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Assignment 2: Community Programs to Combat Violence Against Women

Program 1: Microsystem Level

Program Name: Usap tayo: A podcast and blog about signs of abuse
To create a platform for support of women who might be vulnerable and target of abuse.
To educate listeners and readers about the possible signs of abuse within children and
women and to encourage the victims to voice out their situations as early as first
Target Audience:
Everyone who has access to internet, women of the community, bystanders who do not
report possible abuse.
1. Podcast: To discuss subjects in a podcast channel that educate about healthy
relationships, recognizing signs of abuse, and effective communication strategies. A
podcast subject that also emphasizes the role of bystanders who witness a neighbor, a
colleague, or a friend who might show signs of being a victim of violence
2.Blogs: To write content or articles related to Violence against women the community,
establish paper or materials for reading available in the internet where individuals can
read stories of abuse and to spread that help is available as long as someone will
address or voice out about their situation. Blog entries that tackle about possible ways
to avoid violence, topics that tackles about early signs of possible abuse and many
more content related to helping individuals who are possibly a victim of violence.
3. On air/ over the phone consultation Services: Offer a free consultation via call during
a podcast program to interested individuals who will avail free on-air counselling
services of invited guest psychological professionals in the podcast.
4. Awareness Campaigns: Launch campaigns within the community to promote the
importance of creating a healthy and encouraging the people to
Implementation Plan:
Resources: Secure funding from local government or NGOs that is willing to sponsor,
connect with trained counselors, and collaborate with possible sponsors to promote and
fund campaign.
Partnerships: Look for possible partnerships with local schools, religious organizations
and social media platform that are willing to promote the program.
Assignment 2: Community Programs to Combat Violence Against Women

Months 1-2: Brainstorm ideas and collab with local influencers who may be willing to
promote the podcast and blog. Look for possible people who may be willing to give
testimonies about their experience of abuse from a male companion.
Months 3-4: Train the host with the help of professional counselors.
Months 5-6: Launch pilot podcast program and the blog bas.
Months 7-12: Evaluate pilot program, make necessary adjustments, and expand to the
broader community if neccessary.
Expected Outcomes:
- Spread awareness and understanding of healthy relationship dynamics, as well as to
help the locals see the early signs of abuse, bystanders will no longer be bystanders but
will learn to reach out when they witness an abuse.
- Enhanced support networks for victims of violence.
- Reduction in the incidence of violence within families and close relationships.
- Success will be measured through monitoring of ratings and number of listeners and
readers and as well as getting feedback from the audience.
Program 2: Personal History Level
Program Name: "Smart Parenting Tips, becoming a parent that every child deserves."
To advocate for and discuss seminars about healthy relationships and smart parenting
inside home. This is to promote a healthy environment among children and advocate for
parents to serve as a role model.
Target Audience:
Parents in elementary school and in industrial setting.
1. Regular Seminars and Workshops: Work with local government officials and propose
seminars that discuss about smart parenting and healthy relationships.
2. Media Campaigns: Develop media campaigns that will advocate for smart parenting
and healthy relationships.
3. School and Industrial Partnerships: Collaborate with local schools and companies to
gather parents and conduct seminars and workshops, as well as educate them about
the impact of violence among children.
Assignment 2: Community Programs to Combat Violence Against Women

Implementation Plan:
Resources: Obtain grants and sponsorships from national and international
organizations, and collaborate with educators, schools and company owners or HR
Partnerships: Form collaboration with advocacy groups, expert speakers, women's
organizations, educational institutions, and media companies.
Months 1-3 Brainstorm about the topics for smart parenting and healthy relationships
Months 4-6: Develop proposal programs to local government in order to conduct
seminars inside schools and companies.
Months 7-9: Search for possible expert speakers in the psychology field to discuss the
seminar about smart parenting and healthy relationships.
Months 10-12: Organize the seminars and workshops.
Expected Outcomes:
Increased public awareness and shifts in societal attitudes with regards parenting and
handling relationships.
Parents will be encouraged to build a healthy environment for the future of their
Easy access to local parents who are mostly the ones molding their children’s behavior.
Success will be measured through seminar feedback and gathering of suggestions from
the target audience, as well conducting random surveys on how parents will apply their
learnings from the seminars and workshops conducted.

Prepared by:
Emma Mary May E. Agustin, RPm
MS Psych
Community Psychology

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