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PAPER SERIES 2000-01-0484

Advances in External-Aero Simulation of Ground

Vehicles Using the Steady RANS Equations
Francis T. Makowski and Sung-Eun Kim
Fluent Inc.

Reprinted From: Vehicle Aerodynamics


SAE 2000 World Congress

Detroit, Michigan
March 6-9, 2000

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Advances in External-Aero Simulation of Ground

Vehicles Using the Steady RANS Equations

Francis T. Makowski and Sung-Eun Kim

Fluent Inc.

Copyright © 2000 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.

ABSTRACT cles. The issue of near-wall treatment will be addressed

with an emphasis on the use of wall functions. This paper
Numerical prediction of the aerodynamics around cars describes all of these issues in detail and it showcases
has long been one of the rudimentary needs in automo- simulations for a selected number of vehicle shapes and
tive engineering. Despite all of the recent developments related configurations.
in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and its constitu-
ent technologies, however, it’s still not an easy task to INTRODUCTION
accurately predict the flows around and the aerodynamic
forces and moments acting on ground vehicles. The The accurate prediction of external aerodynamics for
complex configurations and flow physics involved in conceptual designs has long been a fundamental need of
ground-vehicle aerodynamics require, among other the automotive industry. Despite all of the rapid develop-
things, sophisticated geometry modeling and meshing ments in CFD and its constituent technologies, however,
tools, advanced turbulence models and an efficient solu- it’s still not an easy task to accurately predict the aerody-
tion algorithm. namic characteristics of ground vehicles. The complex
shapes and salient flow physics that are involved require,
This paper discusses various aspects of applying mod-
among other things, sophisticated geometry modeling
ern Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to the predic-
and meshing tools, advanced physical models, substan-
tion of aerodynamic flows around ground vehicles. The
tial computer resources and lastly, but most importantly,
discussion will be in the framework of an unstructured
the right simulation strategy. The finite-volume and
mesh finite-volume method applied to the steady-flow
finite-difference formulations applied to the Reynolds-
Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations,
averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations have been
which has been established as a standard CFD approach
established as the de facto standard CFD approach for a
for external aerodynamics applications. The main issues
wide range of industrial flows, including external aerody-
in this paper include mesh, numerics, and turbulence
namics applications [1-3]. Aided by recent advances in
modeling. The issue of mesh will be discussed with the
mesh generation, numerical algorithms, physical models
primary focus on unstructured meshes that allow the use
and parallel processing, the RANS approach has fully
of cells of arbitrary topology, including hexahedra, tetra-
matured in recent years. It now enables industrial CFD
hedra, pyramids, prisms, and any combination of these.
practitioners to produce quick, cost-effective and accu-
Special emphasis will be placed on viscous-hybrid
rate predictions of aerodynamics for ground vehicles with
meshes, which combine prism layers in near-wall regions
realistic geometry.
(for better resolution of strong gradients in wall boundary
layers) and a tetrahedral mesh in the far field. Solution- This paper describes a simulation strategy for the exter-
adaptive mesh refinement will be discussed in view of its nal aerodynamics of ground vehicles using the unstruc-
ability to resolve economically a wide range of length tured-mesh-based solver technology in the FLUENT
scales in the flow. We’ll discuss the impact of various tur- code [4,5] which has been developed at Fluent Inc. over
bulence models on the prediction of the aerodynamics of the years.
ground vehicles. We’ll also consider the great challenges
posed by the salient features of the subject flow, including SIMULATION STRATEGY
strong streamline curvature, crossflow, various types of
flow separation on the body, and the ensuing shear layers When CFD is used for design and analysis in typical
and vortices. A second-moment turbulence closure, industrial settings, it is always subjected to some con-
employing Reynolds-stress transport equations, is pro- straints. Among practical constraints are the allocatable
posed as a viable turbulence model that can accurately dynamic memory and the total amount of CPU-time that
model the salient features of the flow around ground vehi- may be spent on simulation. These constraints largely

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determine the total cell count and the modeling strategies according to the nature of the flow and taking
approach, the latter being reflected in the choices of the into account the impact of the chosen mesh topology on
turbulence model and the other physical models. An ideal cell count, numerical accuracy, etc. Such capabilities
CFD solution strategy should be such that it maximizes greatly benefit external aerodynamics applications.
the fidelity of the predictions given the constraints. In the
For a typical car-like shape, pressure or form drag is
following, we describe one such strategy.
dominant over skin friction, so the accuracy of the drag
and lift predictions are largely determined by the accu-
GOVERNING EQUATIONS – Reynolds-averaged
racy of the predicted (static) pressure distribution on the
Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations describe ensemble-
body. The pressure distribution is strongly affected by the
averaged turbulent flows. Its efficacy as a practical engi-
locations of flow separation and reattachment, if any.
neering approach has been demonstrated over the years
Therefore, it is critically important to resolve the boundary
for external aerodynamics applications[1-3]. Although
layer and its separation. To be able to resolve the
time-dependent mean flows can be modeled using the
boundary layer and its possible separation and subse-
unsteady form of the RANS equations, a great majority of
quent reattachment, prudent choices of cell aspect-ratio
turbulent flows, including the flows around ground vehi-
and growth rate are required in the boundary layer. Use
cles, can be economically and accurately modeled using
of tetrahedral cells throughout the entire flow domain is
steady RANS equations. A steady-flow simulation usu-
an option. However, as will be explained later, using a tri-
ally requires a small fraction of what a time-dependent
angular prism mesh in near-wall region combined with a
simulation would typically take, because the latter must
tetrahedral mesh elsewhere is the most effective way to
cover a span of physical time that is long enough to pro-
minimize numerical errors for a given cell count. A prism/
duce stable statistics. Hence, for a practical CFD code, it
tet mesh constitutes a viscous-hybrid mesh in Fluent
is essential to offer the option of steady-flow simulations.
Inc.’s terminology.
An even greater benefit of a steady RANS simulation
A good viscous-hybrid mesh starts with a triangulated
comes from the fact that the flow field approaches a sta-
surface mesh that faithfully resolves all of the important
tionary state as the solution converges. A stationary flow
features of the geometry and satisfies the requirements
field facilitates solution-adaptive mesh refinement, which
of the physical models and the solver. The goal is to pro-
is based on the solution on the current mesh. After only
duce, as close as possible, an equilateral surface triangu-
a few refinement-and-re-convergence cycles, the resolu-
lation with prudent rates of variation in the nodal spacing
tion of large gradients in the dependent variables
everywhere. Next, prism layers are extruded from the
improves greatly at the expense of only modest increases
surface triangles. Using a feature that was introduced in
in the cell count and the total iteration count. Needless to
TGrid V3.1, which is one of Fluent Inc.’s preprocessors
say, a better resolution of the flow field leads to more
used for generating tetrahedral and prism meshes, wall-
accurate predictions of aerodynamic coefficients. Solu-
adjacent prisms are extruded according to a user-speci-
tion-adaptive mesh refinement, as attractive as it may
fied value of aspect-ratio, and subsequent prism layers
sound, is impractical for time-dependent simulations,
increase in height at a user-specified growth rate. The
because the locations of the steep gradients change with
number of prism layers and its height should be enough
time. For time-dependent simulations, accuracy that is
to span the boundary layer. Finally, a tetrahedral mesh
comparable to that of a well-adapted steady RANS simu-
fills the remaining volume of the domain.
lation can only be achieved at a much greater cost in cell
Surface Triangulation – Ideally, most surfaces should be
tessellated with low-skewness triangles. The faces of
MESH – The complex geometry and myriad details of
the surface mesh should be allocated such that the cur-
realistic car configurations defy straightforward meshing,
vature of every surface is well represented in terms of
and this has limited the usability of CFD. Unstructured
planar facets. (Note: Since the FLUENT solver has no
mesh technology has recently attracted a great deal of
access to the grid’s original geometry database, mesh
attention from the CFD community. FLUENT Version 5 is
adapation is not useful for improving the geometry reso-
based on unstructured mesh technology. It allows one to
lution of the surface mesh) Low-skewness surface trian-
employ computational cells of arbitrary topology, such as
gulation greatly facilitates extrusion of prisms, and a
triangles and quadrilaterals in 2-D, and in 3-D, tetrahedra,
smooth variation in triangle edge-length significantly
prisms, pyramids, hexahedra, etc., and all combinations
improves the prism quality.
of these. One immediate advantage of unstructured
meshes over structured meshes is their flexibility in deal-
Prism Zones – Boundary prisms provide low-skewness
ing with complicated configurations. Another advantage
elements where viscous effects are large. Layered ele-
is that unstructured meshes lend themselves to solution-
ments also provide good alignment with the flow near
adaptive local mesh refinement. Unstructured-mesh
wall boundaries, thereby reducing numerical diffusion.
capability therefore facilitates computation of industrial
Beginning with TGrid V3.0, prisms could be extruded
turbulent flows that have a wide range of length scales to
from all surfaces of a complex geometry simultaneously.
be resolved. What’s more, a hybrid mesh capability
However, for complex geometries, the maximum skew-
allows one to employ in different zones different meshing
ness of the prism-cap (i.e., the outer boundary of the final

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prism layer) generally increases with the number of prism GAMBIT V1.0.4 offers the cooper tool option for creating
layers. For this reason, the face skewness of the surface- blocks of semi-unstructured hexahedra. “Coopered”
mesh must be as low as possible. blocks in the underbody region offer the following advan-
TGrid V3.1 was enhanced to allow prisms to be extruded
for a specified value of cell aspect-ratio. Extrusion by 1. They provide layered elements on both the under-
aspect-ratio is recommended for all prism layers on a body surfaces and the ground plane.
vehicle. This makes each prism’s height proportional to 2. A hexahedron may be subdivided into no fewer than
the size of its base triangle. For good prism characteris- two prisms or five tetrahedra. Therefore, for ele-
tics with extrusion by aspect-ratio, the triangle size on ments of a given edge length, the cell count in a hex
each surface must vary smoothly. block is much less than that in a corresponding
Each succeeding prism layer should increase in height at prism/tet domain.
a constant geometric rate. The number of prism layers 3. Domains of semi-unstructured hexahedra, which are
should be determined such that across the prism/tetrahe- bounded by surfaces of unstructured quadrilaterals
dron interface there is a good match in the normal dis- and surfaces of mapped quadrilaterals, facilitate the
tances from the cell centroid to the interface. decomposition of a complex region into multiple
On a multi-element wing, the small gap between the trail-
ing edge of the main element and the leading edge of the 4. The sizes of surface tesselations are much less
flap creates a jet that accelerates the boundary layer on dependent upon the local ground clearance.
the suction side of the flap, thereby helping to prevent The last advantage facilitates an investigation of the
flow separation. This jet is in very close proximity to the effects of ride height, pitch angle and row angle on a car’s
front stagnation line on the flap. Hence, there are very aerodynamic characteristics. Firstly, the surface mesh on
large gradients of static pressure in this vicinity. There the body and its corresponding prism layers may be
are also large pressure gradients along the front stagna- quickly and easily translated and rotated for height, pitch
tion line of the main element. If these gradients are and roll changes. Then, after a few parameters describ-
poorly resolved, then there will be either “overshoots” or ing the existing set of coopered hex blocks are modified,
“undershoots” in static pressure elsewhere on the wing. GAMBIT can automatically create a new set of coopered
Prism layers are ideal for resolving such gradients. To hex blocks. Finally, a new enveloping tetrahedral mesh
avoid a collision between the prism layers from the main can be created automatically. Hence, the mesh genera-
element and the flap when extruding by aspect-ratio, tion effort for simulations of additional chassis setups is
smaller surface triangulation near the gap are required minimal.
on both elements. This typically requires strategically
non-uniform surface triangulation on both elements. The combination of tetrahedral and hexahedral zones
constitutes a zonal-hybrid mesh in Fluent Inc.’s terminol-
Given triangulated surfaces and the values of a few ogy. For a ground effects car, the viscous/zonal-hybrid
parameters, prism layers are automatically created by mesh is the most cost-effective choice. It offers high
either TGrid V3 or GAMBIT V1, the latter being Fluent accuracy and the best spatial resolution for a given total
Inc.’s newest preprocessor. Hence, the creation of 3-D cell-count.
prism zones essentially requires only a 2-D level of effort.
Tetrahedral Zones – Tetrahedra usually envelop all other
Hexahedral Mesh Zones – The underbody surfaces of a cell types. Their completely unstructured nature allows
high performance car frequently constitute a ground- them to grow to unlimited size while maintaining confor-
effects duct. It is known that ground effects are responsi- mal connectivity with their neighbors. Hence, they effi-
ble for approximately one-half of the total downward force ciently fill the remaining volume of the domain. This
generated by typical Championship cars (which formerly facilitates calculations for domains with a very low level of
were better known as “Indycars”). Hence, the overall solid blockage, as necessary for accurate external-aero
accuracy of a Championship car simulation depends predictions.
heavily upon the accuracy of the contribution from the
underbody, which depends upon the kind of mesh that is SOLUTION-ADAPTIVE MESH REFINEMENT – The
employed there. The underbody surfaces are smooth, wide range of length scales involved in the flow around
but the ground clearance is highly non-uniform. To pre- realistic car-like shapes with all of their appendages
vent prism layers on the underbody surfaces and the makes it difficult to create a mesh that resolves all of the
ground plane from colliding during extrusion by aspect- salient features of the flow. The difficulty is due to the
ratio, the sizes of the surface triangulation must be pro- fact that the flow field obviously is not known a priori.
portional to the local ground clearance. This requirement With traditional CFD tools, an accurate simulation typi-
occasionally makes it easier to create zones of semi- cally require many “remesh-and-recompute” cycles,
unstructured hexahedra under the car. An example of a which translates into a tremendous amount of analysis
set of such zones is shown in Figure 1. time. The search for an optimum mesh for a given car
geometry can be greatly facilitated by solution-adaptive

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mesh refinement, which permits the user to refine the might be, then no amount of solution-adaptive mesh
mesh locally and selectively only where it is necessary as refinement will yield a completely satisfactory result. Fur-
indicated by the solution itself. The authors believe that thermore, the size of the region of significant discrepancy
solution-adaptive mesh refinement is indispensable for with experimental measurements can be much larger
accurate aerodynamics simulations of the car-like than the size of the under-resolved key geometric fea-
shapes. ture. One example of such key geometric features is the
surface curvature near the front stagnation line on an air-
One can use different mesh refinement strategies
foil element.
depending on the application and the flow physics. How-
ever, in external aerodynamics applications, mesh refine-
NUMERICS – FLUENT V5 [4,5] is capable of computing
ment based on gradients of static pressure has been
solutions on unstructured meshes with a variety of cell
found most effective in improving the accuracy of the
topologies. The tetrahedron usually is the element of
static pressure field and, ultimately, the aerodynamic
choice for CFD simulations, in light of the desirable fea-
forces. After each adaptation, 75-100 iterations usually
ture that tetrahedra efficiently fill any volumetric region
are sufficient to re-converge the solution to residual val-
bounded by arbitrary surfaces, and that high-quality (low-
ues that are comparable to those before the adaptation.
skewness) tetrahedral meshes can be created automati-
An adaptation cycle constitutes one mesh adaptation and
cally from triangulated surfaces. Hence, the task of creat-
the computation of its convergence transient. Experience
ing a volume-mesh essentially collapses to one of
has shown that more adaptation cycles, each on a
creating a set of surface-meshes, and that requires only a
smaller percentage of the cells, is better than fewer adap-
2-D level of user effort.
tation cycles, each on a larger percentage of the cells.
Based many simulations performed by Fluent Inc. and Cell-centered control-volume finite-difference flow field
those by our customers under advice from Fluent Inc., codes, such as FLUENT V5, require the cell-centroid val-
the predicted aerodynamic coefficients at the end of the ues of the dependent variables to be interpolated to the
adaptation process typically agree with their wind tunnel face centroids of each cell so that the convective fluxes
counterparts to within 1-3%. on the faces of the cells can be evaluated. In this con-
text, a tetrahedron is less desirable as a wall-adjacent
It should be emphasized that solution-adaptive mesh
element. This stems from the fact that the face centroids
refinement is necessary for external aerodynamics simu-
of a wall-adjacent tetrahedron are not the same distance
lations with FLUENT V5 only when the objective is wind
from the wall as the corresponding volume centroid.
tunnel verifiable values of the aerodynamic coefficients.
Hence, for a wall-adjacent tetrahedron, the direction of
If the objective were a valid conclusion about which
interpolation has a component that is normal to the wall.
design is the best among multiple candidates, however,
In FLUENT V5, these interpolations are second-order
then adaptation usually is merely optional. This is
accurate, just like the finite-differences are. However,
because a non-adapted viscous-hybrid mesh that satis-
inside the boundary layer, wall-normal gradients of the
fies the criteria expressed in the above Surface Triangula-
mean flow quantities usually dominate wall-parallel gradi-
tion section, when combined with appropriate
ents. This is especially true for the momentum and the
differencing schemes and physical models, resolves
turbulence equations. Under these circumstances, sec-
most of the fundamental features of the flow field, so the
ond-order-accurate interpolations might not be suffi-
corresponding well-converged solution is adequate for
ciently accurate. For the momentum equations, for
qualitative comparisons. Based again on many external-
instance, this is because the profile for the wall-parallel
aero simulations performed by Fluent Inc. and those by
velocity typically is similar to a one-seventh-power law.
our customers under advice from Fluent Inc., the drag
The overall effect is tantamount to well known numerical
coefficient from a good solution on a non-adapted mesh
diffusion in the context of a structured mesh, which usu-
typically exceeds the corresponding wind tunnel value by
ally becomes significant when the flow direction is not
15%. The magnitude of the predicted lift coefficient is
well aligned with the mesh.
similarly excessive. Therefore, a good solution on a non-
adapted mesh combined with prior experience in simulat- Low-skewness parallelepiped elements, typically underly-
ing the same class of vehicles can lead to very realistic ing structured or block-structured meshes, yield a mesh
estimates of the aerodynamic coefficients. that is nicely aligned with the flow in the near-wall region.
Furthermore, the face centroids and volume centroids of
Solution-adaptive mesh refinement is also useful for elim-
the wall-adjacent elements are at roughly the same
inating an oscillatory solution in a steady-flow calculation
height above the cell base, i.e., the wall surface. Hence,
on a less-than-ideal non-adapted mesh. Oscillations fre-
a low-skewness wall-adjacent hexahedron is less prone
quently are due to a volume mesh that is too coarse to
to the interpolation error that a wall-adjacent tetrahedron
resolve an important feature in the flow field. Once
inherently fosters. The strategy proposed in this paper
again, the best quantity for adaptation is the gradient of
makes use of prisms that preserve the same benefits that
static pressure. The amplitude of an oscillation generally
hexahedral elements offer. These benefits also apply to
decreases with each adaptation cycle.
the wall-adjacent prisms, which are extruded from a trian-
However, if the surface mesh fails to resolve a key geo- gulated surface in the direction of the local surface nor-
metric feature adequately, regardless of how small it mal. In general, inside the boundary layer, any layered

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element is preferable to a tetrahedron. Other reasons for turbulence modeling. This is especially true when it
this conclusion are as follows: comes to the flow around ground vehicles, whose salient
features include three-dimensional boundary layers with
1. Layered elements are automatically aligned with con-
strong crossflow and streamline curvature, possibly vari-
vection along the wall.
ous types of separation on the body, subsequent stream-
2. Layered elements are automatically aligned with dif- wise evolution of ensuing shear layers and vortices, etc.
fusion normal to the wall. These features require a turbulence model that can prop-
3. A viscous-hybrid mesh, featuring layered elements of erly account for anisotropy and non-equilibrium effects.
appropriate aspect-ratio throughout the boundary
Surveying recent literature shows that there are numer-
layer on every wall and tetrahedra everywhere else,
ous engineering turbulence models, ranging from simple
better resolves wall-normal gradients of static pres-
algebraic models to second-moment closure models.
sure and yields lower values of wall y + than a pure-
Among them, the original k-ε model proposed by Launder
tetrahedral mesh of the same cell count.
and Spalding almost three decades ago (which is hereaf-
In external aerodynamics simulations, gradients outside ter referred to as the “standard k-ε model”) still seems to
the boundary layers generally are much smaller than be the model that is used most widely by the external
wall-normal gradients inside the boundary layers. Out- aerodynamics community, because it is simple, robust
side the boundary layers, low-skewness tetrahedra, com- and reasonably accurate. Nevertheless, conventional k-ε
bined with FLUENT V5’s second-order-accurate models have inherent drawbacks associated with their
interpolations and finite differences, provide accuracy underlying hypotheses of an isotropic eddy-viscosity.
that is comparable to that of any other cell topology. Many investigators have found them to give mediocre
results in situations where the flow is dominated by
In FLUENT V5, as in its preceding versions, a user may
strong anisotropic turbulence and non-equilibrium effects.
choose among several different discretization schemes
for the convection terms. By default, the convection terms One particularly well known drawback, among many oth-
are discretized with a first-order accurate upwind ers, of conventional k-ε models in bluff-body aerodynam-
scheme. However, FLUENT V5 also offers the option of ics (which is closely related to ground-vehicle
an unconditionally stable second-order-accurate convec- aerodynamics) is that they tend to over-predict the turbu-
tion discretization scheme. The discretizations for all lent kinetic energy and, consequently, turbulent viscosity
other terms in the governing equations are second-order near front stagnation points. This quite often leads to an
accurate. over-prediction of the pressure coefficient at stagnation
points, (Cp)max , which obviously will impact the form
At the start of calculations, when the initialized solution
drag on the body. It is not unusual for (Cp)max, as pre-
usually represents a very poor approximation of the con-
dicted by k-ε models, to be well in excess of 1.0.
verged result, the non-linear terms can cause conver-
Depending upon the local flow characteristics, it is physi-
gence problems. Heavy under-relaxation is one remedy
cally possible for (Cp)max to exceed 1.0 (e.g., See Ref. [6]
often resorted to; another workaround is using less
page 266 and Ref. [7]); however, the values predicted by
under-relaxation combined with the first-order-upwind
conventional k-ε models are unrealistically high. This
convection discretization scheme. The latter course is
erroneous prediction of (Cp) max by the k-ε models is due
usually better. First-order upwind produces considerable
to the Boussinesq’s isotropic eddy-viscosity assump-
artificial diffusion, thereby dampening numerical instabili-
tion. The mediocre performance shown by conventional
ties. But the dampening tends to be strategically local; it
k-ε models has prompted the pursuit of better alterna-
generally is greater where the initialized flow field repre-
tives. In the last few years, one increasingly encounters
sents a worse approximation. In contrast, reduced
industrial flow simulations employing second-moment
under-relaxation factors penalize the solution’s rate of
closure models, in which transport equations for the indi-
convergence everywhere. For this reason, at the start of
vidual Reynolds stresses are solved. The Reynolds
calculations it is advantageous to employ the first-order-
Stress transport Model (RSM) rigorously accounts for
upwind convection discretization scheme but with stan-
anisotropy of turbulence and the transports of all Rey-
dard under-relaxation. After approximately the first 50–
nolds stresses. For one thing, the RSM gives much more
100 iterations, the switch usually can be made to the sec-
realistic stagnation pressures.
ond-order-accurate scheme which reduces artificial diffu-
sion and better captures the gradients in the flow. Despite the greater potential offered by the second-
moment closure, the RSM has not been used widely for
The sophisticated numerics in FLUENT V5 [4,5] com-
industrial applications. One reason for the limited use of
bined with the Reynolds Stress transport Model (RSM)
the RSM perhaps lies in the perception that it incurs a
yield significantly lower amounts of artificial diffusion
significantly higher cost. However, the overhead of using
compared to most other codes.
the RSM is not as great as many would expect. In light of
the number of additional transport equations for the indi-
vidual Reynolds stresses, one might conclude that the
CPU-time per iteration and dynamic memory required for
Core Turbulence Model – The fidelity of CFD predictions
an RSM calculation are much greater than those for an
for turbulent flow is highly dependent upon the quality of

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otherwise identical k-epsilon calculation. That is not true. line contours, most of the near-wall velocity inside the
The CPU-time per iteration does not scale linearly with separation bubble does indeed represent recirculation;
the number of equations being solved, because the pres- it’s just not readily apparent due to the locally small veloc-
sure (correction) equation consumes a disproportionate ity magnitudes.) This example emphatically demon-
amount of computational effort in comparison to the other strates the importance of turbulence modeling in the CFD
transport equations. analysis of the flow around ground vehicles.
The RSM in FLUENT 5 is based on the models of Gibson
Near-Wall Modeling – For high-Reynolds-number flows,
and Launder [8] and, more recently, Speziale et al. [9],
such as the flows around ground vehicles, it is a well rec-
and it is implemented in the framework of an unstructured
ognized fact that resolving the near-wall region all the
mesh. When the RSM is used in FLUENT V5, the com-
way down to the viscous sub-layer is not a practical
putation typically requires approximately 40 % more
option, because the number of cells that must be allo-
CPU-time/iteration and 20% more dynamic memory than
cated in near-wall regions is prohibitively large. For
a calculation with the standard k-ε model. The overhead
example, one of our recent projects involved simulating
in terms of total CPU-time can vary from case to case,
the flow around a covered-wheeled racing car at 210 km/
depending on the flow being computed, because the
hr. The final adapted mesh contained approximately 9.25
RSM rigorously accounts for individual Reynolds
million cells, a significant portion of which was allocated
stresses, and there can be strong interactions among the
in near-wall regions. Despite this very large number of
Reynolds stresses themselves. RSM simulations seldom
cells and a very fine mesh near the walls, the values of
require more than twice as many iterations as k-ε simula-
wall y+ on the top-side surfaces of the car were mostly in
tions, and they occasionally require only the same num-
the range, 50-350. This is a telltale of the fact that it is
ber of iterations.
still impractical to resolve near-wall regions all the way
Before we present examples that are relevant to the main down to the viscous sub-layer with a mesh that can reli-
theme of this paper, i.e., car aerodynamics, it would be ably predict strong elliptic effects, such as flow separa-
useful to examine what impact turbulence modeling can tion.
have on the fidelity of CFD predictions. Here we will use
It is well known that wall functions are based on semi-
an example that has a direct bearing on the boundary
empirical formulae that are derived from simple canonical
layer over a car shape. The example is a two-dimen-
flows, such as fully-developed channel/pipe flows, and, at
sional steady boundary layer flow over a smooth bump,
best, equilibrium boundary layers. One might argue that
which was studied experimentally by Baskaran et al. [10].
the wall function approach falls short of representing the
The mesh is shown in Figure 2. The upstream flow is a
flows around ground vehicles, which can substantially
flat-plate turbulent boundary layer flow. As the boundary
depart from simple equilibrium turbulent boundary layers.
layer passes the bump, it is subjected to streamline cur-
However, it should be noted that almost all of the low-
vature of alternating signs, i.e., convex and concave, and
Reynolds-number models for resolving the viscous sub-
strong favorable and adverse pressure gradients, respec-
layer actually rely on semi-empirical formulae for the so-
tively. The experimental data indicate that there is incipi-
called “damping functions” which represent the effects of
ent separation on the leeward side of the bump about
a wall’s presence. Hence, low-Reynolds-number models
1.1m aft of the bump’s leading (i.e., upstream-most)
may also be criticized for some dependence on empiri-
point. The freestream Reynolds number per unit length
cism. In actuality, the performance of the low-Re models
is approximately 1.33 x 10 6 1/m. The computations were
has not been convincing enough so far.
performed on a 170 x 90 quadrilateral mesh using three
different k-ε models (i.e., the standard, the realizable, and To overcome the well-known drawbacks of traditional wall
the RNG models) and a second-moment closure model functions, FLUENT offers a novel wall function approach,
(i.e., the RSM). Wall functions were employed for wall called non-equilibrium wall functions (NWF’s) [11].
boundary conditions. Figures 3 and 4 show the predicted Among the attributes, NWF’s are sensitized to the effects
pressure and skin-friction distributions. Note that x = 0 of pressure gradient. This feature is of great potential
corresponds to the leading point, and the trailing point is benefit to the prediction of ground-vehicle aerodynamics.
located at about x = 1.284 m. All four turbulence models It partially accounts for the “wake” aspect of the velocity
yield practically identical pressure distributions over the inside turbulent boundary layers, and it tends to compen-
upstream half of the bump. However, the predictions sate for the effects of higher-than-ideal values of wall y+
depart from each other downstream of the crest. The k-ε in high-Reynolds-number flows around typical vehicle
models are shown to significantly over-predict the pres- shapes. Besides being sensitized to the pressure gradi-
sure recovery in the recirculation region, although the ent, NWF’s account for the effects of the local variation in
RNG k-ε model and the realizable k-ε model slightly the thickness of the viscous sublayer when computing the
reduce the discrepancy. It is clear that the best prediction turbulence kinetic energy budget in wall-adjacent cells
is given by the RSM. The same ranking can also be [11].
made from the skin-friction distributions; the RSM yields
In addition to these feature, the NWF’s incorporate a judi-
the best result of all. It also predicts accurately the onset
cious choice of reference velocity that is based on the
and the extent of flow separation, which is illustrated in
local value of turbulence kinetic energy. This extends the
Figure 5. (Note: Completely consistent with the stream-

Downloaded from SAE International by Univ of California Berkeley, Thursday, July 26, 2018

validity of the NWF’s such that they yield reasonable body's contribution to Cd while considerably under-pre-
results even near separation and reattachment points, as dicting the aftbody's contribution, such that one gets a
demonstrated in [11]. good Cd through compensating errors. In fact, forebody
over-prediction and aftbody under-prediction are the
It is recommended that NWF’s be selected for external-
usual trends. A comparison of the predicted and mea-
aero simulations. Compared to traditional wall functions,
sured force coefficients by zone follows:
NWF’s provide more realistic predictions of the behavior
of turbulent boundary layers, including flow separation,
and they do so without a significant increase in either Surface zone FLUENT exp.
CPU-time or dynamic memory. front surface (pressure only) 0.037 0.016
slant surface (pressure only) 0.193 0.213
EXAMPLES base surface (pressure only) 0.083 0.092
total (pressure + viscous) 0.361 0.378
AHMED BODY – The Ahmed body with the 30-degree
base-slant angle has long represented a difficult chal- CHAMPIONSHIP CAR HIGH-DOWNFORCE REAR
lenge for external-aero simulation. A rear view of the WING – The surface mesh for a high-downward-force
surface mesh for the FLUENT simulation is shown in Fig- two-element rear wing from a Championship car is shown
ure 6. The model features mounting struts exactly as in Figure 8. As usual, a viscous-hybrid mesh was
used in the experiment, a plane of symmetry and a 0.5% employed for this simulation. The domain boundaries
solid-blockage domain that approximates the open-sec- constituted a low-solid-blockage wind tunnel with a plane
tion wind tunnel of the experiment. A stationary ground- of symmetry.
plane was used. The corresponding volume mesh was of
the viscous-hybrid type, containing 704 Kcells. The initial An enlargement of the surface mesh in the critical area of
mesh proved to be fine enough that no solution-adaptive the gap between the main element and the flap is shown
mesh refinement was necessary. in Figure 9. Due to the close proximity of the stagnation
line on the flap and the jet created by the gap, a very
Figure 7, sketched by Ahmed et al. [4] from their experi- large pressure gradient exists in this vicinity. If this pres-
mental data, illustrates the richly structured wake flow sure gradient were under-resolved, then regions of over-
that has long defied simulation. An important feature of predicted and under-predicted static pressures would
the flow field for the 30-degree base slant is the partial exist over a considerable portion of the wing, resulting in
separation on the slant surface. erroneous aerodynamic coefficients and center of pres-
With the k-ε turbulence model, the FLUENT simulation sure. The quadrilaterals on the endplate represent the
did not separate on the slant surface. With the RSM and sides of prism layer that were extruded by aspect-ratio.
no other changes, the flow on the slant surface partially In addition to providing the above-mentioned desirable
separated in precise accordance with the experiment. effects of layered elements, the moderately high aspect-
Figure C1 provides a comparison of the cell-averaged ratio prism layers inherently provided good resolution of
effective viscosity and velocity for the wall-adjacent the large wall-normal pressure gradients.
prisms on the slant surface from the k-ε epsilon and the This was a completely blind simulation that was done for
RSM simulations. (Note: The effective viscosity is pro- a leading CART (i.e., Championship Auto Racing Teams)
portional to the turbulence Reynolds number, which is a competitor as a FLUENT validation exercise. The domain
measure of the strength of turbulence mixing. Although boundaries for the simulation represented the working
the RSM does not explicitly utilize an effective viscosity in section of the University of Maryland wind tunnel, in
its formulation, the quantity nonetheless is meaningful in which experimental measurements for the wing alone
an RSM simulation. In Figure C1, the color spectrum is had been made. A stationary ground-plane was used in
standard, i.e., red implies high, and blue implies low.) both the experiment and the simulation. The volume
On average, the effective viscosity in the wall-adjacent mesh initially contained 500 Kcells. After five solution-
prisms from the RSM are lower than that from k-ε by a adaptive mesh refinements, it contained 735 Kcells.
factor of 1.5-2.0. This fact and its consequences are con- Adaptation began after 500 iterations on the non-adapted
sistent with the well known behavior of the isotropic eddy- mesh and it was repeated at 100-iteration intervals there-
viscosity k-ε model, i.e., it over-predicts the effective vis- after. The RSM was employed.
cosity in regions where the turbulence is considerably
anisotropic. The pathlines and velocities in Figure C2 Figure 10 shows that the adaptation process resulted in
correspond to the RSM simulation which, when com- an overall change of more than 10% for each of the aero-
pared against Figure 7, demonstrates that the simulation dynamic coefficients, and that each coefficient was very
reproduced all of the salient flow features of the experi- nearly stationary with iteration at the end. (Note: The
ment. compression of the abscissa axes, made necessary by
space limitations, gives an exaggerated impression of the
A successful simulation of the 30-degree base-slant coefficient variations near the end of the calculation.)
Ahmed body involves more than just a good match This was confirmed by two subsequent adaptations (not
between the predicted and the experimental values of shown) which yielded changes of only approximately 1%.
Cd. It's possible to over-predict considerably the fore-

Downloaded from SAE International by Univ of California Berkeley, Thursday, July 26, 2018

After the fifth adaptation, the downforce-to-drag-ratio was communication between adjacent cells is based in part
3.26 (it was 3.28 after the seventh one) versus 3.28 from on interpolation. Mesh adaptation, even during parallel
wind tunnel measurements, which represents a discrep- processing, remains possible. Besides offering conve-
ancy of 0.6%. The simulation-versus-experiment dis- nience during mesh generation and providing generally
crepancies for Cd and Cl were both approximately 2.5%. better cell-skewness characteristics in the immediate
Hence, the discrepancies in the individual coefficients vicinity, NCI’s result in a cell count that is significantly less
were slightly larger than the discrepancy in the ratio of than that in the corresponding purely- conformal mesh.
the coefficients. This was attributed by the CART compet- In the case of the modern sedan, the reduction in cell-
itor to very slight differences between the setups of the count amounted to approximately 33%! The initial vis-
simulation and the experiment. cous-hybrid mesh contained 1.6 Mcells. After two adap-
tations, the mesh had grown to 2.2 Mcells. Figure 11
The pathlines and static pressure in Figure C3 demon-
indicates that most of the adapted cells are in the vicinity
strate that there is considerable spanwise non-uniformity
of the A-pillar, C-pillar and the wheel/tire assemblies.
along the wing. For instance, the static pressure on the
suction side of the main element is locally higher above Cd decreased during the two adaptations by approxi-
the pylon. This corresponds to two small separation mately 6% to 0.347, as shown in Figure 12. Experimen-
regions, one on each side of the pylon, which were tal measurements indicated Cd ≈ 0.32 (Note: No
induced by interactions with the pylon. Also, there is a experimental value of Cl was available for comparison.),
strong recirculation region on the endplate below the suc- so this simulation probably would have benefited from
tion side of the main element that resulted from an out- further adaptation. However, its primary purpose was to
board-to-inboard flow under the endplate. showcase the efficacy of the NCI’s, and in this regard it
was completely successful. Five adaptations usually suf-
MODERN SEDAN – As suggested by the semi-transpar- fices for wind tunnel verifiable values of the aerodynamic
ent geometry in Figure C4, the modern sedan simulation coefficients.
represented a combined external-aero/underhood simu-
Pathlines plots, like those in Figure C4, revealed a small
lation that featured a completely detailed engine com-
separation bubble on the rear decklid at the base of the
partment and undercarriage. The domain boundaries for
the simulation represented the working section of the
Lockheed wind tunnel, where experimental measure-
ments had been made. A stationary ground-plane was
used in both the experiment and the simulation. The heat
This paper addressed major issues impacting the quality
exchanger was modeled in lumped-parameter form as a
of CFD predictions for the external aerodynamics of
porous medium, using the measured loss characteristics
ground vehicles, covering mesh, numerics, and turbu-
of the production unit. A fan model was employed for the
lence modeling, and proposing a practical approach that
cooling fan, and it too was based on the measured perfor-
is geared to produce CFD predictions of high fidelity with
mance characteristics of the production unit.
reasonable solution turnaround time. It is concluded;
Successful aerodynamics predictions for realistic ground
1. The unstructured hybrid mesh with a solution-adap-
vehicles require an accurate determination of the splits
tive mesh refinement capability is of great benefit to
among the over-vehicle, through-vehicle and under-vehi-
the CFD prediction of external aerodynamic flows
cle turbulent flows. The latter two constituents share
around ground vehicles. In particular, the meshing
more features with high-Reynolds-number internal flows
strategy of using tetrahedral elements in combination
than they do with typical external flows over bodies in
with prismatic near-wall elements is a very viable
unbounded domains. Consequently, the accuracy of an
approach in terms of its significant reduction in
external-aero simulation depends significantly upon the
meshing time, its flexibility in dealing with compli-
accuracy of the code’s predictions for internal flows.
cated geometry, and its ability to resolve widely-vary-
FLUENT’s finite-volume formulation applied to the steady
ing length scales in the flow.
RANS equations has proven to be successful for a wide
range of flows, including internal flows. 2. Steady RANS simulation, in combination with sec-
ond-moment turbulence closure and wall functions,
Figure 11 shows the final adapted surface mesh. Due to represents a cost-effective strategy for modeling the
significant underhood and undercarriage asymmetries, salient features of turbulent flows past ground vehi-
no plane of symmetry was employed. The domain cles, such as strong streamline curvature, crossflow,
boundaries represented a moderately low-solid-blockage three-dimensional separation, and flow reversal.
wind tunnel. The prism-cap (i.e., the outermost prism
3. Still demanding a considerable computational effort,
layer) is shown over the body surfaces in Figure C4.
routine CFD simulations of external aerodynamic
Noteworthy are the non-conformal interfaces (NCI’s)
flows around ground vehicles, using the tools and
which provide an interface between cells of different
approaches described in the present paper, are now
topology that are adjacent but share no nodes. At NCI’s,
within the reach of engineers and designers.

Downloaded from SAE International by Univ of California Berkeley, Thursday, July 26, 2018

REFERENCES 8. Gibson, M.M. and Launder, B.E., Ground Effects on

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4. Mathur, S.R. and Murthy, J.Y., A Pressure-Based 11. Kim, S.E. and Choudhury, D., A Near-Wall Treatment
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5. Kim, S.-E., Mathur, S.R., Murthy, J.Y., and
Choudhury, D., A Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes 12. Ahmed, S. R., Ramm, G. and Faltin, G., "Some
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Downloaded from SAE International by Univ of California Berkeley, Thursday, July 26, 2018

Figure 1. “Coopered” hex blocks inside a ground- Figure 4. 2-D bump. Comparison among cf values
effects duct. from simulation and experiments.

Figure 2. Mesh for a 2-D bump. Figure 5. Velocities and streamlines the on leeward
side of a 2-D bump.

Figure 3. 2-D bump. Comparison among cp values

from simulations and experiment. Figure 6. Surface mesh for Ahmed body with 30-deg.
base-slant angle (Rear view).

Downloaded from SAE International by Univ of California Berkeley, Thursday, July 26, 2018

Figure 10. Aerodynamic coefficients vs. iteration and

Figure 7. Sketch of experimental data from Ahmed et al adaption from the Championship car rear
(1984). wing.

Figure 11. Surface mesh (adapted) for the modern

Figure 8. Surface mesh (adapted) for the
Championship car high-downforce rear wing.

Figure 12. Cd vs. iteration and adaption from the modern

sedan simulation.

Figure 9. Figure 8 viewing the gap between main

element and flap at endplate.

Downloaded from SAE International by Univ of California Berkeley, Thursday, July 26, 2018

Figure C1. μeff and velocities on 30-deg. Ahmed body

slant surface from k-ε (left) and RSM (right).

Figure C3. Static pressures and pathlines for the

Championship car rear wing.

Figure C2. Pathlines and velocities at the rear of 30-deg.

Ahmed body. (Compare with Figure 7.)

Downloaded from SAE International by Univ of California Berkeley, Thursday, July 26, 2018

Figure C4. Modern sedan “x-rayed”; prism-cap over body, and static pressures and pathlines.


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