南外小升初真题汇编与解析-空中英语学校 - 0805

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南外小升初 10-19 年真题汇编及解析

第一章 日常生活.........................................................................................................................................................1

一、 关于“我”...........................................................................................................................................1

二、 关于家庭........................................................................................................................................................2

三、 电脑常识........................................................................................................................................................2

四、 日常生活.........................................................................................................................................................3

五、 交际用语........................................................................................................................................................9

第二章 英语基础知识...............................................................................................................................................13

一、 词汇释义.......................................................................................................................................................13

二、 词汇拼写.......................................................................................................................................................19

三、 单词读音.......................................................................................................................................................23

四、 同音异意词...................................................................................................................................................28

五、 造词法的学习...............................................................................................................................................29

六、 日期、星期、月份、季节等的表达...........................................................................................................30

七、 职业.............................................................................................................................................................. 32

八、 常见英文缩略...............................................................................................................................................33

九、 俚语...............................................................................................................................................................34

第三章 传统文化.......................................................................................................................................................37

一、 南京风情.......................................................................................................................................................37
二、 国情概况......................................................................................................................................................39

三、 历史拾遗......................................................................................................................................................40

四、 大家风范.......................................................................................................................................................41

第四章 文学经典.......................................................................................................................................................42

一、 世界名著.......................................................................................................................................................42

二、 文学体裁......................................................................................................................................................44

三、 电影体裁.......................................................................................................................................................45

第五章 科学世界 ......................................................................................................................................................47

一、 生物.............................................................................................................................................................. 47

二、 地理.............................................................................................................................................................. 55

三、 物理...............................................................................................................................................................57

四、 化学.............................................................................................................................................................. 58

五、 音乐.............................................................................................................................................................. 58

六、 交通工具......................................................................................................................................................59

七、 生活常识.......................................................................................................................................................61

第六章 课内语文.......................................................................................................................................................65

一、 成语.............................................................................................................................................................. 65

二、 古诗、文言文理解.......................................................................................................................................65

三、 文学常识如作者、创作背景、主题........................................................................................................... 69
四、 古诗翻译......................................................................................................................................................71

第七章 多元文化 ......................................................................................................................................................72

一、 世界概览......................................................................................................................................................72

二、 世界文化......................................................................................................................................................74

三、 世界历史......................................................................................................................................................74

四、 中西方节日................................................................................................................................................. 75

五、 西方名人传记...............................................................................................................................................77

六、 西方价值观................................................................................................................................................. 79

第八章 综合题 .......................................................................................................................................................... 81

一、 看视频回答问题...........................................................................................................................................81

二、 英文歌..........................................................................................................................................................84

三、 逻辑推理题...................................................................................................................................................86

四、 脑筋急转弯................................................................................................................................................. 91

五、 图画图表题...................................................................................................................................................95

六、 阅读理解题.................................................................................................................................................102

第九章 放眼看世界.................................................................................................................................................126

一、 时事热点.....................................................................................................................................................126
二、 网络热议话题........................................................................................................................................... 129
第一章 日常生活

一、 关于“我”

1. 根据下图配对面部表情 (2016 年综合能力测试真题)

A. You can make the person burst out laughing by opening the mouth and showing the teeth.

B. Frightened ( 吓 坏 了 ). Face is pale and bluish. Hair stands on end. Eyes are wide open.

C. Frowning (皱眉的) forehead and drooping mouth make the person look worried.

D. Winking. Mouth goes up on side where eyes is closed.

E. Sly (狡计的). Eyes look sideways and mouth is small.

F. Very angry. Mouth is wide open in a loud shout.

G. Happiness is shown by a smiling mouth. Drawing the eyes as shown as gives a cheerful

H. Thoughtful. Eyes look up and sideways.

I. Sad. Mouth and eyebrows (眉毛) droop.

J. Angry. Use straight lines for the mouth and eyebrows.

K. Yawning. Nose is pushed up to eyes, which are closed. Mouth is wide open showing teeth.

L. A wavy line for the mouth and drooping ( 消 沉 的 ) eyes give a bored look.


【解析】对人的面部表情、情感的判断是南外小升初试题比较新颖的考点。常常出现在视频题中,要求学 生根

二、 关于家庭

1. A is your dad’s or mum’s sister. (2017 年南外面测真题)



三、 电脑常识

1. 参考下图填空 (2016 年综合能力测试真题)

1) The shows words and pictures.

2) You use the for typing in information.

3) The records (记录) information.

4) The helps you to control (控制) the computer.

5) We can hear the sound from the .

6) We put disks into the in the main unit.

【答案】1) monitor 2) keyboard 3) CD-ROM 4) mouse 5) speaker 6) drives

四、 日常生活

1. 创意阅读,吃早餐很重要,文章共 8 句。 (2017 年南外面测真题)

1. Do you eat breakfast?

2. Scientists say it is important to eat breakfast.

3. People who eat whole wheat bread is healthier than those who don’t.

4. My mother is good at making breakfast.

5. People who fail to eat breakfast tend to have more weight problems than those who eat it, so we

should pay more attention.

6. People who have breakfast later than usual eat more food.

7. Research shows good breakfast is closely related to good health.

8. So it is definitely important to eat breakfast.


1. Among the 8 sentences, which one is the topic sentence?

2. Which sentence has nothing to do with the topic?

3. What does “it” in the 5th sentence stand for?

4. What should be filled in the blank in the 6th sentence?

5. Which word in the passage has the similar meaning as the phrase “of course”?

【答案】1. The eighth one. 2. The fourth sentence. 3. Breakfast 4. much 5.



2. 口语交际园 (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

Last week was National Day holiday. Today is the first day of school after the holidays. Helen goes

to school early. Before class she meets Nancy on the playground.

Helen: What did you do last week?

Nancy: I w a movie with my parents on Wednesday.

Helen: Do you like the movie?

Nancy: Yes. It is an i cartoon. We like it very much. What did you do?

Helen: I visited a farm with my family on Monday and Tuesday.

Nancy: What did you do on the farm?

Helen: On Monday, we p the trees and pulled up carrots.

Nancy: What did you do on Tuesday?

Helen: We milked cows. It was fun!

Nancy: Really? What else did you do?

Helen: We collected the eggs.

Nancy: Are there any f trees on the farm?

Helen: Yes, there are apple trees and pear trees. We p and tasted a lot of oranges.

Nancy: Great! I also want to go there!

【答案】watched; interesting; planted; fruit; picked

【解析】与日常生活相关的对话。需要学生熟悉日常交流中常见的固定搭配,同时也应养成联系上下文答 题的

3. Promoting Advertisement (促销广告) (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

During Children’s Day period, there is a supermarket promotion advertising, “Below there are ten

kinds of goods ( 商 品 ) cheaper 25%.” Please find out the five kinds of goods.

(A) Lamp: Return a cash (现金) of 20 Yuan

(B) Soccer: Giving a 40-Yuan movie tickets

(C) Teddy bears :Giving a 30-Yuan book coupon (赠券)

(D) Pens: Buy three get one free

(E) Cell phones: Another 20% discount after 10%

(F) Cups: Buy two get one free

(G) Calculator: Giving a box of apples worth of 60 Yuan

(H) Bags: Giving a fare of 30 Yuan

(I) MP4: Giving a 100-Yuan phone CARDS

(J) Toy gun: Buy the first at the full price and get the second 50% off




4. Put these sentences in a right order. (The first answer has been given.) (2014 年综合能力


1) a. I think so. Why?

2) b. Bye!

3) c. Eight o’clock.

4) d. Virginia? This is Carol.

5) e. Hi, will you be free Saturday night?

6) f. Ok, Thanks! See you Saturday.

7) g. John and I are going to have a party. Would you like to come?

8) h. Oh, hi, Carol.

9) i. Sounds good! What time?

【答案】d, h, e, a, g, i, c, f, b

5. Choose the proper sentences to complete the following dialogue. (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

A: Hi. Are you being helped?

B: No, I’m not. (1)

A: All our scarves ( 围 巾 ) are in this section. (2) It’s made of silk.

B: Hm. it looks nice, but I’d like to have something warm for winter.

A: Maybe you would like a heavy wool scarf. How about this one?

B: I think that’s what I want. (3)

A: It’s… eighty yuan.

B: It’s a little expensive. (4)

A: Hm, since you like it so much, how about a 10 percent discount ( 折 扣 )?

B: That’s good. (5)

A: No problem. Is there anything else I can get for you?

B: No, that should be it. Thank you.

A. Do you think it’s possible to get a discount?

B. What do you think of this one here?

C. I’m interested in some scarves.

D. How do I look?

E. What can I do for you?

F. How much is it?

G. Could you wrap (包装) it up for me?

【答案】1) C 2) B 3) F 4) A 5) G

6. Where does each conversation probably happen? (写出地点,首字母已给) ( 2012 年 综 合 能 力


1) A: Logan Airport, please. I’ve got to there by 10:00.

B: You’ll be there in plenty of time.

In the t .

2) A: I’m sorry but I really have to leave.

B: Well, thank you for coming and dancing with me.

A: Thank you. We really had a good time.

At a p .

3) A: How would you like your steak?

B: Medium, please.

A: Baked, fried or mashed potatoes?

B: Mashed, please.

In the r .

4) A: What size are you?

B: I’m an extra large.

A: Would you like to try this one on?

In the s .

5) A: Hold on please. Sorry, he’s not here.

B: Can you leave the message?

On the p .

【答案】1) taxi 2) party 3) restaurant 4) shop 5) phone

7. Let’s make a card! Please order the following sentences with numbers 1-5. (2011 年综合能力测


( ) Write the message.

( ) Get a sheet of paper.

( ) Fold it in half. Fold it in half.

( ) On Thanksgiving Day, people like to send cards to each other. But how to make a card?

( ) Send the card.


五、 交际用语

1. Never mind is to Sorry as You’re welcome is to . (2017 年南外面测真题)


2. 礼貌用语 (2016 年综合能力测试真题)

When you do something bad and you feel sorry, you apologize to others. An excuse is a reason for

doing something bad.

Arthur: Sorry I’m late, Tony, but the minibus broke down, and there were no taxis.

Tony: That’s all right, Arthur. I’ve just got here myself, so I wasn’t waiting for long.

Arthur: And, Tony, I’m terribly sorry, but I’ve forgotten to bring the tickets with me.

Tony: Oh, don’t say that. How could you do that?

Arthur: It’s my memory. It’s so bad these days. I can’t remember anything anymore.

Tony: Then you’d better do something about it, hadn’t you?


1) How many times does Arthur apologize to Tony?

2) Which apology is stronger?

3) How many excuses does Arthur give?

4) Which excuse does Tony accept (接受)?

5) Which excuse does Tony reject (拒绝、排斥)?

6) Which suggestion (建议) does Tony make to Arthur?

【 答 案 】 1) Two. 2) I’m terribly sorry. / The second one. 3) Two or three. 4) The first one or

why he was late. 5) The second one or that he forgot to bring the tickets. 6) He’d better do

something about his bad memory.


3. 情景选择。 (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

1) –Thank you! – .

Which of the following is NOT right? (Multiple choice)

A. You’re welcome. B. Never mind. C. Don’t mention it. D. With pleasure.


【解析】Never mind(没关系,不用担心)用于当别人向你致歉或请别人放心或安慰别人时。With pleasure

表示很乐意做什么事,用来回答”Would you please…”/”Could you please help me…”等请求。

2) – I’m sorry to broke your window.

– . (Multiple choice)

A. You’re welcome. B. Never mind. C. All right! D. It doesn’t matter.


3) Mary is new in Nanjing. She wants to see a film, but she doesn’t know the way. She should ask

like . (Multiple choice)

A. Excuse me. Can you tell me where the cinema is?

B. Excuse me. How can I get to the cinema?

C. Excuse me. Is the cinema far from here?

D. Excuse me. Can you show me the way to the cinema?


4) – ?

– I want some hats. (Multiple choice)

A. What can I do for you?

B. Can you help me?

C. What do you want?

D. Can you give me a hand?

E. Can I help you?


5) – May I use your dictionary?

– . (Multiple choice)

A. Okay, here you are.

B. Sure.

C. Certainly.

D. No, you can’t.

E. No problem, but I can’t find it now.



第二章 英语基础知识

一、 词汇释义

1. In the alphabet, which letter is part of a person’s body? (2017 年南外面测真题)



2. 1) Working is to office as cooking is to . (2017 年南外面测真题)

2) Letter is to words as word is to .

【答案】1) kitchen 2) sentence

3. M are animals with long tails which run around the house. (2017 年南外面测真题)



4. F is filled with plants, trees, and land. (2017 年南外面测真题)


5. W are used when birds are flying. (2017 年南外面测真题)


6. 从乱序字母中找出人体部位的单词,并把标红的单词组成一个新词。 (2017 年南外面测真题)

【答案】1. mouth 2. hair 3. Stomach

7. 选词填空 (2017 年南外面测真题)

A. evaporate: When a liquid evaporates, it changes from a liquid state to a gas, because its

temperature has increased.

B. properly: correctly

C. theme: the main subject or idea

D. supply: an amount of something that is available to be used

E. remind: make someone remember something that they must do

F. reduce: make something smaller or less in size, amount, or price

G. pollute: make air, water, soil dirty

Many people think water is important and the water is scarce. The United Nation

wants to people of the importance of water, so they set a day as World Water Day. The

for this year is waste water. The factory should take actions first to deal with waste water.

We need to and reuse the waste water.

【答案】supply; remind; theme; properly; reduce

【解析】考察单词释义与阅读理解能力。PPT 右侧有英文解释,同时英文解释也在答题纸上出现。

8. 首字母填空 (2017 年南外面测真题)

W to school, a boy saw an old lady on his way to school. The bag was too heavy for the

lady to c .

The boy wanted to help the lady so he went up to help.

The bag was so heavy that they walked s . They walked a long way b they arrived

the old lady’s home. The boy didn’t want to be l , so he buried to school at once. When the boy

finally r school, he was tired but he felt very happy.

【答案】Walking; carry; slowly; before; late; reached

【解析】一个男孩去上学路上看见一个老婆婆,她的包太重,背不动。男孩走上去帮助她。老婆婆的包太 重
了,他们走的很慢,他们走了很久才走到了老婆婆的家,男孩不想迟到,他立即赶去学校,当他到了学 校时,他

9. 首字母填空 (2015 年综合能力测试真题)

1) Panda and rabbit both have short t .

2) A man and a clock both have a h .

3) Mailbox and Alphabet both have l .

【答案】tails; hand; letters

10. Read the sentences below and decide whether it’s descriptive ( 描 述 ) or comparative ( 比 较 ).

(2015 年综合能力测试真题)

1) He is as busy as a bee. ( )

2) There’s lots of homework to do. ( )

3) She is as beautiful as a butterfly. ( )

【答案】comparative; descriptive; comparative

11. Finish the following rhymes. (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

My Shirt’s Black

My shirt’s black but yours is white.

Your coat’s new but m is old.

Her cat’s but his is fat.

His dog’s but hers is short.

Our pens are long, but t are short.

Their bags are big but ours are .

【答案】mine; thin; tall; theirs; small

12. Fill in the blanks according to the text. (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

Mr. Smith is t a walk in the park. S , he sees something on the grass. It is a

ten-Yuan note. Mr. Smith looks around. There is no one nearby. He quickly walks to the note and

p it up. Then a park keeper comes up to him. The park keeper p to a sign on the grass.

He says to Mr. Smith, C you see the sign over there sir? It says, “PLEASE KEEP OFF THE

GRASS. FINE ¥10. ”Now, you should give me ten Yuan.

【答案】taking; Suddenly; picks; points; Can

13. Read the sentences. Write the missing words. These words are all end with letter “t”. ( 2012 年 综


1) Susan has got a mouse in her p .

2) Whales sometimes e penguins.

3) A butterfly eats plants but a polar bear eats m .

4) Kate has got a p . His name is Fang.

5) There are a lot of trees in a f .

6) Ip my book on the table.

7) Elephants eat a of food.

8) My friends go to school by bus, but I go on f .

【答案】pocket; eat; meat; pet; forest; put; lot; foot

14. What’s wrong with you? Can you fill the gaps? (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

1) If you eat ten hamburgers and six pizzas you will have a .

2) If you have a temperature, a runny nose, and sneeze and cough a lot, you have probably got a

3) If you have a lot of spicy food or sweet food. You got a pain in your tooth. You think you have

probably got a .

【答案】stomach; cold; toothache


15. Look at the leaflet. Complete it with the verbs below ( 用以下动词完成游乐园卡片, 不要重复哦).

(2012 年综合能力测试真题)

fly drive ride go

Welcome to the World’s Greatest Activity Center!

Try these amazing activities:

1) in a hot air balloon

2) on a banana boat

3) a motorbike or mountain bike

4) a go-kart

And have fun!

【答案】Fly; Go; Ride; Drive


16. Fill in the blanks with the proper prepositions (介词).(2012 年综合能力测试真题)

The thief went (1) the road. (2) the pavement. (3) the

gate, into the garden, along the path, up (4) the front door. Round the side of

the house, (5) the house, through the back window, out of the house at one

side, (6) two trees, out of the garden, through the back gate.

【答案】off; along; through; to; into; between

17. Choose the words and complete the sentences with their proper forms. ( 2011 年综合能力测


angry heavy fast safe quiet scary

1) It’s raining .

2) The crocodiles are much .

3) They came in .

4) She shouted at me .

5) The teacher is giving a speech about fire .

6) He was driving .

【答案】1) heavily 2) scarier 3) quietly 4) angrily 5) safety 6) fast

18. 首字母填空 (2011 年综合能力测试真题)

Two Americans travelled to Spain. They went to a little snack bar for l . But they cannot speak Spanish,

and the waiter can't speak E . They wanted some m for drink. They told the waiter,

and spelt it. But the waiter still can't understand what they want to do. One of t had an idea. He

took a p and a piece of paper. Then he drew a c on the paper. The waiter looked at it for a minute,

then he r out of the snack bar. The American said to his friend: Look, a pencil is important every time. A

few minutes later, the waiter c in. And there were two t of bull fight ( 斗 牛 ) in his hands!

【答案】lunch; English; milk; them; pen; cow; ran; came; teeth

19. 青春芳草园 (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

1) When you travel you want to take some photos you need a c .

2) People buy it and read it every day to know world events. N .

3) When the weather was very hot, you don’t have anything to drink, you feel t .

4) You write something in it every day, but you don’t want to let the others see. D .

【答案】1) camera 2) Newspaper 3) thirsty 4) Diary

二、 词汇拼写

1. 根据下面的密码,写出表示颜色的词(2018 年南外面测真题)


733 --- red

1) 2583

2) 47336

3) 94483

【答案】1) blue 2) green 3)white


2. Please rearrange the words to form another word. (2015 年综合能力测试真题)

teaser ( ) asleep ( ) lemons ( )

【答案】reseat/Easter; please; melons

3. Rearrange the following letters to make new words. (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

1) uiulebfat

2) iceayntrl

3) srpehap

4) helaeptn

【答案】1) beautiful 2) certainly 3) perhaps 4) elephant

4. Words fun. (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

a. Add a letter to the word from the clue you are given and you can make a new word.

1) h + what we breathe = something that grows out of your head

h+ =

2) p + what’s in a pen? = a color

p+ =

3) h+ not feeling well = a mound (小土堆)

h+ =

【答案】1) hair 2) pink 3) hill

b. Change one letter.

1) Change one letter from the word “free” to describe a large woody plant, usually with branches.

2) Change one letter from the word “sent” to form a word which describes what you sit on. It

can be another word for chair.

【答案】1) tree 2) seat

c. What is it?

1) This can come from a cow, a goat, or even a coconut!

2) My first is in TEACH and in CHIP.

My second is in BEG but not in BUG.

My third is in AREA but not in REED.

My fourth is in CARRY but not in CASH.

My last is in MOST and in BOTH.

My whole is a vital organ (重要器官) .

【答案】1) milk 2) heart

5. Below are 3 pairs of words. Choose the words that fit in the middle of each pair of words to create

two new words, one front-ended and one back-ended. (仿例子,中间填入一个单词,既能和前词合

成一个单词,又能和后边一词形成一个新词) (2011 年综合能力测试真题)


6. Three words that begin and end with the same letter, Y, have had all of their other letters removed

and placed into a pool. Put those letters back in their proper places. The number of missing letters

is given for each word. What are the words? (三个单词的开头和结尾的字母都一样,中间的字母被移

到了下面,请回复这些字母的位置,每个单词的字母个数已标出) (2011 年综合能力测试真题) Y(3)Y

Y(4)Y Y(7)Y

Pool: A, A, D, E, E, E, L, M, M, R, R, S, T, U

【答案】yummy; yearly; yesterday

【解析】本题可以由最长的 Yesterday 入手,再讲字母池中剩下的字母组合成两个单词。

7. These seemingly "nonsense" words have pairs of opposites in them.

For example: lshoorntg would be "Long /Short" (LshOorNtG).

If you've noticed, the letters in the words are always in the same order. Get the idea? Great! Now try these!

( 一对反义词混合在一起, 但每个单词的首字母先后顺序没有改变, 找出成对的反义词)

(2011 年综合能力测试真题)

1) sfalsotw 2) hsaofrtd 3) tsaholrlt

4) sromuooghth 5) nawrirodew 6) qlouiuedt

7) ospehunt 8) dliagrhkt

【答案】1) fast, slow 2) soft, hard 3) tall, short 4) smooth, rough

5) narrow, wide 6) quiet, loud 7) open, shut 8) dark, light

三、 单词读音

1. 根据单词发音,寻找每个单词音标中对应的 26 个字母。(2018 年南外面测真题)

Ben → N

ten left twelve desk



2. Listen to the recording and find out the points C3

C7 F3 F7 A5. Connect all the points and what shape

can you get? (2018 年南外面测真题)



3. Rhyming words match-up (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

Look at each picture and think of its name. Then look at the words at the bottom of these pictures.

Fill in the blanks below each picture with the word that rhymes( 押 韵 )with each picture’s name.( 请


1、 2、 3、 4、

5、 6、 7、 8、

9、 10、 11、 12、

A. car B. soap C. pan D. rain E. bake F. luck

G. spoon H. boat I. best J. tire K. bear L. wish

【答案】1. F (truck) 2. G (moon) 3. E (rake) 4. A (star) 5. K (chair) 6. L (fish)

7. J (fire) 8. D (train) 9. B (rope) 10. I (nest) 11. H (goat) 12. C (pan)

4. Phonetic drills (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

Here are several poems that we may not be familiar with. Please complete them with the given letter

in each line.


The finger family Paul is tall

Here is father, short and stout. This is Paul. He’s tall. Here

is mother with children all a 1 . This is Wyn. He is 5.

Here is brother, tall you see. This is Matt. He is 6.

Here is sister with a dolly on her k 2 . This is Mort. He is 7 .

Here is the baby, sure to g 3 . This is Guy. He is 8.

Here is the family all in a r 4 . This is Zig. He is 9 .

This is Mart. He is 10 .

【答案】around; knee; go; row; thin; fat; short; shy; big; smart.

【解析】不论是 2017 年以前的笔试题还是近两年的面测,单词的读音一直是南外小升初考试的重点。根


5. Fill in the blanks with the words which rhyme with the underlined parts. The first letter has been

given (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

My dear! I h Chinese New Y is getting n .

The light on my room is not very b t .

Get the m on my b out of the h .

The girl in yellow is watching the s by the w .

【答案】hear; Year; near / bright; tonight / mouse; blouse; house / snow; window

6. 小诗。 (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

Last week

Last week at camp, I had lots of fun.

Now I want to tell .

We played games and planted f .

We danced and sang s for hours.

In the evening, I played my g ,

By the campfire, under a b star.

When camping with good friends,

The fun never, never .

【答案】everyone; flowers; songs; guitar; bright; ends


7. Finish the following rhymes. (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

The Zoo
At the zoo we saw a bear But my favorite animal at the zoo

He had long, dark fuzzy h . Is the elephant--how about y ?

We saw a lion in a c .

He was in an awful rage.

We saw the big, long-necked g ,

And the silly monkeys made us laugh

【答案】hair; cage; giraffe; you

8. Finish the following rhymes. (2012 年综合能力测试真题)


Wisky, frisky, hippity, hop Down he scampers (奔跑) to the

Up he climbs to the tree t . g .

Whirly, twirly, round and round Where's his supper?

In a shell

Snappy, cracky, out it fell.

【答案】top; ground

9. Complete the following Tongue Twister. (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

A. .My Friend Gladys

Oh, the sadness of her sadness when she's sad.

Oh, the gladness of her gladness when she's g .

But the sadness of her sadness,

and the gladness of her gladness,

Are nothing like her m when she's mad

B. There is no need to light a night light on a light like tonight, for a bright night light is

just like a slight (微弱的) .

【答案】A) glad; madness B) night; light

【解析】本题虽然是绕口令形式,但考查的实际是英语基础知识。如 A 篇考查的是名词与形容词的词性转

换,B 篇考查的是根据给出的内容找出-ight 尾韵,再根据句意完成句子。

10. Do you know the following rhymes? Try to finish them. (2011 年综合能力测试真题)

1) Come here and meet us

Tick tock, tick tock. Look at the clock. It’s very late. It’s ten to e__1 .

A holiday full of love and joy, a holiday for everyone to e 2 .

All the animals today, are in blue and white shorts, they're doing different s 3 .

2) Just me

Eight pink fingers standing up tall,

Two little ears to head mummy c 5 ;

One little nose that I can b 6 ,

Ten pink t 7 all in a row.

Two little thumbs that wiggle up and d 8 ;

Two little feet to s 9 on the ground;

Hands to clap and eyes to see,

What f 10 it is to be just me!

【答案】1) eight; enjoy; sorts 2) call; blow; toes; down; stand; fun

11. Do you still remember the following sentences? Think it over and complete them. ( 2011 年 综 合 能


1) /i:/ He is r a book and e an ice c in the s .

2) /u:/ Come to my r this a . We’ll play with b and watch c .

【答案】1) reading; eating; cream; sea 2) room; afternoon; balloon; cartoon

四、 同音异意词

1. 同音异意词,没有提示,两个空都要填(2018 年南外面测真题)

1) can I the shoes?

2) Everyone clown has a big red .

3) Mum come , can you the song?

4) Although of our team members got a red card, we still the game.

【答案】1) Where; wear 2) knows; nose 3) here; hear4) one; won

【解析】考察的均为小学课本单词,难度在于没有给出任何提示,只有根据句意填出同音异意词,对学生 的单

2. Can you correct the wrong word with its homophony? (找出句中用错的词并用其同音词来改正,写在

横线上) (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

1) I can’t sea you.

2) The man was find for parking next to a fire hydrant (消防栓).

3) Do you like to play bored games?

4) I blue air into a balloon.

5) Don’t walk buy the river.

【答案】1) sea – see 2) find – fined (fine 罚款) 3) bored – board 4) blue – blew 5) buy

– by

【解析】同音异意词本身难度不大,但由于同音异意词同时考察了单词的发音、拼写、释义,所以一直是 南外

五、 造词法的学习

1. 根据英文解释,找到正确释义,组成新的合成词,选词填空 (2018 年南外面测真题)

botan- = plant

zoo- = animal

geo- = earth

anthro- = human

astro- = stars

-ist = experts

1) Someone who studies plants

a. biologist b. botanist

2) Someone who studies animals

a. zoologist b. oncologist

3) Someone who studies human

a. anthropologist b. anthologist

4) Someone who studies landscapes

a. gemologist b. geologist

5) Someone who studies the universe

a. astrologist b. audiologist

【答案】 baaba

【解析】提供词根词缀的英文解释,考察理解能力。考试中如果遇到未见过的单词,可根据词根词缀与造 词法

六、 日期、星期、月份、季节等的表达

1. Among the initial words of seven days, which one appears the latest in the alphabet? (2017 年南



【解析】熟悉一周七天的拼写。Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday.

According to international standard, Monday is the first day of the week. It is followed by Tuesday,

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sunday is the 7th and final day. Although this is the

international standard, several countries, including the United States, Canada, and Australia

consider Sunday as the start of the week.

2. Among the 12 months, which month begins with “F”? (2017 年南外面测真题)


【解析】熟悉一年 12 个月的拼写。

Januar Februar March April May June

y y

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun.

July August Septemb Octobe Novembe Decembe

er r r r

Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

A common year roughly adds up to 52 weeks of 7 days each plus 1 day – or 2 days, if it's a

leap year.

Each month has either 28, 30, or 31 days during a common year, which has 365 days. During leap

years, which occur nearly every 4 years, we add an extra (intercalary) day, Leap Day, on 29 February,

making leap years 366 days long.

3. Among the four seasons, which one begins with the first letter in the alphabet? (2017 年南外面测



【解析】熟悉一年四季的拼写。Four calendar-based seasons are generally recognized as spring,

summer, autumn or fall, and winter.

4. 根据所学过的英语课本中的内容把下列句子补充完整,注意要使语法正确哦!每空一词。
(2013 年综合能


The seasons

In 1 ,when the leaves start to fall.

I like to run, jump and kick a ball.

In 2 ,when there's lots of snow,

I stay at home and wait for 3 ,

And the fine weather it's going to bring.

I wait for 4 when the sun is hot,

Then I can play games and swim a 5 .

【答案】autumn, winter, spring, summer, lot

【解析】6B Unit 5 原文,尤其注意单词押韵。

七、 职业

1. Kelvin, Lemon, Nicola and Michael are gardener, florist, designer and symphony conductors


Kelvin is allergic to pollen.

Lemon only likes pop music.

Lemon and the florist are roommates.

Nicola, the symphony conductor and the gardener don’t know each other.

What’s Michael’s, Nicola’s and Lemon’s jobs respectively?

(Fill in the blanks with the capital letters of the jobs. Eg: “G” for “gardener”.)(2018 年南外面测真

园丁 设计师 音乐指挥家 花匠

Kelvin √

Lemon √

Nicola √

Michael √


2. P is a person who plays the piano. (job) (2017 年南外面测真题)


八、 常见英文缩略

1. 配对下列英文缩略词 (2016 年综合能力测试真题)

1) AD 2) BC 3) C 4) e.g. 5) etc.

6) hr(s) 7) i.e. 8) kg 9) m 10) NB

11) no. 12) sq cm 13) UN 14) wt.

a. hour(s) b. and the rest c. United Nations d. weight e. square


f. number g. before Christ’s birth h. for example i. after Christ’s birth j.


k. Celsius l. that is, in other words m. metre(s) n. pay attention to, note well

【答案】igkhb, aljmn, fecd


九、 俚语

1. 根据视频,从所给三个短语中选出两个填空对话。 (2017 年南外面测真题)

A: I forgot to bring a gift for you.

B: It’s okay, don’t worry about it. It is really hard to remember the date.

It’s .

A: By the way, what’s your plan for the summer? B:

It’s .

A: up in the air B. water under the bridge C. fair weather friend


【解析】Up in the air 悬而未决;water under the bridge 无法改变的事;fair weather friend 酒肉朋友

2. Fill in the blanks with the names of the body part normally used in the phrases below. (2014 年


1) He got his in the door. 他已经入门。

2) Her is to the wall. 她陷于必须背水一战的困境。

3) He is so thin that he’s nothing but and . 他瘦的皮包骨头。

4) I wanted him to get to the of the matter. 事情的本质。

5) They do not see to . 他们都不同意。

6) She knew that it went in one and out the other. 左耳进右耳出。

7) She is and over the rest. 出类拔萃。

【答案】1) foot 2) back 3) skin; bones 4) heart 5) eye; eye 6) eat 7) head;


3. Communication. (2011 年综合能力测试真题)

1) When my parents warned (警告) me that I was playing with fire, I was confused (困惑), because

I was nowhere near any fire. What did they mean?

A.They thought I was doing something risky ( 危 险 ), and might get hurt. B.

They thought I had gotten dirty playing with the ashes ( 灰 ) in the fireplace. C.

They thought I had been lighting matches to watch them burn.

D.They thought I was planning to light candles in my room without adult supervision (大人监督).

2) A friend recently admired (羡慕) the fire in my diamond ring. What did she mean by that?

A. It sparkles beautifully in the light.

B. It glows like a hot coal.

C. It has an orange color, like fire.

D. It seems to give off smoke.

3) My daughter just came home and said her boss had fired her. How should I react ( 反 应 )?

A. I should be glad - she just got promoted (晋升).

B. I should be angry - that's against the law!

C. I should be worried - she was just told that she might have to move to another city.

D. I should be sad - she just lost her job.

4) My best friend was on fire at the prospect ( 预 期 , 预 见 ) of going to see her favorite band in

concert. Which of these words could replace 'on fire' in that sentence?

A. excited B. depressed (忧郁)

C. angry D. sad

5) In the phrase "ready, aim (瞄准), fire", which of these words could be used instead of the word


A. Throw B. Burn

C. Shoot D. Bake


【解析】这是一组与 fire 相关俚语的题目。

第三章 传统文化

一、 南京风情

1. A video about Nanjing (2018 年南外面测真题)

1) Choose the best title for the video.

A. The Future of Nanjing

B. The History of Nanjing

C. The Best of Nanjing

D. The Story of Nanjing

2) How does the video describe Nanjing? (多选)

A. It’s a merge of the classics and modernity

B. It is historical and full of vitality

C. It is a perfect combination of East and West

D. It is an epic for us.

【答案】C; ABCD


绕南京展开,展示城市魅力,谈到南京最美的地方,也可判断出答案为“The Best of Nanjing”。第二题考察


2. If you want to know more about Cao Xueqin the Dream of Red Chambers, you can go to ( )?

(2017 年南外面测真题)

A. 六朝博物馆 B. 江宁织造府 C. 中 山陵 D. 科举博物馆


3. What is the specialty ( 特 产 ) of Nanjing? ( ) (2015 年综合能力测试真题)

A. salted duck (盐水鸭) B. roast duck (烤鸭)

C. Kung Pao Chicken (宫保鸡丁) D. sweet and sour Mandarin Fish (松鼠桂鱼)


4. Which of the following story is rooted in Nanjing? ( ) (2015 年综合能力测试真题)

A. A Dream in Red Mansions(《红楼梦》)

B. Romance of the Three Kingdoms(《三国演义》)

C. Water Margin(《水浒传》)

D. Journey to the West(《西游记》)


5. The slogan of the YOG in Nanjing is . (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

A. One world, one dream

B. Higher, swifter, stronger

C. Green Olympics, high-tech Olympics, people’s Olympics

D. Share the games, share our dreams


【解析】2014 年南京青奥会的口号是“分享青春,共筑未来”。

6. Kylin and Mythical wild animal ( 麒 麟 和 辟 邪 ) are both the mascots in ancient China. The one at

Zhongshan Gate is called (in Chinese). It (has/doesn’t have) horns on

the head. (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

【答案】辟邪; doesn’t have

【解析】南京中山门外的辟邪雕塑是 1998 年落成的。长 7.4 米,宽 3 米,高 6.4 米,重量约 14 吨,青铜

7. Look at the following picture. It is the emblem of the 2 Youth Olympic Games. In the picture, the

first “N” represents . (2011 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Xuanwu Lake B. the Stone City C. Ming City Wall D. Dr. Sun Yat-sen's



二、 国情概况

1. What are Tibet’s staple food (主食)? ( )(多选题) (2015 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Mutton B. Beef C. Dumplings D. Noodles E. Tsampa (糌粑)


2. Look at the following Faces of Peking Opera. They are in different colors. Different colors and

patterns are for different roles. Match the characters ( 人 物 ) with the colors.

A. heroes B. brave people C. fair (公正的) people D. bad people E.


1. black 2. red 3. gold 4. blue and green 5.


【答案】A – 2; B – 4; C – 1; D – 5; E – 3

3. Which province is short for “ 豫”? (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

【答案】Henan Province (河南省).

4. In Wuqiao ( 吴 桥 ), Hebei province, which of the following entertainments () is the most famous?

(2013 年综合能力测试真题)

A. magic (魔术) B. acrobatics (杂技) C. puppets D. kite-flying



5. The Chinese coastline starts from the Bohai Sea (渤海), the Yellow Sea (黄海), the East China Sea

(东海), the South China Sea (南海) from to , and drains into .

(2011 年综合能力测试真题)

A. north; south; the Pacific Ocean B. south; north; the Pacific Ocean

C. north; south; the Atlantic Ocean D. south; north; the Atlantic Ocean



三、 历史拾遗

1. During Ming Dynasty which country occupied Taiwan? (2014 年综合能力测试真题)


2. Which of the following dynasty ( 朝 代 ) is Zheng He’s voyage? (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Tang Dynasty B. Ming Dynasty C. Qing Dynasty D. Song Dynasty


四、 大家风范

1. Which of the following pairs of people are not from the same era? ( ) (2017 年南外面测真题)

A. Socrates – Plato B. Shen Kuo – Bai Juyi C. Maupassant – Flaubert D. Zilu –



【解析】选项 A 为苏格拉底和柏拉图,选项 C 为莫泊桑与福楼拜。

2. Which of the following is not a physician (doctor)? ( ) (2017 年南外面测真题)

A. 扁鹊 B. 华佗 C. 李 时珍 D. 徐霞客


3. Who is famous for the first writing in the world ( 天 下 第 一 书 ) Lanting Pavilion Set Sequence ( 《 兰 亭

集序》)? (2011 年综合能力测试真题)

A. 张旭 B. 王 献之 C. 王 羲之 D. 张 芝


第四章 文学经典

一、 世界名著

1. Which one is wrong? ( ) (2018 年南外面测真题)

A. Journey to the west– Wu Cheng’en – China

B. Warand Peace– Leo Tolstoy – Russia

C. Harry Potter– JK. Rowling – America

D. The Little Match Girl– Anderson – Denmark



2. Which of the following literature work is from the same country as Les Miserables(《 悲 惨

世 界 》)? ( ) (2017 年南外面测真题)

A. The Old Man and the Sea

B. Jane Eyre

C. The Count of Monte Cristo

D. Robinson Crusoe


【解析】《悲惨世界》是法国作家维克多雨果在 1862 年发表的一部长篇小说,选项 A《老人与海》是由

美国作家海明威于 1951 年在古巴写的一部中篇小说,选项 B 中《简爱》由英国女作家夏洛蒂勃朗特于

1847 年创作,选项 C 中《基督山伯爵》是法国作家大仲马的代表作,选项 D 中《鲁宾逊漂流记》是英国

作家丹尼尔笛福的一部长篇小说,首次出版于 1719 年。

3. Which of the following story is from Aesop’sFables(《伊索寓言》)? ( ) (2015 年综合能力


A. The Tiger and the Lion B. Cinderella C. The Emperor’s New Clothes


4. Which of the following work is not written by The Bronte Sisters? (2014 年 综 合 能 力 测 试

真 题)

A. Jane Eyre B. Wu the ring Heights C. Les Miserables D. Agnes Grey


【解析】选项 A《简爱》作者为夏洛蒂·勃朗特,选项 B《呼啸山庄》作者为艾米莉·勃朗特,选项 D《艾

格妮丝·格雷》作者为安妮·勃朗特。而选项 C《悲惨世界》作者为法国作家雨果。

5. “让暴风雨来得更猛烈些吧” comes from Gorky’s work . (2011 年综合能力测


A. Mother B. In the World C. Childhood D. Petrel (《海燕之歌》)


【解析】该句选自高尔基《海燕》(又名《海燕之歌》)。选项 A《母亲》、选项 B《在人间》、选项 C《童


6. “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” is said by . (2011 年综合能力测试真


A. Schiller 席勒 B. Shelley 雪莱 C. Goethe 歌德 D. 徐 志摩 E. 舒 婷


【解析】该句选自雪莱(Percy Shelley)《西风颂 (Ode to the West Wind)》。

7. In the book Robinson Crusoe, Robinson saved a savage (野人) on an island. Later the man lived him.

Do you know the man’s name? (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Wednesday B. Thursday C. Friday D. Saturday


二、 文学体裁

1. 题目说明介绍如何在图书馆查找图书,选择正确答案,完成图书查找任务。(2015 年综合能力测试真题)


1) If you know the book is called XXXXXXX, you can search the ( ).

2) If you want to find a book about moon, you can search the ( ).

3) If you want to look for a book written by XXXXXXX, you can search the ( ).


2. Do you loving reading? Read the following books and answer the questions. (2011 年综合能力测


The Lady in the Grass Kurt Cobain-The Truth Animal Life in the Antarctic

Ghost story

Who is the strange white

The true story of Kurt From penguins to whales, you

figure in Mary’s garden? Why

Cobain’s short life, including can learn everything about

does the never speak? Mary

fascinating ( 迷 人 的 ) animal life in the Antarctic.

must find out about the

interviews with his friends This book has over 200

history of her house before

and family, including his wife, superb color photographs.

she can solve the mystery of

Courtney Love.

the lady in the Grass.

The ABC of Knowledge Spy World The Dance of Romance

Encyclopedia Thriller

Homework will be easy when James Green looks ordinary. Henry is tall and handsome.

you buy this book! You can He has a boring life. But Sarah is small and shy.

look up all the facts and learn James Green can’t be an Can Sarah win Henry’s heart?

about hundreds of different ordinary man. He has a gun in

interesting subjects. his briefcase and a knife in

his sock. What is his secret?

1) Lady in the Grass is a ghost story. ”Ghost story” means in Chinese.

2) Book 2 is a biography. “Biography” means in Chinese.

3) Book 3 is about wildlife in the Antarctic. “Antarctic” means in Chinese.

4) Book 4 is an encyclopedia.” Encyclopedia” means in Chinese.

5) Book 5 is a thriller. ”Thriller” means in Chinese.

6) Book 6 The Dance of Romance is a story.

【答案】1) 鬼故事2) 传记 3) 南 极洲 4) 百科全书 5) 惊险小说 6) romantic

【解析】此题虽然给出了每本书的简介供参考,实际上对答题的帮助很有限。应熟练掌握不同文学体裁的 中英

三、 电影体裁

1. The animated cartoon Mirror Mirror(《白雪公主之魔镜魔镜》) was on show on Children’s Day this

year with real people as its characters. The famous actress Julia acts as . ( 2012


A. Snow White B. the Witch (巫婆) C. little dwarf (小矮人) D. the Evil



2. Match these movies in English and Chinese. (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

“Avatar” “Meet the Robinson”

“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”
《怪物史莱克 3》
“Shrek the third”
“Surfs up”

【答案】“Avatar”《阿凡达》、“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”《忍者神龟》、“Shrek the third”《怪物史

莱克 3》、“Surfs up”《冲浪季节》、“Meet the Robinson”《未来小子》

第五章 科学世界

一、 生物

1. Rodent animals(啮齿动物) have long teeth. Which of the following is NOT a rodent animal? ( )

(2018 年南外面测真题)

A. Rat B. Cat C. Rabbit D. Squirrel



2. Different birds live in different nests. Let’s read the descriptions and look at the pictures. Match the

birds and their nests. (2018 年南外面测真题)

A. Long-Lasting Nests

B. Small and Flexible Nests

C. No-Fuss (无毛的)Nests

D. Floating Nests

1. Least grebes build nests in shallow water, usually only 1 to 3 feet deep. ( )

2. Once the eggs hatch, this hummingbird nest will stretch to accommodate the growing nestlings.

( )

3. Eagles’ nests are made of sticks with soft materials, like grass, moss and cornstalks, stuffed

into the cracks. ( )

4. Killdeers lay eggs directly on the ground. ( )

【答案】1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C

【解析】图片匹配题。A 中 long-lasting 与选项 3 中 made of sticks 对应,B 中 flexible 与选项 2 中 stretch

to 对应,C 中 no-fuss 与选项 4 里的 directly on the ground 对应,D 中 floating 与 in shallow water

对应。可以理解为 paraphrase,英文单词与英文解释的对应。

3. Which of the following is not a carnivore ( 食 肉 动 物 )? ( ) (2017 年南外面测真题)

A. B. C. D.


4. 自然知识 (2016 年综合能力测试真题)

1) Mammals are animals that give milk to their babies. They have got blood.

2) Reptiles are animals that have got cold blood. They all lay and their skin is thick.

3) are animals that have got six legs. Most of them have got wings and can fly.

4) Birds are animals that lay eggs. Many of them can fly. Their is warm.

5) are animals that live in water. Their blood is cold.

【答案】1) warm 2) eggs 3)Insects 4) blood 5) Fish

5. Which of the following is correct about the BRAIN? ( )(多选题) (2015 年综合能力测试真题)

A. It’s the size of two palms.

B. It’s as heavy as a 1.4-kg apple.

C. It is as soft as sponge (海绵).

D. It looks like a huge walnut (核桃).


6. Which of the following is a nocturnal animal and can see at night? ( ) (2015 年综合能力测试



7. Which of the following animal is not given birth to by its mother? ( ) (2015 年综合能力测试真


A. panda B. whale C. sea horse D. penguin


8. In the primitive period, the geometrid moth (尺蠖蛾) living on the birch tree (白桦树) was of white

color. However, later during the Industrial Development period ( 工 业 革 命 时 期 ), the birch tree

became black because of heavy smoke, and as a result the geometrid moth developed its color into

black as well. Which of the following is a supporter of this theory of Survival of the Fittest (“适者

生存”理论)? (2015 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Darwin B. Newton C. Einstein


9. There is a Chinese idiom “The mantis stalks the cicada, un aware of the oriole behind” ( 螳 螂 捕 蝉 ,

黄雀在后). What biological phenomenon (现象) does this idiom show? ( ) (2015 年综合能力测


A. Survival of the Fittest B. heredity and variation (遗传与变异) C, food chain (食物链)


10. Human brain can be divided as the left brain and the right brain, and each side of the brain has

different functions. brain is in charge of ( 负 责 ) dancing, and is used when

people write. ( ) (2015 年综合能力测试真题)

A. left; left B. left; right C. right; left D. right; right


【解析】人的左右脑分工明确,左脑主要功能是思维、判断和逻辑推理;右脑则是控制人的运动、具有协 调共

11. 爱动物 (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

1) Which animal below lives in the North Pole?

A.polar bear B. penguin C. tiger D. pig

2) Which animal below can eat the leaves high on the treetop?

A. giraffe B. horse C. tiger D. eagle

3) Which animal below isn’t oviparous (卵生的)?

A. chicken B. turtle C. horse D. duck

4) Which animal is protected in Dafeng Nature Reserve?

A. sea turtle B. red-crowned crane C. Milu deer D. elephant

5) 将下列事物按速度从慢到快的顺序排列。

plane racing car horse snail rabbit

【答案】1) A 2) A 3) C 4) C 5) snail; rabbit; horse; racing car; plane

12. Match 1) -7) to a – g. Make seven sentences. (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

1) Boa snakes --- a. --- eats frogs.

2) A caterpillar --- b. --- eat leaves.

3) Sometimes, a polar bear --- c. --- likes pets.

4) We --- d. --- live in forests.

5) A snake --- e. --- changes into a butterfly.

6) Caterpillars --- f. --- eats penguins.

7) Susan --- g. --- play football at school.

【答案】1) d 2) e 3) f 4) g 5) a 6) b 7) c

13. are NOT influenced by day and night (受昼夜影响)? (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Tulips (郁金香) B. Rape flowers (油菜花)

C. Morning glories (牵牛花) D. Silk trees (合欢树)


【解析】五年级科学课知识点。每种植物和生活习性都是受着节律的支配,这种节律有时按 24 小时变化

着,和钟的周期一样。选项 A 郁金香在上午 7:00~12:00 开花,选项 C 牵牛花在凌晨 3:00~6:00 开花,选

项 D 合欢树的叶子晚上会闭合。因此这题答案为 B 油菜花。

14. Which is “transport soldiers” of a human body (人体的“运输兵”)? .( ) ( 2012 年


A. Heart B. Vessel 血管 C. Lungs 肺 D. Blood




15. The fossil (化石) of appeared in more ancient stratum (出现在比较古老的地层中). ( )

(2012 年综合能力测试真题)

A. amphibian (两栖动物) B. reptiles (爬行动物)

C. fossil fish (鱼类化石) C. mammals (哺乳动物)



16. Which flower is not afraid of cold weather? ( ) (2011 年综合能力测试真题)

A. cherry blossom B. lily C. plum blossom D. tulip


【解析】梅花(plum blossom)不惧严寒。选项 A 中 cherry blossom 樱花,选项 B 中 lily 百合花,选项

D 中 tulip 郁金香。

17. 自然乐趣园 (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

1) What does the life of silkworm ( 蚕 ) start from? E

2) The tiger eats rabbit, rabbit eats g .

3) Flowers need sunshine, water facilitate (便于) g .

4) Banana trees grow in tropical (热带) r forest.

5) What does a plant photosynthesis (光合作用) need? W

【答案】1) Egg 2) grass 3) growth 4) rain 5) Water

18. In 2000, Yuan Longping won the nation’s highest award ( 奖 项 ) for science. What new varieties ( 品

种) has he cultivated (培育)? (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Corn (玉米) B. Sorghum (高粱) C. Rice D. Wheat (小麦)


【解析】rice 米饭,水稻

19. Which of the following food has the most starch content ( 淀 粉 含 量)? (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Apple B. Orange C. Tomatoes D. Carrots E. Potatoes


【解析】苹果的淀粉含量随成熟度变化,越熟淀粉越少,几乎转化为果糖;而青苹果含较多淀粉。小学科 学课

20. Which of the following is not living fossil ( 活 化 石)? (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Dinosaur B. Bai Qi Tun C. Ginkgo (银杏) D. Panda



21. Which of the following four animals use tail to move from one place to another place? (2010 年


A. Elephant B. Dolphins C. Rabbit D. Deer (鹿)



22. Animal singular sensation (hunting pattern) 动物的奇异感官(捕食方式) ( 2010 年 综 合 能 力


Read through these introduction ( 介 绍 ) about animals. Please find out

the correct pictures.

( ) 1. Its tail hair is long and it likes living in the trees; except for fruit,

it eats leaves, insects and birds’ eggs, etc. Its smell ( 嗅 觉 ) is

very developed (发达). In autumn it begins to store (储藏) food,

but it doesn’t hibernate (冬眠).

( ) 2. It lives in the forest, grassland, or at a desert (沙漠) place. Its

hearing, smell and visual (视觉) are very sensitive (灵敏). It likes to catch

mice, hares, birds, fish, insects, etc., and also eats some fruit.

( ) 3. Its smell is in the antenna ( 触 角 ). When it smells the flowers, its

“mouth” will stretch (伸展) out to eat the nectar (花蜜). It has beautiful

wings; its main activity (活动) is flying.

( ) 4. It has a large body, more than 2.5 meters long, and it weighs

near half a ton. Its running speed is near 60km/h, but cannot keep a

long time. It has very sharp ( 锐 利 ) claws ( 爪 ) on feet. It also

has an acute ( 敏 锐 ) smell. It can smell the smell of 3.2

kilometers away.

( ) 5. It is very fierce(凶猛). It is a kind of sea creatures(生物). It has

a sensitive sense of smell. It can smell the taste ( 味 道 ) of the blood (血

液 ) a few miles away. It also can feel the vibration ( 震 动 ) of a

fish 200 meters away. During its life is can grow thousands of



二、 地理

1. Which is different from the other three choices? ( ) (2017 年南外面测真题)

A. 潮汐能 B. 太 阳能 C. 天 然气 D. 风 能



2. There was a heavy storm on 27 June in Nanjing, causing great destructions to buildings and

infrastructures in the city. A heavy storm can be recognized as a Thunderstorm as long as it reaches

a 24-hour-long precipitation (降雨量) of . (2015 年综合能力测试真题)


3. The surface area (表面积) of the Earth is about square miles (平方千米). ( 2014 年


A. 500,000,000 B. 50,000,000 C. 5,000,000 D. 50,000 E. 5000 F. 500

G. 50


4. Magellan’s navigation proves . (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

A. the earth is like a ball

B. there are five continents on the earth

C. there are four oceans on the earth

D. the earth will be broken


【解析】Magellan 麦哲伦的环球航行证明了地球是圆的,世界各地的海洋是连成一体的,为此人们称麦


5. What is eclipse (月食) of the moon? When the is between and .

(2013 年综合能力测试真题)

A. earth; sun; moon

B. sun; moon; earth

C. moon; sun; earth


【解析】月食是一种特殊的天文现象,指当月球运行至地球的阴影部分时,在月球和地球之间的地区会因 为太
阳光被地球所遮闭,就看到月球缺了一块。此时的太阳、地球、月球恰好 (或几乎) 在同一条直线上。

6. The opening ceremony (开幕式) of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is 8:00 p.m. in Beijing. When

should Americans watch the opening ceremony in their local time? (2012 年 综 合 能 力 测 试

真 题)

A. At noon B. At night C. In the early morning D. In the



【解析】美国首都华盛顿在夏令时期间与中国的时差为 12 小时,中国比美国快 12 小时。例如北京时间

2018 年 10 月 1 日 00:00 时美国首都华盛顿当地时间为 2018 年 9 月 30 日 12:00。虽然美国面积大,境

内分为东部时区、中部时区、山地时区、太平洋时区等,但基本与中国的时差为 12 小时。

7. Which of the following energy (能源) is not renewable (不可再生的)? (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Solar energy (太阳能) B. Hydro energy (水能)

C. Natural gas (天然气) D. Wind energy (风能)


8. How long will the earth need to go around the sun for a complete revolution ( 公 转)? (2010 年综


A. 12 hours B. 24 hours C. A month D. A year


三、 物理

1. Which energy (能量) cannot be transformed (转化)? (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Earliest people drill wood to make fire (钻木取火).

B. The radio voice can give off light.

C. Furnace heating (火炉加热)

D. Freely falling body (自由落体).


【解析】收音机的声音(或无线电传送的声音信号)不是能量转化的范例。选项 A 钻木取火是动能转化

为热能,选项 B 火炉加热是电能转化为热能,选项 D 的自由落体为势能转化为动能。

四、 化学

1. Which one is chemical reaction(化学变化)? ( )(2018 年南外面测真题)

A. Milk turns into yogurt.

B. Water turns into ice.

C. Constant dripping wears away stone.

D. Candles melt into wax.


【解析】化学变化的实质是产生新物质的变化,选项 BCD 只能属于物理变化并没有产生新的物质,而选

项 A 则从牛奶变成酸奶,属于化学变化。考察学生对于化学基本常识的理解。

五、 音乐

1. Which of the following songs is not about summer? (2015 年综合能力测试真题)

A.《柳树姑娘》 B. 《萤火虫》 C. 《青蛙合唱》 D. 《窗花舞》



2. Which music below is Chinese folk song? (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Swan Lake B. The Last Rose in Summer C. Jasmine Flower D.

Hand in Hand


【解析】选项 A《天鹅湖》为俄国作曲家柴可夫斯基的代表作品,选项 B《夏日最后的玫瑰》为爱尔兰民

谣,选项 D《下定决心》为 1988 年汉城奥运会主题歌,因此答案为 C《茉莉花》,是一首南京民歌。

3. The folk song (民歌) Red River Valley (《红河谷》) is from . (2012 年 综 合 能 力 测 试


A. Indonesia B. Finland C. Canada D. the Soviet Union


城市,最终将野牛出没的荒原变成了人们生活的家园。它回顾了人们艰苦创业的历史,同时也是对美 好生活的向

4. belong(s) to Plucked instruments group ( 弹 拨 乐 器 组 ), while belong(s) to

percussion group (打击乐器组). (Multiple choice) (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

A. 板鼓 B. 小 三弦 C. 扬琴 D. 琵 琶

【答案】BCD; A

【解析】弹拨乐器是用手指或拨子拨弦,及用琴竹击弦而发音的乐器总称,如横式的筝、古琴、扬琴、独 弦琴
和竖式的琵琶、阮、月琴、三弦、柳琴、冬不拉和扎木聂等。打击乐器是一种以打、摇动、摩擦、刮 等方式产

六、 交通工具

1. In New York we take , while in London we take . (2015 年综合能力测试


A. underground B. subway


2. On 1 July, 2010 you went to Shanghai to watch the EXPO. After that you want to take Nanjing

intercity high-speed rail (城际高铁) back home. How long will it take?(2010 年综合能力测试真题)

A. About 1 hour. B. About 2 hours. C. About 3 hours. D. About 4 hours.


3. A foreign friend of yours would like to make a tour to Nanjing. Please tell him if he wants to transfer

(转换) from metro line 1 (地铁一号线) to metro line 2, what is the landmark location (标志性建筑)?

( ) (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Nanjing railway (铁路) station

B. Nanjing library

C. Nanjing Foreign Language School

D. Sun Yat-Sen statue (雕像)



4. What is the most primitive transportation ( 交 通 工 具)? (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

A. boat B. bike C. car D. plane


5. YOG is coming. Let’s try our best to make Nanjing more beautiful. What do you know about new

ways of transport? Try this quiz! Choose the right answer from the box. (2012 年综合能力测试真


A. E-bikes B. Electric cars C. One-person cars D. Fold-up bicycles

1) These are 97% cleaner than normal cars.

2) These are similar to normal bikes but have a small motor.

3) These are very easy way of taking transport with you.

4) This is the car of the future – a personal electric vehicle!!


七、 生活常识

1. C is where you watch films. (2017 年南外面测真题)


2. “Cheers” is usually used . (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

A. at work B. at table C. at school D. at the airport


【解析】at table 在吃饭时

3. Which of the following does not have the same meaning as “toilet”? (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Bathroom B. Restroom C. Lavatory D. Hall


4. Which picture is right about the table manner ( 餐 桌 礼 仪)? (2014 年综合能力测试真题)


5. How do you drink coffee? Please rearrange the following sentences (重排下列句子). ( 2014 年


A. Put coffee in the cup.

B. Take out a cup.

C. Put in some sugar.

D. Put in some milk.

E. Pour water in the cup.


6. Which of the following is not part of a long jump ( 蹲 踞 式 跳 远)? (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Run-up 助跑 B. Landing 落地 C. Taking off 起跳 D. Getting feet together 并



7. Which of the following kind of paper can NOT be used as a material of dying paper ( 染纸材料)?

(2012 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Chinese art paper (宣纸) B. Writing paper made from bamboo (毛边纸)

C. Calendared paper (蜡光纸) D. Tissue (餐巾纸)


【解析】四年级美术课内容。染纸就是将宣纸、毛边纸或餐巾纸等吸水性纸用折叠、绞夹、孔卷、搓、捏 皱等方

8. Which one is NOT included (包含) in the control panel (控制面板)? ( ) (2012 年 综 合 能 力 测 试


A. Mouse (鼠标) B. Microsoft Paint (画图)

C. Date and Time (日期和时间) D. Computer font (字体)


【解析】控制面板中主要用于电脑的设置,选项 B 画图为应用程序。

9. We can write at most (最多) characters (汉字) on Sina Microblog (新浪微博)? ( )

(2012 年综合能力测试真题)

A. 120 B. 140 C. 150 D. 130


10. In the basketball game, the distance of a three-point shot is about . ( )

(2012 年综合能力测试真题)

A. 5 meters B. 4 meters C. 6 meters D. 7 meters


【解析】NBA 三分线的最远处距离篮筐为 7.25 米。

11. Which of the following blood type is the Universal Blood (万能血)? ( ) ( 2011 年 综 合 能 力 测


A. B B. A C. O D. AB


12. Five ship sank (沉没) in the sea. One of the ships has treasure (宝藏). Now a salvage ( 打捞) team

wants to find the value-laden (装有财宝的) ship. Which of the following two messages do they want

to know? (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

A. The treasure ship’s position (位置)

B. The name of the treasure ship

C. The name of the treasure ship’s captain ( 船 长 )

D. The depth (深度) of the wreck (残骸) in the sea

E. The number of the people on treasure ship


13. Match the following products with the raw materials what they are made of. ( 将 下 列 产 品 与 其 原 材

料配对) (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

perfume (香水) cotton (棉花)

milk flowers

clothes cows

rubber shoes rubber (橡胶)

zongzi glutinous (黏性的) rice

【答案】perfume – flowers; milk – cows; clothes – cotton; rubber shoes – rubber; zongzi –

glutinous rice

【解析】glutinous rice 糯米

第六章 课内语文

一、 成语

1. Which of the following Chinese idioms is different from the others in terms of time ( 从时间上)?

(2014 年综合能力测试真题)

A. 望梅止渴 B. 七步成诗 C. 乐不思蜀 D. 手不释卷


【解析】选项 A、B、C 的故事均发生于三国时期,选项 D 中手不释卷出自于汉光武帝刘秀的事例。

2. Which word can complete these four-word Chinese idioms? (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

背熊腰 生龙活 龙争 斗 卧 藏龙

A. fish B. tiger C. cheetah D. dragon


【解析】虎背熊腰 生龙活虎 龙争虎斗 卧虎藏龙。Cheetah 猎豹。

3. Which number can complete the four-word Chinese idiom? (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

丢三落四 五颜六色 七上八下 拿九稳

A. eight B. one C. ten D. twelve



二、 古诗、文言文理解

1. The application named “Xi Chuang Zhu” is from A Note on a Rainy Night 《夜雨寄北》 written by

. (2018 年南外面测真题)

A. Li Shangyin B. Li Qingzhao C. Li Bai D. Li Yu



2. In “影入平羌江水流”中的“影”refers to the shadow of the ( ). (2017 年南外面测真题)

A. man B. boat C. moon D. mountain



3. Among the following choices which “重” has a different pronunciation from others? ( ) (2017


A. 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村

B. 两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山

C. 敌重兵,压黔境

D. 乌江天险重飞渡


【解析】除选项 C 中的“重”为 zhòng,其他皆为 chóng。

4. Which of the following is in the same season as the “应怜屐齿印苍苔,小扣柴扉久不开”? ( )

(2017 年南外面测真题)

A. 兴尽晚回舟,误入藕花深处

B. 接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红

C. 爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏

D. 遥望洞庭山水色,白银盘里一青螺


5. In the sentence “落霞与孤鹜齐飞”,”鹜”refers to ( ). (2017 年南外面测真题)

A. 天鹅 B. 老鹰 C. 白鹭 D. 野 鸭


6. Which of the following poem does not include child? (2015 年综合能力测试真题)

A. 《所见》袁枚 B. 《村居》高鼎 C. 《池上》白居易 D. 《示儿》陆游


7. What does the “ 闻 ” in the poem mean? (2013 年综合能力测试真题)


A. smell B. see C. hear D. taste


8. What is “茱萸”? (2013 年综合能力测试真题)


A. animal B. plant C. toy D. insect


9. Who wrote this? “等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春” (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

A. 杜牧 B. 贺 知章 C. 叶 绍翁 D. 朱 熹


【解析】本句出自朱熹的《春日》。胜日寻芳泗水滨,无边光景一时新。等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是 春。

10. Which of the following poem does not mention the “bird”? (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

A. 《宿新市徐公店》(杨万里)

B. 《山行》(杜牧)

C. 《春夜喜雨》(杜甫)

D. 《绝句》(杜甫)


【解析】选项 A 《宿新市徐公店》“篱落疏疏一径深,树头花落未成阴。儿童急走追黄蝶,飞入菜花无处



11. In the poem “剑外忽传收蓟北”, “蓟北” is located in .( ) (2012 年综合能力


A. Hunan province B. Hebei province C. Shanxi Province (陕西省) D. Hubei





12. Do you know the poem “故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州”? Who is the “故人” in this poem?

(2011 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Meng Haoran B. Li Bai C. Wang Wei D. He Zhizhang



13. Which of the following poem doesn’t have Jiang Nan character (特色)? (2010 年综合能力测试真


A. 不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。

B. 日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝

C. 羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关

D. 南朝四百八十寺,多少楼台烟雨中


14. Read the following poem. Which kind does it belong ( 属 于 ) to? (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

Summer is a very hot season,

There is a big storm coming

On windows glass there is a lot of water

Rains washed out dirty road

Many people in the streets run,

Storm are coming!

A. 七律诗 B. 十 四行 C. 回 文诗 D. 藏头诗


【解析】这首诗每句的第一个字母连成了 STORMS。即使这题考的是英文诗,但需要学生了解四个选项

中的概念。七律诗是中国古代七言律诗的简称。每首八句,每句七字。十四行诗是欧洲一种格律严谨的抒 情诗

体,按四、四、三、三编排,每行诗句 11 个章节,通常用抑扬格;莎翁最擅长。回文诗使用词序回环往


三、 文学常识如作者、创作背景、主题

1. 曹植生平,首字母填空 (2018 年南外面测真题)

Cao Zhi was born in the Three Kingdoms period of China. Cao Zhi was the third 1. s of Cao

Cao. Cao Pi 2. b the emperor. Cao Zhi was 3. o of the famous poets at that 4.

t . His poems and articles were 5. f of beautiful language.

Cao Zhi got a poor treat from his 6. b Cao Pi. (2018 年南外面测真题)

【 答 案 】 1. son; 2. became; 3. one; 4. time; 5. full; 6. brother


2. Which of the following sentence isn’t spoken by Confucius? (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

A. 学而时习之,不亦说乎?

B. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?

C. 三人行,必有我师焉。

D. 天降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性, 增益



【解析】选项 D 出自《生于忧患,死于安乐》,选自《孟子》。

3. Which book is Kong Ming in? ( ) (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

A. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

B. Story of a Journey to the West

C. A Dream in Red Mansions

D. Water Margins



4. The famous speech “ 哪 里 有 天 才 , 我 是 把 别 人 喝 咖 啡 的 时 间 都 用 在 写 作 上 了 ” is given

by . (2011 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Guo Moruo B. Lu Xun C. Ba Jin D. Leo Tolstoy


5. “问渠哪得清如许 为有源头活水来” was written by in Song Dynasty. ( ) ( 2011


A. Li Qingzhao B. Zhu Xi C. Wang Anshi D. Li Bai



6. The famous saying “有了爱,就有了一切” is from .( ) (2011 年综合能力测试真


A. Lu Xun B. Bing Xin C. Guo Moruo D. Huang Beijia


7. In the Long March song 《 四 渡 赤 水 出 奇 兵 》 , Hengduan Mountain is along the border ( 边 界 )

of .( ) (2011 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Chuang - Qian B. Yun – Gui C. Chuan – Shan D. Dian – Qin




四、 古诗翻译

1. 七步诗 (2018 年面测真题)

Example: 《泊秦淮》夜泊秦淮近酒家(night) 隔江犹唱后庭花(sing) 煮


Pods burned to 1. peas,

Peas weep in the pot;

Grown from 2. root, please,

3. boil us so hot? (2018 年南外面测真题)

【答案】1. cook 2. same 3. Why

【解析】本题考察诗歌中词汇翻译。古诗翻译是 2018 年新出现的题型,本题诗的难度不是很大,要求学


第七章 多元文化

一、 世界概览

1. Panda is to China as kangaroo is to . (2017 年南外面测真题)


2. Australia is famous for its Great Barrier Reef ( 大 堡 礁 ). Except for this, what special animals are

there in Australia? Name two. (2015 年综合能力测试真题)

【答案】Kangaroos and koalas.

3. A man has never seen snow in his country. Now he is skiing. Which country is he from? ( 2015


A. Japan B. Swiss (瑞士) C. Norway D. Hawaii


4. Which of the following university does not belong to America? (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Yale University B. Harvard University C. Princeton University D. Edinburgh



【解析】选项 D 中爱丁堡大学位于英国。

5. The BRICs (金砖四国) are Brazil, Russia, India and . (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

A. America B. the UK C. China D. Chicago


6. UN was founded in . (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

A. 1944.10 B. 1945.10 C. 1946.10 D. 1950.10



组织与 1945 年 10 月 24 日正式成立。

7. Which of the following claim about India is correct? (Multiple choice) ( ) (2011 年综合能


A. India is the birthplace of Buddhism (佛教).

B. The numbers we use nowadays come from India.

C. Cattle are of great importance to Indian people.

D. India uses the 12-month solar calendar.


【解析】选项 A 中佛教发源地为古印度(Ancient India),古印度是一个多民族、多人种、多国家的地理概

念,与当今印度是两个完全不同的概念。选项 B 中我们现在使用的阿拉伯数字同样起源于古印度而非印

度。选项 C 牛被印度教教徒视为“圣兽”,印度教徒认为,牛既是繁殖后代的象征,又是人类维持生存的

基本保证。选项 D 中印度历是印度政府为统一在印度各地的五花八门历法,在 1957 年制定的印度官方统

一历法,是一种太阳历,但月份设置以黄道十二宫为准,一年设六个季节,每个季节有两个月,一年仍然 有 12


8. The sign of World Heritage (世界遗产) is .( ) (2011 年综合能力测试真题)

9. In which of following country can you see polar day ( 极 昼)? (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Brazil B. South Africa C. Mexico D. Norway


二、 世界文化

1. The most popular foreign language in America is . (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Chinese B. Japanese C. Spanish D. Italian


2. The most popular American drink is . (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

A. tea B. coffee C. milk D. coke


三、 世界历史

1. In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution? ( ) ( 2014 年 综 合能 力 测 试


A. September B. October C. November D. December


【解析】俄国十月革命发生在俄历 1917 年 10 月 25 日,公历 11 月 7 日。

2. What took place after World War II? ( ) (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

A. The Japanese invade China

B. The UK came to help

C. The American workers came to China to make factory

D. People’s Republic of China comes into existence



四、 中西方节日

1. June is to Children’s Day as December is to . (2017 年南外面测真题)



2. Which of the following is nearest to Father’s Day? (2015 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Qingming Festival B. The Dragon Boat Festival C. The Lantern Festival D.

Mid-Autumn Festival


3. Which of the following is not what people usually do on the Double Ninth Festival? (2015 年 综 合


A. Eat rice cakes. B. Mountain climbing. C. Watch fireworks show. D. Visit

relatives and friends.


4. When is World No-Tobacco Day (世界无烟日)? (2015 年综合能力测试真题)

A. 30 April B. 30 May C. 31 May D. 30 June


【解析】世界无烟日为每年的 5 月 31 日,因为第二天是国际儿童节,希望下一代免受烟草危害。

5. Festivals in the world (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

In the world, there are many interesting festivals. In China, we have the Spring Festival in

January or February. It’s the most important festival for us Chinese. We clean our house, make

dumplings, make New Year’s cakes, visit our relatives and friends, eat lots of food. We also

celebrate Lantern Festival. On that evening, Children light the lanterns from one place to another.

People perform lion and dragon dances in the street. We celebrate Dragon Boat Festival in lunar May.

People make rice dumplings. They are very delicious to eat. Chinese people have Mid-autumn Festival

in lunar August. At night families eat mooncakes outside the house, watching the moon. In April,

Japanese celebrate Cherry Blossom Festival. They often wear kimono, sing and dance. And friends

have a picnic together.

In November, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day. People usually have a big dinner. They

eat turkeys to thank for good harvests. Halloween is on the night October 31. Children dress up in

strange clothes and play “trick or treat”. If the neighbors don’t give them candies, they put soap on

their windows. Frenchmen celebrate

Bastille Day on July 14. They like to watch fireworks.

Festivals When Where

The Spring Festival In January or February In China

Dragon Boat Festival (1) In China

Mid-autumn festival In lunar August In China

Cherry Blossom Festival In April (2)

(3) On October 31 In America

Thanksgiving Day In November In America

Bastille Day (4) In France

【答案】(1) in lunar May (2) in Japan (3) Halloween (4) July 14


五、 西方名人传记

1. 标题匹配阅读 (2018 年面测真题)

Edmund Hillary was born on 20 July 1919. His mother was a teacher; his father published a

Dargaville newspaper, the North Auckland Times. Hillary was small and shy but gained confidence

on boxing lessons. They enabled him to hold his own at school. Aged 16, he got his first taste of

snow on a school trip to Mt Ruapehu.

The same year the family moved to Auckland. In 1939 he climbed his first peak, Mt Ollivier, near

Mt Cook. In 1948 Hillary made his first ascent of Mt Cook. Soon afterwards he took part in an epic

five-day journey across the main divide, helping carry an injured climber to safety on the West Coast.

In 1949 he accompanied his parents to England to attend his sister June’s wedding, and he found time

to climb the 4158-metre-high Jungfrau in the Swiss Alps. In 1951 he took part in a New Zealand

expedition to the Garhwal Himalaya. In 1953, he reached the summit of Mt Everest via the south face.

They were the first men to stand on the “roof of the world”.

A. Early years B. Childhood C. All his life

1) Which title is too broad ( 宽 泛 的 ) and refers to something that hasn’t appeared in the text?

2) Which title is too narrow ( 狭 隘 的 ) and only mentions the main character’s child life?

3) Which title fits the text best?

【答案】 CBA


2. 把下列六组句子中的字母重新排列,你会得到六个名人的名字。请把他们的名字和图像配对。 (2014


Example: UN's said he's mad. Saddam Hussein (萨达姆侯赛因)


1) Did color in a nave.

2) a. I am a weakish speller.

b. I'll make a wise phrase.

c. He's like a lamp, I swear.

3) I am on a march.

4) He bugs Gore.

5) a. Do real filth.

b. Heil, old fart!

6) Heroine curing fallen gents.

【答案】1) Leonardo da Vinci 2) William Shakespeare 3) Chairman Mao

4) Adolf Hitler 5) Nurse Florence Nightingale

3. Here are some clues. Harvard, New York Knickerbockers, Asian. Who can you think of? ( )

(2012 年综合能力测试真题)

A. 易建联 B. 姚明 C. 林 书豪 D. 王治郅


【解析】林书豪是美国职业篮球运动员。他是自 1953 年后首位进入 NBA 的哈佛大学学生和首位进入 NBA


六、 西方价值观

1. 看视频回答问题(蔡语靖美国波士顿大学毕业典礼致辞) (2017 年南外面测真题)

Let’s now think about the future. 20 years from now, what kind of challenges are we going to face,

as family members, as business owners, as human beings. Nobody knows. And to cope with that

amount of uncertainty, we will need a diverse set of skills and knowledge, and most important of all,

an open mind to learn. That’s why we have been lucky to be part of the Questrom community that

cultivated such freedom of an open mind. So congratulations, class of 2017! For when you walk

outside that door today, you are already equipped with one of the most critical skills to succeed in

the future, the ability embrace diversity. Thank you so much!

1) (Multiple choice)According to the girl, what should we do to cope with future?

A. Open-minded way of thinking B. Cooperation

C. Culture diversity D. A diverse set of skill and knowledge

2) 根据刚才的视频和自己的想法,你将如何面对未来?

After watching the video, I think I can .(NO MORE THAN 10 WORDS)

【答案】 AD; read books/work hard…

【解析】此视频题内容为开放性思维、各种知识技能、各国文化交流、应对未来。需要注意第二题为开放 题,

2. “The Bible” is a . (2014 年综合能力测试)

A. book B. person C. country D. animal


【解析】The Bible 《圣经》

第八章 综合题

一、 看视频回答问题

1. 看视频回答问题 (2018 年南外面测真题)


(视频内容:《超人总动员 2》北美预告片)

1) What kind of food do they have for dinner?

A. Chinese food B. French food C. Japanese food D. Indian food

2) Which subject is the father helping the boy with?

A. English B. Music C. Art D. Math

3) Who has a new job?

A. Mother B. Father C. Children

4) Who is helping the father take care of the baby?

A. The man with long hair and long face.

B. The woman with a big nose and a small face.

C. The man with long face and no hair.

D. The woman with long hair and big nose.

5) Where did the bad guy appear at the end of the video?

A. In the cinema. B. In his room. C. On the TV screen. D. At the theatre.


【解析】视频细节题。视频素材大多为动画电影。要求学生细致地观察视频里的人物、背景、情节,包括 人物的

2. Interview with an old lady (2018 年南外面测真题)

1) How old is the old lady?

2) At the time, there was no , telephone, or television.

3) The old lady was in the World War.

4) What was her job before she retired?

5) What’s her favorite insect?

6) What does the old lady like to do for fun?

A. Write books. B. Do exercise. C. Write letters to friends. D. Watch the Olympics.

7) What’s the secret of living a long life? (No more than 10 words)

【答案】1) She is 101 years old. 2) radio 3) Second 4) She was a biology teacher in a college.

5) Ants 6) AD 7) The secret of living a long life is being happy/working hard/getting exercises…

【解析】视频素材为 101 岁老奶奶与儿童的采访。老奶奶传达出自立乐观坚强的态度。由于是老人与孩子

之间的对话,语速不会快,词汇难度也较低,需要注意细节。需要注意的最后一题为开放题,要求学生表 达积

3. 看视频回答问题 (2018 年面测真题)



1) were waiting for milk.

A. 3 girls B. 2 girls and 1 boy C. 3 girls and a boy D. 4 girls and a boy

2) From did the father get the milk?

A. a truck driver B. a clown C. a thief D. a little girl

3) Which animal didn’t appear in the video?

A. Giraffe. B. Cat. C. Pig. D. Lion

4) After drinking milk, what did the dad do?

A. Save the world. B. Cook for the child.C. Help the girl to get the cat.D. Go to catch the thief.

5) Before the girl got the milk, how did she feel?

A. Surprised. B. Happy. C. Excited. D. Cheerful.


二、 英文歌

1. 《Shine your way(《疯狂原始人》主题曲)》 (2017 年南外面测真题)

There's an open sky,

And a reason ,

You shine, shine your way.

There’s so much to ,

And now it’s your .

To shine, shine your way.

There’s a feeling inside,

You can it be your guide,

To find, find your way.

And there’s no time for us to .

Got to take a leap of faith.

And fly, fly_ .

【答案】why; learn; turn; deep; let; waste; away


2. 《I Love Chocolate》 (2016 年综合能力测试真题)

I drink . I eat cheese,

I like nuts and I like greens,

I like , I like beans,

These are things my body needs.

But late at night,

Under my bedclothes,

I eat ,

And no-one knows.

I eat vegetables, I drink juice,

I like , I like fruit,

I like every way,

I eat good things every day.

I like on my bread,

I like and I like eggs,

I drink water all day long,

All these things make me .

【答案】milk; cereals; chocolate; rice; pasta; honey; salad; strong


三、 逻辑推理题

1. A boy has to go to the following classes: the swimming class, the reading class, the piano class and

the baseball class.

There are four clues as follows:

The piano class is on Thursdays.

The reading and baseball classes are on the same day.

The baseball class is three days before the piano lass.

The boy goes to the swimming class the day after the reading class.

Question: On which day of the week does the boy go to each class? (2018 年南外面测真题)

【答案】The piano class is on Thursdays, the baseball class and the reading class are on Mondays,

and the swimming class is on Tuesdays.

2. Kate is the third daughter of a doctor but the doctor is not her father. She has one younger brother

called Mike and three elder brothers. Mike’s father is Joe. Joe is an artist and has 7 children. (2017


1) Who is Kate’s father?

2) Kate has how many sisters?

3) What is the job of Kate’s mother?

【答案】1) Kate’s father is Joe. 2) Kate has (7-1-3-1=) 2 sisters. 3) Kate’s mother is a


3. Three friends Owen, Fred and Jim are going to party in different clothes: jacket, coat and T-shirt of

different colors: red, blue and yellow. (2017 年南外面测真题)

There are 6 hints:

①the jacket is blue or yellow

②the blue cloth is a coat or a T-shirt

③Fred is red or blue

④Either Jim or Fred is in jacket

⑤Owen is not in blue

⑥Owen is not in T-shirt


1) According to the first and the second hints, what is the color of the jacket?

2) According to the third and the forth hints, who is wearing jacket?

3) Using all the hints, what colors are Owen and Fred wearing?

4) Using all the hints, what clothes are Owen and Fred wearing?

【答案】1) The jacket is yellow. 2) Jim is in jacket. 3) Owen is wearing a red coat. 4) Fred

is wearing a blue T-shirt.

4. 推理大观园 (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

1) 20 rabbits can exchange ( 交 换 ) 2 sheep, 9 sheep can exchange 3 pigs. How many rabbits can

exchange 8 pigs?

2) Five basketball teams (A, B, C, D, E) play a single cycle (单循环) game. Team A had two wins and

two negative ( 负 ). Team B didn’t win one game. Team C had one win and three negatives. Team

D won all four games. Do you know how many wins Team E had?

3) From Jack, Peter, Daniel, David, Alice and Mike these six people, choose ( 选 择 ) four people to

take part in the Olympic Games. According ( 根 据 ) to the following information, judge ( 判 断 )

which four people will take part in the Olympic Games.

a. Between Jack and Peter, at least one will attend the meeting;

b. If Peter attends (参加), Alice will also attend;

c. Between Mike and Jack there was one not attend;

d. Between David and Peter, at least one will not attend;

e. Among Jack, Daniel, and David there are two people attending.

4) A star tour ( 巡 回 演 出 ) to A,B,C,D,E,F these six cities. There six cities position ( 位 置 )

corresponding (对应) six figures (数字). C is in the east of F, F is in the northwest of D, A is in the

southwest of B, E is in the south of the F, and B is in the southeast of F. And they meet (满足)

the following (下面) conditions (条件): A-B=F; D-C=C; E+F=D; B-D=F. Which number stands for

city A?

【答案】1) 240 2) 3 3) Peter, Jack, Alice, and Daniel 4) 6

5. For the High Jump (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

st nd rd
At school there was a high jump competition. Who came the 1 , 2 & 3 , how high did they jump and

how old were they? The highest jump won and the lowest was the 3 .

Child: Holly, Lewis, Sarah

Position: 1st, 2nd, 3 Height:

60cm, 65cm, 80cm Age:



1) The 10-year-old did not jump the highest.

2) Holly came the 3 .

3) Sarah beat Lewis.

4) The 9-year-old only managed 60 cm.

Child Position Height Age


Child Position Height Age

Sarah 1 80 cm 8

Lewis 2 65 cm 10

Holly 3 60 m 9

6. Who Buys Which Radio? (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

One day, John, Bob, Smith, and Mary went to shop to buy radios. They were shown for models ( 型


a) Red Banner costs 60 dollars.

b) Red Waves costs 70 dollars.

c) Red Star costs 40 dollars.

d) Red Voice costs 30 dollars.

Each person bought a different model. After that they talked to each other.

“I had only 50 dollars with me,” said John.

“My radio is more expensive than Mary’s” said the person who bought the Red Waves.

“I’ve got the cheapest,” somebody said to John.

“I’m glad I didn’t buy the Red Voice,” said Mary.

“Mine is less expensive than yours,” said Bob to Smith.

Now tell us who bought which radio:

①. John bought .

②. Bob bought .

③. Smith bought .

④. Mary bought .

【 答 案 】 ① Red Star ② Red Voice ③ Red Waves ④ Red Banner

7. It's a windy day and three kids are in the park flying their kites. Each kid has a relative to help them.

Can you work out who owns which kite, their age (9, 10, 12) and who they are with? Look at the

picture and the clues and fill in the answer box where you can. Then read the clues again to find the

answer.(2011 年综合能力测试真题)

1) Debbie's kite is number 2 and she is a year younger than the kid who is with his/her grandfather.

2) David is the oldest. His kite is lower than the one belonging to the kid who is with his/her


3) One of the kids is Darren but is he with his father?


Name Age Relative Kite

Debbie 9 brother number 2

David 12 father number 1

Darren 10 grandfather number 3

四、 脑筋急转弯

1. What is it that you cannot hold even for ten minutes, even though it is lighter than a feather?

(2014 年综合能力测试真题)

【答案】Your breath.

2. A doctor and a nurse have a baby boy. The boy’s father is not the doctor and the mother is not the

nurse. How is it possible? (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

【答案】The boy’s father is a nurse and the mother is the doctor.

3. What is the question you can ask all day, get different answers for the same, and they would still be

correct? (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

【答案】”What time is it?”

4. Voiceless I cry, Wingless I flutter, Toothless I bite, Mouthless I mutter.

Who am I? (2014 年综合能力测试真题)


5. I am not alive, but I grow; I don’t have lungs, but I need air; I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me.

What am I? (2014 年综合能力测试真题)


6. What is represented by this BrainBat? (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

erutuf eht ot
【答案】To the future.

7. Which is larger, the number of seconds in a day or the number of hours in 10 years? ( 2014 年


【答案】The number of hours in 10 years is larger.

【 解 析 】 There are 24*60*60=86400 seconds in a day, and there are more than 10*365*24=87600

hours in 10 years.

8. Which number, when written as words, makes this true:

Cleverly, there are exactly E’s in this sentence. (2014 年综合能力测试真题)


9. Can you work out the meaning of the following pictures? (2013 年综合能力测试真题)



Check up






【答案】1) just in time 2) over easy eggs (双面煎蛋)

10. How can you use the letters in NEW DOOR to make one word? (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

【 答 案 】 Change the order of letters in NEW DOOR, and it can form “one word”.

11. What has roots that nobody sees, (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

Is taller than trees,

Up, up it goes,

Yet it never grows?

【答案】A mountain.

12. Before Mount Everest ( 珠 穆 朗 玛 峰 ) was discovered, what was the highest mountain on earth?

(2012 年综合能力测试真题)

【答案】Mount Everest.

【解析】在珠穆朗玛峰被发现之前,世界上最高的山依旧是珠穆朗玛峰,虽然它没被发现,但它还是在那 里。

13. Answer the following questions in English. (2011 年综合能力测试真题)

1) What letter is next in this sequence?

O, T, T, F, F, S, S, E,

2) How could all of your cousins have an aunt who is not your aunt?

3) How do you make seven even?

4) What starts with P, ends with E, and has thousands of letters in it?

5) What gets wetter the more it dries?

6) What do you call your father-in-law's only child's mother-in-law?

7) I begin with T and end with T, and I am full of T. What am I?

8) What kind of dog has no tail?

9) Six glasses are in a row. The first three are full of juice; the second three are empty. By moving

only one glass, can you arrange them so empty and full glasses alternate ( 交 替 )?

10) I know a word of letters three. Add two, and fewer there will be.

【答案】1) N (数字从 1~9 的首字母) 2) She might be my mother. 3) Cut the letter “s”.

4) Post office 5) A towel. 6) Father 7) Teapot 8) Hotdog 9)

Fill the fifth glass with juice in the second glass. 10) The word is “few”.

14. One day a father took his son to ride Trojans in the park. Son said to the father, “I can sit on one

place. But you were not able to sit on that place.” Dad said, “It’s impossible!” Do you think it’s

possible? (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

1. Possible B. Impossible


【 解 析 】 The son can sit on his father’s knee, but the father cannot sit on his own knee.

15. Sally and her mother are baking (烤) a cake in the kitchen, Sally’s mother is drinking. Dad comes in.

Someone says, “Delicious! I like the taste.” Who is it? (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Sally’s mother B. Sally’s father C. Sally


【解析】Sally 的母亲在喝酒,父亲刚刚进门,因此说这句话的只可能是 Sally。

五、 图画图表题

1. According to the chart, which of the following behaviors can save the water most? ( ) (2018


A. Use less water for showers and drink less.

B. Shower for less time and flush the toilet with shower water.

C. Don’t shower for too long and turn off the tap whenever you don’t use it.

D. Wash dishes less and flush the toilet with used water.



2. Read the rhyme. Match the parts of the rhyme to the pictures (A–E). (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

1) My head is like an egg,

I’m standing on one leg,

My hair is black,

My shirt is green,

My hands are on my head.

2) My legs are in the air,

I’m standing on my hands,

My nose is big, my ears are red,

I’m going to stop and go to bed.

3) My body’s very big,

I think it likes a monkeys.

My face is small, my arms are long,

I’m going to stop and sing a song.

4) Put your hands up in the air,

Put them here and put them there,

Legs and hands and ears and arms,

Where are your hands? They’re on your arms!

5) Lift your legs up in the air,

Put them here and put them there,

Touch your nose and touch your ears,

Sit down now, here’s a chair.



3. 以下图 1—2 是一个“魔术绳”的表演,另外五张图是该魔术的解密步骤。请参照解密图,将阅读材料 A—E

正确排序。 (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Now pick up the scissors. Hold the paper carefully and cut through it. Keep the small piece of

string between you and the scissors, so you do not cut the string.

B. “Magic string” is a popular magic trick. You can do this trick for your friends or family. You just

need a piece of paper, a piece of string and some scissors. That’s all.

C. Pick up the paper and fold side A down. Now your friends can see side B, but they can’t see side

A. Side A is shorter than B, so it does not cover the string. Push the middle of the string up, and

fold C up over A. Now most of the string is inside the paper, but a small piece of the string is

outside. You can see it but your friends can’t.

D. Put one hand over the paper, and then pull the string out slowly with your other hand. The string

is still in one long piece!

E. First, fold the paper so that it is like the paper in the picture. Side A is shorter than side B, but

not much shorter. Side C is much shorter than Side B. Show the long piece of string so that

people can look at it. Put this piece of string on the paper.


4. 根据图表及文字内容,完成下列各题。 (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

1) July gets rainfall in Guadalajara.

2) There are months when the rainfall is below ( 低 于 ……) 50 mm.

3) , and are good months for Jill and Steven to travel.

【答案】1) the most 2) seven 3) February, March, April

5. This is a story in ten parts, but the parts are in the wrong order. Read the ten parts and then put

them in the right order. The two pictures are there to help you. (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

a) The two men walk on down the road until they come to a bridge.

b) Fred and Bert ask him where he get the fish. He tells them, “I got it from a river near here.”

c) Two men, Fred and Bert, are walking along a road.

d) Fred says to Bert, “When you catch a fish, shout and I can pull (拉) you up.”

e) They meet another man. He’s coming in the opposite direction (相反的方向), carrying a very big


f) An hour later Bert suddenly shouts, “Quick, quick, pull me up! Quick!”

g) “It’s great! The fish they are jumping so high. You can catch them in your hands – from the


h) “Have you got a fish?” Fred asks, “How big is it? Enormous?”

i) Fred holds Bert’s feet while he hangs ( 吊 ) over the bridge.

j) “No, I haven’t got a fish,” answers Bert, “There’s a train coming!”

The right order is:

c-(1) -b-(2) -a-(3) d-(4) -h-(5)

【答案】e g I f j

6. Look at the following pictures. Choose the sentence that tells

the main ideas. (2011 年


1) A. Cities have buildings.

B. Maps are useful.

C. A moon person visits


D. A man is scared.

2) A. Jane has brown hair.

B. Jane gets a bad haircut.

C. Jane sits in a chair.

D. Jane is in a flower coat.

3) A. Corn is on the table.

B. Winning can make you sick.

C. A sign is on the wall.

D. A man is crying.


【解析】看图片选主旨的题型在南外小升初考试中不太常见,近年较为流行的题型为将图片与描述连线或 根据

7. 运动前的热身活动有助于肌肉放松,也能避免受伤。请阅读有关热身活动的文字,然后从 A、B、C、D

和 E 中选择符合文字内容的图示,并将答案写在对应题号的横线上。(2011 年综合能力测试真题)

Activity 1 Activity 2

 Hold arms straight out to the sides.  Raise one foot backward, and hold it with

 Move your arms in circles. one hand.

 Come back to the starting position ( 位 置 )  Breathe and slowly pull your foot to your

and move your arms in the other direction. hip (屁股).

  Try to keep both knees together.

Activity 3 Activity 4

 Stand with some space in front of and  Take one step forward with your right

behind you. Move the top of your body foot.

downward.  Put your hands on the right knee and

 Keep your back straight and reach for press (压).

your feet with both hands.  Do the action in the same way with your

 Hold this for about half a minute. left foot.

 

Activity 5

 Stand with feet shoulder-width apart ( 两


 Raise both arms overhead.

 Hold for about half a minute and relax (放


【答案】E D A C B

六、 阅读理解题

1. 排序阅读题(2018 年南外面测真题)

a. My brother likes skating very much so I want to buy a pair of skates. However, they are too

expensive for me.

b. I know T-shirt is cheaper than skates but my brother seldom wears it. It’ll be a waste of money

to buy a T-shirt.

c. There will be a party for my brother’s 12 birthday.

d. Maybe a notebook is a nice choice which is affordable for me and also useful for my brother.

e. One of my friends advised me to buy a T-shirt as a present.

f. I’ve been thinking about the birthday presents these days.

3 4


【解析】此类题型在小学阶段经常考察,要求学生能够理解文章的主旨大意并能根据故事的逻辑发展顺序 进行推

2. ① An Egg Fest is AWESOME and should attend it. ② There are a lot of festivals in America. ③ Now,

I’ll introduce one of them to you.

An Egg Fest is a gathering of Big Green Egg fans. People can enjoy different food from across

the province. The cooks will be showcasing their skills and talents. And they will be preparing their

specialty recipes ALL DAY LONG on Big Green Egg’s!

Order: (2018 年南外面测真题)


【解析】考察学生对文章结构的掌握。首先需要找到总起句,即第二句“There are a lot of festivals in


3. 宠物养护笔记(每小题 1 分,共 15 分) (2016 年南外综合能力测试真题)

Hints on keeping pet fish

Why keep them?

People keep dogs and cats because they enjoy their friendship. Fish cannot be friendly, but

they can be good pets. They have beautiful shapes and colours. They are a pleasure to watch as

they swim in their tanks.

Why do they need?

First of all, the fish need a suitable tank, and you must fill the tank with suitable water. It is also

good for them to have a few water plants in the tank to keep the water pure. A few snails in the tank

are a good idea, too. They will keep it clean.

What about feeding them?

There are many kinds of fish food on sale in pet shops. Most are suitable for all kinds of fish.

You should feed your fish once a day only. It is important not to give them too much food. Just give

them as much as they can eat in about fifteen minutes. This will help them healthy.

1) Reasons for keeping pet fish: beautiful and , and a

to .

2) Needs of pet fish: suitable , , and and

a .

3) Feeding pet fish: feed them a , but not food.

【答案】1) shapes, colors, pleasure, watch 2) tank, suitable, water, water, plants, few, snails

3) once, day, too, much


4. 记忆现象 (2016 年综合能力测试真题)

Three types of memory

Some scientists believe that there are three kinds of memory - immediate, short-term and


Immediate memory holds items of information coming into it from the five senses for less than a

second. Then it either rejects them or passes them into short-time memory.

Short-term memory can hold about seven items of information at one time (e.g., telephone

numbers). It holds them for about thirty seconds. Then they are rejected (i.e., forgotten) or passed

into long-term memory.

Long-term memory can hold information for the whole of our lives. Some scientists believe that

long-term memory can be divided into two types. One type remembers events that is things that

happen to us. The other remembers knowledge (e.g., the names of countries or the meanings of



memory information or passed on

memory information or passed on

memory information .

【答案】Immediate; rejected; short; rejected; long; stored.


5. 采访报道(每小题 1 分,共 28 分) (2016 年综合能力测试真题)

Protecting the Innocent

Pansy: You say that you like working as a detective. Why?

Ken: Let me tell you about a recent case that i dealt with, Pansy. Mr. Lee is a very rich man who

lives alone and enjoys collecting things. He purchased a vase for two million yuan. He

showed it to only two people - his friends Jill and Jenny. Then he locked it in the safe at

his house. That night, someone stole it. Lee reported the theft, and I went to his house to

look for clues.

Pansy: Did you find any?

Ken: Yes, a black pearl earring near the open safe and, outside the open window of the room I

saw a lot of mud on the wet ground. Inside the room, the carpet was spotlessly clean.

Pansy: So what did you do next?

Ken: I interviewed Jill and Jenny. They both denied stealing the vase. But I noticed that Jill was

wearing a black pearl necklace - but no earrings.

Pansy: So Jill was the thief?

Ken: I didn’t know. I needed proof. A good detective never jumps to conclusion. I showed Jill the

earring, and she admitted it was hers. She said someone had stolen it from her house a

month before. I checked her story. It was true.

Pansy: So Jill was no longer a suspect. But what about your other clue - the mud outside and the

spotless carpet inside?

Ken: That told me that probably no thief broke into Lee’s house. So I questioned Lee and, in the

end, he admitted stealing his own vase. He had bought insurance for it. The insurance

company would pay him two million yuan if the vase was stolen.

Pansy: And who stole Jill’s earring?

Ken: Lee did that as well. He tried to make sure that Jill would go to jail instead of him.

Pansy: So now Lee is behind bars.

Ken: Yes, and Jill is free. My job is to protect the innocent as well as find the guilty. That’s why

I like working as a detective.

1. 用此篇 interview 中的词完成日记

A. admitted B. denied C. purchase D. case E. proof F. safe

12 December

Yesterday, I dealt with two cases. In the first case, the suspect, Zhong, at first being a

bank robber. I showed him a photograph of himself in the bank at the time of the robbery,

carrying a gun.

This was all the I needed and he that he was guilty.

In the second _ _, the suspect. Brown, _ a diamond for fifty thousand yuan. She paid

for it with fake banknotes. Later she she had printed the notes herself. When I searched

her flat, I found half a million yuan in fake notes. She kept them in a in the wall.

2. 用 interview 中的词汇完成句子

A. behind bars B. jumps to C. the innocent D. insurance


E. spotlessly F. the guilty G. clues H. suspect

1. A detective uses his eyes to look for (things that help to solve a crime).

2. Ken questioned Jill because she was a _ (person who might have committed a crime).

3. Lee was put (into jail).

4. Ken is a good detective. He never (makes up his mind too quickly).

5. In the case of the missing vase, Ken succeeded in finding _ (person who has done

something wrong) and protecting (person who has done anything wrong).

6. The carpet in the room was (completely) clean.

7. Lee bought (a promise to pay him money if someone stole his vase) for his vase.

3. 根据 interview,正确配对 fact 和 conclusion


1) Your phone is ringing.

2) David’s face has become very dark.

3) Alan is standing outside a cinema.

Possible conclusions:

a. He has been sunbathing.

b. He is waiting for someone.

c. Someone wants to speak to you.

4. 用 interview 中的线索为 Detective Ken 正确配对 fact and conclusion


1) Lee shows his vase to only two of his friends.

2) The ground outside was muddy, but the carpet was clean.

3) The earring near the safe belonged to Jill.

4) Lee bought insurance for the vase.

5) Lee put Jill’s earring near the safe.

Possible conclusions:

a. The thief came from inside Lee’s house.

b. He wanted the police to believe that Jill has stolen the vase.

c. One of them stole it.

d. Jill stole the vase.

e. Lee stole the vase.

5. 根据 interview 的内容正确排序

a) I checked Jill’s story about someone stealing her earring.

b) I interviewed Lee’s friends Jill and Jenny.

c) I discovered that Lee was guilty, and he was put into jail.

d) I looked for clues and found an earring.

e) I checked and found that Lee had bought insurance for the vase.

【答案】A. BEADCAF B. GHABFCED C. cab D. cadeb E. dbaec


6. Reading Comprehension.

Read the following passage and do the exercise below. (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

th st
Saturday, 17 Sunday, 1

March April

Today I got my dream job in New I’ve found the perfect flat! It’s

York! However, it’s far away from my small but very nice. It’s near my office,

home town and I’ve never visited so I can walk to work. The only

New York before. Yesterday I took problem is that it’s $1,000 a month.

the train here and one of my That’s too much for a young man like

workmates met me at the railway me!

station. Then he showed me to the I’ve soon got used to the life here.

company. There they had a welcome I love it! There’s a supermarket nearby

party for me. Great! and some restaurants I can go to

My company offered no living when I do not want to cook. My

place, so I had to find somewhere to workmates and new neighbors are

live. I stayed in a hotel while I looked friendly. It’s April Fool’s Day today

for a new home. and I even played a trick on my

neighbor next door. Cool!

1) How did Daniel get to New York?

2) What is Daniel’s flat like?

A. It’s far away from his office.

B. It’s quite cheap.

C. It’s very big.

D. It’s very nice.

3) What does Daniel NOT tell us?

A. Whether he has visited New York before.

B. Where he stayed before he found a flat.

C. Why he had a party on April Fool’s Day.

D. What his workmates and new neighbors are like.


7. Reading Comprehension. (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

A) What are idioms?

Idioms appear in every language, and English has thousands of them. They are difficult to

understand because they usually have the hidden meanings. For instance “to let the cat out of the

bag” means to reveal ( 泄 漏 ) a secret. Now you can see that the phrase has nothing to do with a cat

or a dog. In order to understand a language, you must know what the idioms in that language mean.

B) Where did all idioms come from?

Idioms came from all different sources ( 材 料 ), from the Bible to horse racing, from ancient

fables ( 寓 言 ) to modern slang ( 俚 语 ). Sometimes famous authors and storytellers such as Homer,

Aesop, or William Shakespeare made them up to add spark ( 活 力 ) to their writings. The authors

were popular, so the expressions they created became popular. Often, however, we don’t know the

name of the first author or speaker who used a particular expression.

Answer the following questions.

1) What is the Chinese meaning of “idiom”?

2) They are difficult to understand. Why?

3) What does “let the cat out of the bag” mean?

4) Where did all idioms come from?

5) Why did the authors create them?

6) Why did the idioms they created become popular?

【答案】1) “Idiom” means 俗语.

2) They are difficult to understand because idioms usually have the hidden meanings.

3) It means to reveal a secret.

4) Idioms came from all different sources, from the Bible to horse racing, from ancient

fables to modern slang.

5) Some authors created them to add spark to their writing.

6) The idioms they created became popular because the authors were popular.

8. Cloze test (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

Several years ago a young priest ( 牧 师 ) moved to London. He often took the bus from his home

to the downtown area. One day, he went home by bus as usual. When he sat down, he discovered

that the driver had given him twenty pence too much change ( 零 钱 ). As he 1 what to do, he

thought to himself, "You'd better give the twenty pence back. It would be 2 to keep it." Then

he thought, "Oh forget it, it's only twenty pence. Who would worry about this little 3 ? Anyway,

the bus company already gets too much money; they will never miss it. 4 it as a gift from God,

and keep quiet."

When his stop came, the priest stopped at the door for a moment, then he handed the twenty

pence back to the driver and said, "Here, you gave me too much change."

The driver with a smile replied, "Aren't you the new priest in this area? I'm thinking about going

to your 5 . I just wanted to see what you would do if I gave you too much change."

When the young priest got 6 the bus, his knees ( 膝 ) became weak and soft. He had to hold

the nearest tree for 7 , and looked up to the sky and said loudly, "Oh, God. I almost 8

myself for twenty pence!"

We may never see what influence our 9 have on people... What we need to provide is an

example for others to see. Be careful of how you behave, and be 10 always: you never know

who is watching your actions.

1.A. B. knew C. learned D.

considered understood

2. A. right B. useful C. useless D. wrong

3. A. time B. amount C. value D. treasure

4. A. Buy B. Get C. Accept D. Find

5. A. church B. home C. school D. company

6. A. on B. up C. off D. through

7. A. shelter B. support C. strength D. struggle

8. A. paid B. blamed C. devoted D. sold

9. A. thoughts B. C. actions D. words


10. A. brave B. polite C. generous D. honest

【答案】1~5 ADBCA 6~10 CBDCD

9. Reading comprehension. (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

Penguins are lovely animals. Most people like them. But now as many as 10 of the 17 kinds of

penguins are in danger of disappearing. The number of penguins has decreased by ( 减 少 了 ) 30%

since 1987.

Penguins are black and white birds that live in the southern part of the world. They are common

in the Antarctic Continent ( 南 极 大 陆 ), New Zealand, Australia and South America. Many live near

cold waters ( 水 域 ). But some live near warm waters in Galapagos Islands. Penguins cannot fly, but

they are fine swimmers. The shape of their body helps them to survive. Penguins eat fish and krill

( 磷 虾 ). They have short wings that help them to dive up to 900 feet to catch larger fish. They can

swim 10—15 kilometers an hour which lets them protect themselves. They also have lots of body oil

that helps in keeping them dry in the water.

The warming of the earth is the reason for the decrease in the number of penguins. The hotter

and hotter air has caused ocean waters to become warmer. Higher water temperature has

decreased the fish and krill. Some years later these birds are completely unable to reproduce. And

many adult penguins die of hunger.

Too much fishing, exploration for oil and oil leaks ( 泄 漏 ) also make penguins be in danger.

Poisonous things in ocean waters are another danger. Penguins also have their enemies, including

sharks, seals and sea lions.

( )1. Penguins can do the following except .

A. diving B. flying C. swimming D. catching fish

( )2. Which of the following is NOT the reason for the decrease in the number of penguins?

A. The warming of the earth. B. Too much fishing.

C. Natural disasters. D. Poisonous things in ocean waters.

( )3. What does the underlined word “reproduce" mean?

A.繁殖 B. 灭绝 C. 迁徙 D. 觅 食

( )4. What's the passage mainly about?

A. Fish and krill have decreased.

B. Ocean waters are polluted.

C. Sharks and seals are the enemies of penguins.

D. The decrease in the number of penguins.


10. Reading comprehension. (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

The elephant is the largest animal walking on Earth. An elephant can carry a load of 1,2000

pounds. 1

Elephants can be trained to carry logs(圆木) with their trunks(象鼻). 2 .

There are two kinds of elephants: the African(非洲) elephant and the Indian(印度) elephant.

African elephants can be identified( 识 别 ) by the larger ears. 3 Another name for the

Indian elephant is the Asian elephant.

The greatest threat( 威 胁 ) to elephants is the ivory( 象 牙 ) trade. From 1979 to 1989 was a bad

time for African elephants. 4 In 1989 an international agreement(国际协议) limited

(限制) the trade in ivory, protecting(保护) elephants from being killed(杀死), but elephants are

still being killed for ivory. 5 Don’t even buy anything that looks like ivory!


A. They eat 300 pounds of food a day.

B. Please don’t ever buy anything made from ivory!

C. About 70,000 wild elephants were killed for ivory each year.

D. Indian elephants are easier to identify because of their smaller ears.

E. They also use their trunks for drinking water, bathing, eating and communicating ( 交 流 ).


11. Reading comprehension. (2013 年综合能力测试真题)

One day an American called Simon went to London to visit his friend, Rick. Rick told him that his

flat was on the first floor. When he arrived, Simon went straight to the first floor of the building. But

he was told that there was no Rick on that floor. Do you know why?

In fact, the British call the first floor of a building the ground floor. The floor above the ground

floor is the first floor, which Americans would call the second floor.

The story shows that there are a few culture differences between Britain and America, though

the British and Americans both speak English.

The British usually hide their feeling. They seldom start a conversation with strangers. For example,

on the train the British often spend their time reading newspapers or books. But Americans are quite

different. They're more active and easier to talk with.

The British and Americans may use different terms for many thing. The British usually use

football, eraser and mail while Americans prefer to use soccer, rubber and post.

1) Simon went to London to .

A. visit his friend

B. spend his holiday

C. study English

D. have a meeting

2) Which picture shows us where Rick’s flat was?

3) According to the passage, the British usually spend their time on the train.

A. playing cards B. talking loudly

C. doing some reading D. singing and dancing

4) What does the underlined word “terms” mean in Chinese in the passage?

A. 成果 B. 学期 C. 会议 D. 用 语

5) What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Differences in culture B. Simon’s funny story

C. Information abroad D. Hiding the feelings


12. Read and match. Animals were very important for different reasons. Some animals were for food,

some for pets, some were dangerous. Match the animals to the reasons. (2012 年综合能力测


a) This animal was man’s best friend. It was used as a pet, but also for hunting and guard duty.

b) This animal was dangerous in the River Nile and grew up to six meters in length.

c) This animal was sacred (神圣的). People used it to catch mice and rats. It was a demigod

(半神) and symbolized (作为…的象征) by the Goddess Bast (贝斯特女神).

d) This animal is a male sheep. It was kept for meat, milk, skins, and wool.

e) This huge animal was a danger to boats and people on the River Nile.

【答案】a) dog b) crocodile c) cat d) ram e) hippo

13. 根据海报内容,完成下列各题。 (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

i. Who is the newest in the Rio Circus?

ii. How many times does the circus perform ( 表 演 ) altogether during the three days?

【 答 案 】 1) Salvador the Amazing Monkey 2) Six.


14. Reading comprehension. (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

Do you know what’s cool for the Teenagers now? What do the teenagers of today want to wear?

We asked four teenagers: 13-year-old Marla, and 15-year-olds Grace, Will and Ryan. All four knew

what they wanted and where to find it. Music played a much bigger role than catwalk fashion.

Ryan is wearing the red headphones, he said, “I’d like a pair in every color to match ( 搭 配 ) all my

clothes”. Will plays guitar and sings in a rock band. He gets his fashion as well as his music from the

pages of NME. The girls, too, put clothes and music together. Grace likes shorts and boots. Marla is

the lead singer and guitarist in a band. She enjoys wearing in the rock style. Some things never change.

Teenagers always mind what others think of them.

1) What’s Ryan’s favorite thing?

B. The red. B. Headphones. C. Clothes. D. Rock music.

2) Who is in a rock band?

A. Marla. B. Grace. C. Will. D. Ryan.

3) What does the phrase “lead singer” mean in Chinese?

A. 歌手 B. 超级歌者 C. 领唱 D. 领 导

4) What never changes?

A. Teenagers don’t mind how they look.

B. Music played a much bigger role than catwalk fashion.

C. Teenagers always like music.

D. Teenagers always mind what others think of them.


15. Letter reading. (2011 年综合能力测试真题)

Eva’s letter

Whatever I do, I always think about if other people will like. How can I stop worrying about what

they think?

Erica’s letter

My dream is to be on the Olympic team for gymnastics ( 体 操 ). My dad thinks I started too late and

I’ll never to be make it. He puts me down, but I want his support. What should I do?

Ashley’s letter

What should I do if I failed a test? I’m afraid to tell mom because she might get mad at me and I

can’t play soccer, and soccer is like the world to me.

Jessica’s letter

I just moved and I’m kind of shy, so how can I make new friends?

Dr. Molly’s Answer ①

You should tell him about your dream and that if you work really hard, it might happen even though

you started late. The sooner you tell your dad how you feel, the sooner you’ll be able to work on

making your dream come true.

Dr. Molly’s Answer ②

1 . You have nothing to lose, so gather up all your courage ( 勇 气 ) and go over to someone

who looks friendly and introduce ( 介 绍 ) yourself. You can ask that person about your teacher or

the other kids in your class to break the ice. Good luck!

Dr. Molly’s Answer ③

2 . When you tell her, explain ( 解 释 ) why you failed the test. Ask her if she can help you study

in the future, so you’ll do better on your tests and also have time for the soccer you love.

Dr. Molly’s Answer ④

Just be yourself and try not to care about what others think. The more you think about it, the worse

you will feel. 3 Even if you are a little unsure of something, don’t doubt ( 怀 疑 ) your abilities to

do things right. Just relax!

2) Jessica .

A. wonders how to make new friends

B. wishes to be on the Olympic team

C. is afraid to tell her mom about her failing a test

D. keeps worried about what other people think about her

3) loves playing soccer best.

A. Erica B. Eva C. Ashley D. Jessica

4) Erica’s dad doesn’t support her because he thinks she .

A. is a little shy and can’t do it well B. didn’t start at a very early age

C. is too young to be on the team D. doesn’t work hard

5) According to Dr. Molly, Eva should .

A. hold on to her dream B. always tell the truth

C. be brave to say hello to others D. be confident of herself

6) Which is the correct order of Dr. Molly’s answers to the four letters?

A. ①④③② B. ④②③① C. ②③①④ D. ④①③②

7) Put the following sentences into Dr. Molly’s Answers.

a. Always act strong and confident.

b. It’s better to tell your mom the truth than for her to find out another way.

c. Nobody knows you at your new school.

【答案】ACBDD; cba

16. Reading comprehension (2011 年综合能力测试真题)


If you are looking for the place that has everything, and there’s only one place to visit, and that's

New York. It's a whole world in a city.

1 : All of New York is. And it begins with Broadway. Where else can you find so many hit

shows in one place? Only in New York!

2 : Spend an evening with Beethoven at Lincoln Center. Swing to the great Jazz of

Greenwich Village. Or rock yourself silly at the hottest dance spots found anywhere.

3 : From Rembrandt to Picasso. From Egyptian tombs to Indian Teepees. Whatever kind

of art you like, you'll find it in New York.

4 : Whether it' s roast Beijing duck (北京烤鸭) in China-town, lasagna in little Italy, or the

finest French coq au vin found anywhere, there's a world of great taste waiting for you in New York

5 : What other city has a Statue of Liberty ( 自 由 女 神 )? A Rockefeller Center? Or a Bronx

zoo? Where else can you take a horse drawing carriage through Central Park, only in New York!


A. The World of Art B. The World of Theatre

C. The World of Fine Dining D. The World of Music

E The World of Sights


【解析】以纽约市景点为背景的阅读理解题。学生即使对 Broadway, Lincoln Center, Statue of Liberty

等纽约市著名景点不熟悉,也根据文中的关键词正确作答。如根据第二段中的”hit shows”判断为可以举

办演出的剧院;根据第三段中的“jazz”、“rock”等判断主题为音乐,第三个空所在段落直接给出 art 提示, 第


17. Hand game “Rock paper scissors” (剪刀石头布) (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

You think rock, paper, scissors is a children’s game? Think again! Top players from around the

globe will gather (聚集) in Toronto to compete (竞争) for a C$10000 ($8840) prize and the title (头

衔 ) of World Champion. More than 500 contestants ( 选 手 ), including national champion from

Australia, Norway, and New Zealand attended (参加).

The simple game is often used to make decisions and solve a few small conflicts ( 冲 突 ). Author

Ian Fleming had his fictional (虚构) secret agent (秘密特工) James Bond plays the game in Japan in

“You only live twice”. Players hold their fists (拳头) into their palms (手掌) and count to three before

making one of the three hand signals ( 信 号 ): A fist (rock), flat hand (paper), or two fingers (scissors).

Paper covers (覆盖) rock, scissors cut paper and rock breaks (破坏) scissors.

Enthusiasts (爱好者) disagree about the history of the game, but it is believed to have been played

for centuries in Japan. The Paper Scissors Stone Club was founded in England in 1842, to make

fans get together. In 1918, the name was changed to World RPS Club. Its headquarters (总部) moved

from London to Toronto. In 1925 its membership ( 会 员 ) topped ( 超 过 ) 10000. The world

championships (锦标赛) have been held since 2002.

According to the passage, choose the correct answer.

1) How many countries appear in this essay?

A. five B. six C. seven D. eight

2) What is the abbreviation (缩写) of “Rock, Paper, Scissors”?


3) What is the “Open palm” signal means?

A. Rock B. Scissors C. Paper D. Fist

4) When did the club change its name?

A. 2002 B. 1842 C. 1225 D. 1918

5) Where is the World Rock Paper Scissors Club now?

A. London B. New Zealand C. Japan D. Toronto


【解析】1) 文章提到五个国家:澳大利亚、挪威、新西兰、英国和日本,需注意多伦多不是国家。 2)

通常选首字母作为组织名称缩写。 3) 打开手掌动作为石头剪刀布中的“布”。 4) 文章第三段原话。

5) 文章第三段提到本部从日本迁往多伦多。

18. Agricultural (农业) history (2010 年综合能力测试真题)

15000 years ago, human life range ( 范 围 ) is very small. They collected plants and caught animals

for a living. When it was bad weathers such as rain, wind, and snow, people can’t come out looking

for food. They must hide in the caves ( 洞 穴 ) all day.

When the weather is good, they can catch many animals and find a lot of fruits. Because they

have stored too much food, they started to hold animals up ( 圈 养 ), and buried the plant under the

ground. Later they found that the animals can grow up, and some could even make small animals.

Also some of the plants could grow new plants. People were very happy about this. However, when

the weather is dry ( 干 燥 ), those plants often die under the sun, because they had no water to drink,

and the cattle ( 牲 畜 ) were thirsty. When they met with heavy rain, animals and plants will be

drowned (淹死). The life of people are not secured (有保障的).

After a long time they gradually ( 逐 渐 地 ) learnt to farming and plants. This is the history of


Read the following passage and complete the content ( 内 容 ).

Topic The of farming

Time 15000 ago

Good Thing Catch many .

a lot of fruit

to farming and planting

Bad Thing They can’t find _ to eat. _

was burnt (烧焦的,烧伤的) to death.

Animals were ; Animals and

_ were drowned; lives not


【答案】history; years; animals; Find; Learn; food; Plants; thirsty; plants; People’s

第九章 放眼看世界

一、 时事热点

1. 1) Karl Marx was born 200 years a .

2) Flight 3U8633 from Sichuan Airlines landed quickly and s after a flight.

3) At FIFA World Cup, sport-lovers are e about the event.

4) President Trump and Kim Jong-un met in Singapore to improve the relationship b US

and North Korea.

5) Recycling and reusing rubbish will not only s money but also eco-friendly. (2018 年 南


【答案】ago; safely; excited; between; save


填词应与 quickly 一样是副词;第三题“对…感到激动”以-ed 结尾,某件事“令人激动”为 exciting;第四题

表示两者之间关系的介词为 between;最后一题考察与环保相关的词汇。与 08、09、10 年的试题不同,

从 2017 年面测开始时政热点的题目明显变少,到了 2018 年完全是披着时政题的外衣考察语法知识,


2. Fill in the blanks. (2017 年南外面测真题)

1) This year is the t anniversary of the return of Hong Kong.

2) In the contest, Ke Jie used his l brain to compete with AlphaGo.

3) The One Belt, One Road Summit was held in Beijing. Representatives from 29 c

attended the meeting.

【答案】twentieth; left; countries

3. London has hosted the Olympic Games time(s). (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

A. one B. two C. three D. four


【解析】截至 2014 年,伦敦共举办过三次奥运会,第一次是 1908 年伦敦奥运会,第二次是 1948 年伦

敦奥运会,第三次是 2012 年伦敦奥运会。

3. On May 19 2013, (who) started to pay a visit to India, Pakistan, Switzerland and Germany.

(2014 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Xi Jingping B. Li Keqiang C. Wen Jiabao D. Hu Jintao


4. On March 5 2013, the session (届) of NPC (全国人民代表大会) of PRC (中华人民共和国)

opened. (2014 年综合能力测试真题)

th th th th
A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 13


5. Which of the following refers to the bird flu which has been spreading (传播) in China recently? ( )

(2013 年综合能力测试真题)



6. wins The 84 Annual Academy Awards for the Best Picture (第 84 届奥斯卡电影节最佳影片).

(2012 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Hugo (《雨果》) B. Iron Lady (《铁娘子》)

C. Mission Impossible (《碟中谍 4》) D. The Artist (《艺术家》)


【解析】第 84 届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼于 2012 年 2 月 26 日在美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶好莱坞高地中心


7. In order to environmental protection ( 环 保 ), in the famous Nanjing Jinling Hotel they don't cook

any more since February. ( ) (2012 年综合能力测试真题)

A. fins 鱼翅 B. bear’s paws 熊 掌 C. globefish 河豚 D. soft-shelled turtles



【解析】从 2012 年 3 月 1 日起,跟鱼翅有关的菜肴已正式从南京金陵饭店的菜单上“除名”。金陵饭店是


8. Shenzhou IX ( 神 舟 九 号 ) was sent up into space on 16th Jun this year. is the first female

astronaut in China. (2011 年综合能力测试真题)

A. Liu Yang B. Wang Ya C. Jing Haipeng D. Liu Wang



2012 年 6 月 16 日 18 时 37 分 21 秒,神舟九号飞船在酒泉卫星发射中心点火发射升空,2012 年 6 月 29

日 10 点 03 分安全返回。

9. The name of the deep manned submersible ( 载 人 潜 水 艇 ) in China is .( )(2011 年


A. Jiaolong B. Leilong C. Lianglong D. Baolong


【解析】蛟龙号载人潜水器是一艘由中国自行设计、自主集成研制的载人潜水器,也是 863 计划中的一


10. 2010 FIFA World Cup was held here. A . (2010 年综合能力测试真题)


二、 网络热议话题

1. When we receive acoustic information from the outside world, the frequency of the audio affects

how it sounds. So a higher frequency makes people hear “Yanny”, while a lower one sounds like


Frequency could be influenced by our age. As we become middle-aged, our hearing ability begins

to weaken, making certain high frequencies harder to hear, meaning older people are more likely to

hear “Laurel”. Children’s ears are more sensitive to high frequency sounds, so many of them will

hear “Yanny” and it is not just our ears or speakers that determine what we hear – our brains also

play a role. According to Bharath Chandrasekaran, a researcher from the US, the brains always uses

surrounding cues to help it to make the right decision when we face the ambiguity. ( 2018 年


1) What did you hear just now?

A. Yanny B. Laurel

2) You can hear high frequency words, because your hearing is good or bad at hearing high

frequency words?

3) The word you heard from the loud speaker is high or low frequency word?

【答案】可以是 1. A 2. Good.3. High. 或 1. B 2. Bad. 3. Low.

【解析】关于听到的是 Yanny 还是 Laurel 的争论是 2018 年五月的热门话题。这题答案不唯一,重要的是


2. trained the child running in the snow with few clothes. ( ) ( 2012 年 综 合 能 力 测 试

真 题)

A. Wolf Daddy B. Tiger Mama C. Eagle Dad D. Deer



【解析】一名来自南京市、跟随父母到美国旅行的 4 岁幼童,以他自己的独特裸跑方式在美国纽约-13℃

的暴雪中迎接 2012 农历新年。这段视频被孩子的家人放到网上,迅速爆红。孩子父亲采取这种方式育儿

的理论依据是:当幼鹰长到足够大的时候,鹰妈妈就会狠心地把幼鹰赶下山崖,幼鹰往谷底坠下时,拼命 地拍


的网络热点话题,除了了解热点事件中的人物、事件外,学生也应该用批判性思维看待事件,能够发表自 己


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