(b, c)R  |b-c| is even  b-c=2K2, K2 Z
∴ |a-b+b-c | = 2K1 + 2K2  |a-c| =2(K1 +K2) = 2 (an integer )
 |a-c| is even   (a, c)  R
 R is transitive
Hence R is equivalence relation.

7. Show that the relation R in the set A={x|xZ, 0x12}

given by R={(a, b)| |a-b| is a multiple of 4} is an equivalence relation
Solution: (a, b)R  |a-b| is a multiple of 4
i.e. 4 divides |a-b|
(i) 4 divides |a-a|  (a,a)R. i.e. R is reflexive
(ii) (a, b)R  4 divides |a-b|
 4 divides |-(a-b)|  4 divides |b-a|, i.e., (b,a)R
∴ R is symmetric
(iii) (a, b)R  4 divides |a-b| and (b, c)R  4 divides |b-c|
∴ 4 divides |a-b +b-c|  4 divides |a-c|
i.e (a, c) R
 R is transitive
Hence R is an equivalence relation

8. Show that relation R in R defined on R={(a,b)|ab} is reflexive and transitive
but not symmetric.
Solution: (a,b) R  a  b

(i) aR, aa  (a, a) R i.e., R is reflexive

(ii) (a, b)R  ab
 b  a i.e. (b,a) R ∴R is not symmetric
(iii) (a, b)R  ab and (b, c) R  b c
∴ a  b and b  c  a  c  (a, c)R
∴ R is transitive
9. Show that the relation R defined in the set A of all triangles as [Mar -2020, 3M]
R = {(T1, T2) : T1 is similar to T2) is equivalence relation.

Sol: Let A be the set of all triangles in a plane.

The relation is R = {(T1, T2)
T1 is similar to T2 }
(i) Every triangle is similar to itself, so R is reflexive.
(ii) (T1, T2 )  R  Triangle T1 is similar to triangle T1
 Triangle T2 is similar to triangle
 (T2, T1)  R
 R is symmetric
(iii) (T1, T2 )  R  Triangle T1 is similar to triangle T2 and
(T2, T3 )  R  Triangle T2 is similar to triangle T3
 Triangle T1 is similar to triangle T3
 (T1 , T3, )  R
 R is transitive

Hence R is an equivalence realtion

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